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Pacey Performance Podcast

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May 23, 2019 • 52min

Embracing chaos and making better decisions in the rehabilitation process with Jarrod Wade (Head of Performance at South Sydney Rabbitohs)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Performance at South Sydney Rabbitohs, Jarrod Wade. Jarrod has recently been promoted to Head of Performance at the Rabbitohs so it was a great time for me to grab him and get him on the podcast. Because of his vast experience in the rehabilitation of athletes, the focus of this episode was around that, including programme design and injury risk reduction. If you enjoyed this episode you may enjoy episodes with Jarrod, you may enjoy these with Matt Taberner, Hamstring Masterclass and Enda King. I hope you enjoy this episode with Jarrod Wade. Who is Jarrod Wade (education, background, current role) Rehabilitation Clarity of aims Use of technology Matching game demands Programme design Building chaos into programmes Using sports science to do more, not less Are/have we set ourselves up for a fall? Building buy in to the rehab process Gaining trust as rehab specialist - confidence Decision making and perception 'Injury prevention' Identifying risk factors Testing & monitoring Daily/weekly interventions Practice evaluation - Are these working? Jarrod can be found on Twitter @wadey142 Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
May 14, 2019 • 1h 8min

How can the industry do better to create more 'job-ready' graduate coaches with Steve Ingham (Performance Consultant and Director of Supporting Champions)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Performance Consultant and Director of Supporting Champions, Steve Ingham. Steve has been on the hit list for some time after I have been reading his blog and keeping an eye on what his business, Supporting Champions are doing. He recently announced a webinar series to try and bridge the gap between education and work which I think is amazing idea. This focus on the emerging practitioner was the focus of half this conversation with Steve while the other half was focused on leadership and effective communication. Hope you enjoy this episode with Steve Ingham. Who is Steve Ingham (background, education and current role) State of the industry Where are we heading? A letter to the 15,000 Universities What they are doing well? What can be improved? Things you're not taught Student expectations? Effective leadership Developing effective communication Jobs Interviews CV's & cover letters Steve can be found on Twitter @ingham_steve and Supporting Champions can be found on Twitter @support_champs Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
May 9, 2019 • 56min

Working as a strength & conditioning coach in a foreign country with Dave Howarth (Head of Athletic Development at Connacht Rugby)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Athletic Performance at Connacht Rugby, Dave Howarth. This podcast sees me speaking to a member of staff from a third Irish provincial team after Adam Sheehan and Aled Walters appeared from Munster and Joe McGinley and Peter Tierney appeared from Leinster. Dave has a really interesting background having moved from Australia to the US, working for Sparta Science and onto the Oklahoma City Thunders in the NBA. From there, Dave moved over to Ireland to work with Connacht Rugby so naturally we spoke about that journey and how working in the NBA has affected his practice in Pro14 rugby. If you enjoyed this episode you may enjoy episodes with Nic Gill, Tom Batchelor & Nick Winkelman. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dave Howarth. Who is Dave Howarth (education, background, current role) Transition from Australia to the US to Ireland Difficult decisions Moving from a commercial environment with Sparta to working direct with a team Cultural differences Adapting to those changes Monitoring systems What you have decided to invest in and what you haven't Implementation and differences across countries and sports Dealing with different budget constraints Cultural differences Building a culture in different countries Staff relationships up the chain Information sharing Managing staff - Keeping them happy Dave can be found on Twitter @dave_h165 Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
May 2, 2019 • 56min

Lessons learnt from working as a sports scientist in the NFL and MLB with Dave Regan (Former Sports Science Coordinator at the Miami Dolphins and Performance Consultant)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Former Sports Science Coordinator at Miami Dophins & NY Mets, and Performance Consultant, Dave Regan. Dave was introduced to me by Jo Clubb who is at the Buffalo Bills after I asked her who I should speak to about working in the NFL. Dave spent 4 years with the Dophins and 1 year with the Mets so has a great understanding of both sport but is not currently employed in either sport so was able to really lift the lid on what its like to work in them environments. I absolutely loved this chat with Dave that was not only very informative but extremely entertaining! Hope you enjoy this episode with Dave Regan. Who is Dave Regan (background, education and current role) Miami Dolphins What did the programme look like when you arrived and how did that change? Effect of organisational leadership and how that effected practice Technology How did the inclusion of wearable tech affect your practice? Compliance NY Mets Strength and conditioning Compliance What did training look like? Influence of data on programme Sports science Data collected Influence of different departments Involvement in scouting/recruitment Industry perspectives Where is US sport heading? Would you do anything differently? Setting in to the US as an Aussie Dave can be contacted via email at Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
Apr 25, 2019 • 46min

Developing the most influential apps in sports science and what's next with Carlos Balsalobre (Lecturer at UAM Madrid and App Developer)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and App Developer, Carlos Balsalobre. Pretty much everyone in the world of sports science and strength and conditioning will know Carlos' work whether that be MyJump, Runmatic or MyLift. His work has brought testing and monitoring to the masses through his innovative apps, allowing people who previously used unreliable, time consuming methods to use something that 99.9% of people have in 2019, a smart phone. This conversation with Carlos highlights to unbelievable work which goes on in the field by people who see a problem and create a solution. I hope you enjoy this episode with Carlos Balsalobre. Who is Carlos Balsalobre (education, background, current role) Apps The reason behind these developments? Where they fit into practice? How you use them with your athletes? The future App and wearable tech Past, present and future Big player involvement - Apple etc Integration of tech into clothing Challenges as an applied sports scientist in Spain Linked to Lorena Torres and Yann Le Meur's recent article Carlos can be found on Twitter @cbalsalobre This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu. This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness. This episode is also sponsored by the team at Notre Dame University and Australian Catholic University who are excited to host their second annual Human Performance Summit. If you want more information on the event, see the image below, visit their information page or follow them on Twitter @UND_HPS Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
Apr 18, 2019 • 57min

Training load monitoring in rugby union and managing player workloads in-season with Tom Batchelor (Lead Sports Scientist and Conditioning Coach at Harlequins Rugby)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Lead Sports Scientist and Conditioning Coach at Harlequins Rugby, Tom Batchelor. I was lucky enough to meet Tom a few weeks ago when I was hosting a panel discussion at the Kitman Labs Performance Summit. I have known of Tom for a while due to his link with Catapult but it was great to get him on the podcast for a really good chat around his work at Harlequins. If you enjoyed this episode, maybe you will enjoy these episodes with Nic Gill, Craig Twentyman and Keir Wenham-Flatt. Hope you enjoy this episode with Tom Batchelor. Training load What questions are you wanting to answer? What’s collected and how?  What has been added and what has been removed? Are you combining what goes on in the gym with what goes on on the field? Coaches What questions do they want answering? What input do they have? How is information visualised for coaches Managjng players in season Readiness/wellness? What data is being collected? At what point does a reduction in load occur? Tom Batchelor can be found on Twitter @BatchelorTom This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu. This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is also sponsored by St Mary's University. St Mary's is widely recognised as an international leader in strength and conditioning education. St Mary's University can be found on Twitter @yourstmarys. Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
Apr 11, 2019 • 59min

Working with the countries most promising young football players at Arsenal academy with Paudie Roche (Academy Strength & Conditioning Coach at Arsenal Football Club)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Academy Strength & Conditioning Coach at Arsenal Football Club, Paudie Roche.  Unlike other part 2's I have done in the past, this one with Paudie comes only weeks after part 1 because of the response we both had on the back of that. This part 2 is a little different, however. Paudie was kind enough to put a tweet out and ask for questions which listeners wanted answering, so this episode is a Q&A based on listener questions. I hope you enjoy this episode with Paudie Roche. Who is Paudie Roche (education, background, current role) S&C in foundation phase (Culture Coach) Role of play Exposure to different sports Olympic lifting and its role at Arsenal (Luke Jenkinson) Programming Progressions and regressions Time investment Individualisation training (Lassi Laakso) Are we slowing down progress by individualising too much? Speed training at Arsenal academy (Neil Scanlon) Structure Focus Planning and programming Velocity based training (Ben Sayers) Thoughts on VBT Do you use it? If not, why not Internal and external load monitoring at Arsenal academy (Conor Cantwell) Biggest challenges faced as a newly qualified S&C coach (Jordan Fentiman) Paudie can be found on Twitter @coach_roche_ Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
Apr 4, 2019 • 1h 3min

Force vector myth, coaching weightlifting with athletes and spotting movement errors with Dan Cleather (Programme Leader for the MSc in S&C at St Mary's University)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Programme Leader for the MSc in Strength & Conditioning at St Mary's University, Dan Cleather. Over the last 12 months, Dan has been creating a bit of a stir on Twitter with his view on a few topics. These comments have created some excellent and insightful discussion involving some of the best minds in the industry. With that in mind and given I know Dan personally from my time at St Mary's, it made complete sense to get him on the podcast to have a good chat. If you enjoyed this episode, maybe you will enjoy this episode with Franco Impellizzeri. Hope you enjoy this episode with Dan Cleather. Who is Dan Cleather (background, education and current role) Coaching  Ankle range in the squat and why its rarely a factor Long legs, short body and visa versa - how we coach them differently Spotting and correcting technical errors Why coaches can spot errors but not correct them Coaches not coaching enough? Force Force velocity myth Implications for velocity based training Force vector theory Force 'absorption'? Weightlifting Teaching time Common coaching errors/misconceptions A shift towards derivatives and/or alternatives Dan Cleather can be found on Twitter @dr_jump_uk Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting Enjoy PP
Mar 28, 2019 • 51min

The control-choas continuum; the process, weekly structures, and injury specificity with Matt Taberner (Head of Rehabilitation at Everton Football Club)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Rehabilitation at Everton Football Club, Matt Taberner.  18 months after the part 1 with Matt, we are on for a part 2. This episode is based around the Control-Chaos Continuum which Matt speaks about in his recent publication in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Matt is on fire at the minute with the publications which are part of his professional doctorate so if you haven't checked them out, make sure you I hope you enjoy this episode with Matt Taberner. Who is Matt Taberner (education, background, current role) Challenges to balance research and practice in rehab Origins of control-chaos continuum – from the original BJSM case study Constraints upon movement variability linking control to chaos Control-chaos continuum – the process, weekly structures, individual and injury specific Matt can be found on Twitter @matttaberner Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visit Enjoy PP
Mar 21, 2019 • 58min

The acute chronic workload ratio; magic cut offs and questionable metrics with Franco Impellizzeri (Professor of Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine at UTS)

In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Professor of Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine, Franco Impellizzeri. I am absolutely delighted to welcome Franco Impellizzeri to the podcast. Anyone who has read any research into soccer, sRPE or training load over the last 20 years will know of Franco's work and after a 10 year spell out of sports science, he is firmly back in the game. In this episode Franco challenges many dogmas such as training load management for injury prevention, acute chronic workload ratio and periodisation. If you enjoyed this episode, maybe you will enjoy these with Aaron Coutts and Hugh Fullagar. Hope you enjoy this episode with Franco Impellizzeri. Who is Franco Impellizzeri (background, education and current role) Where is sports science at? Research Practice A history lesson Training load for injury prevention ACWR Why the popularity Where from here? Internal and external loads - 15 years on 'Magic cut offs and questionable metrics' Franco Impellizzeri can be found on Twitter @francoimpell Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting below. Enjoy PP

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