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Apr 5, 2022 • 1h 53min

Episode 234: Like A Dog (Kafka's "The Trial" Pt. 2)

David and Tamler conclude their discussion of "The Trial," Franz Kafka's darkly comic vision of an opaque and impenetrable bureaucracy that comes for us all in the end. Plus we interrupt our previously scheduled opening segment because apparently something happened at the Oscars last week. Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW NordVPN: Keep your internet connection safe, and enjoy streaming services when you travel abroad with NordVPN! NordVPN is the best VPN if you’re looking for peace of mind when you use public Wi-Fi, access personal and work accounts on the road, or want to keep your browsing history to yourself. Go to or use coupon VBW to get your discount. Promo Code: VBW Super Speciosa: Try kratom now and get 20% off. Go to and get 20% off with promo code VBW. That’s and use promo code VBW for 20% off. Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: The Trial - Wikipedia Kafka's "The Trial" (translated by Breon Mitchell) [ affiliate link] Break Music | You Will Not by peez
Mar 22, 2022 • 1h 53min

Episode 233: Keeping It Surreal (Kafka's "The Trial" Pt. 1)

David and Tamler wander through the bewildering dream-like world of Franz Kafka’s "The Trial." In part one of a two-part discussion we discuss the circumstances of its publication, the various interpretative approaches that can be taken to the novel, and all the ways that Kafka’s prose gets under your skin, making you feel what’s happening even if you don’t fully understand it. Recorded in the decidedly un-Kafka-esque location of Nosara, Costa Rica – thanks to the Harmony Hotel for having us back! Plus – Social Psychologists for Peace send an open letter to Vladimir Putin urging him to reverse course on the tragic invasion of Ukraine. Putin seems intent on toppling the Ukranian government but has he considered Sherif et al (1961), Tajfel (1977), Festinger (1954), and Brewer (1991)? Sponsored By: Super Speciosa: Try kratom now and get 20% off. Go to and get 20% off with promo code VBW. That’s and use promo code VBW for 20% off. Promo Code: VBW I Am BIO podcast: Powerful stories of biotechnology breakthroughs, the people they help, and the global problems they solve. Hosted by BIO President & CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath. BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: Psychologists want to talk Putin out of war with open letter - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism The Trial - Wikipedia The Trial by Franz Kafka (translation by Breon Mitchell) [amazon affiliate link]
Mar 8, 2022 • 1h 39min

Episode 232: Mind Over Matter

It’s the topic voted on by our beloved Patreon patrons, panpsychism! David and Tamler delve into the resurgent debate over whether consciousness is the fundamental stuff that makes up the universe. We hoped we might be entering Miyazaki land - river spirits, benevolent radishes, a universal mind. But is this just the same old philosophy of mind debate with different words? Are there any stakes to this debate or is it purely terminological? Plus – we answer some last-minute questions from listeners on dissertations, Ukraine, pseudoscience, and the music from "The Shield." Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: "The Shield" Opening Music [YouTube] Strawson, G. "Realistic monism: Why physicalism entails panpsychism" Chalmers, D. "Panpsychism and Panprotopsychism" Exchange between Galen Strawson and Daniel Dennett on the 'denial' of consciousness.
Feb 22, 2022 • 1h 51min

Episode 231: Ideal Critics (Hume's "Of the Standard of Taste")

Many of us think that art is subjective, but at the same time it seems like some artistic judgments are better than others. Do you think Crash deserved to receive an award for Best Picture? Did you like Season 2 of Ted Lasso? Well you’re wrong. So how do we reconcile these two conflicting attitudes about art? David and Tamler turn to David Hume’s classic essay Of the Standard of Taste (link in notes) for help. Will Pizarro finally see the error of his ways on Straw Dogs? Plus a doozy of a medical ethics paper – should we allow people to change their legal age if it doesn’t match their "biological" and "emotional" age? Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: Räsänen, J. (2019). Moral case for legal age change. Journal of medical ethics, 45(7), 461-464. Of the Standard of Taste by David Hume (pdf) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy section on Hume's Essay
Feb 8, 2022 • 1h 50min

Episode 230: Be Happy (Lars von Trier's "Melancholia")

David and Tamler sink deeper and deeper into Melancholia, Lars von Trier’s harrowing and stunningly beautiful depiction of depression, anxiety, and a wedding reception that just won’t end. They bring Freud’s “Mourning and Melancholia” into the conversation and confront the question: what if the depressed and anxious people are right? Plus Whoopi, M&Ms, baby brain waves, Rogan – we empty out the opening segment Slack.  Note: We recorded the opening segment before the latest development in the Joe Rogan story, but we briefly address that in the promo segment right after the break. Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: The impact of a poverty reduction intervention on infant brain activity | PNAS Landmark Poverty Experiment Shows Extra Money Changes Babies' Brains M&Ms characters redesigned for a "more dynamic, progressive world," Mars announces - CBS News Mourning and Melancholia - Wikipedia Melancholia (2011 film) - Wikipedia
Jan 25, 2022 • 1h 39min

Episode 229: Skin Deep?

We think racism is wrong but what about “lookism” – a bias that favors attractive people over unattractive ones? If it’s wrong to judge people by the color of their skin, what about judging people for something that is only skin deep? We talk about two pieces today, a forthcoming philosophy article by William D’Allesandro “Is it Bad to Prefer Attractive Partners” and the Ted Chiang story “Liking What You See: A Documentary.” Plus we select the topic finalists for our beloved Patreon listener-selected episode. Interesting list this time around! Sponsored By: GiveWell: GiveWell searches for the charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. We recommend a small number of charities that can do an incredible amount of good. Your donation can make a meaningful difference for some of the poorest people in the world. First-time donors will have their donation matched up to $250 (until funds last). Promo Code: verybadwizards BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: William D'Alessandro, Is It Bad to Prefer Attractive Partners? - PhilPapers Liking What You See: A Documentary - Wikipedia
Jan 11, 2022 • 1h 34min

Episode 228: Forever Jung

David and Tamler confront their shadows and dive into Carl Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. What are the central differences between Jung and Freud? What did Jung mean by archetypes and what’s his evidence for their centrality in the human psyche? How can we integrate elements of our unconscious and avoid projecting them onto the world? Can Jung’s ideas tell us anything about culture wars and relationships? Plus, an fMRI study on offensive humor – I thought you were stronger Batman! Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW GiveWell: GiveWell searches for the charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. We recommend a small number of charities that can do an incredible amount of good. Your donation can make a meaningful difference for some of the poorest people in the world. First-time donors will have their donation matched up to $250 (until funds last). Promo Code: verybadwizards Support Very Bad Wizards Links: Bartolo, A., Ballotta, D., Nocetti, L., Baraldi, P., Nichelli, P. F., & Benuzzi, F. (2021). Uncover the Offensive Side of Disparagement Humor: An fMRI Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 5268. — Uncover the Offensive Side of Disparagement Humor: An fMRI Study The Concept of the Collective Unconscious by Carl Jung Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 1): Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious — Tamler and David read Chapters 1-4 of this volume. (PDFs can be found if you dig around online, but we didn't want to link to any sketchy sites). Weird Studies Episode 73: Carl Jung and the Power of Art, Part One
Dec 21, 2021 • 1h 39min

Episode 227: A Terrible Master (David Foster Wallace's "This Is Water").

David and Tamler dive into David Foster Wallace’s celebrated and surprisingly earnest Kenyon College commencement speech “This is Water”. How can we escape the prison and prism of our (literally) self-centered perspective? Can we choose to adjust our natural default settings, take a break from our running inner monologue, and pay attention to what’s in front of us right now? Is DFW appealing to Buddhist ideas or something more general that you can be found across all spiritual traditions? Plus we ask the AI ethics program “Ask Delphi” some tough moral questions (spoiler alert: "just the tip" is "rude"), and almost get into a big fight about the potential of AI ethical robots (but we’re saving that argument for a future episode). Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW GiveWell: GiveWell searches for the charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. We recommend a small number of charities that can do an incredible amount of good. Your donation can make a meaningful difference for some of the poorest people in the world. First-time donors will have their donation matched up to $250 (until funds last). Promo Code: verybadwizards Support Very Bad Wizards Links: Artificial intelligence turns racist after learning from humans | Metro News Ask Delphi Very Bad Wizards Episode 91: Rage Against the Machines This is Water by David Foster Wallace (Full Transcript and Audio) - Farnam Street
Dec 7, 2021 • 1h 57min

Episode 226: Unraveling Time Traveling (with Barry Lam and Christina Hoff Sommers)

First, it’s the return of the annual drunken Thanksgiving segment! Tamler and based wicked stepmom Christina Hoff Sommers fight about JFK, systematic racism, corporations, and how to pronounce valium. (We find more common ground than usual though on Covid and Havana Syndrome.) Then podcast auteur Barry Lam joins David and Tamler to talk about David Lewis on time travel, the new season of Barry’s excellent podcast Hi-Phi Nation, and then a deep dive on maybe the best time travel movie of all time - Shane Carruth's mind-melting cult classic "Primer." Special Guests: Barry Lam and Christina Hoff Sommers. Sponsored By: BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW GiveWell: GiveWell searches for the charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. We recommend a small number of charities that can do an incredible amount of good. Your donation can make a meaningful difference for some of the poorest people in the world. First-time donors will have their donation matched up to $250 (until funds last). Promo Code: verybadwizards Support Very Bad Wizards Links: Christina Hoff Sommers | American Enterprise Institute - AEI Barry Lam | Vassar College Hi-Phi Nation – A show about philosophy that turns stories into ideas. David Lewis (philosopher) - Wikipedia Primer (film) - Wikipedia Primer (2004) - Illustrated explanation []
Nov 16, 2021 • 1h 42min

Episode 225: Forbidden Modules

David and Tamler talk about the often rancorous debate among cognitive scientists and evolutionary psychologists over whether the mind is modular -- composed of discrete systems responsible for vision, reasoning, cheater detection, sexual jealousy, and so on. David and Tamler (mostly David) describe the history of the debate, then dive into a recent paper (Pietraszewski & Wertz, 2021) arguing that virtually all the disagreement is the product of a conceptual and methodological confusion – that the two sides are operating with different levels of analysis and talking past each other as a result. Plus, we REALLY tried not to talk about the University of Austin thing for the whole opening segment. We had another topic lined up and everything. It just didn’t work out. Cicero would understand. Bari Weiss stans might wanna skip to the main segment. Sponsored By: GiveWell: GiveWell searches for the charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. We recommend a small number of charities that can do an incredible amount of good. Your donation can make a meaningful difference for some of the poorest people in the world. First-time donors will have their donation matched up to $250 (until funds last). Promo Code: verybadwizards Join today--you can learn to play, take some lessons to improve, brush up on your game by having the computer analyze your mistakes and recommend lessons to strengthen your skills, and play against your friends or in tournaments. It's free to join, but if you use our link they'll know we sent you! Promo Code: verybad BetterHelp: You deserve to be happy. BetterHelp online counseling is there for you. Connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment. Our listeners get 10% off the first month by visiting Promo Code: VBW Support Very Bad Wizards Links: The University of Austin (UATX) Modularity of Mind (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Pietraszewski, David, and Annie E. Wertz. "Why evolutionary psychology should abandon modularity." Perspectives on Psychological Science (2021). Break Music: I Am Blue by peez []

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