Picture this: You're booked to speak on a college campus. The auditorium seats 1,000, but only three students show up. Yes, that's 997 empty seats. And the icing on the cake? The three students who bothered to show up only did so for the extra credit. Ouch. Or how about this: You're speaking at a conference for a bank, and even though there are enough seats for a few hundred people, only two show up. TWO! Are you cringing yet? To make matters worse, one of them talks-yes, talks, not texts-on her cell phone during your presentation. Oh, and that other attendee? He promptly falls asleep and snores the whole time. No, I'm not describing my worst nightmares. Unfortunately, both of those things actually happened to me. I mean, I can't make this stuff up! And, y'all, I have stories like these for days from the years I spent speaking in high school cafeterias, family reunions, libraries and strip malls. As an aspiring professional speaker like I was at the time, it would've been easy to get discouraged in those situations. And believe me, some days were harder than others. But really, it's natural to feel disappointed when reality doesn't measure up to your expectations-like when your business isn't as big, impressive or successful as you thought it would be today. Patience can be hard, right? I get it because I've been there. But you know what? Even in that season when nobody showed up for my speeches, when every audience was tiny, I always brought the same level of passion and energy. Related: Play to the Size of Your Heart Why? Because I believe there is something sacred in every season we go through. In other words, there is training in the trenches. It's during those hard seasons that something happens in you that can't happen any other way. It's like a rite of passage. So, instead of wishing away what you're going through right now or focusing on what's next, I encourage you to find contentment in the now. I know that can be challenging when you've got big dreams. But I promise, it's possible to be content with where you are today without giving up on your goals-it's a both/and situation. That could look like super-serving the 200 Instagram followers you have today while working to turn that into 200,000. Or giving a heartfelt speech to five people while working on the marketing plan to grow your following. It's both being content and striving for more. Related: Dream Bigger for Your Business I've told you this before, but it's worth repeating. If you're not faithful with what you have and where you are today, God can't trust you with more. That's exactly why-no matter if I'm speaking to two people or 2,000-I bring my all to every single speaking engagement. Don't despise your small beginnings, embrace them. Practicing contentment makes it much easier to hear what God is teaching you in each season. Here are three ways you can start doing that right now: Three Ways to Practice Contentment 1. Control Your Thoughts You have more power over your mind than you think. I know this is hard, especially when you're scrolling Instagram and see that one of your girlfriends has a brand-new kitchen or is on a fancy vacation. Do you know what you're doing in that moment? You're comparing someone else's highlight reel to your current reality. Stop doing that! Comparison is a recipe for discouragement and resentment. Related: The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude 2. Focus on What You Have When you look at what you already have, it is so much easier to have an attitude of gratitude. I love how 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take every thought captive to Christ. When you feel comparison creep in, kick those thoughts to the curb and focus on what you're grateful for instead. The truth is, you and I have more than most people. We live in the greatest country in the world with more money, resources and technology than we know what to do with. So stop...