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Jan 24, 2019 • 13min

Best Facebook groups for GPs and primary care

This video showcases the variety of Facebook groups for GPs, primary care, and doctors. It explains the reason for wanting to join the various groups and the importance of each. Finally, the video shows how to get the most out of a Facebook group. For links to the groups see the post below as shown in the video: Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.Facebook - - - - Support: 
Jan 19, 2019 • 15min

Primary Care and Health Tech News Blast ep 3

Hello eGPlearners,  in this news update- covering the big stories for primary care over the past week…. lets tech-enhance your primary careIf the first time we are meeting Im Dr Gandalf of eGPlearning where I look at supporting you with technology-enhanced primary care and learning so don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be the first to get notified of all these updates. us startGP partnership reviewThis piece of the future of General practice was released on Monday 14.1.19 as led by Nigel Watson with seven recommendations at the heart of the review. Recommendation 1: There are significant opportunities that should be taken forward to reduce the personal risk and unlimited liability currently associated with GP partnerships. Recommendation 2: The number of General Practitioners who work in practices, and in roles that support the delivery of direct patient care, should be increased and funded. Recommendation 3: The capacity and range of healthcare professionals available to support patients in the community should be increased, through services embedded in partnership with general practice. Recommendation 4: Medical training should be refocused to increase the time spent in general practice, to develop a better understanding of the strengths and opportunities of primary care partnerships and how they fit into the wider health system. Recommendation 5: Primary Care Networks should be established and operate in a way that makes constituent practices more sustainable and enables partners to address workload and safe working capacity, while continuing to support continuity of high quality, personalised, holistic care. Recommendation 6: General practice must have a strong, consistent and fully representative voice at system level. Recommendation 7: There are opportunities that should be taken to enable practices to use resources more efficiently by ensuring access to both essential IT equipment and innovative digital services.From a digital perspective recommendation 7 is key. Updating systems and allowing innovation must happen, Digitising records would be a major support to practices and help to tackle another uncosted area on subject access requests. Taking this burden away from partners would be very useful. Also working better with statutory organisations for reports for DWP and DVLA would be helpful and reduce considerable administrative burdens on practices. In this past week I have done three reports for the same patient all relating to the DWP- one unified system would reduce unnecessary workload. Updating our IT infrastructure and policies more in line with consumer tech is also a must. Tackling the ‘computer says no’ mentality due to a reliance on legacy IT would allow primary care to truly innovate, and I eagerly await the day I do not have to use internet explorer 8 in practice. Many will know I have been critical of the interim review which was published last year. The final review is, however, a good document that identifies the challenges facing partnership and also commends the positive impact the partnership model has in primary care. Several of the recommendations are high quality and call on other pieces of work to deliver an improvement for partnership in practice- particularly the call for a sort out of indemnity and the premises review. I do still feel strongly that a key piece lacking is a direct request to increase the global sum funding for practices, as this would significantly and rapidly improve the partnership the workload impact for partners and attract more staff making it more viable and sustainable. I do still see this as a major omission of the review which is in the terms of reference. It should have been requested and using the long term plan as the vehicle to suggest increased funding does not directly help as this still requires increased work for new money, rather than offer a stabilising impact.
Jan 17, 2019 • 8min

The best haematology app? Buku Haematology

What is the best haematology app?Watch this review of Buku Haematology - a useful clinical reference resource that details how to manage haematological investigation results, work up for common haematological conditions and emergencies.With a clean interface and clear explanations and reference to BMJ, CKS and national guidance it really is a valuable resource for anyone in primary care.The highs and lows section covers individual test results and the implications of them to help clinicians understand how to manage the results in the context of each patient.The coagulation section gives useful guides on problems with coagulation including FAQs on DOACs like Rivaroxaban.The workup section explains common presentations and considerations for haematological conditions and how to manage from a primary care perspective and what point to refer.The obstetric section has useful criteria for managing anaemia in pregnancy. The emergency section helps guide how to manage complex haematological emergencies.Created by Dr Alex Langridge and Prof Steven O'Brian it really is a useful app that is updated in content on a regular basis.Check out this app in detail use the link below to download it: to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.Facebook - - -
Jan 13, 2019 • 24min

NHS Long term plan - Primary Care and Health Tech News Blast ep 2

Hello eGPlearners,  in this news update- covering the big stories for primary care over the past week…. lets tech-enhance your primary careIf the first time we are meeting Im Dr Gandalf of eGPlearning where I look at supporting you with technology-enhanced primary care and learning so don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be the first to get notified of all these updates. us startLong term planCalled the 10year plan or 10YLTP released on 7.1.19. This video is a review of the executive summary, as the full document is 136 pages long as will take some time to digest. What are the headline points? into seven chapters. Chapter 1Spend an increased amount of funds on bringing successfully implemented changes to healthcare of care to other areas. Right to digital GP consultations. (doesn't say video). Focus on networks of practices (likely to be called either neighborhoods or PCNs) to deliver care in communities for primary, community and social care to prevent hospital admissions. Focus on social prescribing, personal health budgets and the voluntary sector. Guarantee of a greater rate of funding for the first time ever under a Tory government for primary care using the previously announced £4.5b for community care by 2023/4.Shift away from hospital-based care for both outpatients (maybe video consultations for outpatient to reduce infrastructure costs like estates/parking etc). Video Consultations in primary care: on urgent treatment centres instead of emergency departments and same day discharge from acute wards. Chapter 2Prevention. Focus on prevention ie stop smoking, obesity programme, supporting reducing alcohol - much of this seems public health territory no longer funded by local councils - sharing the costs or shuffling the money? Focus on deprived groups with outcomes like smoking rates in pregnancy, learning disabled /autistic patients and homeless patients to name a few based on locally supported programmes. Chapter 3.This identifies priorities for care quality and improvements, particularly on mental health. Focus on cancer survival, maternity-related deaths, increasing planned (elective surgery) and ring-fenced funds for mental health (2.3bn a year by 2023/4)Chapter 4Looking at Workforce, reintroducing training budgets for health education England (taken away in recent reforms) and a workforce implementation plan for later this year. Increased funding for nursing training and routes into training including recruitment from overseas. Also new roles with a focus on professional development especially in primary care based on networks. Chapter 5 Details the focus on technology including digital access for all, interoperability of data and use of new technology like AI. This chapter will be covered in more detail in our in-depth look later in the month. Chapter 6Looks at changes to the financial structure of the NHS to maintain funding increases to prevent challenges in the future including various efficiencies ie saving £700m in administrative costs. Chapter 7The final chapter explained the implementation of the plan including legislative changes to enable rapid implementation. It recommends changes to: create publicly-accountable integrated care locally; to streamline the national administrative structures of the NHS, and remove the overly rigid competition and procurement regime applied to the NHS. This includes the shift to integrated care system models by 2021.5y GP training Straight from med school - pilot not really 5y as same time in training just different spread shots GP with a crossbow Lone worker ris
Jan 10, 2019 • 11min

Must own GP app- Nottinghamshire LMC

Must own GP app- Nottinghamshire LMC appHi #eGPlearners , with millions of apps out there how do you know which ones you should use. Try one of my top 5 apps as a must own GP app- the Nottinghamshire LMC app. Watch the video here and do not forget to subscribe to be the first to see future episodes. #TipThursdayThe Nottinghamshire LMC app in my view is a must own GP app. It contains multiple resources useful for any GP at any stage of their career.  Linking to BMA resources means that although Nottinghamshire centric, the app is relevant to GPs in any geographic location. This includes a guidance section which is kept up to date, resources for partners, trainees, practice managers, and sessional GPs. The app contains useful news links and contact details including local LMC events (Nottinghamshire focused). The SHOP library allows you to share experience and innovation while the services section links to valuable resources offered by the LMC. Finally, the Wellbeing section is diverse with multiple resources, tools, and links to financial, mental health, well-being, support and self-development help. I find this a truly useful app with multiple resources. One development could be to enhance reporting like the BEAM to LMC app offered by the Londonwide LMC. Take a look and download the app from the link here. Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.Facebook – – –
Jan 5, 2019 • 16min

Primary Care and Health Tech Newsblast ep 1

Hello eGPlearners,  in this news update- covering the big stories for primary care over the past week including a really valuable resource to analysing appointment usage at the end.  lets tech-enhance your primary careIf the first time we are meeting Im Dr Gandalf of eGPlearning where I look at supporting you with technology-enhanced primary care and learning so don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be the first to get notified of all these updates. Let us start GP IT shake-up by Matt Hancock - GP IT Futures frameworkmove data to cloud so by 2024 all patients can access GP services digitally, with practices able to offer online or video consultations.S1 and EMIS market leaders EMIS X already announced how will others respond?Switching providersOutdated IT - IE 8 UK acquires Wiggly-Amps - change in delivery and better tech interface - take on Pharmacy2u your breath to check cancerPilot at Owlstone Medical practice to use Breath Biopsy to check for unstable molecules as part of 2y trial lung cancer a likely focus but possibly others. - government rule out exempting GPs from SARsMP Margot James feels would weaken the rights of patientsHowever the increase in the number of requests is fuelled by Lawyers who make a profit from fewer costsSiginifcant workload increase- not mirrored by other organisations like gas/ banks etcno guidance on excessive req no one wants to be the test case for ICO story of the week possible £200m saved  1 in 20Cost of £30 an apt  PSSRU- not paid by the individual but a cost to the systemVariety reasons, sometimes can't be helpedThe overall cost to the system as a buffer sometimes it just nice- chaos and a break NHS Digital GP practice data hub - area, time to apt, which healthcare professional, apt type ie f2f/tele Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning. Facebook - - -
Jan 3, 2019 • 8min

Are you hoping for a Dry January?

Are you hoping for a Dry January? Hi #eGPlearners - are you hoping for a Dry January? Check out this Dry January app review on how the app works and whether it is useful for individuals or patients. Click on the image below to see the full video or read below.  It is reasonable to assume that alcohol drinking increases over December with Christmas parties, festive celebrations over the holiday period and New Years which also culminate in lesser-known occasions like Black eye Friday. But with a new year comes change and a slew of new years resolutions. Many may participate in Dry January - where you do not drink alcohol for the whole month. To support people,  the Alcohol Change UK charity has created the Dry January app, but is it any good?The app is easy and free to download. It asks for your current drinking habits and lets you add this quickly and easily. Presenting you with an approximate unit intake, cost and calorie intake per week is also a good set of metrics to use. The app does ask if you want to contribute and savings you make as a pledge. I think this is reasonable as the Alcohol Charity UK have created this app for free and offer you the choice. Better yet- even if you pledge it is only a percentage of the savings you have made so technically you are not paying for it. Logging your habits is easy and customisable. The main dashboard provides clear information and some resources to support you. However, I think the app could be improved. while Dry January can be a useful idea, for those significantly high drinkers stopping suddenly can be dangerous and clearer warnings on this would be more ideal particularly when logging your intake. Also signposting to regional support services would be a more useful way to use the app. Overall, I like the app and think it works better than many of the tools in the patient health records I use. If it leads to a permanent change in drinking habits this can be really helpful, although it is important to remember that boom or bust methods to cut vices can sometimes lead to rebound use which can be just as damaging to a person's health. Subjectively many clinical colleagues mention higher admission rates for alcohol misuse in the first two weeks of February and Dry January may be the cause.  Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning. Facebook - - - -
Dec 28, 2018 • 49min

3 GPs in an eGPlearning Podblast

3 GPs in an eGPlearning Podblast Welcome by Andy, Gandhi and…….Shubz How did Shubz get into podcasting from his mygpevents journey to listening to inspirational speakers. This led to his podcast 2GPs in a pod and speaking with Zoe Williams, Rupy Aujla and others‘You do not have to leave medicine to do all this other cool stuff’Gandhi talks about having flux in your working week as recommended by notable people like Warren Buffet and Pat Flynn We discuss how to utilise time as a locum for portfolio working and balance in your roles.Andy talks about the ease of saying yes, but the importance of saying no occasionally We then discuss the Next Gen GP programme created by Nishma Manek with amazing talks by Nikki Kanani (our Supreme leader- including how difficult it has been for both podcasts to pin her down for an interview given NHS England oversight).  Gandhi talks about the importance of teams around you and how they can support you ie his partners and working on the podblast with Andy as a team. Shubz echoed this with a shout out to his MyGPevents partners Mehul and Max.  We did a recap of Andy and Gandhi’s year, starting with Gandhi which including being elected and attending his first RCGP Council meeting as a National Rep, and the importance of having your say- including his controversial comments on the partnership review by Nigel Watson.  We all talked about how the omission of a baseline increase in the global sum seemed confusing and the impact of indemnity funding and planned changes to pension regulations that may significantly impact the future of GP partnerships.  Gandhi finished off with talking about his continued efforts with the eGPlearning platform including TipThursday on YouTube, and his 84km Pilgrimage in Iraq in October.  Andy talks about his work with the NCGPA including signposting health- a project applicable to any locality to help with practice-based signposting, his video journey for patient information videos for the area:Which has gone mainstream by being shown in the Broadway Cinema in Nottingham in the new year. He also talked about the power as a partner being able to innovate in your own practice. HIs focus has been on creating a user-friendly website seen here: Parkside medical practice Note Andy did all the illustrations, which is also on offer to your our listeners as part of the collaborator reward for supporting the eGPlearning Podblast on  Patreon account. At this limited reward, Andy will draw you into our new banner as a caricature.
Dec 20, 2018 • 9min

Do you need some Headspace?

Hi #eGPlearners do you need some Headspace?Working in healthcare whether as a GP, part of the primary care team or in hospitals can be emotionally stressful. There are many ways to manage stress and lately mindfulness is seen as an effective tool to support stress management. But access can be tricky – so let us look to technology to help in the form of Headspace.Edit  Headspace was founded in 2010 by Rich Pierson and Andy Puddicombe (who wrote the Headspace guide to Mindfulness and Medication).  The Headspace platform offers unique content varying from guided meditations to animations and videos via the Headspace website and mobile app, teaching users the techniques of mindfulness.The app is free to download and use with extra features behind a subscription paywall. These extra functions include modules to help deal with stress,  difficulties in focusing, sleep issues, chronic pain,  fear of flying and more. It also has dedicated sections to help with younger people such as settling the active child at night. The variable module length is useful with a minimum of 3 minutes meaning anyone can use at some point in the day. I love the animations which do draw me in, and the interface which is easy to use. The guided meditations work well and its simplicity is a key reason I do recommend this app to patients as well. With often limited timely access to mental health support, I have found this a useful tool for several patients as an adjunct to their treatment.  Just simply switch on the app, select your module and time length, audio or headphones on and go. The app also continues to work if you have to multi-task with your device. I accept this may defeat the object of guided mindfulness- but a useful feature to know about. Additionally, the app is resource packed including the obstacle section in the settings which are short free modules which offer advice on overcoming obstacles when trying to use the app such as worry, posture, stiffness, pain etc. With the rise of AI assistants like Google Home, Siri, and Alexa you can also set Headspace to run from these systems like using the Headspace Skill for your Amazon Echo. As mentioned the extra modules come at a cost. Last year Headspace was offered as part of the BMA membership at a reduced rate (as mentioned in a previous eGPlearning Podblast episode).Currently, the app is on offer for £44 for a year compared to £9.99 a month or £72 a year if paid annually. Another option is to sign up at a reduced rate via Anxiety UK as part of their membership. I do like the interface and it is simple to use, however, I would like to change the voice if possible to customise it more, also I can see how social sharing of goals can be a valuable asset, much how many running apps use this method as a motivator. However, I can also appreciate this is not a feature all users would want given how physical health and mental health are viewed. Feel free to given Headspace a try either for yourself or for patients. Do not forget to subscribe to our various channels and feel free to comment below or on the various channels. #TipThursday
Dec 13, 2018 • 13min

How to use Twitter as a clinician- hints and tips

Hi #eGPlearnersWelcome to the weekly showcase of Technology-enhanced primary & learning resources from eGPlearning.In this final part of the series on using Twitter as a clinician, I share my own personal hints and tips on using Twitter and how you can use it to collect and manage your continuous professional development (CPD). This episode contains hints on who to follow, how to engage in a twitter debate, which primary care and clinical hasthtags are worth following, and how to create your won CPD Twitter system. Subscribe on YouTube for the latest video or follow and share the eGPlearning Facebook page for more. As always, comment, share and keep eGPlearning. #TipThursday

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