Dig Deep – The Mining Podcast Podcast cover image

Dig Deep – The Mining Podcast Podcast

Latest episodes

Jun 30, 2022 • 46min

Don´t Be Afraid to Get a Lawyer Onboard at an Early Stage with Tim Foden

In this episode, we chat with Tim Foden who is a partner at Boies Schiller Flexner, the global disputes law firm who are internationally recognized and known for its creative, aggressive, and efficient pursuit of success for its clients. Tim is a dual-qualified English-US lawyer and specialises in international arbitration in the mining sector. He has acted for both the world’s largest mining companies and a host of junior mining companies. Tim talks about disputes that happen within the industry and provides some valuable advice about how to act when faced with them. Sometimes you need a lawyer when you’re in trouble, but you have to engage with them before you are fully in need of their services. Doing so enables you to strategize how best to navigate disputes to get the best outcome over the long term.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Miners get a bad rap, so often end up being treated badly, especially junior miners. There are two main types of disputes that Tim handles – commercial and claims against sovereign states. Disputes with sovereign states include a failure to protect the mining site from unrest. If you are investing in a country, first check that your country has a treaty in place with that country. Using holding companies is an effective way to better utilise treaties. Ask the hard questions. Think about what could go wrong, what your rights would be and how to strengthen them. Be very careful about what you say in public and to governments. As soon as things start to go wrong consult a lawyer. They will help you to put together a strategic response to secure the best possible outcome. Resource nationalism is a powerful force that underpins many disputes. Treaties make it hard for states to cease assets off of companies because they are foreigners.   BEST MOMENTS ‘Being a lawyer is being a perpetual student, you are always having to learn new industries. ´ ‘It is not just risky jurisdictions that you need to be wary of.’ ‘They should watch what they say to the government and recognise that there´s going to be diminishing returns when interacting with the government.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.bsfllp.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/boies-schiller-&-flexner-llp   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 27, 2022 • 46min

The World Still Needs Coal to Keep the Lights on with Nathan Tinkler

In this episode, we chat to Nathan Tinkler, a well-known Australian mining executive with a colourful and interesting past who began his career as a qualified electrician in the coal mines of the Hunter Valley. He soon became one of the leading mining executives in Australia’s coal mining industry. He made some very shrewd investments between 2006 to 2012 and was named by the BRW Magazine as Australia’s youngest billionaire. His career, unfortunately, took a turn for the worst over the next few years which we will cover. Nathan is now the CEO of Bentley Resources and is going to give us an insight into his career, his highs, and lows, and more importantly talk about his passion which is the coal industry and why coal is needed, and what the future holds for the black stuff.   KEY TAKEAWAYS For Nathan, going from being a tradesman to CEO was a natural progression. He just continually built on his knowledge. Continuous improvement is what generates results. The coal sector improves slowly, there is no real leadership in the industry. Mining is a great employer, the fact that people are well paid gives them the chance to transform their lives. The industry needs to develop the people they already have better. You cannot turn off coal if you do not have an alternative. Australia is just starting to experience the power issues Europe has been suffering. There are plenty of industries that pollute more than coal. The climate change story is all clickbait, it is not being told accurately. Coal assets that are being gotten sold off are still economically viable. Investor pressure is forcing companies to unload their fossil fuel holdings.   BEST MOMENTS ‘If you improve something once it can be improved again. ´ ‘People want to sell assets, but they do not want to sell it to anyone who´s going to make it successful.’ ‘Be mindful of the people below you and your objectives and how much you need those people.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Websites: https://www.bentley.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/bentleysystems Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BentleySystems YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/BentleySystems Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bentleysystems/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 22, 2022 • 37min

Tackling Mental Health Issues - with Grant Budge

In this episode, we chat with Grant Budge, founder of Integrity Media (UK) who is tackling mental health through literature and creative writing. Grant originally came from the coal mining industry. He discusses mental health management in the mining industry which is increasing. We look at the symptoms and how mental management can be better managed in the mining industry.   KEY TAKEAWAYS One in four people will suffer a mental health issue, every year. With mental health problems, accepting where you are at is one of the most important steps. Creative writing gives you headspace and helps in other ways to restore mental health. Mental health issues are still stigmatized. People hide their mental health problems, very effectively. Working in mining is stressful by its very nature. Levels build over time. Exhaustion is also an issue in the mining industry. Societal change is important. There is no point in healing someone. Then, throw them back into the same pressure cooker. Mining companies need to be on the front foot to help people to nip the issue in the bud.   BEST MOMENTS ‘There´s a number of stages in going through mental health challenges. ´ ‘You need to know that when you disclose something to somebody, you can trust them.’ ‘One in four people have a challenge per year, it is normal.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website:              www.integrity-media.co.uk Twitter:                @RebuildRelaunch Instagram:           @RebuildRelaunch Facebook:            Integrity Media   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 19, 2022 • 20min

Why The Soft Commodities Market is Likely to be Short-Lived With Anthony Milewski

In this episode, we chat to Anthony Milewski, Chairman of Nickel 28, an innovative battery metals-focused investment vehicle with a focus on metal streaming and royalty agreements offering our investors exposure to metals integral to key technologies of the electric vehicle and energy storage markets. He previously appeared on the podcast back in July 2021, in episode 153, so check that out.  Anthony is an entrepreneur with a background in Finance and Law and gives us an update on Nickel 28 and also talks about what is happening in the world with Russia, China, and the markets and how this is impacting the global supply of materials now and in the future.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Nickel 28 has had a run of great quarters with production. They are now in a position to pay back their debt. When you see new demand emerging like there is for battery metals, the opportunities are huge. The global supply chain issues have created big challenges, especially for nickel. The current weakness in some commodities is likely to be temporary. When China comes back online properly that is likely to change. The sanctions and war in Ukraine have been highly disruptive. De-globalization is highly likely to happen, which should make mining easier in some countries. The biggest issue for the industry is a lack of funding.   BEST MOMENTS ‘When you have a new technology, a new demand for a given commodity, you see a complete structured change in that commodity. ´ ‘The market might be soft until the entire world is back online and operating as normal.’ ‘The longer-term fix here is de-globalization.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Twitter - https://twitter.com/a_milewski Website - https://www.nickel28.com/ Episode 153 with Antony Milewski - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/streaming-royalties-investments-understanding-carbon/id1440020656?i=1000528907518   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 16, 2022 • 27min

Recognising and Managing Climate Risks and Opportunities with Catherine Perry

In this episode, we chat with Catherine Perry, an Associate with Climate Risk Services. A company that are supporting clients in understanding, assessing, and managing climate risks and opportunities. Catherine is a geoscientist by background and worked for a number of mining companies and consultancies. She talks about climate risk within our industry. Sharing how companies can adapt and embed climate into their governance, strategy, risk management, their metrics and targets with the goal of improving their climate resilience.   KEY TAKEAWAYS TFCD stands for Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, which is becoming mandated in more countries. Climate Risk Services helps companies to understand climate risks. Giving them access to the data they need to make sound decisions. They offer scenario planning and analysis and encourage people to embed this into their day-to-day work. They look at 4 areas in particular, which Catherine explains in the podcast. Mining companies have to consider the indirect risks of climate change as well as the direct ones like the increased risk of flooding. Some mining companies are building desalination plants to deal with a lack of water from drought. Net zero is definitely the preference. When it comes to climate, standards and guides are changing rapidly, which is an additional challenge. For some strategies there is often government funding available to help.   BEST MOMENTS ‘When we talk about climate risks, we´re not just talking about direct climate risks, we are also thinking of indirect risks. ´ ‘It´s not all about climate risk, it is also about recognising climate opportunity.’ ‘Push to have a climate resilience committee set up and push to be a part of it.’   EPISODE RESOURCES LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/climate-risk-services/ Website: https://www.climateriskservices.com/ Catherine Perry LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherineperrygeo/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 12, 2022 • 30min

Letting The Drill Bit Talk With Robert Quartermain And Jonathan Awde From Dakota Gold

In this episode, we chat with Robert Quartermain and Jonathan Awde from Dakota Gold, a responsible gold exploration and development company with a specific focus on revitalising the Homestake District which has high calibre gold mineral properties covering 40K acres in South Dakota. Robert the chairman of the company has a wealth of industry experience and is this year’s newest inductee to the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame. Jonathon is President, Director & CEO and has a finance background raising financing for various junior resource companies, focusing on institutional accounts, high net worth and family offices within the natural resources industry. We talk about Dakota Gold which they have recently formed and what the plans are for the future with the exciting discovery they have made.   KEY TAKEAWAYS In the nineties discoveries were made that were not followed up because the gold price was too low. Now, exploiting them is viable. They have seen proof of concept, from their first hole. The mineralisation is dense. There are high concentrations of gold in a small geographical area. The mining area is well connected and has sound infrastructure. Pulling together and digitising historic exploration results quickly uncovers new opportunities. Dakota Gold is listed on the New York exchange. Robert Quartermain came out of retirement to get involved.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We have 125 years of data throughout the region that has never really been followed up systematically. ´ ‘Nobody has looked at it through a $1,800 gold price lens, only through a $300 gold price lens.’ ‘You've got forty-one million ounces spread across just a couple of miles - one of the most concentrated areas of high-grade gold mineralization in the world.’ ‘It is located in a safe jurisdiction where you can operate and function with the rule of law.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://dakotagoldcorp.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSLkhlM4U1iL3RRwC24iueg/videos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dakotagold/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DakotaGoldCorp   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 8, 2022 • 20min

Tight Drilling Uncovers New High-Value Gold Resources with Jim Greig of Benchmark Metals

In this episode, we chat to Jim Greig, President and Director of Benchmark Metals, a mineral exploration company focused on proving and developing the substantial resource potential of the Lawyer’s Gold and Silver project, located in the prolific Golden Horseshoe area of northern BC, Canada. Jim has a geology background and has worked in Africa and Canada over the past 25 years. He talks to us about Benchmark Metals which currently has a 3-million-ounce 43-101 compliant resource with an updated Mineral Resource Estimate coming out shortly and much more….   KEY TAKEAWAYS Benchmark Metals is a gold and silver developer. In 2021, they provided nearly 3 million tonnes from 3 open pits. They are averaging 1.5 grams per tonne for gold, which is higher than normal for the area. A new find is averaging 2 grams per tonne. They are on the verge of disseminating an updated and much better resource estimate and PA. The quality of the gold and silver uncovered by the tight drilling is of a much higher grade. Canada is an excellent mining jurisdiction. Jim explains why he thinks Benchmark Metals is under-valued. The entire management team are all heavily invested in the company.   BEST MOMENTS ‘So, we´ve really de-risked the project with tight space drilling. ´ ‘We have two core zones in the open pits that have +2 tram material at the surface’ ‘There are multiple major mining companies looking to buy in this region.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.benchmarkmetals.com Email: jimg@bnchmetals.com   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 5, 2022 • 47min

Building the Right Culture and Leveraging it to Grow Fast in Mexico with Jody Kuzenko

In this episode, we chat to Jody Kuzenko, President & CEO of Torex Gold Resources, a Canadian-based gold producer engaged in exploring, developing, and operating its Morelos Gold Property in the highly prospective Guerrero Gold Belt in Mexico. Jody is a senior mining executive with over 20 years of operational and business experience with a background in law. She has been with Torex Gold since 2018. Moving from COO to CEO within 18 months. Jody gives us an update on what has been happening since we last spoke back in October 2020 in episode 98. We also cover the recent approval of their Media Luna Project.   KEY TAKEAWAYS In just a few years Torex has grown to become the second-largest gold producer in Mexico. They run open pits and underground mines as well as an integrated mill and processing plant. Work on their new Media Luna, a gold, silver, and copper project, in Guerrero, is progressing well. They have already found 3.3 million ounces at just over four and a half grams per tonne gold equivalent. Not being realistic about CapEx is a bad habit the industry has gotten into, which is undermining investor confidence. Torex has been extra careful to be realistic about the CapEx, e.g., factoring in true inflation. El Lion and Guajes are still producing well. Seventy-five percent of their land package is still to be explored. For mining companies’ culture is vital. It is a hugely complex industry that relies on good relationships with so many others. It takes a lot of work to get to the stage where employees turn up and willingly do their best, but it pays huge dividends for everyone. Torex takes a different approach to culture than many mining companies, which Jody explains in detail, during the episode. If the industry wants diversity, “hiring from the club” has to stop.   BEST MOMENTS ‘Given the prosperity of the land package, we believe we will be mining it all for decades to come.’ ‘We are absolutely committed to delivering this project on time, on budget… we have consistently delivered on our commitment to the market, over the past 3 years.’ ‘We will transform finite mineral resources into lasting prosperity and make a change in the lives of the people that we touch.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://torexgold.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/torex-gold-resources-inc Twitter: https://twitter.com/torexgold Email: dan.rollins@torexgold.com Previous podcast with Jody - https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/revolutionising-underground-mining-with-jody-kuzen   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Jun 1, 2022 • 51min

Recognising Artisanal Miners’ Role and Working to Positively Impact Their Lives With Hugh Brown

In this episode, we chat with Hugh Brown, a Best-Selling Documentary Photographer within our industry. He is in the process of photographing a major book about the lives of the world's 40 million artisanal miners. Hugh is on the podcast to talk about artisanal mining. To make us aware that these people exist within our industry. He shares details of the many challenges they face, daily.  Explaining how we as an industry need to acknowledge them and work to protect them in our pursuit to mine the land. He also discusses the Garimpeiros Project which is all about putting pressure on the world’s richest nations and companies to properly plan for what happens to these artisanal miners once they lose their jobs.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Garimpeiros is a Portuguese word that is now used globally to describe independent artisanal miners. Forty million artisanal miners are working in all kinds of conditions, across the world. Most artisanal miners are working in extremely poor countries. In general, artisanal mining pays far better than other work does. When third parties suddenly say to them you cannot work like that, they lose their livelihood and any chance of lifting themselves out of poverty. Usually, when big firms move in, they strike deals with the government and the artisanal miners receive nothing. Artisanal miners have no voice, no say in how their industry changes. Billions of dollars are being spent on responsible sourcing initiatives. Yet, most of it goes on consultants. If we want to change the way things are done, we can. But, if it negatively impacts others, we need to do something to mitigate that. BEST MOMENTS ‘These people I am photographing don’t have a voice. ´ ‘We need to take into account the impact of decisions on employment. If there’s a detrimental impact, we need to mitigate it.’   EPISODE RESOURCES If you’d like to support Hugh in this important work, please click here.  He’d love your support: https://hbrownofficial.com/msp Or if you’d like to follow Hugh’s work he is active on these two platforms: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hugh-brown-37a73132/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HUGHBROWN9/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
May 29, 2022 • 35min

Developing a Multi-Million Ounce District in Mexico with Michael Konnert

In this episode we chat with Michael Konnert, CEO and Founder of Vizsla Silver Corp, a junior mining company exploring, developing, and acquiring precious and base metal assets in Mexico. Michael is a young entrepreneur and businessperson who has founded several companies. He has cemented himself as a mining executive with a bright and prosperous future. We are going to talk about Vizsla Silver and some of the other companies he is involved in. Plus, we talk about ESG, gold, and inflation.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Vizsla Silver has produced over 106 million ounces of mixed resources in 18 months. There is a pathway for the district to become a multi-million-ounce producer. Vizsla is running the largest silver exploration project in the world and has already made multiple, high-grade discoveries. Michael is also involved in Vizsla Copper and Surge Copper. For copper there is a big demand gap. Archer Corporation, which focuses on nickel is another project Michael is working on. Supply chain challenges are slowing things down occasionally. As is a lack of qualified people. There are also long delays from assay labs. The recent fall in some mining shares, represents a big opportunity. Michael explains why he believes that is the case. Inflation and stock market conditions are creating the ideal conditions for gold and silver. Generalist investors are not investing in metals at scale, but it is coming. Despite ESG and metals being essential for modern life, the mining industry still has a big image problem.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We were able to put out over 106 million ounces of combined indicated and inferred resources. ´ ‘I think that creates a huge opportunity, and quite possibly a generational buying opportunity here.’ ‘We need to do a job as a mining industry to communicate with mainstream, secular audiences.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Twitter: https://twitter.com/VizslaSilver Vizsla Silver Corp - https://vizslasilvercorp.ca/ Inventa Capital - https://www.inventacapital.ca/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content about the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.

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