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Tech Lead Journal

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Nov 14, 2022 • 41min

#113 - Architecture Decision Record (ADR) - Michael Keeling

“An ADR is a simple text file describing the context, the decision, and the consequences of a single architectural decision stored in the version control repository." Michael Keeling is an experienced software engineer, architect, and the author of “Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect”. In this episode, Michael shared in-depth about ADR. He first shared his story of discovering ADR before describing what an ADR is. Michael then shared the objectives and benefits of using ADR to record architecture decisions and explained the key behavior changes happening when we practise ADR. Towards the end, Michael shared a few practical tips on creating and updating ADR, some patterns and anti-patterns he observed from his experience, and suggestions on how we can practise ADR effectively as a team. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:05:02] Discovering ADR - [00:07:05] ADR - [00:08:57] ADR Objectives - [00:11:18] Facilitating Good Design - [00:12:31] Not Capturing Design Decisions - [00:15:06] Distance Between Developers and Design - [00:17:19] Key Behaviour Changes - [00:19:11] Recent Popularity - [00:22:11] ADR Tips - [00:24:31] When to Create an ADR - [00:26:36] Updating Previous ADR - [00:27:55] Diagrams - [00:29:28] ADR Patterns - [00:31:06] ADR Anti-Patterns - [00:32:48] Doing ADR as a Team - [00:34:25] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:37:05] _____ Michael Keeling’s Bio Michael Keeling is a software engineer at Kiavi and the author of Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect. Prior to Kiavi, he worked at IBM on the Watson Discovery Service and has experience with a variety of software systems including service-oriented architectures, enterprise search systems, and even combat systems. Michael is an award-winning speaker and regularly participates in the architecture and agile communities. He holds a Masters in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary. His current research interests include software design methods, patterns, and human factors of software engineering. Follow Michael: Twitter – @michaelkeeling LinkedIn – Website – _____ Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. Skills Matter is the global community and events platform for software professionals. You get on-demand access to their latest content, thought leadership insights as well as the exciting schedule of tech events running across all time zones. Head on over to to become part of the tech community that matters most to you - it’s free to join and easy to keep up with the latest tech trends. Like this episode? Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Nov 7, 2022 • 53min

#112 - Developer Productivity and Experience - Abi Noda

“Developer experience is an approach to thinking about engineering excellence and maximizing engineering performance by increasing the capacity and performance of the individuals and the team as a whole." Abi Noda is the CEO & co-founder of DX. In this episode, Abi started by sharing what developer experience is, why it is becoming an industry trend nowadays, and the different ways of how it is being implemented in the industry. Abi explained why the traditional metrics normally used to measure developer productivity do not really work and can even provide perverse incentives. Abi then touched on the two popular researches widely known in the industry, i.e. the DORA report and SPACE framework, before then explained how DX is building on top of both researches to provide the measurements and KPIs to measure developer experience and productivity. Towards the end, Abi shared his advice on how we can start investing in improving developer experience, including when to form a dedicated team and getting the buy-in from company executives. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:22] Developer Productivity Industry Trend - [00:09:14] Developer Experience for Developers - [00:11:28] Different Names of Developer Experience - [00:13:30] Traditional Metrics - [00:17:15] DORA & SPACE - [00:21:16] DX Measurements - [00:26:30] DX KPIs - [00:32:01] Starting With Developer Experience - [00:36:49] Developer Experience Team - [00:40:49] Building a Case for Developer Experience - [00:43:08] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:46:18] _____ Abi Noda’s Bio Abi is the founder and CEO of, which helps engineering leaders measure and improve developer experience. Abi formerly founded Pull Panda, which was acquired by GitHub. Follow Abi: LinkedIn – Twitter – @abinoda Website – DX – Software Engineering Research – _____ Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Oct 31, 2022 • 40min

#111 - Teach the Geek to Speak: Public Speaking for Technical Professionals - Neil Thompson

“The people who are the communicators are the ones visible within companies. Just being technically proficient is not enough. You have to be an advocate for yourself." Neil Thompson is the founder of Teach the Geek and a public speaking coach. In this episode, Neil explained the importance of public speaking for technical professionals. Neil shared tips and advice on we can start and improve our public speaking skills. We also discussed some common challenges when speaking publicly and tips on how to overcome them. Towards the end, Neil shared more tips on storytelling, presenting data, doing virtual presentation, and presenting at large events. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:43] Importance of Public Speaking - [00:10:25] Tips to Start Public Speaking - [00:11:52] Challenge 1: Lack of Confidence - [00:14:44] Challenge 2: Lack of Expertise - [00:16:27] Challenge 3: Language Barrier - [00:17:59] Challenge 4: Past Trauma - [00:19:36] Filler Words - [00:20:52] Maintaining Eye Contacts - [00:22:36] Recording Video - [00:24:28] Body Language - [00:25:33] Getting Feedback - [00:26:44] Storytelling - [00:27:52] Presenting Data - [00:29:22] Managing Presentation Time - [00:30:33] Virtual Presentation - [00:31:48] Conference and Big Events - [00:32:37] Practising and Opportunities - [00:34:06] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:36:32] _____ Neil Thompson’s Bio After one too many failed presentations, Neil Thompson, an engineer, knew he had to improve. He did so, and now he works with technical professionals like himself to improve their communication skills. He hosts the Teach the Geek podcast, interviewing technical professionals about their public speaking journeys. He is also author of the book, Teach the Geek to Speak: a No-fluff Public Speaking Guide for STEM Professionals. Follow Neil: LinkedIn – Podcast – Youtube – Website – Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers, professionals in quality assurance, and also system analysts. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Oct 24, 2022 • 56min

#110 - Elastic Leadership: Growing Self-Organizing Teams - Roy Osherove

“As a team leader, you will become more successful and valuable if you are no longer a bottleneck for the people who are working with you and under you." Roy Osherove is the author of “Elastic Leadership” and “The Art of Unit Testing”. In this episode, we discussed leadership insights from “Elastic Leadership”. Roy first shared how he came up with the concept and described what elastic leadership is. He explained the different leadership styles based on the 3 team phases (survival mode, learning mode, and self-organizing mode) and advised how leaders can adapt and transition their leadership style from one phase to the other to lead effectively. Roy also shared about the Team Leader manifesto and the Line Manager manifesto to provide guidance on how leaders can grow their teams towards self-organization and self-sufficiency. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:45] Writing “Elastic Leadership” - [00:11:31] Team Leader Manifesto - [00:17:57] There Are No Experts - [00:23:23] Survival Mode - [00:30:49] Slack Time - [00:37:52] Self-Organizing Mode - [00:39:21] Learning Mode - [00:41:18] Line Manager Manifesto - [00:45:47] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:48:13] _____ Roy Osherove’s Bio Roy Osherove is the organizer of the CD/XP Israel meetup group. He’s the author of “Art of Unit Testing”, “Elastic Leadership” and the upcoming “Co-Ops: Pipeline Driven Organizations”. He has been working in the software industry for over 20 years in most types of technical & testing roles, and these days is working as a freelance consultant & trainer on-site for various companies across the world. Follow Roy: Twitter – @RoyOsherove LinkedIn – Website – 5 Whys – Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers, professionals in quality assurance, and also system analysts. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Oct 17, 2022 • 48min

#109 - A Strengths-Based Approach to Leadership - Brandon Miller

“The most responsible thing a human can do, either personally for their own development or the development of others, is play to a person’s strengths." Brandon Miller is the founder and CEO of 34 Strong and one of the first 7 certified Gallup Clifton StrengthsFinder coaches in the world. In this episode, we discussed Clifton StrengthsFinder, also known as CliftonStrengths. Brandon introduced what CliftonStrengths is and why it is important for us to recognize and focus on our strengths. He also shared when leaders apply a strengths-based approach at work, it leads to a much increased workplace engagement. Brandon then gave a walkthrough on how we can identify our strengths by taking the CliftonStrengths assessment and what we should do after we find out our strengths. Brandon also spent some time to discuss my top 3 strengths and explained the idea of complimentary partnerships. Towards the end, Brandon gave some tips for parents on how we can identify and nurture children’s core strengths since their childhood. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:46] Starting Journey with StrengthsFinder - [00:08:35] StrengthsFinder - [00:10:17] Why Focus on Strengths - [00:15:06] Increased Workplace Engagements - [00:19:41] Tips for High Work Engagement - [00:23:56] Doing StrengthsFinder Assessment - [00:26:59] Henry’s Top 3 Strengths - [00:30:56] Strengths-Based Leadership - [00:35:34] Core Strengths - [00:38:53] Nurturing Children’s Strengths - [00:41:18] Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:44:46] _____ Brandon Miller’s Bio Brandon Miller is the founder and CEO of 34 Strong, a coaching and consulting firm dedicated to improving employee engagement. As one of the First 7 Certified GALLUP Clifton Strengths Finder, Brandon has nearly 15 years of experience providing leadership training, coaching, advising, and facilitating. Brandon is also passionate about parenting, having authored several books such as “Play to Their Strengths” and “Incredible Parent” and founded Co-Founder of Incredible Family, a consulting agency applying strengths-based approach to parenting. Follow Brandon: LinkedIn – Email – 34 Strong – Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers, professionals in quality assurance, and also system analysts. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Oct 10, 2022 • 50min

#108 - Building the Future of Cloud Engineering With Pulumi - Joe Duffy

“Companies that are successful in getting the most out of the cloud embrace the fact that distributed application architecture is a first class application architecture concern." Joe Duffy is the co-founder and CEO of Pulumi. In this episode, we discussed cloud engineering concept and how Pulumi is helping to shape its future. Joe started by sharing his story founding Pulumi and the evolution of the cloud adoption. He shared his view on why cloud should be a first class application architecture concern and the concept of cloud as an operating system. Joe then shared in-depth the concept of cloud engineering as the next evolution of DevOps and explained how it changes the way we build, deploy, and manage infrastructure and application in the product development lifecycle. Towards the end, Joe shared his view on the future of cloud engineering and how Pulumi is helping organizations adopt cloud engineering at scale. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:18] Founding Pulumi - [00:11:05] Cloud as First Class Concern - [00:13:00] Cloud Engineering - [00:17:27] Build Phase - [00:23:02] Deploy Phase - [00:29:48] Manage Phase - [00:35:43] Infrastructure as Software - [00:38:32] Future of Cloud Engineering - [00:43:11] Pulumi Customer Story - [00:44:52] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:46:30] _____ Joe Duffy’s Bio Joe Duffy is co-founder and CEO of Pulumi. Prior to founding Pulumi, Joe was a longtime leader in Microsoft’s Developer Division, Operating Systems Group, and Microsoft Research. Most recently, he was Director of Engineering and Technical Strategy for developer tools, where part of his responsibilities included managing the groups building the C#, C++, Visual Basic, and F# languages. Joe was instrumental in taking .NET open source and cross-platform. Joe founded Pulumi in 2018 with Eric Rudder, the former Chief Technical Strategy Officer at Microsoft. Follow Joe: Twitter – @funcOfJoe LinkedIn – Website – Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers, professionals in quality assurance, and also system analysts. A selection of well-known international experts will share their practical knowledge on the most important topics in state-of-the-art software architecture. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, Scott Hanselman, Venkat Subramaniam, Kevlin Henney, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Oct 3, 2022 • 57min

#107 - Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale - Zhamak Dehghani

“If you want to unlock the value of your data by generating data-driven values, and you want to do it reliably and resiliently at scale, then you need to consider data mesh." Zhamak Dehghani is the author of the “Data Mesh” book. In this episode, we discussed in-depth about the data mesh, a concept she founded in 2018, which has then been becoming an industry trend. We started our conversation by discussing the current challenges working with data, such as the data centralization approach and why the current data tools are still inadequate. Zhamak then described data mesh and why organizations should adopt it to generate data-driven values at scale. Zhamak then explained the 4 principles of data mesh, which include domain ownership, data as a product, the self-serve data platform, and the federated computational governance. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:49] Challenges Working with Data - [00:10:19] Centralization of Data - [00:13:53] Why Current Tools Not Adequate - [00:16:00] Data Mesh & Its Drivers - [00:19:32] Principle of Domain Ownership - [00:25:54] Principle of Data as a Product - [00:35:57] Principle of The Self-Serve Data Platform - [00:40:51] Principle of Federated Computational Governance - [00:46:01] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:52:23] _____ Zhamak Dehghani’s Bio Zhamak Dehghani works as the CEO and founder of a stealth tech startup reimagining the future of data developer experience. She founded the concept of Data Mesh in 2018 and since has been implementing the concept and evangelizing it with the wider industry. She is the author of Architecture the Hard Parts and Data Mesh books. Zhamak serves on multiple tech advisory boards. She has worked as a technologist for over 24 years and has contributed to multiple patents in distributed computing communications. She is an advocate for the decentralization of all things, including architecture, data, and ultimately power. Follow Zhamak: Twitter – @zhamakd LinkedIn – Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers, professionals in quality assurance, and also system analysts. A selection of well-known international experts will share their practical knowledge on the most important topics in state-of-the-art software architecture. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, Scott Hanselman, Venkat Subramaniam, Kevlin Henney, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Subscribe on your podcast app. Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Sep 26, 2022 • 57min

#106 - Company-wide Agility With BOSSA Nova - Jutta Eckstein

“There’s no leading without following. We are only a leader because somebody is following us." Jutta Eckstein is a coach, consultant, and trainer who has helped many teams and organizations worldwide making an Agile transition. In this episode, we discussed ideas from her book “Company-wide Agility With Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, and Sociocracy”, also widely known as the BOSSA nova. Jutta started by sharing today’s company challenge in terms of collision of values between shareholder, customer, and the employee, and she provided a suggestion how to align the values better. She then broke down BOSSA nova and explained each concept and principles of Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy, and Agile. Jutta also shared the four values of BOSSA nova and how they also relate extrinsically to sustainability. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:24] Writing BOSSA Nova - [00:08:34] People-Customer-Shareholder Value - [00:12:04] BOSSA Nova - [00:14:54] Beyond Budgeting - [00:24:16] Open Space - [00:32:56] Sociocracy - [00:37:58] Agile Values - [00:44:04] Transparency - [00:49:50] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:52:22] _____ Jutta Eckstein’s Bio Jutta Eckstein works as an independent coach, consultant, and trainer. She has helped many teams and organizations worldwide to make an Agile transition, especially with medium-sized to large distributed mission-critical projects. Jutta has recently pair-written with John Buck a book entitled Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy (dubbed BOSSA nova). Besides that, she has published her experience in her books Agile Software Development in the Large, Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams, Retrospectives for Organizational Change, and together with Johanna Rothman Diving for Hidden Treasures: Uncovering the Cost of Delay in your Project Portfolio. Follow Jutta: Website – Twitter – @JuttaEckstein LinkedIn – Our Sponsors Mental well-being is a silent pandemic. According to the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global economy over USD 1 trillion every year. It’s time to make a difference! Learn how to enhance your lives through a master class on mental wellness. Visit and enter TLJ20 for a 20% discount. The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers, professionals in quality assurance, and also system analysts. A selection of well-known international experts will share their practical knowledge on the most important topics in state-of-the-art software architecture. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, Scott Hanselman, Venkat Subramaniam, Kevlin Henney, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Subscribe on your podcast app. Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Sep 19, 2022 • 57min

#105 - Coaching for Technical Leaders - Bob Galen

“If you want to become a better and more effective leader, then one of your core skills should be coaching skills." Bob Galen is the President & Principal Agile Coach at RGCG and a prolific writer, blogger, and podcaster. In this episode, Bob and I discussed coaching and leadership from his latest book “Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching”. Bob started by explaining the concepts of agile leadership and agile coaching. He shared about the different coaching stances and why he suggests that coaching is an essential core leadership skill. Bob then went into details to describe the skills to become a good coach, such as asking powerful questions and becoming powerful listeners. Towards the end, Bob shared some tips for coaching up and coaching the middle managers, i.e. coaching the coaches. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:06:39] Agile Leader - [00:09:17] Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching - [00:12:35] Definition of Coaching - [00:15:31] Coaching as a Leadership Skill - [00:19:44] Skills to Become a Good Coach - [00:24:00] Powerful Questions - [00:27:59] Powerful Listening - [00:33:37] When to Give Solutions - [00:38:54] Coaching Up - [00:43:30] Coaching Middle Managers - [00:48:06] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:51:47] _____ Bob Galen’s Bio Bob Galen is an Agile Methodologist, Practitioner & Coach based in Cary, NC. In this role, he helps guide companies and teams in their pragmatic adoption and organizational shift towards Scrum and other Agile methods and practices. He is currently President & Principal Consultant at RGCG, LLC. Bob regularly speaks at international conferences and professional groups on topics related to software development, project management, software testing and team leadership. He is a Certified Scrum Coach (CSC), Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO), and an active member of the Agile & Scrum Alliances. He’s published 3 agile related books: Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching, Scrum Product Ownership, and Agile Reflections. He’s also a prolific writer, blogger, and podcaster. Follow Bob: LinkedIn – Twitter – @bobgalen Personal Website – Website – Meta-Cast Podcast – Our Sponsors The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers and professionals in quality assurance, but also system analysts who want to communicate better with their developers. A selection of well-known international experts will share their practical knowledge on the most important topics in state-of-the-art software architecture. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, Scott Hanselman, Venkat Subramaniam, Kevlin Henney, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Subscribe on your podcast app. Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For episode show notes, visit
Sep 12, 2022 • 59min

#104 - Growing Through Experimentation - Lisi Hocke

“The most important part about building an experiment-driven culture is to make it safe to fail and to fail in good ways." Lisi Hocke is an active figure in the global testing community. In this episode, Lisi shared her lessons learned growing an experiment-driven quality culture in her recent years. Lisi shared why it is important to have an experimentation mindset before we adopt something new or any good practices and to have a safe environment to execute those experiments. Lisi shared her advice on how to run an experiment, from building transparency, creating hypothesis, getting buy-in, and understanding our biases, in particular the sunk cost fallacy. In the latter half, Lisi shared her personal transformation journey learning in public and shared her tips on growing technical confidence. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:05:59] Sharing About Building Quality Culture - [00:13:39] Experiment-Driven Culture - [00:21:14] Building Transparency - [00:25:41] Hypothesis - [00:28:08] Building Better Hypothesis - [00:29:58] Getting Buy-In - [00:33:38] Sunk Cost Fallacy - [00:37:44] Learning in Public - [00:41:42] Growing Technical Confidence - [00:47:37] 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:53:12] _____ Lisi Hocke’s Bio Lisi found tech as her place to be in 2009 and grew as a specialized generalist ever since. She’s passionate about the whole-team approach to holistic testing and quality and enjoys experimenting and learning continuously. Building great products which deliver value together with great people motivates her and lets her thrive. Having received a lot from communities, she’s paying it forward by sharing her stories and learning in public. In her free time, she plays indoor volleyball or delves into computer games and stories of all kinds. Follow Lisi: Twitter – @lisihocke LinkedIn – Website – Our Sponsors The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering is the international conference highlight for all those working on solution structures in IT projects: primarily software architects, developers and professionals in quality assurance, but also system analysts who want to communicate better with their developers. A selection of well-known international experts will share their practical knowledge on the most important topics in state-of-the-art software architecture. The conference takes place online from November 14 to 17, 2022, and we have a 15% discount code for you: TLJ_MP_15. DevTernity 2022 ( is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, Scott Hanselman, Venkat Subramaniam, Kevlin Henney, and many others! The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ. Like this episode? Subscribe on your favorite podcast app and submit your feedback. Follow @techleadjournal on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Pledge your support by becoming a patron. For more info about the episode (including quotes and transcript), visit

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