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Nov 18, 2020 • 37min

Garage Gym Athlete - Jerred Moon

Jerred is a Strenght and Conditioning Coach and founder of End of Three Fitness. He is a former Physical Training Leader and Fitness Program Manager with the U.S. Airforce Special Operations Command., and he's been featured in WOD Talk Magazine, Sweat RX Magazine, Life Hacker, The Huffington Post, The Art of Manliness, and more. He currently coaches and programs for hundreds of athletes from military operators to stay-at-home moms. How did Jerred get to where he is now? (0:39) Jerred did not start with the common path most people take to become a coach.  Jerred wanted to be a fighter pilot since he was very young, and fitness was intertwined with that dream.  Starting early in highschool, Jerred always had a passion for fitness.  However, he also wanted to fly, and fly something fast.  He spoke to his dad around the time he was to be off to college.  He told him about how he wanted to do both fitness and flying, trying to get some fatherly advice.  His father told him he can coach or be a fitness trainer at any point in his life, but you can’t be a fighter pilot any time in your life because of their age limitations.  So Jerred decided to be a fighter pilot and pursue his goal of fitness later in life.  He spent four years doing ROTC in college and he got accepted into a program called Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training. He completed the program and ended up flying, 2 years later he ended up injuring himself in an aircraft.  He got a bad hernia which ended up making him need surgery and physical therapy and after that he was not allowed to fly a high g-force aircraft anymore.  After the flying door got closed in his face, Jerred had only one other door open and that was fitness.  He started getting certifications, writing, reading, and blogging. Pretty much anything he could do to pursue his goal of going full fitness entrepreneur.  Jerred says there’s a surprising amount of entrepreneurship involved in making fitness your career.  A big part of Fighter Pilot training is the long hours, training days would usually go up to 16 hour days. So knowing how hard the hours were, Jerred has started working out from home prior to leaving for his training.  He had no money so he built all the equipment he needed to stay fit in his garage with minimal capital involved.  He ended up sharing these DIY fitness equipment online and that was how he started getting traffic for his fitness business.  Jerred was not passionate about building the equipment, he was only passionate about fitness itself and so he dove into the coaching and programming side and built up his audience slowly but surely to get to where he is now.  What has the pandemic changed about the concept of a garden gym for Jerred? (9:24) Jerred says garage gyms are definitely pickup up popularity.  There is a bit of a divide between what people were interested in when it comes to real gyms and garage gyms.  Jerred thinks both are good in their own ways and even though they are different  Jerred does not think any trainer would say “I only cater to garage gym athletes” and this is because you can do any fitness you would do at a facility in your garage, living room, or wherever you want.  Home gyms and garage gyms have grown in popularity exponentially over the last year because of the pandemic.  Home guy people are a bit more limited in terms of space for their workouts within their living room or bedroom etc.  Jerred has noticed that his business is now attracting a certain type of person and then there were others that looked interested but Jerred’s style turned out to not be what they are looking for. Rogue fitness has escalated immensely and they are struggling to keep up to date with all the production they need to do, to the point that they are skipping out on old annual traditions like matte black Fridays.  If Rogue can catch up with all of their resources, Jerred believes that garage gyms are going to become a staple for the fitness industry from here on out.  End of Three Fitness End of Three Fitness is a fitness and conditioning business that has one person, and that is to make you a better human. They use their study and application of doing as they call it: Better humanology. They focus on garage gym athletes, the ‘other’ guy/girl, and humans around the world get better and healthier.  Resources Connect with Jerred: Twitter End of Three Fitness: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn
Nov 11, 2020 • 35min

Podcasting for Entrepreneurs - Joe Sanok

Joe Sanok is the founder of Practice of the Practice Podcast the #1 podcast for counselors.  He is also a keynote and TEDx speaker as well as a business consultant and writer. He has been featured on Huffington Post, Forbes, GOOD Magazine, Reader’s Digest, entrepreneur on Fire, and Yahoo News.  He has published 5 books and has been named the Therapist Resource’s top podcast, consultant, and blogger.  How did Joe get to where he is now? (0:44)    Joe was trained as a traditional therapist. After getting his Masters in counseling and psychology he first worked at non-profits and community mental health.    He tried out counseling private practice as a contractor to help pay off his student debt and found that he liked it.  He started his own practice when he moved back to Northern Michigan and saw it as his ‘side-gig’ until one of his interns mentioned that they would love to work at his practice.  He was hired at the community college in Traverse City and it was during that time he started listening to more and more podcasts. Listening to people like Pat Flynn and Lee Dumas inspired him and he ended up starting his own podcast in 2012 called Practice of the Practice.  In 2014 he was reevaluating his job at the community college and decided to quit and rather do his counseling and podcast full time.  Once his podcast really gained momentum, Joe sold his practice and is now completely location independent, they live in a camper house and travel the nation while podcasting on the road.  How did Joe’s podcast start out? (5:57)  Joe did not have a clear plan when he started his podcast. When new podcasters ask Joe for tips on starting their podcasts, he will tell them that having a clear place and clear arc for your p[odcast is important.  Joe’s first few episodes were really just him reading a book and then telling his audience what he learned from it.  He also gave his audience thoughts on how to apply what he learned from the book to private practice.  Sometimes he would reach out to someone to be a guest on his podcast but mostly he said it was him just trying out different things with zero plan, trying to see what worked.  Listening back on his first episodes now, he admits they are pretty terrible but he learned by doing.  Who does Joe primarily work with? (20:51) Joe says about 80% of their audience are counselors, therapists, psychologists and coaches are increasing in number every day too.  A lot of their audience wants to do better at digital marketing.  Membership communities, eCourses, and some fitness people are also appearing and working with Joe now.  Joe gives special mention to Melissa from the Bom Bom podcast. She is a fitness instructor but she tackles the topic of the mom mindset where many women put everyone else’s needs, wants, and health before their own. She tries to teach women that if you care about your own wants, needs, and health then you will be a better mom and person overall.  What’s been one of the biggest challenges for Joe as a business owner and entrepreneur? (22:29) Thinking back to 2012 when he started Practice of the Practice that year was very difficult for him.  His daughter was born in 2011 and it became clear soon after that she had some serious heart conditions.  During the first year of her life, they didn’t sleep more than an hour at a time, having to constantly check up on her, feed her and change her diapers because her medication was to stop fluid from building up around her heart so she was going to the bathroom every hour and a half or so.  They struggled to get her enough calories and her growth rate was stinted. She was in an out of the hospital the first year of her life and eventually she had open-heart surgery. 2 weeks after his daughter’s surgery, Joe was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. His wife had a miscarriage, his grandmother passed away and his best friend’s wife got breast cancer sometime in the months of Joe going through his own treatments. Despite how difficult the year was, it acted as a clarifier for Joe and made him realize that he did not want to sit in a community college doing counseling for the rest of his life. The Practice of the Practice Podcast Practice of the Practice covers everything it takes to make your service-based private practice successful. Learn amazing ways to grow your referral count, save tons of money, and have a lot of fun in the process. Resources Connect with Joe: LinkedIn Practice of the Practice: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn
Nov 4, 2020 • 43min

"54D" - Emerging From Latin Markets to The Global Stage - Omar Yunes

Omar Yunes Marquez has developed and grown businesses in the US and Latin America since 2000. He is currently Partner and CEO at 54D, an international wellness brand aimed at changing personal habits and empowering its members through a focus on exercise, nutrition, and recovery. He has an entrepreneurial background and experience as a multiple-franchise restaurant owner and real estate investor.  In the past he has also acted as CEO for the Union de Credito Mexicano, a regulated financial entity in Mexico focused on providing financing to small and medium companies.  What are the hallmarks of success for 54D (8:26) 54D is always striving to achieve new goals.  Their entire business model is designed around members achieving their goals.  They are not a gym with a monthly or yearly membership or even pay by the class.  They want you there for a specific time long enough to achieve the result that you want.  Their program started as a program that really went against the grain of the fitness industry, which was focused on having a consistent, measurable revenue in the long term. 54D went for a 9-week program. 54 Days of training broken into 6 days a week. Which is how they got the name 54D Instead of breaking up everything like most fitness programs where you would for example maybe do 20% training and 80% nutrition you have to do 100% for Training, Recovery, and Nutrition.  Focusing on achieving that goal over a 54 day period and every time their clients achieved that goal and saw the results they would spread the word of 54D to their friends. That’s what Omar attributes to their success.  What were some challenges that Omar faced? (18:37) Even though 54D is in Latin America, Columbia, and the US, Omar said that everybody who is a client in the business has the same drive to feel good about themselves.  So Even though the people are very different across the countries, they knew that the basic wants and needs, fears, and love were the same for their clients and that was to feel accomplishment and to get rid of what was physically or mentally bothering them with the 54D Program. This allowed 54D to have some certainty when they moved to the US as well. However, they also chose a good spot, Miami, to start off with because of how big the Latin American community is there. They originally invited 90 random people into the program for free, which was surprising as their program usually costs $3900. So while it was challenging expanding their franchise to the US, they found that business was roughly the same.  Even now with COVID, they have members in 57 different countries and all of those members are striving towards the same goal.  How have they changed their business this year? (27:46) The main thing is, is that 54D went online. At the start of the lockdowns around March in Miami, they were streaming online classes for free.   That was their first time online as they have never before been on YouTube or Instagram.  They started online wanting to help people cope with being at home for such extended periods of time.  They decided to offer these classes for free people they felt that it wouldn’t be fair towards people will less money to go crazy at home with nothing to do.  So even though they could make a lot of money from these online classes, but they decided to help people out rather for about 4 months of free classes. After reestablishing the price of the classes, they were pleasantly surprised to find that most of the members stayed.  54D 54D is a program of human transformation which aims to align patterns of behavior, achieving physical, mental, and emotional changes in only 54 Days. Resources Connect with Omar: LinkedIn 54D: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn
Oct 28, 2020 • 46min

"The Grid" - The Ultimate Coaching Platform - Joel Jamieson

Joel is a best-selling author and one of the world’s foremost authorities on strength, conditioning, and energy programs. His strategies have been used by thousands of elite performers and top athletes worldwide, including the Navy, SEALS, UFC Champions, and dozens of teams from the NFL, NBA, MLS, NCAA, and more. What’s been different for Joel these last 2 years? (4:20) Joel’s personal goal has always been to help as many people as he could on the conditioning side of coaching.  He says this goal has grown quite a lot in the last two years. Back when COVID hit Joel thought that it was going to be a very hard period for his business. However, things actually picked up significantly for online education as more and more people were looking for certification.  People have realized the industry is changing and that remote training is going to become a large part of training in the coming years.  People will have to apply themselves more than ever and try and learn as many new skills as possible.  How does Joel’s certification equip coaches to kind of deal with the new world with remote coaching and things like that? (7:05) Joel was receiving a lot of emails at the start of COVID lockdowns from people who couldn’t access their gyms and wanted to stay in shape.  Sending out a mass email asking if anyone would be interested in a free 30-day conditioning training video, he received a massive response.  Keeping a limit of 300 people to ensure quality support for everyone involved, they sold out spots in two days. Conditioning training is a good skill for online coaching because you do not need a whole lot of equipment like if you’re doing something like strength training.  Joel received many positive reviews from people saying that they have managed to stay fit and healthy thanks to his conditioning training.  What has surprised Joel within his specific niche? (16:40) Joel was surprised that so many people use conditioning for the goals they are working towards.  The more people you encounter the more you learn about niche sports that are often overlooked that other people might take super serious.  Seeing his training being implemented in these sports surprised but pleased Joel.  How is the fitness industry going to be different? (32:56) Joel believes all of the new technology is going to help people make better decisions, have better habits, and a better idea of how to improve their fitness.  He believes we are going towards better personalization through technology and more of a holistic approach to health and fitness.  The reason fitness use to break down for so many people was that there was little personalization within the programs. 40-50 people were doing the same program and now with remote training, it’s easier to work out individual programs for people as they can enter their nutrition, medical histories, and physical disabilities for the coaches to see.  Morpheus Morpheus is the first fitness technology guaranteed to accelerate your recovery and make you more fit, It helps you shift your body into the recovery zone and accelerate your results when training.  Resources Connect with Joel: LinkedIn Morpheus: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn
Oct 21, 2020 • 47min

The Business of Rowing & Connected Fitness - Shane Farmer

Shane is the founder of Dark Horse Rowing, the leading educator of indoor rowing education and career training for fitness professionals and athletes.  Shane has a BA in Business Administration, a certified CrossFit Kettlebell Certificate, a CrossFit rowing certificate and is CrossFit Level 1 Certified, Concept 2 Master instructor, and a certified ACE Group Fitness Instructor.  How did Shane get to be where he is now in the business that he created? (3:26) Shane was never the best student or athlete in high school.  But he loved sports too much to give it up and eventually his grades and sporting abilities approved.  When Shane started University he overslept for baseball tryouts and ended up trying rowing and fell in love with it instantly.  Going to championships during his university years, Shane ended up being introduced to CrossFit through Stefan Rochet. So from there, Shane’s rowing team was using CrossFit as strength training for their rowing. Coming out of University, Shane was too light to be a heavyweight rower and too heavy to be a lightweight rower so he was stuck in purgatory so to speak for a bit.  Jumping over to CrossFit, Shane says he luckily fell into the lap of Invictus a decently competitive gym.  Competing in CrossFit and simultaneously coaching rowing made Shane realize that there was a desperate need for people to learn how to use the rowing machine.  This led him to teach several CrossFit Rowing seminars over several years and through that and enough exposure he ended up creating Dark Horse Rowing.  The Business of Rowing (8:15) There has truthful not been a lot of research done on the rowing market.  British rowing did some market research three or four years ago which was more to show what their future goals were. But looking at the number of machines sold, it’s about 4 million and that’s just Shane’s guess.  These machines last forever, Shane calling them lifetime machines. But then there’s the water rower and hydro which are new players to the game and all of the inexpensive amazon rowing machines, Shane estimates that they’re actually sitting at close to the ten million. And that was talking pre-COVID, which has essentially now cause the purchases in rowing machines to spike. So the rowing industry is growing in popularity swiftly.  Is rowing a standalone fitness offering? Can people completely devote themselves to rowing alone and stay healthy and fit for the majority of your life? (17:18) Shane says rowing is such a diverse exercise.  It is low impact and risk-averse. Meaning there is little risk of anything negative happening to you.  You can train your strength, your conditioning, your lactic threshold, and even your coordination. Is it the one thing you should choose? That depends because the thing you choose to stay healthy and fit is ultimately the thing that you will love doing every day for the rest of your life.  Shane says yes it can keep you healthy and fit for however long you pursue it, but so many other things could also do that for you.  So find what works for you. What does Shane envision gyms are going to be like in 2 years? (34:10) Any gym that physically exists is going to realize that an online feature will become a wholly integrated part of their business.  This is because too many people at this point have tasted what home fitness can be.  Many people however will still enjoy that experience of going to the gym and engaging with people.  So, therefore, physical gyms will still exist but will start to rapidly integrate online and digital training into their business models.  Dark Horse Rowing Dark Horse Rowing was the pursuit of Shane Farmer’s passion for fitness and rowing. They strive to create the best possible experience for athletes so they can continue to provide support for a lifetime.  Resources Connect with Shane: LinkedIn Dark Horse Rowing: Website Connect With Eric: LinkedIn 
Oct 14, 2020 • 40min

An Exciting Time for Fitness - Jonathan Goodman

Jonathan Goodman is the founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center and author of multiple bestselling books for personal trainers.  In addition, Jon founded the first-ever certification for online fitness trainers, the Online Trainer Academy. When Jon started Online Trainers Academy, how did he know we were going to have a pandemic in 2020 that would turn every one online? (1:18) Jon thought this was funny but says he did not know. However, it is not inconceivable to assume that there was going to be some large scale interruptive event in the future. The world changes very quickly and historically, in unpredictable ways.  Anyone who was paying attention from a few years ago would’ve noticed the upward trend in technology-driven business. But what ultimately led Jon to turn towards online himself was an injury that put him off his feet for two weeks, effectively killing his income for that time period, and that got him thinking that he had to build something else.  The Concept of Anti-fragility. (3:48) One of the key elements of anti-fragile is the concept that the more chaos ensues, the stronger things that are anti-fragile get.  Jon encourages making yourself familiar with the concept of anti-fragility if you want to set yourself up for the future.  You need to understand anti-fragility, asymmetrical risk and you need to understand how to mitigate loss and maximize gain. What’s going on in the online training game? (16:38) There are a lot of people doing it that have no idea what they are doing. These people are hacking together not well thought out solutions and doing horribly because of it.  Jon relates it to you going to a gym after googling a bit and bringing a video camera and now you’re going to train people.  Big training companies have thrown together online training programs and Jon’s own clients have said that the models fall short and are terrible.  You have to really do the research and spend the time to understand the core of online training for example: What works from a financial and business standpoint. What works for actual training clients as humans. How to get people to want to do the workout and to continually adhere to the workout? What does Jon think is going to be centralized within actual gyms? (22:26) Gyms are going to radically change, there is no doubt about that. The fitness industry is relatively young. In the past gyms have sold personal trainers as people who are not commoditized but treated and paid them like they were commoditized people and the truth is more personal trainers are commoditized.  To be a truly great personal trainer you need to exhibit a lot of traits that are very hard to find in any single human for example: You need to be in good shape, energetic, motivational, empathetic, great at science programming, and interested in entrepreneurial aspects along with about 15 other things.  However, with collaborative pairing and work, you can take multiple people with different skillsets and put them together to form something unique and powerful.  The PTDC The Personal Trainer Development Center creates solutions for fitness and nutrition professionals. They do this by helping you do a better job, build a better business, and live a better life at every stage of your career.  They have the World’s Premier Certification for online training and are an internationally recognized leader for education and guidance within the fitness industry.  Resources Connect with Jonathan: LinkedIn The PTDC: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn
Oct 7, 2020 • 42min

Relationships & Networks - An Expert's Guide - Vanessa Severiano

Vanessa Severiano has been a leader in the fitness industry for 18+ years. She has extensive experience in creating, managing, and developing brands in areas of sales, marketing, branding, and operation. Vanessa understands firsthand what is required to ensure a successful outcome for a wellness business. How did Vanessa get to where she is now? (1:19) Vanessa started out about 19 years ago just after graduating from college. She had two degrees in English Literature and interpersonal and organizational communication. Interpersonal and Organizational Communication is about how to speak to others and clearly communicate management styles. Burnt out from School, Vanessa didn’t want to work in a cubicle and started researching cool companies. Her first job was at The Crunch in 2001 which was a very work hard/play hard environment. In 2005 she moved to Miami and started the first two Equinox locations in Florida. Being a single move of two kids at the time, Vanessa pushed herself to limits she never thought was possible. After that, she ended up working for David Barton Gym for several years and then got a great opportunity to be a part of a start-up in Miami. Starting from zero members, zero-brand and zero identity was thrilling and took several years to build up but now she is where she is today. How does Vanessa tackle problems while helping businesses build themselves? (9:41) When coming into an organization that already exists you need to understand the history, understanding what’s been happening and what has been successful.  And then you can start focusing on what needs to happen and change to make the unsuccessful portions of a business successful.  Coming into a new organization also poses the problem of people resisting change whether it is beneficial or not. You have to create that relationship and comfort level with those people.  Connecting with other people, empowering them, and learning from them too. Solving problems in a business is a very collaborative process.  Having good communication and speaking to the clients about what they also want is very important.  Where most fitness professionals fall short withing their sales and marketing tactics and strategies.  (11:56) Talents are individual and what you’re good at is what you’re good at but others might not be but they are good in something completely different that you are not good at.  It’s important to focus on yourself and your talents, no one is good at everything.  It’s important to collaborate with others to combine different strengths together. Business owners should invest in themselves and in a mentor to try and bring as much value as they can to clients. The key to having great relationships. (22:08) Effort, value, and respect are important to bring into a hopefully long term relationship, whether it’s a business or romantic relationship. Nobody likes a one-sided relationship so you have to be willing to give, to provide value and support for the other person.  Recognize that people communicate differently and adjust your way of communicating with individual people. Meeting people halfway is a big part of forming healthy relationships. They don’t maintain themselves and putting in equal effort is important.  What is something positive that will come out of this pandemic for the fitness industry? (25:11) Brands will be forced to provide more value to clients and the members and consumers of fitness technology. This is because there is a lot more competition out there at the moment from lower-priced options.  Clients stick with a certain service or product because it gives them tremendous value and therefore as a company you have to make sure to maintain that value for your consumers.  With the recent and rapid growth in fitness technology, Vanessa hopes and believes that it will get more people moving and being active.  VannesaSeveriano.com Vanessa Severiano aims to help fitness and wellness businesses create outstanding brand experiences. Resources Connect with Vanessa: LinkedIn Vanessa Severiano: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn
Sep 30, 2020 • 1h 3min

Badges of Busy and Certificates of Suffering - Max Shank

Max Shank is the owner of Ambition Athletics, he is also the author of Ultimate Athleticism, Simple Shoulder Solution, and Master The Kettlebell. Max studied economics and Spanish. He uses his knowledge in economics to make training and life easier and more efficient for his clients.  Max wants to see everyone succeed and live a healthy and active life and therefore trains people to sustainably move daily without getting injured.  What does Max’s daily practice look like? (2:48) Max likes focusing on breathing to start off with, followed by a controlled pause. During this stage, you are practicing drawing the abdomen in and rolling it in waves. Really building that core control. People tend to hold their core stiff to exercise it but one should rather learn to balance the tension in their core, thus teaching them to breathe diaphragmatically.  He then moves on to the vision and vestibular exercises to stimulate your vestibular system (your inner ear). They then move on to juggling, rolling on the floor, and shoulder rolls. They top this off with some self-massage and Isometrics bringing it to a full spectrum balanced muscle movements.  Max also advises to be slow and deliberate in your movements and to build up speed over time, because if you’re in too much of a hurry you end up missing the gains you would’ve gotten from deliberate slow movements.  What will be a good thing to come out of the fitness industry? (41:24) There will be less competition for gym owners because many will be leaving the business forever.  People in the industry like trainers are craving human connections. The more comfortable they can make their clients, the more clients you will eventually have. People are going to be slow coming back to physical gym sessions, however, people are open to online coaching and prefer it more than live training sessions.  Time Management (53:07) Max believes that meditation does not really count unless you do it for an hour at a time. He thinks the same of exercise if you didn’t do it for at least an hour, you did not really exercise. You need to try and fit these times into your schedule if you want to see any noticeable changes in your mood and productivity. Constant motion is important, but helping each other is more important. Figuring out the best way to thrive together. The world is your oyster, you just have to work hard.  Ambition Athletics  Ambition Athletics  Their goal is to help people live a better, more active life without the stress of injury. With the belief that exercise should always build you up and not tear you down. Their exercises aim at sustainable and safe exercises that invigorate people and ready them for the day ahead of them. Resources: Better Every Day www.maxshank.com (Mobility) www.5minuteflow.com (Athleticism) www.ultimateathleticism.com The best gym in Encinitas: www.ambitionathletics.com (Healthy Shoulders) www.simpleshouldersolution.com Connect with Eric: LinkedIn Future of Fitness: Website
Sep 23, 2020 • 30min

Highlight Reel Special - Celebrating Our 200th Episode

Today, we celebrate our 200th episode by taking a walk down memory lane and listening to some key moments in the last few episodes. Eric Malzone started this podcast almost 3 years ago because he wanted to help modernize the fitness industry. He tries to make the episodes as relevant and frequent as possible to keep up with current events and wants to help play a part in making the value of the fitness professional rise. Eric loves hearing from the fans and uses the feedback he receives to help add even more value right back into the podcast.  Starting Businesses (3:50)  Building a brand, company, or network is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to really believe in yourself and what you are trying to put out into the industry.  Try and focus more on the bigger picture of what you yourself are trying to do for people and the world around you. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something if you believe and work hard enough, anything is possible. Ask the people what they want, ask people what makes them happy, and adapt your business constantly to meet these criteria to the best of your ability.  Don’t be afraid to challenge the norms of others. That difference might be what sets you apart from the rest. However, don’t see everyone as competition, be open to collaboration with others because your weak area might be someone else’s strong area, and by working together, you can both reach higher and further.  Making a difference (8:25) It’s the little things that make a big difference to peoples’ days like knowing people’s names and saying hello and goodbye as they come and go.  For some people coming to the gym or fitness club, is the best part of their day and, fitness professionals should strive to make those spaces as inclusive and safe for these people.  To be happy, you need to find things that are constructive and good for you. We want people to smile more, we want people to move a bit more and ultimately, it comes down to mental health more than anything.  Thoughts are uncontrollable, but your reaction to your thoughts is completely in your control.  Fitness and Health during Covid-19 (24:48) Corona has acted as a catalyst and has accelerated the modernization of the fitness industry. It’s also helped people become more health conscious as it directly relates to people caring for their bodies to build up that healthy immune system.  Professionals are hoping and believing that the virus has changed the industry and people’s outlook on health for the better.  People have leaned on the fitness industry more than ever as an outlet for physical and mental wellness in uncertain times. Resources: Reach out to Eric: LinkedIn Future of Fitness Website: Website Contact:  Erica Suter Mark Fisher Justin Devonshire Kate Jaramillo Ken Andrukow Mel Tempest Tony Gentilcore Adam Zeitsiff Andy Swansburg Steven Webster Kresten Jensen Max Coleman Jen Zygmunt Eric Chessen Dr. James Hardt Hewitt Tomlin Mike Hansen Shannon Hudson Dr. Sean Pastuch EC Synkowski
Sep 16, 2020 • 44min

A Refreshing Approach To Nutrition - EC Synkowski

EC Synkowski runs OptimizeMe Nutrition, a company whose goal is to provide solutions for anyone to improve their weight, health, and overall well being through sustainable diet methods. EC has extensive education in the life sciences with a BS in biochemical engineering, a first MS in environmental sciences (with a focus in genetics), and a second MS in Nutrition & Functional Medicine. She has also trained others for two decades and has over 600 hours of public speaking experience teaching fitness and nutrition all over the world. How did EC get to where she is now? (1:36) EC originally started in environmental engineering and did some CrossFit seminars on the side before professionally starting in fitness. It was only when CrossFit started growing exponentially around 2010 that she started working full time for them.  She continued to build her skills that she had accumulated over a decade by doing weekend training regimes and meeting other fitness professionals and designing new CrossFit programs, implementing them, and scaling them. It wasn’t until around 2016 that she needed to do some continuing education for CrossFit, gaining a second master’s degree in nutrition and functional medicine. As she finished her degree she resigned from CrossFit and started her own company.  Why is nutrition so confusing and complicated? (11:09) EC states that people think too deploy about their diets and the “changes” that happen to them when we eat healthier.  People focus on the details like oh I’m eating salmon now instead of chicken. Or I’m eating fewer tomatoes but more strawberries. These differences are minuscule and what is actually important is that people are eating less processed foods like ice-cream and chips.  Diets contribute largely to overall health but for optimal results combine healthy eating habits with healthy life habits like family, community, and fitness It’s healthier and easier to not go too extreme and rather moderate your intake of unhealthy foods instead of try and cut them out completely.  People tend to follow popular trends instead of focusing on the actual research behind certain diets.  Meat vs Plant-Based. (23:35) People are moving from saying Vegan due to the negative connotations it has gathered to saying plant-based.  EC sees the plant-based as being an improvement on veganism. She doesn’t believe that only plant-based nutrition is necessary for optimal health.  EC recommends animal sources due to the lower calorie to protein intake than plant-based protein.  Plant-based proteins have people eating too many carbs and fat to reach their needed protein levels. Even if you choose supermarket meat that’s probably been factory farmed, it is still healthier than eating processed foods like chips and pizza.  EC states that it doesn’t matter whether you buy pastured beef or factory-farmed beef if you’re actively trying to be a healthier person you are saving on environmental and medical costs elsewhere. Life Stress and its impact on health. (32:23) EC states that life stress and some other psychological factors are as important as nutrition. When people are feeling less than optimal they generally look at correcting their diets because it seems within their control when stress isn’t.  She points out in her Blue Zones that when you start asking which protein powder is better, it’s laughable because 6 out of the 9 factors people use to reach 100 have nothing to do with nutrition.  If we build our bodies up to be resilient with certain nutrition programs we have more freedom within our lives. People need to focus on the big picture more instead of all the smaller details. Don’t be obsessive about every little aspect and ingredient of your diet and workout and rather use that energy to right other factors in your life, like getting enough sleep.  Start simple, get intricate. (39:21) EC thinks focusing on the bigger picture, like eating 800g a day, and getting that right first is very important before going into the intricate details.  People struggle the most with the consistency of it. It’s a lifestyle change, its how you choose to live your life for forever. She offers her clients a leaderboard where people can check in on four things a day; did they hit their protein target? Did they hit their fruits and vegetables? Did they exercise? Did they sleep enough? You need less precision than most people think, it’s just that you need to keep doing them in the long term.  EC’s Company OptomiseMe Nutrition OptimiseMe Nutrition is a company dedicated to making nutrition easy through B2B/B2C digital education and corporate wellness programs. Their mission is to provide easy solutions for anyone to improve their weight, health, and overall wellbeing with sustainable diet changes.  They have helped thousands to live a healthier and happier life.  Resources Connect with EC: LinkedIn Check Out OptimiseMe Nutrition’s Website: Website Connect with Eric: LinkedIn

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