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Aug 22, 2019 • 40min

Pension advice for GPs (2019)

Pension advice for GPsHow much do you know about pensions as a GP? This video covers everything you need to know with our pension experts: Accountant Rachael Hall, GP Survival Chair Dr Nick Grundy, and ex BMA pension lead Dr Krishan Aggarwal.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴How much do you know about pensions as a GP? This video covers everything you need to know with our pension experts.Meet our expert speakers:Rachael Hall: @hall_nhs Grundy: @Nick_grundy Aggarwal: @krishanx Intro: Rachael Hall NHS pension accountant expert2:30 Intro: Nick Grundy - Chair of GP Survival - support us at Intro: Krishan Aggrawal - BMA lead for PEnsions3:45 What is the NHS pension scheme as a defined benefit scheme and why is it different to almost every other pension scheme?5:30 If I contribute more in a year that will benefit me more won’t it?6:10 Dependence cover and Death in service benefits. What are they and what do you need to know?7:00 ‘Death in service’ vs ‘Death in benefit/after service’8:30 The difference in Tier 1 and Tier 2 payments9:00 Why the NHS pension is so good12:15 What is the annual allowance?13:15 Why there is a problem with the annual allowance and the NHS pension.14:45 Nick’s example of the annual allowance problem16:40 The taper conundrum17:40 Lifetime Allowance20:42 Should I stay in the NHS pension? Racheal and Krishan’s answerProperty Investing for Doctors: Proven strategies for busy professionals by Lafina Diamandis: Unofficial Pension advice - in Facebook groups especially.24:50 Nicholas Grundy advice about staying in the NHS pension: ‘yes but…’ Why he left and rejoined. 25:57 the Tony Goldstone method. Goldstone pension modeler: Capita…...The impact they have had and what you need to do.30:00 What you need to do now as a GP32.17: Should NHS England pay GPs for sorting Capita's failings?33:00 How your Total Reward statements work: Check your TRS!34:40 Divorce and your pension.36:20 The 50:50 offer 37:00 Rachael’s tips37:30 Nick’s top tips38:30 Krishan’s top tips⭐Top posts⭐:👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ see here:📸Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸: to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Other networks:👍 Facebook -👍🏼🐦 Twitter - 🐦🐦 Twitter - 🐦🖥 Website - 🖥️💷 Support: 💷Some links may contain affiliate links to help support eGPlearning see our disclaimer at
Aug 15, 2019 • 27min

The evidence for Video Consultations in Primary care

Video consultations are the new buzz in primary care and a mandated part of the new contract from April 2020.GPs and clinicians love evidence to justify the use of any service and in this post, I cover the evidence for video consultations in-depth with Prof Helen Atherton of the Academic unit of primary care at Warwick Medical School.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴In this episode, Prof Helen Atherton explains the evidence for video consultations in primary care.We cover:💻 What is a video consultation vs remote consultations💻 What is digital exceptionalism and why it has an impact- should it?💻 The type of patients that will use video consultations.💻 The use of funding for video consultations like the Access funds and Priminister Challenge funds💻 We discuss the work of Trisha Greenhalgh💻 Comparison of telephone vs F2F consultations and what gaps video can fill💻 The ViCo study:🖥Done in 2016 as a feasibility study🖥Using video consultations as an alternative to F2F on the Attend Anywhere platform in Scotland.🖥The technical issues in doing the study and considerations including devices and infrastructure.🖥Results:🖥Useful for single problem issues and similar in length to telephone consultations.🖥 Advantages for video use with remote working, convenience, and visual element🖥 Suitable only where a physical exam may not be needed🖥 Technical issues need addressingLinks to toolkits:ViCo Toolkit: to F2F consultations toolkit:💻 Further talk on infrastructure challenges particular internet speeds and logistics.💻 Can video consultations be used for areas like mental health?💻 How to improve engagement with video consultations💻 The use of video consultations by secondary care.Contact Prof Atherton via email.Free research links:Acceptability, benefits, and challenges of video consulting: a qualitative study in primary care: the content and quality of video, telephone, and face-to-face consultations: a non-randomised, quasi-experimental, exploratory study in UK primary care: alternatives to face-to-face consultations: a survey of prevalence and attitudes in general practice: potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study:⭐Top posts⭐:👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ see here:📸Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸: to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Other networks:👍 Facebook -👍🏼🐦 Twitter -🐦🐦 Twitter -🐦🖥 Website -
Aug 8, 2019 • 13min

Register with the NHS app

Register with the NHS app - a Walkthrough guide Do you know how to register with the NHS app?Do you know what it can do?Watch this video to see this walkthrough guide and share with your practice if they are not using it.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴This video is sponsored by Connected NottinghamshireListen in as I show you:📲 How to download the NHS app📲 How to use the symptom checker📲 How to create an NHS login ID📲 How to use the login to access the app📲 How to register with the NHS app📲 How to book an appointment at your practice with the NHS app📲 How to confirm your donor preferences with the NHS app📲 How to access your settings and more information in the NHS app.Watch the video by clicking the image below: See here for how to register at your GP practice:⭐Top posts⭐:👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ see here:📸Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸: to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Other networks:👍 Facebook -👍🏼🐦 Twitter -🐦🐦 Twitter -🐦🖥 Website -🖥️💷 Support: 💷Some links may contain affiliate links to help support eGPlearning see our disclaimer at
Aug 1, 2019 • 47min

How to do your GP Appraisal (2019)

Do you understand GP appraisal? In this episode, I am joined by Dr Zoe Norris who explains what you must, should and can do to complete your appraisal and revalidation including some useful resources.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Thank you to the Derbyshire GP Task Force for sponsoring this video.Hear Dr Zoe Norris talk about appraisal.We cover:🔷 What is appraisal🔶 What is revalidation🔷 What is a quality improvement activity (see RCGP guidance-🔶 What is mandatory, what you should do and what you can do🔷 The difference between a log entry and a reflective entry What is PDP and how to make it SMART: Top tip - have non-clinical PDP items.🔶 What to do if you have not completed your PDP - do you have to?🔷 What DrGandalf’s appraisal toolkit looks like Then we look at a presentation for resources. Access it here: brief comparison of the eportfolio toolkits you can use including Clarity, GPTools, Fourteen Fish, GMC toolkit, MAG form and Digitalis.📘 Clarity toolkit walkthrough:📙 GP Tools :📕 Fourteen Fish:📗 MAG form:📘 Digitalis:📱 DrGandalfs tracking tip is to use Wakelet. Wakelet video guide:⌨ Improve your typing speed with Keybr Keybr:📱 Track your complaints, certificates and compliments using Camscanner.Walkthrough video: Evernote as a notepad
Jul 25, 2019 • 7min

How to register with your local GP (2019)

How to register with your local GP To obtain healthcare from an NHS GP (General Practitioner) you need to be registered with a practice. In this post learn how you can register with your local GP.  Registering with your local GP surgery is an easy process, but there are some considerations to make. Listen below to hear how, or watch the video at the end of this post to see more. In summary: By paper: You need a GMS 1 form. You can obtain this from your practice, or download from the site here. An example is below: GMS 1 form front When completing the form, complete all relevant sections on the first page: Your details - needed to register youDetails of your previous practice or address- to track your records quicklyIf you are eligible for veteran care as part of the armed forces.If you are registering your child- if you need ongoing child health surveillance care (under 5's).If you need the use of dispensing service ( where the practice provides your physical prescription instead of a local pharmacy). This is more common for rural practices.Opting in/out of organ and blood donation services. The top of the back of the GMS 1 form is completed by the practice (not the patient). The final section on the back is relevant if you are an ordinary resident (normally living abroad or visiting England) to confirm the level of care you may receive. Other ways to fill the form are to access it via your practice website. Reasons a practice may not register you: Sometimes a practice may not be able to register you. This would be if : the practice list is closed to new patientsif you are outside of the registered practice areaif you have previously been removed from a practice list (certain situations and rare). You may be asked to provide photographic ID or proof of address. This is not compulsory but recommended as it can help speed up the registration process. This includes: passportdriving licenceresidence permitARC cardutility bill Also, providing a copy of your repeat medications can make a new registration easier. The GMS 1 form is different from the temporary registration form and provides a different service. To find which practices you can register with ask local residents, community leaders, housing support teams or use the website here. NHS App You can register via the NHS app. This is the gateway to health services and enables you to register with a practice quickly via your smartphone device. The NHS app also allows you to: book an appointment at your local practiceorder your regular (repeat) medicationslook at your medical recordsuse a symptom checkersearch health condition information from the websiteconfirm your organ and blood donation choices Further functionality is due in the next few years and some areas may have extra services. Other apps Other companies can provide you with health care via an app system. Companies like Babylon,(including their GP at Hand system), Push Doctor, QDoctor and Livi all use apps to register patients. Some claims that you can be register
Jul 12, 2019 • 51min

Be an entrepreneur in medicine: interview with Dr Vinay Shankar

Be an entrepreneur in medicine: an interview with Dr Vinay ShankarHear how you can become an entrepreneur in medicine like Dr Vinay Shankar as he talks to Dr Andrew Foster of eGPlearning about his diverse career as a GP Partner in Nottingham, working with IBM’s Watson, AI platform, starting a sustainable T-Shirt Business and writing a children’s book. He has a blog and a great podcast where he interviews innovative and entrepreneurial figures in healthcare.Find out about Vinay’s work here…www.vinayshankar.netTwitterTwitter: @VinayShankar4.41 Entrepreneurial spirit and learning from starting a sustainable T-Shirt business8.50 Completing a Masters in Leadership, Education and Research. Creating and using Narratives and storytelling in medical education and practice. Choose your own adventures for medical training?8.10 Masters project - using IBM Watson AI platform to examine data from Twitter to achieve insights into the personality types of clinical entrepreneurs.Link IBM Watson12.55 Entrepreneurial culture within the NHS. Can it work without the prospect of big cash rewards? Is intro-preneurship the answer?17.30 What is it like to use the IBM Watson Platform Will AI Replace jobs in healthcare?30.10 Taking a creative writing course and creativity in medicine.31.50 “15 Minutes with the Doctor” – Vinay’s experience of starting and running his podcast.33.15 Using storytelling in day to day Primary Care.35.15 Vinay identifies his top healthcare technology trends.· Genomics and personalised care· Artificial Intelligence38.25 Managing risk within AI systems. Who owns the risk and will this question hold back the field?41.20 Why did you become a partner so soon after the end of training? And Vinay’s lessons for those starting out in Primary Care and Technology.46.05 Vinay tells us about his Favourite apps and how he would invest £100M in Primary Care health technology.DropboxSpotifyMoneyboxMy Fittness mPalWe hope you enjoyed the interview. Please comment, share and subscribe.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴⭐Top posts⭐:👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ see here:📸Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸: to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Other networks:👍 Facebook -👍🏼🐦 Twitter -🐦🐦 Twitter -🐦🖥 Website -🖥️💷 Support: 💷Some links may contain affiliate links to help support eGPlearning see our disclaimer at
Jul 11, 2019 • 13min

Privacy settings for social media

How to change your privacy settings for social media- Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Do you know how to change your privacy settings on social media? Find out in this post. 22% of eGPlearners (responders to the quiz) do not. Making sure your privacy settings are set to your preference and up to date is a vital part of keeping you and your patients safe if you are using social media. In this episode of the eGPlearning #TipThursday I show you how to change your privacy settings on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so you can be sure you are sharing only what you want to share. Facebook See this section to learn how to do a Facebook privacy check-up. Also, see the privacy shortcuts that Facebook offers to support users. Twitter In this section, I show you how to change your privacy settings on Twitter including how to make your account private LinkedIn With a happy medium of content with privacy settings compared to Facebook and Twitter, watch this section to see how to get the most out of the professional social network. Ensuring your privacy settings are up to date and set at a level you choose is vital to keeping both you, and your patients safe when using social media. I recommend checking them every 6 months to a year. Have you?⭐Top posts⭐: 👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ 📸 Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸:Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning. 🔴 Subscribe 🔴 Various networks:👍 Facebook 🐦 Twitter - eGPlearning 🐦 Twitter - @drgandalf52 🖥 Website 💷 Support 💷 Some links may contain affiliate links to help support eGPlearning see our disclaimer
Jul 4, 2019 • 23min

Social Media Guidance for Doctors: pre-SCRIBE

Social Media Guidance for Doctors and clinicians: pre-SCRIBE Are you aware of the social media guidance that exists to keep doctors, clinicians and patients safe? In this post, I show you various forms of formal social media guidance, why these are needed and explore my own easy to use version called pre-SCRIBE. Following recent articles in magazines like STAT that have commented why doctors shouldn’t use social media, other reply articles by the organisation SoMeDocs and SELF have shown why doctors and clinicians should. But the important part is like with any tool to use social media safely.  Formal guidance exists like that from the General Medical Council (GMC), the Royal College of GPs (RCGP), the British Medical Association (BMA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) to name a few.  These are detailed and less effective in the moment, so I would suggest using a quicker tool call pre-SCRIBE. pre-SCRIBE (before you write) stands for ShareConfidentialityRespectIdentityBoundariesEngage This episode explores all these aspects and I share how they can be useful, including other tips to help keep you safe when using social media as a doctor.Watch the episode here: Links: STAT on social media restraint by doctors.: SELF article: SoMeDocs: Reply article by SoMeDocs: GMC: RCGP: BMA: AMA:  
Jun 27, 2019 • 31min

Acronyms of General Practice

Acronyms of General Practice - a guide with the GP Taskforce Do you know all the acronyms of General Practice? What the various organisations and names mean and how to navigate them. This session is sponsored by the GP Taskforce. Below is listed the variety of organisations and acronyms you need to be aware of when working in General Practice. Contact the GP Taskforce: https:/// Acronyms of General Practice- Governing organisations NHS - National health service split into: NHS England : NHS Improvement : NHS X: NHS Digital: CCGs: Clinical commissioning groups HSCA : Health and social care act : STP: Sustainability and transformation partnerships/ plans Acronyms of General Practice- Organisations that support GPs RCGP: Royal College of GPs CSA: Clinical skills assessment AKT: Applied knowledge test WBPA - Work based place assessment RCGP Vale of Trent faculty: First5: BMA: British Medical Association - our Union GPC: General Practice Committee - JDC - Junior Doctors committee ARM: Annual regional meeting LMC: Local medical committee  Nottinghamshire LMC: Derbyshire LMC: Acronyms of General Practice- New Structure organisations. PCN: Primary care networks - PCN CD: PCN Clinical director-
Jun 20, 2019 • 8min

What type of doctors bag should you use for visiting patients?

What type of doctors bag should you use for visiting patients? A guide by DrGandalf The debate on what type of bag you should use when visiting patients rages on. In this video I show you my choices and what you should consider when buying a visiting bag as a doctor. So which type of doctors bag should you consider? There are generally two schools of thought on this: a hard bagnot a hard bag The clear benefit of a hard bag is the fact it can be used as a seat for home visits. Additionally, the more robust nature can imitate security for contents and rarely personal security. Whether hard or soft, in terms of cost this may vary from bargain basement rucksack from your local shop to designer medical or retail bags including maternity bags. In reality what you truly need is simply a comfortable bag to carry, with several pockets, somewhere to keep paperwork and ideally a lock on one compartment if you plan on carrying FP10 prescriptions and/or meds. The bags I mention and more: The Merlin Morgan bag - was my first doctor's bag. Really large, robust and more pockets than a magician (hence the name I guess). I now use it as my camera bag. Alternatives are the Gima utility bag with a packet which a colleague has used for a while. The extra packet is useful for keeping medications and small items in. Alternately an effective camera bag can be a great choice as a doctor's visiting bag and on several forums, these are often the preferred options my many. My first Hi-Tec rucksack visit bag was ok but my current Hi-Tec visiting bag is much better. It has lasted me about 4 years now, is large enough to carry everything I need but still small enough to be portable and functional. The material could be better padded and insulated, an issue in cold weather which can affect equipment working like thermometers. Trainee bag- Duragadget This is the doctors bag we have for our trainees. It is similar to the Hi-Tec bag above but solves the insulation issue. It is also waterproof. Harder bags like pilot chest are preferred by many given they are more robust and business like. Or makeup chests can be a great option if you want a really solid bag that you can also sit on. the multiple compartments make this really useful. Kipling bags: and Mulberry bags are good fashion bags that can be effective as a visit bag. NOt my particular preference but often a good choice and ones several colleagues have used. IYASU is a company that is looking to make visit bags specifically designed for doctors in the UK. Keep an eye out for more information.If you want to know what to put in your doctor's bag check out my equipment posts below. Top medical equipment for General Practice (201

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