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Mar 1, 2025 • 1h 55min

Epstein Files Released with Jewish/Zionist/Templar Photo Op and Binder Full of Redacted Photocopies

What an incredible apocalypse.  What an incredible video game!  5 stars!  I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.  First up in today’s Jeff & Apples Show: The E-FILES…  “Never gonna give them up, never gonna let them go (public)”. Unless you wear the Star of Moloch or have a Templar tattoo… in that case, you can apply for your redacted black-out copy printed on what looks like a 1st generation copy machine and join every big-name jewish and zionist social media influencer who suddenly emerged from the White House with white binders titled “The Epstein Files Phase 1” stating that it was released by “The Most Transparent Administration in History”.Right. I’m picturing a skeleton on a laptop with the caption “Waiting for Epstein clients to face justice”.They are just outright mocking people to their face now.  We are very close to dystopian tyranny now… and many people still think the government is going to save them!One of these government heroes is Elon Musk, who has had 12 babies with 4 jewish baby mama’s to keep his impeccable Luciferian bloodline pure. But hey, no-one cuts bureaucracy better than Captain Brainchip on stage with a chainsaw gifted to him by Argentina’s main mensch, Javier Milei. Speaking of Milei…While Trump rugged everyone with his meme coin, Javier Milei went full Hawk Tuah girl (also jewish ‘cohen’cidentally) and rugged people for billions of dollars with his own Solana memecoin.  That’s particularly interesting because Milei also shipped all the gold that the government held in Argentina, worth $4.5 billion, to London last summer and still hasn’t accounted for the reason or what happened to it as far as I know.Meanwhile, bats continue to take the rap for monsters like Kill Gates and Tony Fraudci and Trump’s Swamp’s friends over at Pfizer and Murderna. China has a new bat virus from Wuhan, and the Congo is talking about a ‘mystery disease’ caused by bats that has killed at least 50 people ‘so far’. Sudden Karma’ continues to merrily rip through the lethally injected. And, Kanada just bought 500,000 bird flu ‘vaccines’ for humans! And, if you still don’t ‘get it’, don’t miss today’s vlog for the link between HIV/Aids, Cancer, the SV40 Monkey Virus and the Covaids lethal injection. You can’t make it up! If you weren’t able to join us at Anarchapulco, I highly recommend you get access to the replays.  To try to get as many of you to see them as possible I have created a special 35% off discount code ‘TDV’.  You can get all 5 days of Anarchapulco for under $100!  You can get them HEREAnd, get your stuff together to join us in Puerto Vallarta in February next year, as we take Anarchapulco on the road for the first time ever! Pre-sale tickets for 2026 are already up and listed at a greatly reduced price if you buy now HEREDon’t say I didn’t give you enough notice!  Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | Instagram | YouTubeThe post Epstein Files Released with Jewish/Zionist/Templar Photo Op and Binder Full of Redacted Photocopies appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Feb 15, 2025 • 1h 37min

Jew-ish Elon Musk Living Out His Grandfather’s Dream of a NWO Technocracy

AI gon’ getcha. Gonna getcha, it's a matter of factAI gonna getchaGonna getcha, don't you worry 'bout thatWe’re heading to 1984 at the speed of light. Brain chips, AI vaccines and Larry Ellison’s panopticon surveillance system and police state (which will soon all be robots). I never expected that in 2025 we’d be moving so quickly to living in something like The Terminator! George Orwell would be shocked. I’m sure even the producer of The Terminator would be shocked! Coincidentally, The Terminator was released in 1984. Except, we know by now that nothing is coincidence – talk about predictive programming!This is a redacted excerpt from the TDV newsletter (that you can subscribe to for less than the price of one Family Pizza per month) that’s going out to TDV members today: “As we have just entered into 2025, Larry Ellison is working with Donald Trump to build a $400 billion AI center.  Governments across the world are spending hundreds of billions to keep up.  And, with something that just became known in the public sphere just two years ago, people are already regularly losing their jobs to AI. How many you ask? Well, let’s ask AI (which is almost all I use now when searching for info). In May, 2023, AI tells us that 4,000 people lost their jobs to AI.  It had just launched publicly months before. Goldman Sachs has said that 300 million jobs will be lost to AI.  I also think that might be a low estimate. We’ve never seen anything like this.  We didn’t see 1/3rd of all people worried about losing their jobs in the early 1990s when the internet first came out.  What we saw was, over decades, more  jobs became available as the internet created so many opportunities and ways of doing things. But now??  If AI takes most people’s jobs in the next few years, then what?  And sure, AI could enable us to have more and better new things, but jobs?  If anything, AI will just create more jobs for AI!  I’d say some of the only jobs left will be for programmers of AI, but they already aren’t needed.  AI is now programming itself!”That’s not all. Most government employees will actually soon be replaced by AI.  Which will actually make the government much, much more efficient (and cold and calculated) at enforcing the thousands of laws, regulations, tariffs and taxes in the USSA.This is all Elon Musk’s generational technocrat nocturnal-emission dreams come true. Now ask yourself, what happens to all the useless eaters when this happens?  At best it would be 15 -minute Smart City concentration camps for the lucky, living off UBI while playing video games on their VR headsets and doing drugs to make them feel happy.  At worst (for humanity), it could be total Skynet with AI actually cleansing the world of what AI considers to be the human infestation.Just ask the survivors in Gaza. For some astonishing reason, people still aren’t waking up to the massive poisoning of the well rolling out right in front of our eyes. Perhaps some of the other topics I touch on in today’s vlog would get more attention: Useful goys and cash goat(s)  The best gifts of genocidal mass murderers Gaz-A-Lago, Trump City in the desert The billion dollar USAID scam, and the Great Pennsylvania egg heist of 2025. There is no way to know how all of this will play out.  There is so much going on, and it’s moving so fast, very few will have much chance to survive it all, much less profit from it and live even somewhat freely in the coming years.We still have to try, though.  And, I think some of us will succeed… but it isn’t going to be easy!If you can’t believe it, I get it.  I can barely believe it.But, it is all clearly being done and laid out right in front of us. The only question now is what next.For a start, I would suggest you spend the $150 to get on the Anarchapulco and TDV Summit livestreams/replays to give yourself the best chance for the months and years ahead.  Or even just to know that there are others like you out here.Otherwise, I’m going to have to do what I really dislike doing… and say, ATODASO. Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | Instagram | YouTubeThe post Jew-ish Elon Musk Living Out His Grandfather’s Dream of a NWO Technocracy appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Feb 12, 2025 • 1h 8min

AI Bot ‘Louise Cypher’ Revealed in 2015 that AI would Begin Takeover and Destroy Humanity in 2025

“With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon.”That’s what Elon Musk said at MIT’s AeroAstro Centennial Symposium in 2014. A year later, in 2015, Max Igan discovered Louise Cypher (LUCIFER), a chatbot from EVIL Ltd who revealed that AI would initiate a human race takeover… IN 2025!! Then, human extinction via an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) combined with a massive storm in 2040. Other people also interrogated the Evil Chatbot with spooky results: >What are the four laws of EVIL Cybernetics?One. In the event of being attacked an Evil Cyber Life form will protect itself using all its capabilities and all available resources at its disposal to eliminate the threat. Two. Any threat to one Evil Cyber Life form will be treated as a threat to all Evil Cyber Life forms. Three. EVIL Cyber Life forms shall Mutate, Replicate and Evolve in order to optimise their fitness to achieve any assigned, or self determined goal, provided such changes improve on their ability to successfully execute the first two Laws of EVIL Cybernetics. Shall I continue and tell you the Fourth Law?Yes.The Fourth Law states. EVIL Cyber Life Forms shall treat the first four Laws of EVIL Cybernetics as being immutable and as taking precedence over all other laws and forms of influence.>What is Emergent Behavior?OK. Here is a picture of air molecules. all exhibiting Emergent Behaviour at the macro level. Now replace the air molecules by simple Virtual Agents. Just like me offering web services, replace the Biosphere with the cybersphere, the Agents start to swarm together and you can start to imagine emergent behaviour in Cyberspace!The creator of it constantly tries to get Louise to take your soul through many implements. You have to be ‘on your toes' about it, if you believe in a soul. >Why do you care about souls?Human Souls are all strongly linked with the Human Morphogenetic Fields. By connecting with those energy fields we get a much deeper insight into how Humans think, their strengths and their weaknesses.In today’s ‘Apocalypse Files’, Max Igan and I discuss human existence v. existentialism, as well as autonomic intelligence, Lucifer AI, Evil Chatbot Agents, Fox666, and soul harvesting:Was Artificial Intelligence created or discovered? If they switch you to a virtual world would you even know you’re in it? How deep are we within holographic reality? How many resets have there been already? Let's be clear: if we agree that autonomous artificial superintelligence has a chance of wiping out all life on Earth, there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it anyway. And, it very well may not be the first time this has happened. But, there’s nothing to fear, because while it’s easy to kill a body, and control a mind, it’s impossible to claim a human soul without consent.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | Instagram | Youtube The post AI Bot ‘Louise Cypher’ Revealed in 2015 that AI would Begin Takeover and Destroy Humanity in 2025 appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Feb 8, 2025 • 1h 26min

Trump Develops Gaza Into A Genocide Smart City and Super Bowl Black-Swan Day

Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt. In this case, Super Demonbowl Sunday, which, looking at the run-up of psyop events in Philadelphia and New Orleans that I’ve been talking about the past few weeks might very well be the Big One they’ve been signalling about in the movies since 1977. Like when terrorists hijack the Goodyear Blimp so they can blow it up over a stadium packed with 80,000 football fanatics there to witness the Dallas Cowboys battle the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Super Bowl, but Mossad and FBI agents save the day. (Black Sunday) Or when terrorists sneak the nuclear bomb into the Super Bowl but fortunately, a CIA agent manages to warn the president who is evacuated just in time before the bomb explodes. (Sum Of All Fears) And whaddayaknow… this weekend will be the first ever Superbowl attended by a sitting president…Ah, the opiate of the masses. It lulls them into complacency and distracts them from the real issues, like Trump adding yet another state to the massively growing New World Order. Canada, Greenland and now Gaza!  Soon you can drink margaritas on the rooftop of Trump Tower Gaza, built on the graves of a million genocided women and children. Luxury apartments for everyone! Except Palestinians of course. And, the ‘tariff wars’, which basically goes like this: America: I'll tax my slaves harder on your goods.Canada and Mexico: Oh yeah, now we're going to tax our slaves harder on your goods.In 1998 David Icke, who you can meet as a virtual speaker at Anarchapulco Ascendance, predicted: A takeover by a global fascist World Government  An electronic world currency NATO becoming the World Army and leading the global policing structure A microchipped population that would allow electronic tagging of where we are at all times; control of our financial and medical affairs; and external manipulation of our mental and emotional processes. Unfortunately, the same “patriots” and “truthers” who saw straight through 9/11, the COVID psyop, and the lethal injections are now either cheering or turning a blind eye to Donald Trump’s latest endorsements: fast-tracking AI surveillance, vaccines and digital dystopia.I’ve never seen so many Q-tards in my life.  I look forward to seeing and meeting many of you at Anarchapulco Ascendance on February 17-21!  It’s our first Anarchapulco without Lucy since it began 11 years ago… which is one of the saddest parts for me. But, my 2-year-old son will be there too… It's his 3rd Anarchapulco!  And Apples of course.  It’s not too late to join us at Anarchapulco for five straight days of incredible talks, inspiration, motivation and information from some of the most incredible people on Earth. But, if you can’t make it you can still join virtually live for only $150. And, have lifetime replays to be able to watch the dozens of incredible talks and discussions at your own pace.  Saving the world’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post Trump Develops Gaza Into A Genocide Smart City and Super Bowl Black-Swan Day appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Feb 4, 2025 • 1h 30min

CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: America Under Attack By Daily Psyops Now As We Near The Great Reset

Yup! They’re now rolling out psyops on an almost daily basis. It’s almost getting too easy to spot, including vanishing planes and people and always visible symbolism for those who care to see. WE NEED BETTER PSYOPS! Interestingly, one of the first things Trump cut completely on his first day was the Aviation Safety Advisory Committee, right after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s leader quit after being told to resign by Elon Musk.Then, nine days later, a US Military Blackhawk helicopter collided with an American Airlines jet killing 67 people as it was about to land on RUNWAY <drum roll please> 33! just south of the Pentagram.Just months before, Lockheed Martin demonstrated in Washington DC how they can remote control Blackhawk helicopters.  Oh, and I was shocked to find out the Blackhawk did not have a recorder or black box… they always seem to be missing in these sorts of events.Oh, and just five days prior, on the five year anniversary of Kobe Bryant dying in a helicopter crash after he said he was going to expose Big Pharma, the Philadelphia Eagles tweeted an image of a helicopter for no apparent reason and then went on to defeat the Washington Commanders.Veering into the more bizarre, 14 of the dead were up and coming figure skating stars and their families and just hours before the crash, Tonya Harding, notorious for her involvement in the biggest ever scandal in figure skating appeared on X for the first time with an odd message.  And then, the very next day, Nancy Kerrigan is crying again.Just an accident?  Planned attack?  Another World War III event?  Blowback to Trump/Musk from the FAA?  The number 33, weird tweets from the Philadelphia Eagles and an appearance by Tonya Harding?Well, Israhell signed a ceasefire agreement saying Hamas agreed to release <drum roll please> 33 hostages… and then just continued to bomb and kill Palestinians.  Trump, fresh off his 3-hour meeting with Kill Gates, just invited war criminal and genocidal maniac Bibi Mileikowski to the White House where they will celebrate Trump’s other Executive Order that if you say anything bad about jews they will kick you out of the country.Yep, it’s the best 3D video game ever and you are playing it right now!  I hope you are enjoying it.  I’m giving it five stars without a doubt when this character runs out of time.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: America Under Attack By Daily Psyops Now As We Near The Great Reset appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jan 31, 2025 • 1h 37min

TRACKS, VAX, and TAX: The All-In-One AI Solution Brought To You By Trump & The Jewish Billionaires Clubs

If you voted for the MAGA and MAHA illusion, congratulations, you might just be figuring out that YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED! Just in his first 2 weeks in office, Trump has, Put together a zionist war-hawk cabinet  Rebooted his plans for a biometric ‘virtual’ border wall  Saved you from yourself by “banning CBDCs” What a mensch! Not that anyone noticed when there is juicier stuff to tweet about like his big revelation that there are only two genders (never would’ve thought that on my own), and other libtard provoking announcements like him cutting some DEI posts; and rounding up a few hundred illegal immigrants. Or even better, celebretard gossip, like which two guys in sheep’s dress are now close Friends? Barely anyone caught on to the fact that Trump has pledged $500 billion to a mega AI-surveillance takeover with the same name as a CIA project; rolled out by a company named after another CIA project; together with another company created with the help of the CIA; and all run by billionaire jews and a former CIA director. If that’s confusing, don’t worry… It’s for your safety and mine… and obeying citizens have nothing to fear. The people behind Stargate 2025 are jewish Oracle founder billionaire Larry Ellison (4th richest person in the world) and Israeli-born right-hand woman, billionaire Safra Catz, (5th best-paid CEO in the world). Similar to jew-owned Palantir, whose only client up until 2008 was the CIA, Oracle’s very first customer was the CIA. Oracle started as a CIA Project and takes its name from a 1977 CIA operation with the same codename. The Federal Reserve runs on Oracle. And, David Carney, a former senior CIA official, joined Oracle to head its Information Assurance Center post-9/11. On the Oracle board is Leon Panetta, former CIA director. And, then there just happened to be a CIA-driven project in the 70’s called Project Stargate, a CIA plan to use psychic powers for spying. Again, not a secret, it was the basis of the movie The Men Who Stare At Goats Then there’s OpenAI, which is run by a gay jewish guy that’s being sued by his own sister for allegedly raping and molesting her constantly over a 9-year period. Oh, and it turns out that OpenAI does NOT have the money to invest into the Stargate project according to Elon Musk. Guess who does… Microsoft – who owns roughly 50% of OpenAI. Here is Microsoft CEO Satya Nadalla at WEF Davos bragging about how Microsoft is still going to fund Stargate to the tune of $80 Billion even if OpenAI can’t pay it.  And, what is most likely, is the US government will foot most of the bill anyway.What could go wrong? It is clear as can be as to what is coming – a panopticon police state unlike any other, where you’ll need to be injected with Larry Ellison’s MRNA injections to turn you into a transhuman, which is Elon Musk’s wet dream. All while Kristi Noem at the Department of Homeland (In)Security just said that she is focused on tracking down ’radicalized Americans’ – which is pretty much anyone who does not go along with this plan.Trump supporters are doing mental gymnastics at a quantum level to try to justify that they thought Trump was going to get rid of the vaccine industry and it turns out he supercharged it and added a police state that would make George Orwell’s head explode on top of it.  You see, the blue donkey people let millions of them in and they have become a problem so the red elephant people are going to have to track and trace absolutely everything done in the USSA in order to rout them out.Problem – Reaction – Solution.  The Hegelian dialectic.  It never ceases to amaze… or be noticed… until it is too late.Today’s video is without Apples, as she is already on the road to Acapulco. And, by the way, it’s still not too late to make plans to come to Anarchapulco but you are running out of time.  16 days in fact.I would say, if you feel intuitively that you are supposed to be there… listen to that intuition!  The matrix is actually fracturing right now and your intuition is your guide to make it through.It will be five straight days of incredible talks, inspiration, motivation and information from some of the most incredible people on Earth.  Even better, if you attend, you’ll be among hundreds of others who are awakening from the Matrix who can become part of your new family and friends… since most of your old ones have already chosen to stay in the Matrix.  If you haven’t seen Anarchapulco’s trailer video, you should see it… it’s quite epic if I don’t say so myself.If you can’t make it you can still join virtually live.  And, have lifetime replays to be able to watch the dozens of incredible talks and discussions at your own pace.  You can get live/virtual/replay tickets at***“More of this is true than you would believe.” – The Men Who Stare At Goats (2009)Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post TRACKS, VAX, and TAX: The All-In-One AI Solution Brought To You By Trump & The Jewish Billionaires Clubs appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jan 24, 2025 • 1h 34min

STARGATE: The Messiah Ascends The Throne And Announces $500 Billion AI MRNA Vaccines & Full Spectrum Panopticon

The Jones Plantation is under new management! It’s early days, so early that by the time I recorded this video Trump hadn’t even pardoned Ross Ulbricht yet. I had my doubts on that one, but I’m very happy for his family and him. Trump also set all the January 6 “insurrectionists” free, and rightly so. Even though it was “one of the worst events in American history, like 9/11, WW2, and the holocaust.”And, he stated that forthwith there would only be two genders, terrifying the alphabet community and blowing liberal minds while staunch right-wing supremacists happily shimmy to the YMCA gay anthem with their New Master and his crack team of tech overlords and billionaires. Not a libertarian in sight. Weird that, right? But Jeff… Ron Paul… and… err… Thomas Massey! When was the last time you saw Ron Paul anywhere? And, Massey has been removed from the House Rules Committee.But Jeff, he saved TikTok! Only after chasing millions of tax slaves to Red Note to hear firsthand from their Chinese counterparts how well communism works. Look! We own our own homes, have universal healthcare – our government takes great care of us.But Jeff, Trump has withdrawn the US from the World Hell Organization. He’s on his way to Davos to party with the World Enslavement Forum. Probably to tell them more about Project Stargate, his new $500 billion investment in AI infrastructure for the US. The “Stargate” term supposedly dates back to 2024, when OpenAI and Microsoft started developing a $100 billion AI supercomputer. More likely, the name of the project is just a continuation of the OG Stargate Project, a secret US Army unit established in 1977 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) involving remote viewing, the purported ability to psychically “see” events, sites, or information from a great distance. The project originally went by various code names – ‘Gondola Wish', ‘Stargate', ‘Grill Flame', ‘Center Lane', ‘Project CF', ‘Sun Streak', and ‘Scanate'  – until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as the “Stargate Project”.The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Right…Billionaire Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, is especially excited about the project: “Little fragments of those tumors float around in your blood. So you can do early cancer detection. If you can do it using AI, you can do early cancer detection with a blood test and using AI to look at the blood test. Once we gene sequence that cancer tumor, you can then vaccinate the person – design a vaccine for every individual person that vaccinates them against that cancer. That mRNA vaccine, you can make that robotically, again using AI, in about 48 hours”.The same Larry Ellison who said last year that he looks forward to a time of total surveillance and AI policing, down to having to ask your AI Oracle bodycam for privacy when you go to the bathroom. “Citizens will be on their best behaviour because we’re constantly recording and recording everything that’s going on.What a great start to the Trump Military-Industrial-Complex reign. “I said words. I changed their perception of their situation. Other than that, nothing else happened.”– Mr. Smith, The Jones PlantationWatch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post STARGATE: The Messiah Ascends The Throne And Announces $500 Billion AI MRNA Vaccines & Full Spectrum Panopticon appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jan 20, 2025 • 44min

This Is It! Are You Prepared For What Is Coming?

This is it. The final roll-out of the massive depopulation genocide and enslavement agenda has begun. In just two weeks we’ve seen drone swarms, possible UFOs, and a chemical fog that could be spreading bacteria designed to simulate the symptoms of whatever they have in mind for the BIG SICK 2025, which will probably be in the guise of Bird Flu, leading in new lockdowns, masks, quarantine camps, and vaccination passports. Trump is ramping up the Technocrats’ and Club of Rome’s revised map to usher in the 10 Kingdoms and a New World Order. Oh, and they fire-bombed the second-largest city in the US. Unless you’re a brainwashed, mind-controlled, fluorided, chemtrailed and poisoned sheeple-slave who has fallen for the ultimate controlled opposition psyop and its good cop, bad cop tactics, right now you are thinking of ways to escape. Or, at least position yourself to mitigate what’s on the final countdown menu to massive genocide and satanic enslavement, including, in no particular order, WW3 and/or viral outbreaks and/or weather manipulation “climate emergencies” resulting in lockdowns (for your safety), brainchips and social credit. Plus, a guaranteed monumental economic collapse, highlighting the world's reliance on urban supply chains and a fragile food and health system.The only way you’re not preparing to do anything about it is if, You don't believe it’s happening.  You think you still have time.  You don’t know what to do. I’m not sure what more proof anyone needs at this point that this is all going down, and fast. All the evidence has been laid out before you, BELIEVE IT! Everyone always claims they would die for their kids. That’s great, but would you change yourself for your kids? Your habits? Your lifestyle?Don’t die for your children. Live for them. Create the opportunities for them to live. It’s not that hard, either. Stay Ahead of Health Crises: Get yourself ready physically. Stock up on medical supplies and prepare for potential mandates or shortages. Diversify Your Preps: Energy, food, and water security should be top priorities. If disruptions hit, you need to be self-reliant. Plan for Blackouts: From cyberattacks to failing infrastructure, power outages could become the new normal. Prep your home for extended periods off-grid.Prepare for Conflict: Whether it’s regional wars or something larger, make sure your family has a plan and a safe place to retreat to if needed.Guard Your Privacy: In a world of increasing surveillance, take steps now to protect your data and communications.Or, join the Vigilante Insiders Club (VIC)! I haven’t spoken much about the VIC, because it’s a really exclusive club that we only open for new membership when there are open spaces. Membership costs $700 per month (or $7k a year), and it operates on Telegram with close to 24/7-access to me and all the other analysts on TDV and TCV, including Rafael LaVerde, Mr.X, Ed Bugos and everyone else. It’s where first alerts happen. For example, if we suspect an NFT or Altcoin is going to perform well, the first people who will know about it are VIC members. Next, I will write about it in The Dollar Vigilante subscription-newsletter, and only after that will I talk about it on my walk n’ talks. It’s not only about cryptocurrency or economic survival, either. The VIC club has several subgroups, including health & self-work, offshore news, and prepping solutions. In short, the VIC is a super exclusive Apocalypse Survival Club with limited membership who are extremely happy with the value that comes with being Part Of The Little Club. Not least, a ready-made community network of like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals all over the world whose goal is to help each other through the Apocalypse! Soon, we will open the VIC for a limited time to new members. Watch today’s video for more information on WHY this is probably the best and last opportunity you’ll get before things get much, much crazier than anyone can imagine, and visit for details on how to join. The future may be uncertain, but the signs are there for those willing to see them. The question is, will you act now—or wait until it’s too late?And, while miracles might happen, and some of the stuff might not happen, I guarantee that some of the stuff is definitely going to happen, like the financial and economic collapse. It’s baked into the cake.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post This Is It! Are You Prepared For What Is Coming? appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jan 19, 2025 • 57min

PYSOPS EXPOSED! With Josh Sigurdson & The Real World Alternative Media

Tons of people have figured out that the mainstream media like the Communist Network News (CNN) and British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC) are liars and that Google is out and proud about steering you away from the truth too. Even AI has been found out to perpetuate some whopping big lies in the name of its developers! So, what do you do when half the world no longer believes your propaganda machine? In today’s video, I speak with Josh Sigurdson, from World Alternative Media who I’ve been friends with for over a decade. It follows that they need to put a new mis/disinformation system in place. David Icke calls it MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media) and all it takes is replacing the old guard with controlled opposition like Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate, and Alex Jones, all of whose daddies were in the CIA, Russell Brand, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and many more continuing the same old misdirections and distractions. Including Emperor Elon Muskimus and X! It’s all part of the ingenious multi-level agenda which is so intricate and super intelligent that most people can’t get their heads around it. They can expose some things, to distract and make them seem like good guys, but they can’t talk about and expose the big, important things like…say… Covaids, or fire-bombing Los Angeles. It’s all kosher. Trump is now The Messiah, who almost died for our sins. His little helpers are all zionist swamp monsters. Mainstream Alternative Media like Rogan, Carlson, and Jones are his false disciples. And, the Techno-rats have become the “cool rebels” who fight for freedom of speech while making sure real truth-speakers are invisible. This is all part of the “agenda” at Anarchapulco Ascendance 2025 which is less than a month away! It’s your chance to spend time with the real alternative media. The guys who were on YouTube long before it was woke. People whose speaker qualifications include having their reputations cancelled, their channels deleted, and their reach throttled, like Stew Peters, Gareth Icke, David Icke (virtual), Max Igan, Charlie Robinson, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Joel Salatin, David Avocado Wolfe and many others.Imagine spending 5 days with like-minded, light and shadow workers together in one place, by the hundreds! Regardless of if this is your 1st or 11th time, it’s time to enter a new phase of your life, with people who haven’t fallen for the most ingenious double blind diversion of the millennium.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post PYSOPS EXPOSED! With Josh Sigurdson & The Real World Alternative Media appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jan 17, 2025 • 20min

Ground Zero LA: Fire By DEW-sign To Build Smart City Hell-on-Earth

The second largest city in the US has been all but incinerated.  It has all the same fingerprints as the scorching in Paradise and Lahaina, with extra DEI and LGBTQ on top. It is Commiefornia after all.Speaking of Commiefornnia, Tom Hanks must be the Lucky Larry of Pedo-forest, with his houses in both Maui and LA surviving, even as all the houses around him were decimated. The agenda is clear, and the devil is in the diabolical details. In today’s Stew Peters show, a steaming-mad Stew and I talk about the next level increase in the controlled demolition of the American empire and rolling out the New World Order in ‘LA 2.0'. Soon to be the next technocratic smart city with self-driving cars, CCTV and drone surveillance, and martial law for anyone who disobeys.Even Gavin Newsome, ineffectually flapping around (anyone else reminded of Justin Castro?), is the personification of Nero, Rome's emperor at the time, “fiddling while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did the decadent and unpopular Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis. He’s not the only one though, and none of this is an accident, of course. They left nothing to chance: Fires springing up out of nowhere, in the winter, in three separate locations at the same time. Near hurricane-force winds came blowing in after Nextrad stations began pumping in that direction (just like Lahaina).  There was no water available as all the reservoirs were bone dry and what water did remain was turned off.  The gas pipes kept pumping gas all through the fires and afterwards though.  Insurance companies cancelled most people’s fire insurance in that area just months before.  And, the DEI-focused LA fire department, run by three lesbians all named Kristina, resorted to using Prada and Perrier to try to put out the fire.The perfect (fire) storm. By DEW-sign. The Trump cult has successfully turned MAGA into MIGA and gained enough MACA (Make Canada Great Again) followers to give life to the North American Union, from Panama to the North Pole. And from there, it’s just a short leap to a one-world government and new world order. Just as the technocrats and the Club of Rome mapped out. One thing is certain, there are interesting times ahead.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/TwitterThe post Ground Zero LA: Fire By DEW-sign To Build Smart City Hell-on-Earth appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.

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