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The ProfNoctis Weekly Show

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Oct 28, 2024 • 1h 36min

How BltzZ Became a Master of Combat and Community | ProfNoctis Show Ep. 19

Join us this week as we welcome the content and combat master,  @BltzZ ! First, we learn all about the origins of his name, how video games were a part of growing up, and some of the lessons he's learned along the way. (00:01:02). Next, we expand our minds and get to know each other better in our Mini Game Stretch Break. Finally, we finalize the fantasy in the final part of our discussion as we explore all the fantasy, rebirth our love for the fantasy, and our final thoughts 00:41:40. Big shoutout to that commenter who always says Kupos in the comments, I see you and I appreciate you.#ff7r #ff7rebirth #ff7 --------------------------------------------00:00:00 -- Intro00:01:02 -- BltzZ's Origins00:35:11 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break00:41:40 -- FF7R Relationships and Combat--------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Oct 21, 2024 • 2h 1min

How FF7R Makes (and Breaks) Us with Droogle and Shoop | ProfNoctis Show Ep. 18

Join us for an incredible episode as we welcome the dynamic duo,  @Droogle   and Shoop (! In Part 1, we dive deep into their journey through content creation, their passion for Final Fantasy, and even how they met (00:01:24-00:41:45)! Next, we soar to new heights in our Mini Game Stretch Break (00:41:45-00:49:17). Finally, in Part 2, we explore their thoughts on game development, fan interaction, and their in-depth analysis of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, uncovering where they think the saga is headed (00:49:17-01:59:54).00:00:00 -- Intro00:01:24 -- How Droogle and Shoop Met00:41:45 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break00:49:17 -- FF7 Rebirth's Moments that Broke Us #ff7r #ff7rebirth Droogle on Twitch ( )Shoop on Twitch! ( )-------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: by Anthony Bean
Oct 14, 2024 • 2h 2min

Deciphering Sephiroth's Plan in FF7 Rebirth with Sleepezi | ProfNoctis Show Ep. 17

Join us this week for our fantastic and fun interview with prolific Final Fantasy VII video essayist  @Sleepezi ! (00:01:24 - 00:54:23) We learn what drives him to make the types of videos and essays that he does, why and how he processes video games and movies, and his history with video games and film. You don't want to miss this week's mini-game stretch break-- it's a show first! (00:54:23 - 01:01:36). (We'll let you find out for yourself). Finally, we dive into the depths of his brilliant mind for thoughts and experience with Rebirth, unpacking the core of Sephiroth's plans (01:01:36 - 02:01:07).00:01:24 -- The Origin of Sleepezi00:54:23 -- Mini game stretch break (HUGE W!)01:01:36 -- Sephiroth, Memory, and Suffering in FF7R#FF7R #FinalFantasy7 #FF7Rebirth -------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Oct 7, 2024 • 1h 27min

How FF7 Can Save a Person, with Lully Jo | ProfNoctis Show Ep. 16

Join us for another episode of the Prof Noctis Show where we are joined by the amazing  @LullyJo ! Find out how Final Fantasy VII helped her find herself and her subsequent journey into content creation and reaction streaming (00:01:05-00:41:32). Next, we have a blast in our mini-game stretch break (00:41:32-00:50:07) and finally discuss her thoughts on the remake trilogy, especially her impressions of Rebirth (00:50:07-01:26:13).#ff7r #ff7rebirth #finalfantasy7 #ff7rebirth 0:00 -- Intro00:01:05 -- How FF7 Personally Impacted Lully Jo00:41:32 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break00:50:07 -- Lully's Hopes and Fears for Rebirth-------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Sep 30, 2024 • 2h 27min

FF7R and Quantum Mechanics w/ Jesse Cox | ProfNoctis Show Ep.15

This week we are joined by the spectacular Jesse Cox ( @jessecox )! Learn a little about his history as a teacher (00:01:03-00:23:31), his memories and experiences with John "Total Biscuit" Bane (00:23:31-00:29:31), and his work with the "Monster Prom" series (00:29:31-00:39:32). Then, Jesse shares some advice from his experience with content creation (00:39:32-01:00:02). Next, we have a catastrophe in our Mini Game Stretch Break as the Bingo Wheel of Vulnerability launched the chosen number into another dimension and Evan had to go find it (01:00:02-01:09:58). Finally, we dive into the ins and outs of his experience with the Final Fantasy series and his thoughts on Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, including a wild diversion into Quantum Mechanics (01:09:58-02:25:48). Enjoy!00:00:00 — Intro00:01:03 — Jesse Cox’s History00:23:31 — Remembering “Total Biscuit”00:29:31 — Monster Prom00:39:32 — Jesse’s Content Creation Journey Advice01:00:02 — Mini-Game Stretch Break01:09:58 — Reflections on FF7R +( Quantum Theories?!)-------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion!*CLASS SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDIT*_As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.__Playstation 5 Console:_ Fantasy VII Rebirth_ for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & Destress_Created by Anthony Bean
Sep 23, 2024 • 2h 1min

Does FF7 Rebirth Mess with our Memories Too Much?" featuring FinalFanTV | ProfNoctis Show Ep. 14

Join us this week as we welcome the one and only  @FinalFanTV , AKA the Warrior of Hype! Daniel brings the hype as we learn about his history with video games and the Final Fantasy franchise, as well as how he got started with his channel (00:01:16- 00:49:06). Next, you don't want to miss one of our most energetic Mini Game Stretch Breaks so far (00:49:06-00:59:39). Finally, we get into his thoughts and theories on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the goals it reaches for, and whether it accomplishes them as he predicts where we could be headed in part 3 (00:59:39-01:59:48).#ff7 #ff7r #ff7rebirth #ffvii -------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Sep 16, 2024 • 2h 5min

Night Sky Prince Interview on Final Fantasy VII Remake's Privilege and Burden | Episode 13

Join us this week for a fantastic interview with popular content creator Ryan aka  @TheNightSkyPrince . First, we learn about his journey to content creation and about how his Emo phase almost took him down another path (00:01:27-00:32:11).  Find out about what special items from video games we would love to have to deal with our real life problems in our Mini Game Stretch Break (00:32:11-00:39:46). As we return to the interview (00:39:46-02:03:46) we get to hear all about his love for Final Fantasy X, his unique perspective on some of the direction for the Remake trilogy, and even a little workout advice from Ryan and Wade at the end. 0:00:00 -- Intro00:01:27 -- The Beginnings of Night Sky Prince00:32:11 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break00:39:46 -- The Privilege and Burden of Final Fantasy and Humanity#ff7 #ff7remake #ff7rebirth #Finalfantasyvii -------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Sep 9, 2024 • 1h 43min

Breaking down Cloud's Breakdown with Bio-Roxas | Prof Noctis Weekly Show Episode 12

It's all about Psychology! On this week's episode of the Prof Noctis Show we learn all about  @BioRoxas , a vtuber and popular Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts creator! Learn all about how Bio got his start, what a vtuber is, and how his mental health counseling background informs his perspective on games (00:01:27-00:26:57).  During our Mini Game Stretch Break, we get to know each other a little better (00:26:57-00:36:07). And finally, we go even deeper on the psychology of different Final Fantasy characters and break down their experiences, wondering how their past informs their choices, and how the Lifestream sequence in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will ultimately play out (00:36:07-01:41:36).00:00:00 -- Intro00:01:27 -- Bio-Roxas Origin Story00:26:57 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break00:36:07 -- Psychology, Memories, and the Lifestream#ff7r #ff7rebirth #ff7#ff7 #ff7r #ff7rebirth -------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Sep 2, 2024 • 1h 17min

Making More Sense of FF7 Rebirth with SchrodingersBabySeal | ProfNoctis Show Ep.11

#ff7r #ff7rebirth #ff7#ff7 #ff7r #ff7rebirth It's finally here! Part 2 of our interview with Schrodinger's Baby Seal (Clarke) kicks off with a recap of his theories on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 00:00:00-00:23:04. Learn about everyone's advanced problem solving skills as it relates to our own television show ideas as we get to know one another better in our Mini Game Stretch Break 00:23:04-00:34:18. We wrap up the episode with more life and Final Fantasy discussions and you can learn a little about Clarke's family's history with cat breeding and how it relates to the multiple world theory for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 00:34:18-01:16:37.00:00:00 -- Intro00:01:09 -- Theories about FF7 Rebirth00:23:04 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break00:34:18 -- The Multiple Meanings of FF7-------------------------------------------------Want to listen to the ProfNoctis Show on-the-go? Check out our audio-only version wherever you get your podcasts! Apple: episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean
Aug 26, 2024 • 57min

Making Sense of FF7 Rebirth w/ SchrodingersBabySeal | ProfNoctis Show Ep. 10

As we kick off the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Lecture Series (a week early!), we interview  @schrodingersbabyseal (Clarke), an inspired Final Fantasy content creator and maven of the Final Fantasy fandom, in a conversation SO EPIC that it needed TWO EPISODES! In the first part, Clarke describes how he became a FF7 fan and considers the games lasting importance (00:01:15-00:19:18). Then, we invite him to join in for a REVEALING Mini Game Stretch Break (00:19:18-00:26:02) before we get into theories (00:26:02-00:56:33)!Please note, there are spoilers for FF7 Rebirth in this video!Also, be sure to check out our brand new intro music composed by the wildly talented  @Huskybythegeek ! Send him all the love for this absolute banger of a song.0:00 -- Intro01:15 -- SchrodingersBabySeal's History with FF719:18 -- Mini-Game Stretch Break26:02 -- Making Sense of FF7 Rebirth-------------------------------------------------New episodes of the ProfNoctis Weekly Show release every Monday! out my Livestream! my Discord for even more discussion! SUPPLIES and EXTRA CREDITAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Playstation 5 Console: Fantasy VII Rebirth for PS5: Therapy Card Deck for Clients and Therapists: 87 Practices to Improve Thoughts, Build Insight, Take Action in Your Life, & DestressCreated by Anthony Bean

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