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Expositors Collective

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Mar 22, 2022 • 52min

Altar Calls - Mason Mortimer

Mike speaks with Mason Mortimer about Altar Calls where do they come from, historic and current objections, and some ideas for how to invite people to respond to our sermons with steps of faith or obedience in a non-manipulative manner. Mason Mortimer describes himself as missionary/preacher/pastor who is trapped inside a financial advisor’s body. He has been married for 18 years to Helena.  He also has two teenage kids, Morgan and Maxwell.  Mason still waits in the shadows. Dress for the occasion, waiting for God to put him into full-time vocational ministry.  Until then, he rides the open frontier, looking for opportunities for God to use his narrowly-focused skill set…the ability to talk to any audience at any time about anything with passion and enthusiasm! One of Mason‘s favorite quotes is “Always be ready to preach, pray, sing, or die at a moments notice.“  This Expositors Collective podcast is an opportunity he’s been waiting for since God sat him on the shelf about 20 years ago. “You have nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work. It is not your business to preach so many times, but to save as many souls is you possibly can. To bring as many sinners as you can to repentance and with all your power to build him up in that holiness without which they cannot see the Lord.“ - John Wesley Recommended Episodes: Preaching Evangelistic Sermons - Ian Clary : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/9/21/preaching-evangelistic-sermons-ian-clary Spurgeon the Preacher - David Guzik : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2018/9/11/episode-12-hard-work-charles-spurgeon-and-you Preaching Mercifully to those who Doubt - Dominic Done : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2022/1/21/preaching-mercifully-to-those-who-doubt-dominic-doneThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Mar 15, 2022 • 27min

Women in the Pulpit, Help for Lay Preachers and Bible Translations - Mail Bag Part 2

Nick Cady and Mike Neglia answer listener questions related to women in the pulpit, and our ability to learn from people that we disagree with, help for lay preachers and bivocational ministers and which translations are worth consulting during sermon preparation.
Mar 8, 2022 • 30min

How Do I Find Someone To Mentor Me? - Panel Discussion Q&A

This panel discussion tackles questions from the audience concerning some of the ins and outs of preaching mentorships: How do I find someone to mentor me? What if they say no? What do I do if someone asks me to mentor them? Isn't this basically discipleship?If there is any way that we can help you grow and improve in your preaching, get in touch: expositors@calvarychapel.com or join our private facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveRelated Expositors Collective Episodes:Mentorship Panel from San Diego: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/11/4/episode-72-preaching-mentorships-qaClay Worrell on Preaching Mentorships: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/1/22/episode-31-preaching-mentorshipsThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Mar 1, 2022 • 26min

No Maturity without Mentorship - Pilgrim Benham

Episode 211 Pilgrim Benham, pastor of Shoreline Church in Bradenton Florida speaks at our Colorado Springs training event on the importance of preaching mentorships - whether they are formalised or casual, groups or individual - Pilgrim wants to speak about the important need to seek out a more experienced voice and invite specific feedback and coaching for your Bible teaching or preaching ministry. This is a very practical step that is nearly guaranteed to help you improve in your preaching ministry, and that is what it is all about isn’t it? Pilgrim is the lead pastor of Shoreline Church in Bradenton, Florida. He recently co-authored  The Five: Solas of the Reformation” https://www.amazon.com/Five-Solas-Reformation-Dan-Sardinas-ebook/dp/B09FQD1PPW/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=CZP9DQ2BGSLW&keywords=the+five+solas+pilgrim&qid=1645637399&sprefix=the+five+solas+pilgrim%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-3Pilgrim and his wife Jenn have two teenage children.Related Expositors Collective Episodes: Mentorship Q+A Panel  featuring  Ray Bentley, Brian Brodersen, Pilgrim Benham, Shawn Stone and Kellen Criswell https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/11/4/episode-72-preaching-mentorships-qaMike Payne on Mentorship (with Hungarian translation!) : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/12/8/the-value-of-preaching-mentorships-michael-payneThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Feb 22, 2022 • 23min

Eight Character Essentials for Bible Teachers - David Guzik

Tools are important (study habits, good commentaries and other resources, podcasts, inductive Bible study methods, Christ-centered disciplines, etc.), but don’t forget character! David Guzik shares 8 important character traits that are important to being a good expository teacher, beyond the basic character described in 1 Timothy and Titus.1. Grace Filled2. Honest3. Secure4. Hard Working5. Bold6. Zealous7. Teachable8. SympatheticDavid Guzik is teaching pastor at Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara. His online commentary on the entire Bible at enduringword.com is a free, helpful resource for many pastors, teachers, and everyday Christians.Related Expostors Collective episodes:Richard Cimino: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/7/2/episode-54-learn-from-others-but-be-yourselfBrian Brodersen - Finding Your Own Voice: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/12/2/episode-77-finding-your-own-voiceCheryl Brodersen - https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/2/23/learning-from-spiritual-mothers-cheryl-brodersen
Feb 15, 2022 • 49min

Serving Without Sinking - John Hindley

John Hindley speaks about the importance of preparing the sermon, but just as importantly, preparing the preacher’s heart.  He also gives honest, open experiential advice about how to serve Christ and keep our joy in the midst of the challenging and sometimes gruelling ministry of regular preaching and teaching. In other words, how can we “serve without sinking” ?  Also we speak about cricket, hill-walking, and other quintessentially British topics!
Feb 8, 2022 • 37min

Bivocational Ministry and Lay Preachers - Sean Gilliam

Sean Gilliam serves as a lay preacher, Bible teacher and elder at White Fields Community Church in Longmont, Colorado, where he teaches Bible classes and occasionally fills the pulpit on Sunday mornings. In his career, Sean works full-time in real estate. Originally from the Chicago area, Sean studied at Eastern Illinois University and University of Illinois at Chicago, graduating with a Master of Social Work.  While working in this field for many years, Sean took some time off to go to South Africa to serve as a missionary to further pursue vocational/lay ministry.  While serving there, Sean earned a Layman’s Bible Certificate at Baptist Bible College of KwaZulu-Natal. Since returning to the United States and making his way to Colorado, Sean decided to become self-employed in real estate to give him the financial support and flexible schedule needed to dedicate more time to serve the Lord in His church.The Expositors Collective is a growing network of pastors, leaders, and laypeople which exists to equip, encourage, and mentor the next generation of Christ-centered preachers. We provide resources through our weekly podcast, our two-day intentional training seminars, and interactive webinars.Our next in-person Training Weekend for men and women of all ages will be at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on February 18-19, 2022. In this interactive seminar, attendees will meet in groups and build ongoing relationships.Costa Mesa, CA Training Weekend - February 18-19, 2022 / Register HereRecommended episodes: Bivocational Ministry and Time Management:   https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/12/28/bivocational-ministry-and-time-management-cody-kingNew Jersey Panel Discussion on Bivocational Ministry: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/1/17/episode-84-new-jersey-qampa-panelhttps://www.christianitytoday.com/karl-vaters/2017/december/new-normal-9-realities-trends-bivocational-ministry.htmlThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Feb 1, 2022 • 34min

Panel Discussion On Sermon Preparation

Dominic Done, David Guzik, Pilgrim Benham, John Geraci, Nick Cady and Pete Nelson take questions from attendees at our recent in-person training weekend in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Questions range from cultural analysis, pre-written notes, the limits and strengths of expository preaching and much more!  Resources mentioned: 8 hours or less : Ryan Huguely  https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/32332795-8-hours-or-lessRecommended Episodes Writing Faithful Sermons Faster - Ryan Huguely  https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/6/30/hfq2f42dmt74hqpkzrb1urhwx0rr38Sermon Prep takes Time, Work, and Prayer - Eric Cartier : Preaching, Faith and Deconstruction - Dominic Done : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/9/12/preaching-faith-amp-deconstruction-dominic-done
Jan 25, 2022 • 30min

Preaching Mercifully To Those Who Doubt - Dominic Done

In this session (recorded in Colorado Springs) Dominic Done speaks about the value of being understood by our hearers, many of whom struggle with doubt, skepticism or cynicism towards the church and the things of God. Dominic is speaking at our upcoming training event in Costa Mesa, California, find more details here: expositorscollective.com Dominic Done is a speaker and author of When Faith Fails: Finding God in the Shadow of Doubt. He is also Professor of Applied Theology at George Fox University, and a teacher at Westside A Jesus Church. He has a Master’s Degree in Theology from the University of Oxford and is currently working on his PhD at the University of Oxford with his supervisor Alister McGrath. He previously served as a pastor in North Carolina and Hawaii. He has also taught English for companies in Europe, lectured in theology and history at various Christian colleges, worked as a radio DJ, and lived as a missionary in Vanuatu and Mexico. Dominic is married to his wife, Elyssa, has a daughter named Amelia, and a fuzzy Goldendoodle, Bella. You can connect with Dominic on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @dominicdone. Recommended Resources: Pursuing Faith Podcast:  https://pursuingfaith.buzzsprout.com/ When Faith Fails Book: https://www.pursuingfaith.org/book Recommended Episodes: Preaching, Faith and Deconstruction (Dominic Done interview) : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/9/12/preaching-faith-amp-deconstruction-dominic-doneBobby Conway : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/7/24/dont-apologize-for-apologetics-dr-bobby-conwayGavin Ortlund :  https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/3/2/dying-on-the-right-hill-gavin-ortlundThomas Terry: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/1/2/preaching-through-a-crisisThe Expositors Collective is a growing network of pastors, leaders, and laypeople which exists to equip, encourage, and mentor the next generation of Christ-centered preachers. We provide resources through our weekly podcast, our two-day intentional training seminars, and interactive webinars.Our next in-person Training Weekend for men and women of all ages will be at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on February 18-19, 2022. In this interactive seminar, attendees will meet in groups and build ongoing relationships.Costa Mesa, CA Training Weekend - February 18-19, 2022 / Register HereThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jan 18, 2022 • 56min

Plagiarism, Coaching & Text Driven Preaching - Dr. David Allen

Dr David Allen has spent his life preaching God’s Word and equipping others to do the same. He speaks with Mike about the allure and danger of plagiarism for preachers, as well as the true meaning of Text-Driven preaching; how to highlight what a passage actually says and prioritizing the meaning of the passage in our preaching, as well as the vital significance of coaching for preachers.Dr. Allen serves as distinguished professor of preaching and George W. Truett Chair of Ministry in the School of Theology. He is also the director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching. Throughout his ministry, Dr. Allen has served as senior pastor in two churches and interim pastor in dozens of churches. He has also led over 500 revivals, Bible conferences, and given endowed lectures on preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theology Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has also served on the boards of several institutions.Dr. Allen has written numerous journal articles and contributed chapters in multi-author volumes. He is the author of several books and commentaries including, Hebrews, New American Commentary(B&H, 2010), Lukan Authorship of Hebrews (B&H Academic, 2010), 1–3 John: Fellowship in God’s Family, Preaching the Word (Crossway, 2013), The Extent of the Atonement: An Historical and Critical Review (B&H Academic, 2016) and The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ (B&H Academic, 2019). He is currently working on a commentary on Job in the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary Series (B&H Academic, forthcoming). He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, Evangelical Homiletics Society, and the Institute for Biblical Research.Dr. Allen was married to Sherri for 37 years, who died of cancer in 2015. They had four children and five grandchildren. God in his grace brought Kate into his life and they were married in October 2016.Recommended Episodes: Why you need to understand Biblical Genre - Kristie Anyabwile : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/10/23/why-you-need-to-understand-literary-genre-kristi-anyabwile Mentorship & Meaningful Feedback - Pilgrim Benham https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/6/25/episode-53-mentorship-amp-meaningful-feedbackFinding a Mentor, Being a Mentor Panel Discussion: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/2/5/episode-33-finding-a-mentor-being-a-mentorThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io

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