French Revolution & Napoleon (Grey History) cover image

French Revolution & Napoleon (Grey History)

Latest episodes

Feb 28, 2025 • 48min

1.85 Virtue, Friendship and Terror with Dr Marisa Linton

How did virtue and friendship shape the French Revolution and the Terror? This interview with Dr Marisa Linton examines the how the politics of virtue shaped the revolutionary era and the development of the Terror. It also explores the important dynamics of friendships and how both relationships and virtue were weaponized to political advantage. From the Fall of the Girondins to the denouncement of former friends, there's plenty to unpack!Don't miss this insightful deep dive into one of history's most controversial eras!Follow Dr Marisa LintonAboutX.comBlueSkyBook Recommendations:Choosing Terror: Virtue, Friendship and Authenticity in the French RevolutionTerror: The French Revolution and its Demons, with Michel BiardEarly AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 86 "Defeats and Dysfunction" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 15, 2025 • 1h 6min

1.84 Yesterday's Heroes

The revolution devours its children! From princes to mayors, politicians to priests, explore the ultimate fate of yesterday's heroes!This main episode unpacks the rise and demise of the Duke of Orléans (Philippe Égalité) and Madame Roland. Two controversial figures who were once proud Jacobins, the revolution had turned on its biggest supporters.Episode Extra1.84.1 Dead or Alive?Examine the fate of several revolutionaries who rose to prominence during the constitutional monarchy. This includes Necker, Talleyrand, Abbé Sieyès, Mayor Bailly, and the Feuillant leader Barnave.Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 85 "Virtue, Friendship, and Terror with Dr Marisa Linton" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 13, 2025 • 3min

Community Poll: Topics for Total War!

Vote Now! Total war is upon us! With the French armies in retreat, the Republic had no choice but to adapt. Developing a new era of modern warfare, the French army underwent radical transformations.Episode 87 "Total War" will unpack the revolution of warfare. As such, I want your thoughts on the topics we should explore!Please vote for those you’re most interested in (you can vote for multiple topics) and I will use this to craft future episodes and bonus content!VOTE HEREThe Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramX Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 31, 2025 • 1h 2min

1.83 Trial of the Girondins Part II

Death to all traitors! This episode explores the controversial trial of the Girondins in October 1793. With limited evidence and endless accusations, leading Girondin deputies were guillotined en-masse. Was it justice or a tragedy? Episode Extra1.83.1 The Fate of the FugitivesWith the number of proscribed deputies multiplying over several months, explore the fate of those Girondins who were missing from their trial! Unfortunately for many, only a handful survived the Terror!Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 84 Yesterday's Heroes now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 17, 2025 • 55min

1.82 Trial of the Girondins Part I

With the Queen dead, the Girondins were next. Condemned for every mishap and misfortune, dozens of deputies were sent to trial. In additional efforts to eliminate the menace, the Convention was purged again. Members Q&AAn upcoming Q&A episode will focus on your questions from the show trials of late 1793! If you have any questions regarding the trials of Marie Antoinette, the Girondins, or other leading figures, please comment below or send them in!Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 83 "The Trial of the Girondins Part II" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 31, 2024 • 1h 1min

1.81 Trial of Queen Marie Antoinette

With terror the order of the day, Queen Marie Antoinette is placed on trial. Accused of every crime imaginable, the nation’s anger is released upon the Austrian Monster. With Hébert accusing the Queen of the most scandalous of crimes, these events were used as a tool for reaction for decades to come.This episode explores the creation of the guillotine and the trial and execution of Marie Antoinette. It also introduced Antoine Fouquier-Tinville, and unpacks how the treatment of the Queen differed to King Louis XVI.Episode Extras1.81.1 Foreign reactions to the execution of Marie AntoinetteOutraged by scenes in Paris, the events of October send many into morning. From foreign newspapers to private correspondence, this episode extra explores the predictable and unexpected responses to the death of Marie Antoinette.1.81.2 Austrian Attempts to Save Marie AntoinetteDesperate to save the love of his life, Count Axel von Fersen enlists diplomats and friends to try to save the Queen! Her supporters meet unexpected resistance. This episode extra examines efforts to spare Marie Antoinette through a mixture of letters and first hand accounts. Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 82 "The Trial of the Girondins Part I" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 20, 2024 • 28min

Special Episode: Christmas in Revolutionary France

Faced with the dechristianization campaign of 1793, Christmas looked very different in the French Republic!This episode explores how worship, traditions, and celebrations all changed enormously in revolutionary France.As always, thank you for your support of the show! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 81 "The Trial of Queen Marie Antoinette" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 3, 2024 • 44min

1.80 The Terror Begins

Compelled to make Terror the order of the day, the Convention decreed a series of emergency measures. From price controls to the arrest of all suspects, the principles of 1789 were temporarily suspended. The Terror had begun!This episode explores the Revolutionary Army, the Law of the General Maximum, and the Law of Suspects. It also examines the arrest of Jacques Roux and the Enraged (Enragés) in September 1793.Episode Extras1.80.1 The Enraged ExploredWhat do historians make of the Enraged? Heroic champions of the sans-culottes? Or short-sited activists unable to achieve their means? This episode extra explores not only the legacy of the Jacques Roux and his allies, but also debates surrounding their impact (or lack thereof!)1.80.2 Unpacking the TerrorWith the Terror commencing in September 1793, how do historians view its causes? Was this series of emergency decrees driven purely by circumstances, or were other factors at play? This episode extra unpacks competing theories surrounding the Terror’s commencement. Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 81 "The Trial of Queen Marie Antoinette" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 15, 2024 • 58min

1.79 Triumph of the Sans-Culottes

Make terror the order of the day! With news of Toulon's treason hitting a hungry capital, insurrection returns to Paris. Spurred on by the ultraradical factions, the people demand food and the means the seize it!This episode explores the last successful rising of the Parisian Sans-Culottes. From price controls to the Revolutionary Army, the popular movement scores considerable victories!Episode Extras1.79.1 Hébertists: Leaders or Followers?What do historians make of 4 and 5 September? How should we interpret Hébertist involvement? These questions and more are explored in this episode extra examining the debates of these famous days!1.79.2 Hébertist Questions and AnswersMembers' questions on the Hebertists! Why were so many to be found in the War Ministry? Where were other ultraradical strongholds? I ask your questions on the Hébertists!Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 80 "The Terror Begins" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 31, 2024 • 1h 5min

1.78 Divided Heights

Clash of the Jacobin Giants! Eager to entrench his leadership of the ultra-radical movement, Hébert goes on the attack. Denouncing Danton and Montagnard moderates, the Hébertists also clash with Robespierre. With power struggles erupting over the Constitution and the Committee of Public Safety, the fracturing of the Mountain had begun! This episode explores efforts to refresh the Committee of Public Safety in July 1793, the factional feud between Hébert and Danton, and the attempt of Hébertists to implement the Constitution of 1793. Early AccessDon't wait! Support the show and listen to Episode 79 "The Triumph of the Sans-Culottes" now! Available for all True Revolutionaries and above!The Grey History CommunityHelp keep Grey History on the air! Every revolution needs its supporters, and we need you! With an ad-free feed, a community discord, a reading club, and tonnes of exclusive bonus content, you're missing out! Do your part for as little as half a cup of coffee per episode! It's the best value on the internet, with the best people too!Join Now And Support the ShowMake a one-off donationContact MeSend your questions, praise, and scorn hereNewsletterSign Up for Free Bonus EpisodeFollow on Social Media:FacebookInstagramXAdvertisingPlease contact if you would like to advertise on Grey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon.All members of the Grey History Community have an ad-free version of the show. Support the show here.AboutGrey History: The French Revolution and Napoleon is a podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of our history. By examining both the experiences of contemporaries and the conclusions of historians, Grey History seeks to unpack the ambiguities and nuances of the past. Understanding the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon Bonaparte is critical to understanding the history of the world, so join us on a journey through a series of events that would be almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that it's true! If you're looking for a binge-worthy history podcast on the Revolution and Napoleon, you're in the right place! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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