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Aug 2, 2022 • 53min

The Beauty and Power of Biblical Exposition with Douglas O'Donnell

Douglas Sean O'Donnell (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is the senior vice president of Bible editorial at Crossway. He is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including The Beginning and End of Wisdom; The Pastor's Book; The Song of Solomon and Matthew in the Preaching the Word commentary series; and Psalms in the Knowing the Bible series. He also contributed the Song of Solomon and Job to the ESV Expository Commentary. In this conversation he speaks with Mike about his upcoming book (co-written with Leeland Ryken) The Beauty and Power of Biblical Exposition: Preaching the Literary Artistry and Genres of the BibleHe believes that instead of just acknowledging the various genres of Scripture, pastors and teachers should allow these genres to influence how the text is approached and communicated. They also speak about poetry, finding the "melodic line" in scripture passages and the importance of pastoral investment in the lives of the congregation. Resources Mentioned:The Beauty and Power of Biblical Exposition https://www.crossway.org/books/the-beauty-and-power-of-biblical-exposition-tpb/ The Pastor's Book: https://www.crossway.org/books/the-pastors-book-case/ Literarily: How Understanding Bible Genres Transforms Bible Study  https://www.moodypublishers.com/literarily/Recommended Episodes:Why You Need to Understand Literary Genre - Kristi Anyabwile : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/10/23/why-you-need-to-understand-literary-genre-kristi-anyabwile Preaching Funerals - Nick Cady + Mike Neglia : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/4/7/episode-100-preaching-funerals How to Interpret and Apply the Bible - Cody King: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/11/2/how-to-interpret-and-apply-the-bible-cody-king Sermon Prep involves Time, Work and Prayer - Eric Cartier : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/12/7/sermon-prep-involves-time-work-and-prayer-eric-cartierJoin our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jul 26, 2022 • 34min

Dependence Upon the Holy Spirit with Brian Brodersen

We strive to be studious at our desks, lucid and clear in our communication and accurate in our exegesis; but without the empowering of the Holy Spirit our messages will be powerless and dry. Brian Brodersen shares about the vital necessity of dependency upon the Spirit in every aspect of sermon preparation and delivery. This was recorded in Costa Mesa, California at our most recent Expositors Collective training event. Our next in-person Training Weekend for men and women of all ages will be in Boise, Idaho on October 14-15, 2022 at Calvary Boise. In this interactive seminar, attendees will meet in groups and build ongoing relationships. Register at https://www.expositorscollective.com/  Brian was born and raised in Southern California. He became a Christian at age 22 and began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, pastored by Chuck Smith. He met his wife, Cheryl, the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith, at one of the church’s home group meetings. They were married on 23 May 1980.Brian spent the next 16 years doing pastoral ministry in Southern California and church planting throughout the US, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union.In 1996 the Brodersen family moved to London, England, to plant Calvary Chapel Westminster. They lived in south west London until 2000 when Brian returned to California to assist Pastor Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and to eventually assume the role of senior pastor.Today he serves as the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Brian is also the president of Calvary Chapel Bible College, the Calvary Global Network, and he is the Festival Director of Creation Fest UK.Keep up with Brian on the Back to Basics website: http://backtobasicsradio.comJoin our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jul 19, 2022 • 45min

Oral Clarity and Establishing Relevance by Rummaging through People's Lives with Don Sunukjian

Dr Don Sunukjian's lifelong love has been preaching, both as a pastor and a teacher. His passion is to see God's Word presented with accuracy, clarity, interest and relevance. With doctorates in theology and communication and 21 years as a senior pastor, he brings both scholarship and experience to his classroom  at Biola University where he serves as Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministry and Leadership.In this conversation he speaks with Mike Neglia about oral clarity and the importance of establishing relevance through vivid, real life examples. Dr Sunikjian has contributed to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Biblical Preaching, Bibliotheca Sacra, Walvoord: A Tribute and The Big Idea of Biblical Preaching. He has has conducted pastors' conferences in most metropolitan centers of the United States and maintains a regular preaching schedule.Recommended Resources: An Invitation To Biblical Preaching: https://www.kregel.com/preaching/invitation-to-biblical-preaching/ How Don Sunukjian Preaches:  https://homiletix.com/don-sunukjian-how-i-preach/ Biblical Sermons: https://bakerbookhouse.com/products/41270 Dr Uche Anizor - Overcoming Congregational Apathy : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2022/6/7/overcoming-congregational-apathy-uche-anizor Dr  Jeffrey Arthurs: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2022/5/3/fearing-god-more-than-fearing-people-jeffrey-arthursDr Gerald Bray: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/11/30/pastoral-preaching-brevity-and-john-chrysostom-gerald-brayJoin our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jul 12, 2022 • 52min

The Preaching Style Of Jesus with Jonathan Pennington

Jesus of Nazareth is the great Subject of our preaching and the Hero of our Sermons, but in what ways should Jesus be a role model in our preaching style and sermon construction? In this engaging conversation with Matthean scholar Dr Jonathan Pennington, Mike Neglia finds out in what ways the authoritative yet mysterious preaching of the Messiah is exemplary for contemporary expositors (and a few ways that He is NOT supposed to be our role-model). Dr Pennington also speaks about the Beatitudes, human flourishing and ways to structure a sermon series the encompasses the entire Sermon on the Mount (and a little bit about heavy metal!) Jonathan T. Pennington is currently Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (USA). He has also regularly served as a visiting professor at Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando), Southeastern Seminary, The Village Church Institute (Dallas), and The Institute of Biblical Studies in Orlando, FL as well as Morling College (Melbourne, Australia).He is also the Spiritual Formation Pastor at Sojourn East and regularly speaks and teaches in churches all over the country.He earned a B.A. in History as well as a Teaching Certificate from Northern Illinois University. He received the Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Chicago), where he also taught Greek for two years as a NT Fellow. During his time at TEDS he also served for five years as the Associate Pastor at the Evangelical Free Church of Mt. Morris in northern Illinois.He holds the PhD in New Testament Studies from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland (in St. Mary’s College), where he wrote a thesis entitled “Heaven and Earth in the Gospel of Matthew” under the supervision of Professors Richard Bauckham and Philip Esler. He attended St. Andrews as a Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar and while there he also served as a lecturer in Greek. Dr. Pennington is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, the Tyndale Fellowship (Cambridge), the Institute for Biblical Research, and the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. He has published a wide variety of books, articles, and Greek and Hebrew language tools. (For fuller information see the Publications pages.) He is the also the host and co-producer of the YouTube show Cars, Coffee, Theology. If you want to support Dr. Pennington's teaching and preaching ministry you can do so here -- https://www.humanflourishingministries.com/donate Resources Mentioned: 11 Part Sermon on the Mount Devotional lockdown series : https://www.jonathanpennington.com/preaching-and-speaking-resourcces Jesus the Great Philosopher: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/jesus-the-great-philosopher/403660 Small Preaching https://www.smallpreaching.com/ The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-sermon-on-the-mount-and-human-flourishing/349604 Recommended Episodes Dr Pennington’s earlier episode on Expositors Collective:  https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/8/10/the-first-and-last-minute-of-your-sermon-jonathan-pennington Daniel Fusco : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/8/24/daniel-fusco-tilling-the-soil Sam Allberry: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/9/21/embodied-preaching-sam-allberry The Expositors Collective is a growing network of pastors, leaders, and laypeople which exists to equip, encourage, and mentor the next generation of Christ-centered preachers. We provide resources through our weekly podcast, our two-day intentional training seminars, and interactive webinars.Our next in-person Training Weekend for men and women of all ages will be in Boise, Idaho on October 14-15, 2022 at Calvary Boise. In this interactive seminar, attendees will meet in groups and build ongoing relationships.Join our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jul 5, 2022 • 45min

Seeing Christ Responsibly In The Old Testament - Suzy Silk

Suzy Silk  a deep well of wisdom and thoughtfulness, particularly concerning the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, and we are excited for you to listen in on this conversation about the difference between clumsy and sloppy use of the OT to point towards Christ and a more careful, thoughtful and theocentric use of the first half of the Bible that leads us towards the Lord Jesus.  Suzy is a Teaching Pastor at Church of the City NYC, a diverse community, with an ambition to see the fame and deeds of God renewed in our time, and to practice a powerful faith that brings renewal to our relationships, workplaces, and neighborhoods. She received her MA in Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages from Jewish Theological Seminary in 2011, and is currently pursuing her Doctor of Hebrew Literature, with a focus in Bible. She is the co-author of Kingdom Vision and Kingdom Values, and the upcoming God You Long For (church.nyc/resources).Recommended Episodes:Suzy's previous interview on the Expositors Collective:  https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/11/24/following-the-spirit-suzy-silkJon Tyson:  https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/12/21/theology-that-cannot-be-dismissed-power-that-cannot-be-denied-jon-tyson John Starke: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/4/27/showing-gods-love-through-expository-preaching-john-starkeJoin our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jun 28, 2022 • 46min

Pastoral and Scholastic Earthiness - Frederick Dale Bruner

Frederick Dale Bruner is a theologian and author of several works, including "A Theology of the Holy Spirit," his multi-volumed commentaries on the Gospels of Matthew and John and most recently a shorter commentary on the Letter to the Romans (all published by Eerdmans) .  Dr Bruner has received degrees from Princeton and the University of Hamburg and brings his deep learning into every page that he writes and each Sunday School that he teaches. He discusses the difference between the giving and taking of classroom instruction and the pastoral proclamation of preaching, as well as his ongoing efforts towards fluency in Hebrew as he works on his upcoming book on Isaiah 53.  His writing is well-researched, historically informed,  and displays a genuine love for the church, and a heart-felt devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. This conversation includes additional contributions from his wife Kathy!  Recommended Resources:  LA Times biography on Dale and his son Michael: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-apr-13-me-bruners13-story.html  Matthew: https://www.eerdmans.com/Products/4507/matthew.aspx  John: https://www.eerdmans.com/Mobile/Products/6635/The-Gospel-of-John.aspx Romans: https://www.eerdmans.com/Mobile/Products/7943/The-Letter-to-the-Romans.aspx Join our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollective The Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jun 21, 2022 • 1h 4min

Preaching God's Grace to the Disgraced - Justin Holcomb

Dr Justin Holcomb speaks with Mike Neglia about his theological journey and ministry experience that began under the mentorship of Carl Dixon in Calvary Chapel Sarasota and he now finds himself as an Episcopal priest and theology and apologetics professor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Jun 14, 2022 • 39min

Answering Real Questions - Nick Cady

Nick Cady has some important insights for us in regards to listening to the changing voices and objections that are present in the world around us, and then answering those questions with the unchanging and truthful word of God. Nick and Mike speak about his new book “The God I won’t Believe in: Facing 9 Common Barriers for Embracing Christianity” as well as the research and the sermon series that led up it. Nick Cady is the lead pastor of White Fields Community Church in Longmont, Colorado.Prior to moving to Longmont in 2012, Nick spent 10 years as a missionary, pastor and church planter in Hungary working with Calvary Chapel. He holds a Bachelors degree in Theology from the University of Gloucestershire (UK) and a Masters degree in Integrative Theology from London School of Theology.Nick is on the steering committee of the Expositors Collective, a growing network of pastors, leaders, and laypeople which exists to equip, encourage, and mentor the next generation of Christ-centered preachers by hosting training seminars and providing resources, including a weekly podcast.He also serves with Calvary Global Network as a Local Connector and has developed Cultivate, a program to assess, train, and deploy new church planters and missionaries.You can keep up with Nick on Twitter at @nickcady, on Instagram at @cadynick, or by subscribing to the White Fields Church podcast.Recommended Resources: The God I Won’t Believe In: Facing Nine Common Barriers to Embracing Christianity:  https://www.amazon.com/God-Wont-Believe-Embracing-Christianity/dp/B09TF4LQ5B/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=Nick Cady on Preaching topical sermons: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/11/17/preaching-topical-sermons-nick-cady Nick Cady on how to write a compelling introduction: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/9/28/how-to-write-a-compelling-introduction-nick-cady Ian Clary on Evangelistic Preaching: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/9/21/preaching-evangelistic-sermons-ian-clary CGN Conference: https://conference.calvarychapel.com/ Expositors Collective Boise Idaho: https://expositorscollective.regfox.com/expositors-collective-boise Join our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
Jun 7, 2022 • 52min

Overcoming Congregational Apathy - Uche Anizor

Dr Uche Anizor speaks with Mike Neglia about two distinct categories of apathy that we as preachers need to contend with, first: the spiritual apathy of our own congregations, how can we awake our hearers out of their dullness and indifference with the truth and power of God’s Word? And the second, and more insidious form of apathy that we must overcome is far more personal: what about us!? What about the preachers ourselves - we who handle holy things with such regularity, and are prone to burn out and our own forms of apathy and dullness, what be done for us to stir up the godly characteristic of zeal, when we find ourselves in seasons of dullness or apathy. Dr Uche Anizor is a theologian who teaches a variety of courses in systematic and historical theology to undergraduate students at Talbot School of Theology in BIOLA. His books include How to Read Theology and Representing Christ. He is married to Melissa and they have three children. His most recent book is published by Crossway and is entitled “Overcoming Apathy -  Gospel Hope for Those Who Struggle to Care”  Our next in-person Training Weekend for men and women of all ages will be in Boise, Idaho on October 14-15, 2022 at Calvary Boise. In this interactive seminar, attendees will meet in groups and build ongoing relationships.Registration is now live on our website Expositorscollective.com  register early for discounted rates!Calvary Chapel CGN Pastors and Leaders International Conference  June 26-29th in Costa Mesa, California. A lot of previous guests on this show are either main-session speakers or workshop leaders including Ray Ortlund, Tim Chaddick, Dominic Done, Nick Cady, Amy Orr-Ewing and more.conference.calvarychapel.com Recommended Resources: Wesley Towne on mental health and suffering https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2021/6/22/every-hero-suffers-wesley-towne Better Days:  https://www.betterdaysfmly.co/ Jeffrey Arthurs : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2022/5/3/fearing-god-more-than-fearing-people-jeffrey-arthursJoin our private Facebook group to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExpositorsCollectiveThe Expositors Collective podcast is part of the GoodLion podcast network, for more thought provoking Christian podcasts visit https://goodlion.io
May 31, 2022 • 42min

Apologetics, Persuasion and Evangelism - Amy Orr-Ewing

In a time when some people are wondering if Christianity is TRUE, and many more are wondering if Christianity is GOOD, Dr Amy Orr-Ewing gives advice and encouragement to preachers to proclaim not only the accuracy but also the goodness of the gospel message. In this conversation with Mike Neglia she she shows how to interweave apologetic seams into weekly sermons, and how to insert apologetic themes and scenes into regular Bible teachings in ways that invite and persuade skeptics to enter into God's story.

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