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Brain Science: Neuroscience, Behavior

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Mar 25, 2020 • 37min

Memory and learning

Mireille and Adam discuss the process of forming memories, the various types of memory, anxieties, phobias, panic attacks, and how our attention and our memory relates to learning. Where you place your attention influences what you might remember. What you are able to remember influences how you feel, the choices you make, and your future outcomes. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Questions to consider as you listen to this episode: What is memory? How does the process of forming memories work? Types of memory? How does this relate to learning? What can I do differently given this understanding of memory? Also listen to: Brain Science #11: Competing for attention Brain Science #12: Your choice is your superpower Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Mar 16, 2020 • 44min

Brace for turbulence

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak being declared a global pandemic and a national emergency here in the United States as well as many other countries around the world, it would be extremely difficult to have a serious conversation here on Brain Science that’s not colored by today’s very serious events. Mireille and Adam discuss the anxiety, fear, and panic that many may be facing. How do we navigate the unseeable unknown? How should we respond to change and the state of the world we are now living in? Don’t panic. Prepare for change. Be adaptable. Be resilient. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes: ‘Brace for turbulence,’ Coronavirus is the black swan of 2020 COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) real time dashboard Coronavirus and the remote work experiment no one asked for Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Mar 6, 2020 • 44min

Your choice is your superpower

Mireille and Adam discuss the power of choice as it relates to our locus of control, decision making, and the changes we want to make in our lives. Emotions play a role in decision making as do our values and the perceived payout. When we are aware of the choices we make, we have the capacity to change them and henceforth, the direction of our lives, and the way we feel. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes: Who Moved my Cheese? Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman — this review on NY Times was interesting to read The riddle of experience vs. memory by Daniel Kahneman from the TED Conference Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Feb 19, 2020 • 51min

Competing for attention

Mireille and Adam discuss the mechanism of attention as an allocation of one’s resources. If we can think of attention as that of a lens, we can practice choosing what we give our attention to recognizing that multiple things, both externally and internally, routinely compete for our attention. Distraction can also be useful when we utilize it intentionally to manage the focus of our attention. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Attention is the mechanism through which the brain focuses resources on some thing. If you can direct your attention, then you can direct where your brain puts its resources. You can think of attention similar to that of a camera lens. What lens and at what focal length are you using to focus with? The Web 2.0 Show #43 w/ Kathy Sierra: Creating passionate users Watch! Pay attention: you can change your brain by Kitty Chisholm at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool — where she says “It’s a very a competitive environment,” when it comes to attention. Add this to your book shelf — Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi As well as Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Feb 5, 2020 • 50min

Shame on you

Mireille and Adam discuss shame as an emotional and experiential construct. We dive into the neural structures involved in processing this emotion as well as the factors and implications of our experience of shame. Shame is a natural response to the threat of vulnerability and perception of oneself as defective or inherently “not enough.” Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:What is shame? Brené Brown, leading researcher on shame, vulnerability and connection — ​​​​”Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.” The “hustle” of not enough Shame is the response to threat. It is a stress response. ​​Think of Shame as the inner critic. The one who berates and belittles you out of this place of fear of inadequacy or inherent flaw. Shame vs. guilt Shame = I AM bad/marred/irreparably flawed. Guilt = I DID something bad. Guilt is rooted in a behavior you did whereas shame is all encompassing, fundamentally who you are as defective or inadequate. Behavioral response Shame prompts hiding. Because when we feel ashamed, we don’t want to expose ourselves to others. If we “feel” or believe ourselves to be marred, it makes sense that we would be apt to hide. From an evolutionary perspective - ​​Shame is a signal that you aren’t part of the tribe, which would’ve been threatening or dangerous. ​​​Is the culture of today conditioning us to feel dis-content more often? “I stopped trying to keep up with the Jones’ because I realized that when I wake up someone moved the line.” Examine what you are optimizing for as opposed to applying the “one-size-fits-all” approach. How do I manage shame more adaptively? Identify the emotion. What is the perceived threat that I’m reacting to? Identify your tribe. Who can I connect with? Who’s part of my tribe? What is my system for soothing? I need to upload new soothing/calming data. It all comes back to being grounded in knowing what you’re optimizing for and recognizing that being who we are — being human, always involves vulnerability so we have to practice showing up. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Jan 23, 2020 • 48min

One small act of kindness

Psychology expert Mireille Reece and tech enthusiast Adam Stacoviak discuss the construct of empathy in this podcast. They explore key brain structures involved in empathy and how it affects our relationships at home and in the workplace. They cover aspects of empathy such as emotional resonance, perspective taking, cognitive understanding, empathic concern, and empathic joy. The podcast also delves into the multi-modal nature of face-to-face interactions in empathy and the working model of another person in the mind's eye. Additionally, they touch on mirror neurons, the impact of painkillers on empathy, the definition and practice of compassion, the importance of clear communication in building empathy, and the power of differentiating pain and performing small acts of kindness.
Jan 14, 2020 • 43min

The mechanics of goal setting

Mireille and Adam discuss goal setting and the different types of goals we set. We reflect on how can you set goals that work for you and measure them. We also talk about how you go about building the behaviors that align with your identity and resistance we face when we do this. We also share our 2020 goal for Brain Science. This is a must-listen episode to get a grounded perspective in planning your goals for this year and decade. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Goal setting — are you ready for the new year/new you? ​​The Marshmallow Test (Carol Dweck, Ph.D.) — The role of delayed gratification in growth mindset and why self-control is the engine of success. ​​3 types of goals Outcome - Outcome goals are very often binary and involve winning, for example, wanting to win a gold medal or wanting to be the largest company in your sector. Whilst outcome goals are hugely motivating, they are not under your control as they are affected by how others perform and/or other external forces. Performance - A performance goal is a performance standard that you are trying to achieve. These are the performance standards you set for yourself to achieve if you are going to build towards your outcome goal. Over time, performance goals build upon one another to help you achieve your outcome goal. Process - Process goals support performance goals by giving you something to focus on as you work towards your performance goals. Process goals are completely under your control. They are the small things you should focus on or do to eventually achieve your performance goals. ​​The Kaizen Way - “itty bitty” steps to move you in the direction of the goal you want to achieve. ​​ ​​Areas of life for goal setting: vocational, relational, personal, financial, health, etc. “SMART” Goals Specific ​2. Measurable ​3. Achievable ​4. Realistic ​5. Time Bound ​How committed am I? ​​If I’m optimizing in one way, it will invariably affect other aspects of my life. Therefore, have I considered the implications of this goal in my life? ​​The Role of Identity in the goal setting process. Are my goals aligned with my identity? Accountability and Goal Setting The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) study on accountability found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%. The WILL and the WAY ​​There’s a lot of research around this at the Social and Affective lab at the University of Oregon. Will and Way –– “The will refers to the motivational and affective processes that drive goal pursuit such as approach motives, and the way refers to the suite of cognitive capacities and abilities that enable goal pursuit such as inhibitory control. Neither part is sufficient on its own; both are necessary for effective self-regulation.” ( Inhibitory control is a major part of goal achievement. I have to be able to “inhibit” my desire/drive for another behavior and replace it with the more adaptive or desirable one. Our goal for 2020? The goal for Brain Science in 2020 is to ship WEEKLY episodes (YEAH!). Can you help us achieve our goals? Give us feedback. Join us in Slack to share YOUR circumstances or challenges so we can work with you to help you hack it! Or get in touch on Twitter via @Changelog or @BrainScienceFM. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Dec 30, 2019 • 43min

What are you thinking?

Mireille and Adam discuss the role of our thoughts, how they run our lives, and how they make us feel. We talk through alternative ways to think, the power we hold in starving our habitual neural networks, and the ways our thoughts help us to be our best selves. How aware are you of the quality of the soil of your mind? Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Thoughts and the thinker – How do our thoughts affect how we do ourselves and live our lives? The Role of Attention or Awareness: If we aren’t considerate or reflective of our thoughts, we ignore the environment in which we grow. Maladaptive thoughts: Aaron Beck – 10 Cognitive Distortions Catastrophic Thinking: Imagining the worst case scenario. Context and gratitude as alternative options. Thoughts affect feelings and feelings affect thinking. All or nothing thinking: Thinking in binary or absolutes modes. This type of thinking perpetuates more cognitive rigidity and lends to feeling hopeless. Reframing strategies – Use specifics in lieu of the generalities or extremes. Building skills in new lanes…moving from expert to novice when you move the skill or knowledge into a new area or relationship. Don’t SHOULD on yourself! Creating an external construct and imposing and applying it to oneself. These are within the context of your own internal self-talk and personal expectations. Mental Filters: Focusing on one aspect or detail of a situation and obsessing over it. Reframe – What else can you focus on…put on a different lens to see your world. It isn’t just about NOT doing these things, it’s about being intentional and reflective around the thoughts we think and putting forth effort in the direction that you want to go. Use the “Best Friend” test. Would you say to your best friend what you say to yourself? Resources: Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Nov 28, 2019 • 50min

Respect, empathy, and compassion

Mireille and Adam discuss empathy, respect, and compassion and the role each of these interpersonal constructs play in strengthening our relationships, both personally and professionally. What exactly is empathy, respect, and compassion? What are key indicator lights to be aware of when any of them are lacking or off-kilter? We also discuss Dr. John Gottman’s research on “The Four Horsemen” in relationships. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Respect, empathy, and compassion as multiple parts of a system: We need understanding or respect for others. Respect means I don’t have to have experienced what someone else has in order for it to be true. We use empathy to “see” things from another’s perspective, not my perspective of their perspective. Compassion as “suffering with” others – holding the awareness of another’s experience and coming alongside them. This results in action not simply knowledge. INQUIRE about others’ experience – instead of telling someone how they should feel or think YOU can ask questions to improve the clarity of YOUR understanding of THEIR experience. This is a way in which we can “build” our skill in terms of having empathy for others. Seek to understand, not judge. Have REGARD for others’ experiences – this is evidence of respect. It is easy to use ourselves to make sense of what we don’t know; therefore, we need to learn how to consider the direction of the “lens” we use. Collaboration as a key component of respect and empathy. How do we make sense of others’ perspectives or experiences? Challenges with feedback from others: Invalidation ==> telling someone that they shouldn’t feel or think what they do, in fact, think or feel. We are apt to struggle with an undercurrent of distrust in one’s self when we get feedback like this from others. Indicator lights of having difficulty giving respect, empathy, or compassion with ourselves and others. Arguing or poor communication Depression (cognitive rigidity) Guilt as reflection of giving something I don’t have to give or not giving someone what they want Anxiety (chaos) We can acquire and cultivate the skills of respect, empathy, and compassion. We don’t improve any skill we don’t practice. How can we do things differently relationally? Create clear expectations for ourselves and others. Use clarity to help manage these differently Co-operate with others Dr. John Gottman’s 4 horsemen in (marital/couple) relationships: Criticism - negative judgments in absolute terms Defensiveness - avoiding responsibility or blaming others Contempt - a fundamental sense of disrespect, ridicule or disgust. Name calling – erodes the fabric of a relationship. (ex. mean-spirited sarcasm or eye rolling) **This is the most problematic in a relationship. Stonewalling - putting a wall between you and your partner Being able to identify the Four Horsemen in your conflict discussions is a necessary first step to eliminating them, but this knowledge is not enough. To drive away destructive communication and conflict patterns, you must replace them with healthy, productive ones. Fortunately, each horseman has a proven positive behavior that will counteract negativity. This infographic highlights some of Dr. John Gottman’s most notable research findings on marriage and couple relationships. What’s a good action plan for change? Self-awareness is key place to start. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Nov 21, 2019 • 51min

Managing our mental health

Mireille and Adam discuss key aspects of mental health and what it looks like to manage our own mental well-being. What are the key ingredients to managing it? How do our relationships and boundaries impact it? Are sleep, food, and activity really that important? We talk through these questions and more to better understand mental health and the ways in which we contribute to our well being. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mireille Reece, PsyD – LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Mental health is a system issue — if one aspect isn’t working well, it impacts the system as a whole. Similar to that of a symphony, we, as individuals, work better when we acknowledge and allow all of our systems to work together. When key ingredients that contribute to our mental health are depreciated, we can expect that other aspects of our lives will be influenced as well. Mental health is variable. Just like our physical health, the knowledge base we have is always in flux. We never stop managing our mental health just like we don’t stop managing our money, health, relationships, etc. Remembering that there are always “knowns” and “unknowns” when we talk about health will help us better apply what we know about these things to us as individuals. Key ingredients for mental health Below are some key ingredients that impact our mental health. Managing our physical body Sleep, food, and activity are critical — as are the rhythms of each of these. Sleep - at least 7 hours; 8 is better Food - this is variable for all bodies. Food is fuel and without food (fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber) our bodies don’t “move” in the same way Activity - We need to exercise. We need to move around. Movement helps to “discharge” the negative and input the positive. It’s an exchange base. Relationships and boundaries As we’ve discussed previously, we fare better when we’ve got good social relationships and boundaries too. Boundaries involve consideration of our resources and the allocation involved in these. What are you committed to in terms of work responsibilities, home, relationships and relational demands, and stressors in general? Constraints are a good thing Boundaries provide clarity in terms of the expectations between you and others These are particularly helpful for kids and teenagers Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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