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Almost Everything I've Learned About Teaching Band

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Feb 22, 2023 • 7min

Episode 226 - Tips For Teaching Flute

Have a question for the podcast? Need a presenter for professional development? Contact me here: or 719-238-4193.   Need a music program software management system? Check out   Get my FREE TRAINING, 7 Tips To Save 5 Hours This Week and Every Week   Subscribe in iTunes    Free Smooth Jazz Music   Multitude of links and resources here   Has the show benefited you? Would you consider a one time donation of any amount through Paypal (   Some resources you may be interested in…   The Science of Sound, 8 lessons that can be used in class or online. Students make instruments from objects in their home and learn about how sound works.    Check Out “Why Don’t They Teach That in School   My hope is that as a music teacher you are still performing! Whether you want to make some money performing or just need some other ideas on how to supplement your teaching income, here are 40 Ways To Make Money as a Musician   30 Days of Motivation
Feb 8, 2023 • 6min

Episode 225 - Tips For Teaching Brass

Have a question for the podcast? Need a presenter for professional development? Contact me here: or 719-238-4193.   Need a music program software management system? Check out   Get my FREE TRAINING, 7 Tips To Save 5 Hours This Week and Every Week   Subscribe in iTunes    Free Smooth Jazz Music   Multitude of links and resources here   Has the show benefited you? Would you consider a one time donation of any amount through Paypal (   Some resources you may be interested in…   The Science of Sound, 8 lessons that can be used in class or online. Students make instruments from objects in their home and learn about how sound works.    Check Out “Why Don’t They Teach That in School   My hope is that as a music teacher you are still performing! Whether you want to make some money performing or just need some other ideas on how to supplement your teaching income, here are 40 Ways To Make Money as a Musician   30 Days of Motivation
Jan 25, 2023 • 4min

Episode 224 - Tips For Teaching Oboe and Bassoon

Have a question for the podcast? Need a presenter for professional development? Contact me here: or 719-238-4193.   Need a music program software management system? Check out   Get my FREE TRAINING, 7 Tips To Save 5 Hours This Week and Every Week   Subscribe in iTunes    Free Smooth Jazz Music   Multitude of links and resources here   Has the show benefited you? Would you consider a one time donation of any amount through Paypal (   Some resources you may be interested in…   The Science of Sound, 8 lessons that can be used in class or online. Students make instruments from objects in their home and learn about how sound works.    Check Out “Why Don’t They Teach That in School   My hope is that as a music teacher you are still performing! Whether you want to make some money performing or just need some other ideas on how to supplement your teaching income, here are 40 Ways To Make Money as a Musician   30 Days of Motivation
Jan 11, 2023 • 43min

Episode 223 - Interview with Adrian Gordon, Author of Note To Self

Join me as I interview music educator and author Adrian Gordon.   Adrian is the author of “Note To Self: A Music Director’s Guide for Transitioning to a New School and Building a Thriving Music Program. Order the book and find out more about Adrian at    He and I had a great time discussing the issues transitioning directors face. His book is full of practical wisdom you can incorporate today.   Need a music program software management system? Check out   Have a question for the podcast? Need a presenter for professional development? Contact me here: or 719-238-4193.   Get my FREE TRAINING, 7 Tips To Save 5 Hours This Week and Every Week   Subscribe in iTunes    Free Smooth Jazz Music   Multitude of links and resources here   Has the show benefited you? Would you consider a one time donation of any amount through Paypal (   Some resources you may be interested in…   The Science of Sound, 8 lessons that can be used in class or online. Students make instruments from objects in their home and learn about how sound works.    Check Out “Why Don’t They Teach That in School   My hope is that as a music teacher you are still performing! Whether you want to make some money performing or just need some other ideas on how to supplement your teaching income, here are 40 Ways To Make Money as a Musician   30 Days of Motivation
Dec 14, 2022 • 7min

Episode 222 - Choosing Quality Wind Literature Here are a few things I have learned about selecting music for wind band… Ability Level of the Ensemble You Direct:  A piece of music may be the greatest creation ever made, but if it is too difficult for the students to play, they will become discouraged. I often made the mistake of selecting literature that was too difficult in the early years of my career. Does this mean that there should never be a piece in the folder that is beyond students’ reach? No, there should always be something that we are looking at that would be a stretch for our group. Musicians have never “arrived.” We are always working and striving for better things. My students still say things like “This is too easy.” I have learned to explain to them that – yes, their individual part is easy, and each person may feel that way about their part, but when we put it all together it isn’t musical yet. It’s hard to make music when one is struggling with the technique. There is good quality music available at all levels. At some levels it will take more digging to find the quality stuff, but it’s there. You might use a resource like the Teaching Music Through Performance series. Instrumentation:  This is a difficult one. If you don’t have an oboe/English horn player, it will be difficult to do a piece like Russian Christmas Music. It can be done – and as a professional sax player I have played the oboe and English horn cues in that song – but it just isn’t the same. Likewise if you have no trumpet players or few low brass players, there are simply some things you cannot perform.  I want to thank one of my mentors, Joe Brice, for helping me in my teaching in this area. He came to clinic my band and said “You need another tuba.” Of course I agreed but stated that I couldn’t do anything. Joe answered with a detailed, thoughtful answer that represented his 50+ years of experience. He said, “Did you ask anybody?” At that point I wanted to slap my head in a big “Duh; why didn’t I think of that” moment. I asked and got three students to switch over.  My point is that – although instrumentation (or lack of it) can be difficult, we really need to take a long term approach to it. Ask your students if anyone wants to switch, especially if – like me – you have a ton of flute players and less of others. Some of those who switch will become awesome; some of them will go back to their original instrument. That’s ok! Explain to the students why it is important that some of them switch for the good of the band. Coaches have no problem with this. Everybody on the soccer team wants to play forward and score goals, but that would leave the team defenseless. Rehearsal Time:  We are involved in the field of music education. Sometimes I think we forget that…I know I have…especially as we rush to prepare for a concert, festival or competition. A director of a professional symphony may be able to prepare difficult pieces with just 2-3 rehearsals. However, our job is not only directing, but educating. As I have gained more experience, I have realized that the educating part of the job is much more important and has more lasting effects.  I think it is better to do one or two high quality pieces and play them extremely well than to perform 4-5 pieces and not have really learned anything in the process. It is important to dig deep into the music, the history and even some analysis of the songs being performed. So often we are so busy with the need to get through the music that we forget to instruct students about the music. I purposefully took one of my school’s performances out of the yearly line-up to give us more time to rehearse. I purposefully say no to a lot of opportunities presented to us because I don’t want the feeling of just getting through the music. Select Quality Literature:  Now we arrive at probably the greatest challenge in selecting music. How do we define quality? For me, the definition has changed a lot over the course of my teaching. There are many pieces I regret having wasted money on in my early years of teaching. I know quality when I hear it, but I don’t always recognize lack of quality (if that even makes sense). There is quality literature at every level. There is junk at every level. Here is my definition of quality music… Quality music moves me emotionally. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable, not a cover your ears and run out of the room uncomfortable, but uncomfortable in the sense that my thinking is challenged. It is expressive. It is melodic. Although it may contain repeating motifs, it is not the same two measure repeating motif for 120 measures. Now do you feel qualified to determine whether music is of quality or not? Me neither. We need something more. Frank Battisti in his book The Winds of Change says that many directors have stopped attending concerts and listening and studying great music. We must expose ourselves to great music so we can know when we hear it. Battisti likens it to a wine connoisseur whose tastes improve as he becomes exposed to more wine. I liken it to a little kid who thinks a fast food burger is the greatest thing on earth, until she matures and realizes that there are burgers ten times better than the fast food variety. 
Dec 7, 2022 • 4min

Episode 221 - Tube Socks, Giants, and a Teacher's Trust Have you ever had a teacher say or do something that had a huge impact on you for your entire life? I have had many of these opportunities.   Some teachers affect you in a negative way. I’ve had my share of those. Most of my teachers had huge, positive impacts on my life. My seventh grade band teacher was one of them.   I went to a rough school in seventh grade. Remember tube socks from the 70s? On the last day of school, it was not unusual to have some of the teens in the neighborhood surround the school bus - tube socks in hand - but with the addition of a large rock in the bottom of the tube sock. These teens would swing their rock-filled tube socks with the expertise of David swinging his slingshot at Goliath - except instead of using their rock to slay evil, they were intent on causing evil by smashing the windows of the school bus. I was a terrified 13 year old about to wet my pants.   Within the school I felt very safe. We were kept safe by a group of three security guards who were very tall - they seemed like Goliath to me in the heights they reached - and well-muscled - but the friendliest giants you ever knew! They made me feel safe. They developed relationships with students. I had my share of getting in trouble in seventh grade, but these giants loved me all the did my band teacher.   The band teacher played saxophone like me. I can still see his face. I remember his encouragement as I learned saxophone for the first time. I remember his praise - his gentleness - his push for high standards - not just musically but morally too. I even remember when he lost his temper at the drummers one day, flung his conductor’s baton at them, only to have it bounce off the bass drum and come back and hit him in the head. We all had a good laugh, including him. I can’t for the life of me remember his name.   One day we were taking a trip to a local music festival where we would perform, receive feedback, and listen to others perform. Those of you who took band may remember this event as Large Group Festival. As our teacher prepared us, he reminded us that we were stopping for lunch and we should bring some money. He informed us that if we forgot our money, he would be glad to loan us some, but we would have to repay it. Then he said something I’ve remembered my whole life…”And if you don’t pay me back, that’s ok. It’s worth a couple of dollars for me to find out I can’t trust you.”   That teacher’s trust meant a lot to me - and it taught me an important lesson. Trust everyone unless they show you they can’t be trusted. Thank you Mister!
Nov 30, 2022 • 4min

Episode 220 - 4 Tips to Being a Better Band Director Using the Acronym BAND

There are four key areas that – if you focus on these and make them a priority – they can help you be a better band director. None of them have anything to do with music, but the word “BAND” does fall nicely into place to help you remember them.   B-Bread   Watch what you eat! When life gets busy, it can be very easy to grab something to go. I once was 30 pounds heavier than I am right now, all due to poor eating choices and failure to plan. Plan ahead what you are going to eat. Buy some healthy snacks. Keep them in a fridge at work, in your glove compartment, wherever. Pack a healthy lunch. Watch the pizza. I once ate 8 slices at a football game and regretted it for the next day and a half. I could do that when I was 18, but I’m in my 40s now.   A-Activity   Move your body. Exercise is important, not only to your physical self, but your emotional and mental health too. Pick something you like. Jogging, hiking, swimming, biking, walking. Put more ing in your life. You should strive for a minimum of 20-30 minutes 4-5x a week. It will lengthen your career and leave you feeling like you have more energy. Warning: When I was 30 pounds heavier and first embarked on exercising and eating better, I initially felt worse. This is normal.   N-Night   Get plenty of sleep. The amount is different for each person. I need 7 hours a night, so I try to make sure I get that at least 6 nights a week. Try napping. The floor of my office becomes a 10 minute nap area during marching season. Students have posted hundreds of pictures of me sleeping on the bus on a trip.   D-Diversion   Have a life outside of band. I heard of a band director who does not allow himself to read anything unless it is something that will help his band. I think this is unhealthy. Take up a hobby. It might even be music related, but not be something you need to do for a living. I had to quit giving lessons for the most part because I felt like my day was never ending, but I perform, record and compose simply because I like to and it’s an outlet for me. I also hike, bike and meet with friends (and spend time with my family of course).   When life gets off track and you’re not sure what to do, think B.A.N.D.
Nov 18, 2022 • 38min

Episode 219 - Interview with Baton Sync Creators Jennifer and Kris Antonetti

Have you ever looked into a software management system for your band, one that can help you track inventory, budgets, uniforms, finances, lockers, ensemble lists and more? If so, you know how expensive it can be. Husband and wife team Jennifer (band teacher) and Kris (software developer) have joined forces to create an inexpensive solution for you. Their Baton Sync software is just $20 per month (that's total, not per student). And it's been tested with Jennifer's bands. Get a free trial and find out more at
Oct 19, 2022 • 4min

Episode 218 Focus on the Positive

This episode is sponsored by Adulting 101: Why Don’t They Teach That in School? Get free lessons and find out more at   Get my FREE TRAINING, 7 Tips To Save 5 Hours This Week and Every Week   Have a question for the podcast? Need a presenter for professional development? Contact me here: or 719-238-4193.   Subscribe in iTunes    Free Smooth Jazz Music   Multitude of links and resources here   Has the show benefited you? Would you consider a one time donation of any amount through Paypal (   Some resources you may be interested in…   The Science of Sound, 8 lessons that can be used in class or online. Students make instruments from objects in their home and learn about how sound works.    Check Out “Why Don’t They Teach That in School   My hope is that as a music teacher you are still performing! Whether you want to make some money performing or just need some other ideas on how to supplement your teaching income, here are 40 Ways To Make Money as a Musician   30 Days of Motivation
Oct 5, 2022 • 7min

Episode 217 How Do You Define Excellence

This episode is sponsored by Adulting 101: Why Don’t They Teach That in School? Get free lessons and find out more at   Get my FREE TRAINING, 7 Tips To Save 5 Hours This Week and Every Week   Have a question for the podcast? Need a presenter for professional development? Contact me here: or 719-238-4193.   Subscribe in iTunes    Free Smooth Jazz Music   Multitude of links and resources here   Has the show benefited you? Would you consider a one time donation of any amount through Paypal (   Some resources you may be interested in…   The Science of Sound, 8 lessons that can be used in class or online. Students make instruments from objects in their home and learn about how sound works.    Check Out “Why Don’t They Teach That in School   My hope is that as a music teacher you are still performing! Whether you want to make some money performing or just need some other ideas on how to supplement your teaching income, here are 40 Ways To Make Money as a Musician   30 Days of Motivation

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