"Dear Humanity," a Lovecast with Laura Dawn cover image

"Dear Humanity," a Lovecast with Laura Dawn

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Feb 3, 2021 • 1h 24min

Iboga Initiations with Tricia Eastman - 9

Tricia Eastman is an Iboga facilitator who has supported over 1600 people's journey with this powerful plant medicine. Tricia shares how she found herself face-to-face with the Bwiti tribe in Gabon and how she was initiated into three different lineages and given permission to carry and serve this potent medicine. In this mind-expanding episode, Tricia describes some of the bizarre practices of the Bwiti lineage from "pygme paste", to genies, to mermaid deities. She describes what a “Nema” is, what “Mabundo” means, and the interesting use of an “Akume Torch.”We talk about how Iboga is becoming endangered, how we can support organizations like "Blessings of the Forest" which are engaged in sustainable growing practices, reciprocity, and Tricia shares her thoughts on creative alchemy and integration. Click here to access the full episode transcript and list of resourcesTricia Eastman's website Psychedelic JourneysFollow Tricia on InstagramTraditional Bwiti Music featured in this episode by EbandoAdditional ResourcesAccess 4 free music playlists for psychedelic journeys and beyond.Receive my free 8-day microdosing course.
Jan 27, 2021 • 27min

Timely Advice for Influencing Change: Truth, Triggers & Getting Right With Yourself - 8

During this time of significant change, we can learn to stay centered and resilient amidst the whirlwind of upheaval by asking ourselves what we choose to focus our awareness on and what we genuinely care about. These times are asking of us to turn our attention inwards, away from who’s right and wrong, fueling division and polarity, and train our minds and hearts to stay open and non-reactive to what’s unfolding around us. In this episode, Laura Dawn explores uncovering our truth, working with triggers, and suggests how the most effective use of our time and awareness is to “get right with ourselves" and how psychedelics and sacred plant medicines can help.Click here to access the full episode transcript and list of resourcesClick here to access a free 8-day microdosing course. Click here to access an 8-hour music playlist for psychedelic journey's and beyond. Featured Musician:This episode features a song called "I'm Onto You" by the incredibly talented musician Annie May Willis. Annie May's WebsiteFollow Annie May Willis on Instagram @AnnieMayWillisListen on SoundcloudListen to Annie May Willis on Spotify
Jan 20, 2021 • 1h 58min

Dr. Bruce Lipton Speaks Out About Psychedelics | Reprogramming Beliefs, Epigenetics & Quantum Physics - 7

For the first time ever, author of Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton speaks publicly about his support for psychedelics, claiming: "I wouldn't be here today doing what I'm doing, if it wasn't for a psychedelics." In this conversation, Bruce Lipton also touches on:The body as a "virtual reality suit" The true source of our identity and how psychedelics influence our perception of our identityEpigeneticsQuantum physics and quantum field theory, The root cause of our subconscious programmingThree techniques for reprogramming the subconscious mindThe difference between the conscious versus subconscious mindCymaticsHis take on COVID and the role stress and fear are playing in the pandemic Tips for boosting your immune systemClick here to access the full episode transcript and list of resourcesClick here to Access my Free 8-day Microdosing Course Click here to access my 8-hour playlist for psychedelic journeys and beyond. Book Resources MentionedBiology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce LiptonWhat is Real: The Unfinished Quest of the Meaning of Quantum Physics by Adam BeckerBreaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe DispenzaYour Body is Your Brain: Leverage Your Somatic Intelligence to Find Purpose, Build Resilience, Deepen Relationships and Lead More Powerfully By Amanda BlakeBruce Lipton BioBruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, The Honeymoon Effect, and co- author with Steve Bhaerman of Spontaneous Evolution. Bruce received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. For more information visit www.brucelipton.comEpisode #7 of the Psychedelic Leadership Podcast featured a song called Dreams by Ksenia Luki. Click here to purchase on Bandcamp.
Jan 13, 2021 • 1h 7min

Tools for Self-Shamanism with Shiri Godasi - 6

In this episode, Shiri Godesi shares her four-pillar framework (that includes set, setting, skillsets, and support) she uses to help her clients create a “psychedelic roadmap” for maximizing their transformational experience with sacred plant medicines. She also shares applicable tools for what she calls “self-shamanism” to help her clients deepen in their journey, and gain more insights and wisdom along the way. In this episode, Shiri Godesi explores:The 4 pillars of the protocol she created and now teaches in her training program for psychedelic facilitation.Two terms she coined called "self-shamanism" and "psychedelic roadmap".Tools for navigating fear.How to hold space for people moving deep, emotional pain.The difference between intention and expectation.Her interesting viewpoint on the often-given advice to surrender. How she applies attachment style theory to integration coaching. Her take on psychedelic leadership.How she navigates criticism and intense feedback.What she's learned in this process of launching a psychedelic training program.Link to Psychedelic Certification ProgramClick here to access the full episode transcript and list of resourcesMusic featured by Laughing Lady Love, Listen to Let It In here on SpotifyResources MentionedTake the quiz to discover your attachment style.Playing Big by Tara MohrClick here to access my 8-hour music playlist for psychedelic journey’s and beyond or Sign up for my free 8-day microdosing course.
Jan 6, 2021 • 1h 22min

This is Your Brain on Psychedelics with Psychedelic Neuroscientist Manesh Girn - 5

Want to understand what’s happening in the brain when under the influence of psychedelics? The default mode network (DMN) is receiving a lot of attention these days, but what do we really know about what the science is saying in terms of how psychedelics influence the DMN, and how can we use that information to catalyze change in our lives?In this conversation, Psychedelic Neuroscientist Manesh Girn breaks down the neuroscience of psychedelic states and distinguishes fact from fiction.In this conversation Manesh Girn explores:How the DMN sits at the top of all 7 brain networks and creates models of reality that we hold onto that can keep us stuck within limiting narratives and belief systems. How we "see what we believe" and continue to perpetuate limiting beliefs, from the perspective of the predictive coding model of the brain.How psychedelics support neuroplasticity. The importance of daily practice to allow altered states to transmute into altered traits. The difference between cognitive flexibility and psychological flexibility.How psychedelics can support creative thinking, and the underlying mechanisms for which they do that. The overlap in the research between meditation and psychedelics.How psychedelics influence the shift in alpha brainwaves and how this likely influences the DMN. His perspective on how psychedelics can be a powerful tool for helping to steer humanity’s ship in a better direction. How his psychedelic research has directly impacted his life and perception of reality. Manesh Girn BiographyManesh Girn is a Neuroscience PhD student at McGill University and has been lead or co-author on over a dozen scientific publications and book chapters on topics including psychedelics, meditation, daydreaming, and brain networks. Manesh currently has ongoing collaborations with Robin Carhart-Harris and others at the Imperial College Center for Psychedelic Research and is investigating the brain changes underlying psilocybin, LSD, and DMT. He has had a passionate interest in psychedelics and their scientific investigation since his teens and also runs a YouTube channel called Psychedelic Science that provides accessible discussions of the latest research findings.Follow him on YouTube & InstagramResearch Papers Cited:Updating the dynamic framework of thought: Creativity and PsychedelicsREBUS and the Anarchic Brain: Toward a Unified Model of the Brain Action of PsychedelicsHelpful Articles & GuidesChange Your Story, Transform Your Life: How Psychedelics Can Help You Re-define Your Life for the BetterA Complete Guide to Fostering Cognitive Flexibility and How Psychedelics Can HelpHow Psychedelics Can Help Support Your Creative ProcessThis Amazing Idea Came to Me While On Psychedelics, Should I Act On It?A Comprehensive Guide to Psychedelic & Plant Medicine IntegrationClick here to access the full episode transcript and list of resourcesAccess my free 8-hour music playlist for psychedelic journey's and beyond.Access my free 8-day microdosing course.
Dec 29, 2020 • 57min

{Solo} The Initiation of Bowing at the Altar of Impermanence with Laura Dawn - 4

As we know, this is a time of great change. So how do we learn to navigate through major times of transition and learn to surf the waves of rapid change with more grace, ease, courage, and resilience? As we close the chapter on 2020, the year of global upheaval, the year the world as we knew it forever changed, how can we find the wisdom to transmute crisis into the catalyst for transformation, the catalyst for our awakening, so we can pass through the portal into 2021, or whatever portal of transition we happen to be moving through so we can be stronger, wiser and more heart-centered leaders on the other side? In this solo episode I am going to explore the initiation that many of us are facing right now, the initiation of bowing at the altar of impermanence, and how if we’re willing to make peace with this often very challenging place, it can catalyze a process of metamorphosis in our lives allowing us to be stronger on the other side.In this Episode:Wisdom tools you can learn to draw upon for strength to navigate times of change. The importance of the narratives we tell ourselves about this time of change. Exploring the metaphor of metamorphosis and the cocoon.Exploring the intersection between Eastern philosophy, the psychedelic experience, and quantum physics.Exploring the wisdom teachings of impermanence and groundlessness. The benefit of relating to times of transitions as rights of passage or initiations.The power of cultivating a relationship with impermanence. Psychedelics and bowing at the altar of your own death. Cultivating the courage to let go and embrace times of change as a launchpad for new creation. Links Referenced in this Episode of the Psychedelic Leadership Podcast Psychedelics & DeathPsilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized double-blind trialFilm about Psychedelics, Death & Dying (34min) By Horizons Online event organized by Psychedelic Seminars on Death and DyingLinks to Books MentionedNo Time to Lose: A Timely Guide to the Way of the Bodhisattva By Pema ChödrönWhen Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema ChödrönHow to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and TranscendenceFeatured Musician Aea Luz WebsiteSongs Featured: Listen to "Cradled in the Balance" on SpotifyListen to "Sunrise" on Spotify  Additional ResourcesClick here to access the full episode transcript and list of resourcesMeditation for Chaotic Times by East Forest, Listen here on SpotifyChange Your Story, Transform Your Life: How Psychedelics Can Help You Redefine Your Life for the Better–A Comprehensive GuideFree 8-Day Microdosing Course8-Hour Music Playlist for Psychedelic Journey’s & Beyond. 
Dec 17, 2020 • 1h 31min

Dennis Mckenna on Metamorphosis, Symbiosis & The Anti-Depressant Effects of Ayahuasca - 3

Trying to make sense out of these strange times? Psychedelic pioneer and enthnopharmacologist Dennis McKenna calls this global planetary transition a time of metamorphosis, and how COVID, climate change, psychedelics, and sacred plant medicines are “messengers from Gaia” telling us to wake up. He calls plant medicines the neurotransmitters of the Gaian mind.In this conversation, Dennis McKenna explores how the growing interest in psychedelics and sacred plant medicines in Western mainstream culture is a highly complex, and double edge sword with many pros and cons. We explore our symbiotic relationship with plants, how ayahuasca acts as a natural antidepressant, how psychedelics may allow us to perceive the quantum realm of reality, the complex issues of cultural appropriation, God and religion, and more. Dennis McKenna touches on (Jump to section)13:23 Dennis offers his macro perspective on these strange times we’re living through touching on COVID, climate change. 17:14 A time of chaos and transition.18:18 On climate change.22:00 COVID & plant medicines as a messenger from Gaia. 23:00 “Ayahuasca is one of the greatest medicines we have”26:30 The decriminalization of plant medicines32:30 Our symbiotic relationship with plants, the default mode network and how psychedelics help us step out of our frame of reference to perceive reality differently. 37:50 Can psychedelics help us to understand the quantum nature of reality? 46:45 The pharmacology of Ayahuasca and how it acts as a natural antidepressant. 56:00 Difference between psilocybin and ayahuasca for therapeutic use in the West.58:20 Dennis’ take on cultural appropriation1:10:45 What ayahuasca has taught Dennis1:12:41 Dennis’ take on God and Religion1:16:27 Can plant medicines help support our evolutionary leap in consciousness?1:23:24 What Dennis is creating with the McKenna Academy of Natural Philosophy1:26:00 Music - “The Story of You” by SatsangFeatured MusicianSatsang: www.satsangmovement.com Synergetic PressThank you to Synergetic Press for making this episode possible. Synergetic Press prints paradigm-shifting books on ecology, sustainability, cultural anthropology, consciousness, and psychedelics.Get 30% off on all books printed by Synergetic Press including books on psychedelics with discount code LAURADAWN30Unlimited SciencesHelp support Unlimited Sciences to fund psychedelic research: go to www.unlimitedsciences.org Click here to access the full episode transcript and list of resources
Dec 10, 2020 • 1h 28min

Modern Day Shamanism with Sandra Ingerman - 2

In this conversation with Sandra Ingerman, we dive into the path of shamanism and a look at the origins of shamanic wisdom, and the implications of the explosion of interest in shamanic practices within the context of our modern day world. We talk about what makes a shaman a shaman, what it means to be a gardener of energy, and the difference between a shaman and a shamanic practitioner. We discuss the importance our words, the emphasis on fine tuning our intuition and the power of ceremony for cultivating a heightened sense of concentration and focus, and how social media is causing polarity, division and distracting us from centered presence. We also talk about the shamanic path in terms of tuning into other dimensions of reality and shamanic practices we can cultivate to live our best lives.Click here to access the full episode transcript and list of resources
Dec 3, 2020 • 1h 14min

Lessons Learned Launching the #ThankYouPlantMedicine Movement with Jonathan Glazer - 1

In episode #1 of The Psychedelic Leadership Podcast, I speak with Jonathan Glazer, co-founder of the Thank You Plant Medicine Campaign. Jonathan shares what the Thank You Plant Medicine Campaign has accomplished so far: They created a global "coming out day" event where thousands of people came out of the psychedelic closet and shared their transformational stories with psychedelics and sacred plant medicines. They have partnered with and connected over 120 psychedelic organizations from around the world.They are building an online Thank You Plant Medicine Community for people to connect, ask questions, share resources and support each other on the path. Jonathan shares exciting news about what's to come, what they are working on next, and their visions for the future. In this episode, Jonathan shares transparently about what he's learned about leadership as they've built a core team and have coordinated efforts from thousands of volunteers from around the world to support this campaign. He shares his viewpoints on navigating challenging situations, especially when he needs to address people in the community who have received feedback of malpractice or inappropriate behavior in the psychedelic space. He also touches on his thoughts around cultural appropriation. We also talk about Jonathan's meditation practice and his multi-faceted and open-minded approach to working with psychedelics, and his perspective on how psychedelics can be a catalyst for change in many domains of life. LINKS:Website: https://thankyouplantmedicine.com/FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TYPMCommunity/FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ThankYouPlantMedicine/Instagram: www.instagram.com/thankyouplantmedicine/And Jonathan's personal Instagram is @jonathanpthearthIf you'd like to get on my mailing list and receive either Click here to access my 8-hour music playlist for psychedelic journeys and beyondClick here to access my free 8-day microdosing courseClick here to access the full episode transcript and list of resources
Nov 15, 2020 • 11min

Trailer Long Version: Introduction to the Psychedelic Leadership Podcast

Hey there, and welcome to this short introduction for the Psychedelic Leadership podcast, where I’m going to give you an overview in terms of what to expect from this podcast and the episodes to come. Ok, so there are 3 different areas this Psychedelic Leadership Podcast explores. First, I’m having conversations with a diverse range of leaders in the psychedelic space discussing all topics related to how we can bring heart-centered leadership and integrity to effectively hold space for the integration of psychedelics and sacred plant medicines into mainstream culture. And how we can do that in a  way that brings with it the most benefits to planetary healing and causes the least amount of harm. The second aspect of this podcast takes a more holistic approach by going beyond the psychedelic space and features conversations with thought leaders and experts from a wide range of disciplines, that offer us tools to draw upon to become more effective leaders.  And then the third component looks at how can we draw upon the wisdom we receive from psychedelics and sacred plant medicines as well as the science we are discovering from psychedelic research to shape ourselves into visionary leaders who can influence real change no matter what domain we find ourselves in.

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