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Oct 3, 2022 • 45min

What Does It Mean to Shift Around Time? w/ ~Pilwyc-Fastec

My pseudoanonymous guest here today is ~Pilwyc-Fastec, you can find him on Urbit by that name spelled out Urbit is the right OS to build the future of the smart home. What is a smart home? What does it mean to shift around time? How did the mainframe build the modern smart home infrastructure? How can we share time on devices with others in a home in an intelligent way? What was the grant process like for Urbit? What is identity? Peer to peer versus server to client What does it mean to codify reputation? What is the difference between reputation and identity? What is the human way of doing reputation? What is the antifragile nature of reputation? What is preferential attachment? What is an engagement loop? What is calm technology? Are client-server relationships more promotive of engagement loops? What is a group recommender system? What is the relationship between AI and Urbit? How will Urbit integrate with artificiall intelligence? What does it mean to reduce error for AI? Is that all it is? What is the relationship with business decisions and the effectiveness of artificial intelligence? What is a pace layer? Why does technology over-complicate things and then decomplicate them? What is an edge device?
Sep 26, 2022 • 1h 21min

What happened between Socrates and now?

Follow @losMapMaker on Twitter He is a Metaphysical spice¹ trader. Cyclical time cartographer. Exotic information imports What happened between Socrates and now? What is cyclical time versus linear time? What have you learned from the fourth turning? Why is it that somethings outside the realm of science that are also predictive? Why does science think that it is predictive when it isnt always (rona)? Does the 4th turning have any connection with vedic astrology? Who are some famous mathemeticians and physicists that also use astrology? What is the relationship between science/tech and aquarius energy? What are some charectirisitcs of pisces thought? What is aquarius? How does nature distribute information efficiently? How is efficiency fractal? Is it a dark age or golden age right now? It depends on the context For some people it will be a dark age, parrticularly people who cling to the pisces energy What was plato’s biggest contribution to the way that we see the world? A perfect god, makes it necessary to be an omnibeing, an object that can exhibit no change Is aquarius energy nonlinear compared to the pisces energy? What is the god of the aquarius age? A decentralized god What is the difference between a theory of a centralized god versus one of a decentrazlied god? What is the result of the eastern and western philosophies clash that is happening because of the internet and postmodernity? Why did the hebrews/jesus, ultimately get shoehorned into greek/roman philosophy? What is telos? What is platonic perfection? Where did the concept of lived experience come from? Why is the ontological interpretation often wrong? What is narrative reincarnation? Who is ernest becker?
Sep 19, 2022 • 1h 6min

How Do You Assume Responsibility For Existence? w/ Wade Townsend

Wade Townsend   When did you get into playing poker? What is negotiation when it comes to draft for baseball? What is Tommy John surgery? What pitcher surgeries are common? What is your degree in? What countries did you play poker tournaments in? What is the bureaucracy involved with baseball? Was it the coaches or the employees in professional baseball? What is the difference between traveling for fun vs. traveling for a goal? Why is the difference between being sincere and being serious? Why is 90% of humanity deceptive? How do you assume responsibility for existence? Why does the Catholic Church make Latin America resistant to mind-viruses? What is the concept of self-evidence? How do you define God? What is the meaning of words? What about neutering dogs? Who is Bob Barker in relationship to dogs? Why did you live in Cabo San Lucas? What did Ithe United States make illegal in 2011? When did you get abducted in Colombia? Why is it important to let go of fake friends? Coming to our senses book. How do mammals signal differently than other animals? How do you find the Goldilocks when seeking information about problems that you have? Why is there so much bullshitting in academia? What is a good Gnostic Bible? Gospel of Thomas Did you get attached to cosmic consciousness? How is it better? What got you into Wittgenstein? How?
Sep 12, 2022 • 1h 11min

The Invisible Infrastructure of Trust w/ Aaron Lowry

Aaron Lowry How to build? What does software do for helping us to customize our physical creations? Where is our awareness focused? Why does it focus there? How does it focus there? How does 3D engineering work? How do you find the most important constraints that are the obstacles in your way? How do you focus? What are the properties of thermal expansion? What should I understand about physics as a novice builder? What are geotelematics? (10 minutes in) What would be the best way to track all of the items at my airbnb? What is threat detection and how did you learn about it? Will hardware manufacturing come down in price soon? What is network infrastructure? What are the most important things to knoow about self-reliance and self-sufficiency? What is different about the western US and how did it contribute to the development of blockchain and bitcoin? What is ‘code is law’? Why is it important to trust 3rd parties less in our current age? Trust is the lubricant that creates positive human interaction Maybe impossible to overstate the value of trust The invisible infrastructure of trust  What is the reserve banking system? Where do we find ourselves today? cultural, political and economic institutions Trust is explicit for all these vast numbers of people People are habituated to the convenience of high trust but we now might be in a low trust meta environment How do you play the long game when everyone else is playing the short game or the evil game? How do you establish institutions so that long games can be freely played? How did so many unelected people get so much power in the United States? What is the ideal way of promoting and giving community resources to the community? How do bureaucracies destroy transparency and accountability in the United States? Were politicians ever not actors? What are the subtle effects of living in urban, suburban, and rural environments? Why do I hate hyperspecialization so much? What have you been 3D printing? How do we ground our roles in reality rather than complete performance? What is the best way to operate and why is it always in “the truth”? Why do so many people refuse to find feedback mechanisms (40 minutes)? What separates people who want to build worlds and consume worlds? How can you deliver feedback to someone who both wants it and does not want it at the same time? What do you know about entropy and what is its connection to purpose? What is the difference between maintenance and building? Why are some people compelled to progress? How do you master tools and materials in order to build in-flow? Why are mountain and rural people so practical? How does that influence their philosophy? What is trim carpentry? What is the difference between carpentry and house building? What are the constraints for building houses? What are all the differences between all the woods? What is the environment you are building the house in? What are the constraints of the materials What is my soil composition? How do you anchor things into the ground? What is pressure treated lumbar? What is a skid lower? What is rammed earth? What is the easiest place to build something in the United States in regards to permitting? What is the water situation in Wyoming? Water is the new gold and artificial constraints will make it insane What is the value of energy? How do we determine a viable versus a negative artificial constraint? What is NFT marketplace on Cardano called? @Aaron_Lowry on Twitter  
Sep 5, 2022 • 1h 11min

What is the difference between seeking insight and seeking status? - Francis Pedraza

What is dialogue? What is monologue? How do you have dialgoue with your colleagues? And then engagement? How many corporate retreats have you done? What is a corporate retreat? How do you find perfect deals? What is a perfect deal? How do you deal with the stress from early deals? How do you deal with principal agent dilemma of investors? How do you deal with potential for embarassments? Is honor culture neccesary? Why does it show up in human relationships? What is the difference between true inquiry and reputational status building activity? How do you deal with the necessity of being an asshole? Man is a political animal, there is no apolitical. Who is someone you know that you know that you still find mysterious? Why do people have conversations? What do you do about the possibility of surprise? Conversation as a dance; what is the music that you are dancing to? What is the logos? What is the relationship between logos and revelation?What is Poesis? Can a muse be anything? What is a poetic disclosure? What is Plato’s phaedrus? Arate (skill or excellence) and aristeia (best game ever while he had the flu). What is the difference between Daemon and Spirit? What are your thoughts on the thing you just said and how AI will interact with it? Contemporary thought versus super power daemons. How do you make yourself ready to have God move through you? How do you work with ethical tightropes when ethics themselves are not respected by most people? How do you cultivate flow?What do you think about secularism? Animals don’t have type 2 thinking.  What is an Emu’s algorithims?Why do I feel nervous about being a Stewart algorithm? How do substances help us unravel and put back together our unconscious? What is your thoughts on city versus country? Is Western civilization less paradoxical than the east? What is hippie buddhism? How many hours a day are you reading? Do you put in your calendar? How do you wear a mask without idenifitying the character that the mask portrays? What is the science that has been rejected? What is science again? What happens when scientists experiment on themselves? What is glory? How do you talk about science when you are not a scientist but have studied? What is the difference between scientism and science? What are your invalidated hypothesis that you have discovered in the past year? What do you think of dark ages? Who is Francis Bacon? Who are the scientists that have been ignored in their life but then turned out to be revolutionaries? What is an age of concealment? What is the cult of progress? Who did Jesus rail against?In what ways was Jesus a contrarian? What is the difference between change and progress? What is chronological snobbery? Can you see all of your own blind spots? What are the virtues of medeival thought? What is the different way of funding science? How is science funded? Corporate R&D, venture capital, and government-academic complex for grants. What are teh different ways that corruption shows up? Incredible incrementalism. If the grant complex is so wonderful, then why dont we 10X funding? What is Francis’ approach to funding science? Crowdfunding, find the experiment to validate  Philanthropy based prizes What is the spirit of science? How do narcissists use simple statements to manipulate thoughts? Should scietnists be passing laws? What can we call people who believe in Scientism? Paradox has no thearitcal solution. How can you develop paradoxical thinking? What do you believe is true that is absolutely true? There is no way of doing nothing.
Aug 29, 2022 • 1h 6min

Why is Modernity Difficult on Spiritual Deviants? w/ Neal Davis

  Director of developer experience at the Urbit Foundation ~lagrev-nocfep on Urbit @sigilante on twitter   What is a sigil? What is the most important thing you’ve learned about teaching? Driven by authoritarian high modernism Top down imposition Structural way of understanding context Industrial revolution Ten years ago there was online education MIT open course where Open up the content to everyone and it will create revolution Introducing a model that the person gets illuminated from Humans are good at metaphors Give them a framework and people will figure it out These things are measurable Open problem in computer science Two classes of complexity Polynomial time Vastly exponentially complicated than things that can be solved in a certain time NP on the hard problems Has to do with the structure of our attention 9 years experience Philosophy of pedagogy Why doesn’t it make it easy to open up knowledge? How do you make something relevant? Strongly in favor of hyper individualist approach to teaching Interdisciplinary Try everything, some things stick Analogical reasoning How do you improvise for metaphors? Why is it so disincentivized to do improv? Input output model doesn’t quite work because the context is so vast The model of the areas of learning is helpful but not 100% accurate Tutorial method does not scale but its the most effective Really hard problem P=NP what is it? When I’m working on a particular mode, gumption traps, energy sinks, takes a lot of agency to activate yourself out of the state Rumsfeld called the unknown unknowns What questions do you have? Is a better question than What are your questions? What do you do when you need to solve a problem? Someone tried to build a solution for what Neal is talking about at 10 minutes in Go to the fringes to get the edge cases What is the advantage of a low status source? How do you make your questions and answers legible? Subtopics and how to use them? What is the demand for previous for previous programmers learning Urbit? What is the percentage of programmers who are learning Urbit? What was the first iteration of home school? Dozen people finished Now they have 60 people finishing Why does Urbit have a weird perception from people? Once you hear about it you go into the rabbit hole and it never stops Its a web within a web Its like a secret door in a house didn’t you know about it Pitch the idea of the treasure hunt powered by Urbit Why did stars survive in demand? How much did they survive? How much does it cost to buy a star now versus the 2022 downturn in crypto How do you get the right answer as opposed to the fast answer? Only developers who are autodidactic like and stay with Urbit Who is Richard Stallman? LISP He built community around GANU, Linux? Invented the free software  What is functional programming? What is the relationship between mental divergence and programming? What is the third type of developers in relation to something like Urbit? The arguers What is the fourth type of developers in relation to something like Urbit? Rebellious and devious enough  What is the relationship between Bitcoin and Urbit? What are the main challenges you see in terms of my crazy idea for the treasure hunt? What are the options to build this quickly? This is the main problem Is it a web page driven experience? Build an urbit app and get them to install it You would have to figure out how to do the call outs to the phone device Hot or cold game Only track wether they found it or not How can we effectively expose underlying things to the urbit server? 24 minutes in Should we think about Urbit as a operating system? Who is experimenting with Urbit moons as internet of things?
Aug 15, 2022 • 49min

Why Will We Mine Our Own Garbage? w/ Bill Lawrence

Bill Lawrence from ReStore   What did Zaire used to be called? What is River Blindness? What is less effective than DDT? Why would you dissect a fly? How do you dissect a fly? Why will we mine our own garbage? What items require special recycling? What is a “transfer station”? What is “planned obsolescence”? Who is leading the way with a “cradle-to-grave” philosophy?
Aug 8, 2022 • 1h 26min

Can You Be a Stoic and a Sex Worker at the Same Time? w/ Dashielle Bark Huss

Dashiell Bark Huss CEO, Wish Tender What is Wish Tender? Gifts from fans Gift registries It's a privacy company How do adult film stars know how to create boundaries? Is it hard for adult film stars to create boundaries? What is financial domination? A sub who likes to be submissive when it comes to money 90-Day Fiancee If someone comes to you and offers you gifts, what do you do? Why are you nervous about outsourcing? What is it like to do business with your life partner? Is Wish Tender a “no-code business”? Why is New Mexico a great place to do vanlife? Meow Wolf is Pee Wee’s Playhouse on acid What do you know about Urbit so far? What is the deal with Linkedin’s search? What do we know about lucid dreaming What do we not know about lucid dreaming? We don’t know any biomarkers during lucid dreaming Why don’t we know what is physically happening in lucid dreaming? What do the electrodes measure? EMG muscle tone EOG electric ocular graphing  EEG electroenchephalograph Alpha Beta Gamma Theta Lucid Dreaming lab at NorthWestern Send them an eye signal through the dream REM you can detect What about your 100 days of discomfort like? Vanlife (37 minutes in) Why does Stewart have a fear of wearing silly stuff? What was it like asking people to play Rock Paper Scissors? What is the feeling like of having someone confront strangers? What types of attention are fun to get? What is the difference between political swag and political garb? What happens when you wear both a Trump shirt and a Bernie shirt? What happens when you wear a Trump shirt at a college campus? (40 minutes in) What are some other things that will get you stereotyped that aren’t political? Why do both Dashielle and Stewart have so many idiosyncrasies when other people? What is relationship between stoicism and sex and/or sex word? Can you be both a sex worker and a stoic at the same time? What is it like to be a contrarian? What is the relationship between crying and stoicism? What are crocodile tears? How do you fire people? What are the differences between sympathy and empathy? What is metacognition? What does it improve in relation to lucid dreaming? What is the inner monologue’s connection to lucid dreaming? What does it take to be a good lucid dreamer? Why do people disagree about what just happened? What is a reality check? Awake What do you think of the deep sleep state? What are the stages related to deep sleep? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 What is the difference between REM and deep sleep? What is the relationship between cannabis and lucid dreaming? Should I do an OnlyFans account? How do you get a lot of attention for a good cause? How can I get arrested for something silly? How do you find an old law to test? How do I create a mugshot for myself? What is the difference between satirical news and fake news? How can I get more magical realism in my life? Read the book from Gabriel Garcia Marquez? @dashbarkhuss on twitter
Aug 1, 2022 • 1h 6min

What Will Urbit Look Like in 1,000 Years? w/ Tim from Uqbar

An experiment I'm running to live tweet my interviews in the forms of questions: The first try is with ~timluc-miptev on Urbit He is constructing and coordinating a DAO that will be a Layer 1 that will start as a ZK roll-up in the Urbit ecosystem.     What is a program running on the Urbit operating system? What does it mean to write to the ETH blockchain? What are the main constructs in building what you are building? What will it take to build a full layer 1 on Urbit? What is the deal with hype-farming? What do you need for a full layer 1?  How do you get people on board? How do you make sure its secure? How many years does it take to build trust in an layer 1? What use cases can be solved by a layer 1? Why is Urbit the best environment for staying productive and happy as a programmer? How do you balance the money-making hype-farming with staying grounded? How do you not pump and dump? What are the hype-farming paths? What is your marketing strategy? Does Urbit have the most high end mind share like Quora did but no longer has? How can this be nurtured? What is starkware? How do you get developer mind-share in an age when the best is already post-economic? Is raising money for crypto companies better to do in a venture style as opposed to crowdfunding? How do you become an accredited investor? Who do you show the money to? What is the impact of devs being post-economic and post location? How do you do due diligence when people like being anon? Whtat is the value prop of Urbit? What is the future of gaming on Urbit? What is the difference between production programming and fun/tinkering programming? Urbit is the unifying software behind the fun factor for programmers? What is a networking operating system? What will Urbit look like in a thousand years? Behind the scenes network operating system that no one notices. Will your thing eventually work on hardware? What is it like to live in a world of bits? What is your long-term physical location ideal? Nomad? What is the main challenge of building a ZK roll-up? How does it work in ETH? How can we think about in terms of state when it comes to ETH? How do you build a small ETH program as a ZK roll up? What are the main use cases that are being created right now with ZK roll-ups? Make transactions cheaper ZK roll ups seem like strange distributed bots straight out of a Gibson Cyberpunk Novel. What is the metaverse? What will happen to real estate when crypto is fully embodied in our physical life? What does it mean to be Will-maximalist? What are the upsides to living a fully remote work life? How do you balance the upsides and downsides? What is the difference between being grounded and dependent on a physical location? What were doing in Ukraine? Why are you a Russophile? What was it like to be ungrounded quickly by war in Ukraine? How is news different when you are actually in the physical location where the news is taking place? What are input/output matches? Track what the inputs were and what they said. Test whether it turned out to be true. Say to yourself what you think is going on and test it.
Jul 25, 2022 • 48min

What Is the Current State of Psychedelics? w/ Woody Wiegmann

What is the current state of psychedelics? Is it legal to use psilocybin in a controlled treatment framework in Oregon? What state will be next? What does it mean to be a Schedule One Drug? What will the FDA do next year in terms of psychedelics? Why is Ibogaine illegal? What is Habitat for Humanity? What percentage of the population has P.T.S.D.? Who is on the cutting edge of research in this area?

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