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eGPlearning Podblast

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Feb 7, 2020 • 54min

Free tools to start podcasting or vlogging for clinicians

Free tools to start podcasting or vlogging for cliniciansStarting a podcast or vlog can seem daunting and many people struggle to know how to start. So let us show you, with tips specifically for doctors, clinicians, and other health care workers or anyone who wants to just press start.... 🔴 Subscribe: 🔴  #startpodcastingforfree #freetoolstostartpodcasting #PodcastAsADcotorWe both create content and have started doing more with our PCN work.  We have been creating content for PCN colleagues, PCN stakeholders, practices…The more healthcare workers making use of new communication methods the better. Vlog / podcast and communicate with each other and patients in this way. This episode we will take you through simple and free tools to start your own podcast or vlog.  Social media for your GP practice: Take you through some free and low-cost tools… And talk a bit about our journey Before you startPurpose and vision - why would people listen?Community? - we aim to serve Primary Care Health Tech CommunitySolo or with someone else?Ideas for contentFormat of episode OrganisingCapturing ideas, planning, scripting, and collaborationGoogle drive, calendar and WhatsAppHM- One drive RecordingThe simple microphone set up, none - use your phone, Tonor lapel mic, Boya - Yeti - vs XLR mics, booms and rodecaster pro - - records audio and video, really easy - Skype and CallRecorder AWF - iPhone - good for audio video capture togetherness, lightning to USB allows use of USB mics, Clip-on lenses can be cool - wide-angle… Gandhi - cables and connectors Processing:Audio:Audacity Video:iMovieWindows movie maker or FilmDa Vinci resolve: Mobile video - Gandhi - InshotAndy LumaFusion £20 - iOS ecosystem, airdrop etc. Graphic creation:Free:Gandhi - Canva - - Pixel MaterDistribution: Platforms Anchor: Podcasting platformsiTunesSpotifyHM - Podbean - As above Tweetdeck for free Tweet schedulingAndy: Buffer: Gandhi: Publbox - Crowdfire -
Feb 6, 2020 • 44min

How to use Social media for GP practices

Do you know how to use social media as a GP practice?In this talk as part of the Notts LMC conference, I show you how using social media can save your practice, time, effort and workload when done well.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴For full notes see: For social media guidance see the video here on pre-SCRIBE : For top tips for using social media as a practice see: The above includes links to our social media policy for patients.⭐Top posts⭐: 👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ see here: 📸Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸: Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Other networks: 👍 Facebook - 👍🏼🐦 Twitter - 🐦🐦 Twitter - 🐦🖥 Website - 🖥️💷 Support: 💷Some links may contain affiliate links to help support eGPlearning see our disclaimer at 
Jan 30, 2020 • 37min

Financial advice for doctors and GPs

Do you want financial advice as a doctor or GP but struggle where to look. Learn about tax rebates, pensions, mortgages, and sound financial planning as a GP or doctor.  This episode is created with Medics Money and sponsored by the GP Task Force Derbyshire - providing wrap-around support for Derbyshire General Practice.  🔴 Subscribe: 🔴  #FinancialAdviceforDoctors #NHSpension #GPFinancialAdvice This episode is a discussion between myself and Guy Roper - an independent Financial advisor (IFA) from Sunrise Independent Financial Advisers and Tommy Perkins of Medics Money about how to manage your finances and where to look for help. We cover: 03:10 Claim you tax rebates link to guide: see link below03:50 Sort out your tax code - Further guides on Tax supported childcare and advice from Money advice for GPs - Mileage and how to make it less complicated  08:00 Keep records08:40 A simple guide to the NHS pension 😆12:00 Pension advice for GPs - Should in stay in the NHS pension15:10 What is an IFA?16:20 How do you evaluate who is a good IFA?20:20 What should I take to my first meeting with an IFA?21:55 How much would an IFA cost?22:40 How can I get a mortgage as a GP?25:20 Key tips from an IFA for GPs26:40 Clean up your outgoings - see our GP budget tool for help27:40 Financial planning to save money29:40 How to manage portfolio working and your finances.31:20 Do you need an accountant? - YES! Find Guy here, or at Medics Money Use this link to see how to claim your tax rebate And here is a complete guide to Mortgages for GPs Thank you to the GP Taskforce - providing wrap-around care for General Practice, for sponsoring this video and see our other content sponsored by them specifically for newly qualified GPs.  Also thank you to Medics Money for their advice, check them out at Medics Money. ⭐Top posts⭐: 👨🏾‍⚕️Dr Gandalf’s essential GP equipment list 👨🏾‍⚕️ see here: 📸Equipment to record patient consultations for teaching – a guide📸: Subscribe to or follow the eGPlearning platform for more videos, app reviews and content to support technology-enhanced primary care and learning.  🔴 Subscribe: 🔴  Other networks: 👍 Facebook -
Jan 24, 2020 • 51min

Online meetings made easy in Primary Care

Online meetings made easy in Primary CareCourse: Why have online meetingsTransport / distanceTimeRemote/home workingDisabilityTypes of meetingOnlineHybridF2FAdvantagesObvious -- cuts out travel time and parking -- but these can be big issuesIncreases attendance, reduces the costPeople can watch the recording if they couldn’t come -- don’t even need to be available at the time of the meetingActually superior experience in some aspects -- can hear well, shared screen for content, slides, cocreation in documents -- these don’t need to be big meetings… Sometimes you are enhancing or replacing a big meeting.But can replace smaller meetings and telephone calls What equipment do you need for an online meeting? Online Meetings for Primary Care  You can start and host a meeting with just your laptop with webcam or tabletIf you just want to get started and give it a try. But if you want to run an effective hybrid meeting:HostSpace -- regular or ad hocOnline meeting system: Zoom -- -- 2gb broadband minimum 3GLaptop/ desktop ideal:Processor: minimum with 1ghz processor (however I would recommend at least an i3 2 ghz processor or higher)Memory: 2gb ram minimum 4gb ram ideal or more.  Hard drive space: If you want to record your meetings then you will need approximately 1gb hard drive space per hour of meeting time recorded. WebcamLogitech C920HD- meeting hub: Yeti Microphone: or TVSpeakerBeetron: Soundcore 2: pod- tripod: 3.0 multiport: cables: display port: AttendeeSmartphone or tabletHeadphonesCourse: rolesChairKeep timing of the meeting, AgendaCoordinates people in the meeting room. CoordinatorEnsures the tech worksScreen shareCoordinates online attendees -- hands up!ChatRecorderKeeps minutes -- separate or on screenAction logChecklist: off distractions, notice
Jan 13, 2020 • 1h 5min

Improving the Primary Care Network DES service specification

Improving the Primary Care Network DES service specification How to improve the PCN DES Welcome, please comment and I will try an answer SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT Check out my original review where I went through the DES: here-- Declaration - I am not involved in the negotiations. I am Nottingham City East PCN Clinical director but these are my own thoughts. For some backstory in 2015 I wrote a further Blueprint for Primary care : with a colleague as Jeremy Hunt launched the five year forward view. Some of these aims have been achieved (indemnity) but much can still be done.  How to improve the DES- I will talk firstly about general changes and the headline points. Then each specification in turn with my more innovative (controversial) ideas at the end.Ethos The release time of the specification has caused a lot of frustration. Even more so in the first webinar where little engagement was offered, just reading the spec. This led in part to one CD resigning live. NHSE doing an open consultation on the draft is a good thing. Feigning listening is not.  At points, the specification makes reference to evidence. In particular vanguard projects. However, it neglects to mention that vanguard projects have had significant higher levels of funding for each aspect and therefore converting this to specifications for networks to follow is a fallacy.  You cant use a recipe that feeds four people that costs £10 and say provide the same meal for £2 all the time - even with using foodbanks.  The original outline of the DES was to stabilise primary care. This draft does not do this but further destabilises it by utilising the additional roles above the capacity of work the can create and negates the fact networks will be part funding them. This was a poor way to show that NHSE/I was listening to the needs of general practice. Many comment the draft is intentionally too far to the right to allow any softening to be accepted as better than the original. This is a sceptics dream.  For this process to work- show General Practice that NHSE is truly listening. Much of this has been done amazingly by Dr Nikki Kanani and I do not envy her position. I am mindful of do not shoot the messenger being very apt here.  Lets move on. The following is a combination of my views and those from the various forums I engage in.  Trust  General practice. If I had control I would keep existing structures that could help foster better collaborative working and simply offer the resources to networks to use for their local area.  General Practice has proved to be the most cost-effective method of delivering healthcare currently doing 90% of the NHS workload for less than 9% of the funding. Trust the networks to deliver primary care with the simple metric of improving the health of the network population.  Ideally to the global sum but is not then to the networks directly to use as they seem fit to provide roles or services for better patient care along them 5 categories as best for their population.  However, we do not live in a world of trust despite GPs consistently being the most trusted role in the country.  So if working towards the confines of adjusting the existing DES and its specification let us have a look.  Worth looking at the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire LMC document link:
Jan 12, 2020 • 1min

eGPlearning update

A quick update for the #eGPlearners on the releases of the @egplearning content for the next few weeks.How to improve the #PCN DES - meetings made easy in #PrimaryCare - #primarycarenetworks #htnweek
Jan 10, 2020 • 30min

eGPlearning Podblast Review 2019

In this episode, we will be looking forward to 2020 and what health technology and eGPlearning PodBlast will be bringing to the world, and our survey: .... eGPlearning Podblast 2019 Review and Looking forward to 2020 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We looked back and reminisced in our Xmas episode with Ben Gowland of The General Practice Podcast - friend of the podblast: Now looking to the future. A word about our partners - HTN, The Health Technology Newspaper, your daily dose of news for the health tech community, join us for HTN digital Week on 23.1.20: Changes over the last year PCNsEvent Speaking Video Conferencing: GP Fellowship: Using the new practice website and video  Changes and highlights with eGPlearning Podblast in 2019Great Guests :Nikki Kanani of NHS England: Ashel-Payne of ORCHA: behind the scenes - Learnt lessonsTried to improve qualityFound a regular base, experimenting with audio-video capture - new equipment!!!!Experimenting with episode format - different types of episode Survey - Help us shape our style, format, and content by completing the listening survey Survey:  🏆 eGPlearning Podblast Awards 2019 🏆 📳 Innovative tech company 📳🏆 ORCHA sign up: 📈 Disruptor of the year - not bad or good - shakes things up 📈🏆 NHSE with PCNs - Hello Nikki KananiAnd our honourable mention to Babylon 🚫 Trickiest episode to film - 🚫🏆 Zoom episode: mention Jeff and Consumer wearables: Future - Hoping to do with podblast and beyondMore interviewsDeep divesUpdate episodes Serving Primary Care Health Tech Community - Aims for 2020 Online courses and toolkits Health Innovation East Midlands: Conference - TEPCAL2020Productive General Practice - using video moreSocial media in primary careOnline consultations What are we excited about in Primary Care GP Health Tech Andy - NHSApp - critical mass allowing digital healthcare to go mainstreamGandhi - Organisations beginning to embrace technology - LMC, NCGPA, RCGP - video, podcast, LMC appAndy- Consumer health devices becoming mainstream and integrated with primary careGandhi - Connectivity - everyone Predictions for 2020… But first recap 2019 predictions - true or false. Andy - Peak AI Hype - we wi
Jan 10, 2020 • 8min

Top UK Clinical app - the BNF app

Listen to my review of the top UK clinical app- the British National Formulary (BNF) app and see why every doctor, nurse or clinician should have this on their phone. 🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Download on Google: via iTunes: cover the main sections of the app, how to find medications why the guideline section is effective and how to switch from the BNF to the children's BNF app.  🔴 Subscribe: 🔴Other networks:👍 Facebook - 👍🏼🐦 Twitter - 🐦🐦 Twitter - 🐦🖥 Website - 🖥️💷 Support: 💷Some links may contain affiliate links to help support eGPlearning see our disclaimer at
Dec 31, 2019 • 1h 3min

Primary Care Network DES specification review 2019

Primary Care Network DES specification review 2019 My review of the 2019 Primary Care Network Service Specification- the good, the bad and the confusing.  This is the live recorded review of the draft primary care network service specification.To see the document in full use this link.PCN Clinical Director resources playlist:General Practitioner resources playlist:Make sure you leave your own feedback via the survey here (see bottom of page), or send an email to england.networkscontract@nhs.netBelow is the draft version of my notes.  Welcome My perspective on the primary care network service specs Cover the good, the bad and the confusing. Check out my PCN resources and General practitioner playlist (in show notes)Save you and your patients time with tech enhancing your primary care and learning Why I am talking about this - am a GP also PCN director of NCE - 66k patients in a deprived area of Nottingham.  Firstly the timing of the documents Release of specs day before Xmas eve- while aware impacted by the election, purdah and process, it speaks to the perception that when PCN CDs work is irrelevant to NHS England.  However, I commend Nikki Kanani’s engagement on SoMe and the will to gain feedback before making the spec official,  as well as engagement events beforehand (twitter chat and webinars) So emphasis that this is draft specifications and can be changed. So let us take a look….. The document starts by talking about the investment being offered. While there is a significant increase in funding being offered, it is important to note the UK still invests less than most other western countries especially in the G8 at about $1000 less per person.  It also mentions a 5-year contract. I would like to mention that it is not really a 5y contract but a 5y agreement of the funds. If it was a contract the terms would be clear from the start. Instead, we are having ongoing annual negotiations of the requirements - which is no different to what we have been exposed to in primary care.  It then identifies seven asks or as they have been locally called the significant seven of which five are to start from April 2020 and another two from April 2021 Structured Medication Reviews and Optimisation • Enhanced Health in Care Homes (jointly with community services providers) • Anticipatory Care (jointly with community services providers) • Personalised Care; and • Supporting Early Cancer Diagnosis1.8 When will we have clarity on the process and use of the Network Dashboard? 1.11 Funding is not allocated directly for the delivery of the service specifications - let that sink in.  1.12 Extra capacity from the new roles in 20/21 - much of this was promised to stabilise practices not ask them to do more and does not allow for the extra 30% investment which is not supported by the existing pots.  1.16 funding for community service providers commented - limited
Dec 27, 2019 • 1h 7min

Primary care networks and 2019 a review with the General Practice Podcast's Ben Gowland

Primary care networks (PCNs) were introduced in 2019 and have had a seismic impact on General Practice. The person leading the charge with information has been Ben Gowland of the General Practice Podcast and in this episode we review his 2019 and share our own and the impact of PCNs. Andy - - Leave us a review at: Gowland : Ockham Healthcare - Hussain Gandhi – challenges for a new PCN Clinical Director Tom Howseman – better managing demand through pre-triage protocols Episodes with Dr Paul Bennet on: Lessons from a duty system overhaul saving begins at home Nikki Kanani episodes: General Practice podcast: Podblast: tweet blogs for his PCN: And Andy taking up the challenge. Defly practice unbound episode with network pharmacists: Becky Malby website: Learn about video meetings in our Zoom masterclass: Role of federations with PCNs What excites us for 2020 How the new roles will change primary care Ben Andy and Gandhi’s views on the new roles for PCNs with an in depth discussion on pharmacists, paramedics, first contact physiotherapist, menta

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