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Sep 23, 2024 • 4h 4min

S5E13 | Nathan Ciszek - US Military MILAB Victim & T.I. on Clandestine Joint ET Military Programs

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I am honored to introduce you all to: United States Military MILAB abductee and victim, experiencer, contactee, targeted individual, mind control and human experimentation survivor and whistleblower, humanitarian, host of his own YouTube channel and podcast, wood worker, auto restoration extraordinaire, nature lover, political activism advocate, gardener, and disclosure activist: Nathan CiszekNathan’s story begins at age 6 when he was first abducted by extraterrestrials that forced him to participate in joint clandestine Draco ET and United States military programs such as Project Surrogate, Project Alpha, and Project Ibis. His experiences and memories of being in these programs involve his soul fracturing, cloning, being abducted across two lifetimes, and his fragmented consciousness being transferred into clone bodies that were used in these joint ET and US Military programs. Nathan has also experienced psychic abuse in where he was used for his gifts AND manipulated because of them. Under the Ibis program Nathan was subconsciously programmed to join an online Satanic cult that utilizes DARPA remote mind control technology to simulate contact with pagan gods and spirits in a social experiment designed to suppress and control the minds of targeted MILAB victims. This led to his discovery that a private corporate consortium of companies buried within the military industrial complex were using remote mind control and MILAB victims conditioned to be social implants to create DARPA Virtual Temple Complex cults. These cults and belief systems are being used for social engineering and control over targeted portions of the human population for the preservation of the continuity of an emerging technocratic world police state that is a proxy system of control by a negative extraterrestrial and ultra-dimensional force.Nathan has turned to being a public whistleblower and activist - which has come with sacrifices, costs, and the same censorship and alienation that we see consistent with other whistleblowers who share the hardest truths in the world that no one knows about. Nathan also suffers from destabilizing and chronic health issues related to the abuse he suffered at the hands of negative entities and the US government. In Nathan’s own words:‘Some of the strongest people in the world are people who are targeted like this because the ones who can withstand it have been through hell and are out doing something in an altruistic way to help others. We are the ones who take the crap. We are the poster children for mental insanity; the people who should be shadow banned and shut up. And I’m tired of it. I really am. I’m sick of it. And I speak for everyone who’s going through this.’Nathan began a YouTube channel called @haujeancontactee and a Telegram channel called “The Planetary Consciousness Project” to help spread awareness of this global victimization and targeting happening to innocent humans, as well as helped create ‘The Voices of Orion Project’ with other contactees - which is a grassroots disclosure project aimed at exposing the new age ET deception, and the negative extraterrestrial presence that has hijacked the planet and enslaved the human race as their part of a collective effort to facilitate The Great Awakening, and the end of the spiritual bondage that has abused and exploited the human race, and hijacked their destiny against the will of our creator. CONNECT WITH NATHAN: YouTube:  @haujeancontactee TelegramSupport the show
Sep 20, 2024 • 1h 41min

S5E12 | Connie Baker LPC - Religious, Spiritual & Sexual Abuse Survivor & Trauma Recovery Specialist

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: Spiritual, sexual and religious abuse survivor, educator, writer and author, podcast host and podcaster, Masters Level University Instructor, Licensed Professional Counselor, seminar teacher, conference speaker, clinical supervisor, writer, trauma recovery specialist, published author, trained life coach, private practice owner who works with her own clients, and an absolute inspiration: Connie BakerConnie’s was born into a family with conscientious parents that loved, supported, and cared about her. From the outside looking in, they looked like a typical ‘normal’ family, but lurking beneath the surface, there was a dark side that was hidden from plain sight. Her parents were rigid, strict, authoritarian, and very harsh with Connie’s discipline, and there was a demand for absolute compliance that Connie learned immediately as a young child to survive. She was supported by her parents as long as she was being good and the code word for her family was ‘responsibility’. These strict standards led to Connie became a very compliant and high-achieving child and adolescent back in the late 60s and 70s. She was raised in a country church in Southern Oregon that was full of unassuming, good-hearted people - and the church naturally reinforced all of the family themes that Connie had been conditioned to unconsciously accept at home. The theology and the culture of the church went along to strengthen the rigid, unbending demand for the same particular behavior patterns of perfection, compliance, obedience and responsibility her parents had always expected of her.The church Connie was attending during that time also happened to be pastored by someone who - three years earlier - had publicly confessed to having molested his own foster daughter. And when Connie was 16, this very pastor caught her alone on four different occasions and kissed her on the lips. Connie was silent about this violation for years - she knew the story of his foster daughter and knew no one would take her story seriously. This sexual violation helped further normalize this type of behavior and paved the way for more abuse down the road in Connie’s life at the hands of church clergy.CLICK HERE FOR 15% OFF YOUR RIFE ORDER: Rife Technology – Real Rife TechnologyCODE: 420CLICK HERE FOR FREE SHIPPING ON CZTL'S METHYLENE BLUE: Buy ultra high purity Methylene Blue – CZTL CODE: IMAGINATIONCONNECT WITH CONNIE: YouTube: Connie A. Baker - YouTube Website: Connie A. Baker, MA LPC - Religious Abuse Recovery Specialist. ( book on Amazon: Traumatized by Religious Abuse: Courage, Hope and Freedom for Survivors - Kindle edition by Baker, Connie. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Public Page: (4) FacebookFB Private Page: (4) Overcoming Religious Abuse Community with Connie A Baker MA LPC | FacebookIG: Connie Baker (@connie_a_baker) • Instagram photos and videosSupport the show
Sep 16, 2024 • 3h

S5E11 | Poppy Joy - Attacks & Heart Attacks, MK ULTRA, Interdimensional-Life, Aliens, & Emotional IQ

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored and thrilled to have back on the show: Satanic and masonic ritual abuse and mind control survivor and whistleblower, YouTuber and content creator on her own YouTube channel @MayanMissions, first generational New Zealander, credentialed counselor with a specialization in Narrative Therapy, communication skill small group training course facilitator, traditional herbal medicine advocate, retreat co-facilitator, and healing warrior, our beloved podcast regular: sweetest Poppy Joy. In case you missed Poppy’s first episode where she shared her incredible testimony, here’s a brief recap: Poppy is a satanic and masonic ritual abuse survivor who was born into a multi-generational incest-based family and has recently been liberated from an immense amount of trauma that her body was struggling to contain anymore. Her memories started to surface in 2017 from a few triggers in her surroundings - including: a vicious semi-wild dog on the loose, a jellyfish sting that gave her a histamine reaction where her entire body was covered in a rash, and swollen lips and other orifices. In Poppy’s shocked state of remembering what she was programmed to forget, her then partner encouraged her to keep breathing through what she was experiencing, and scenes. Poppy’s earliest memories were related to her senses - she remembered that her eyesight and hearing never developed normally and her perceptions have been energetic, meaning that she can observe the movement of energy, experience telepathy, and with focus can see how black magic practices are done. Poppy also discovered that rituals are done to empower government legislation. She found how consciousnesses are connected to calendars and astrological systems and that rituals are performed with dates and planetary alignments.Poppy has a degree in Counseling, has specialized in Narrative Therapy, has training as a small group facilitator teaching communication skills and courses such as “Changes that Heal”. She has studied traditional herbal medicine during cancer/morgellons treatments, and was a retreat co-facilitator prior to 2017 when her memories started to crowd in. At the time her memories started pouring in, she was not able to tend to other’s lives while her own life needed so much attention. Although Poppy is still actively on her healing journey, she has come so far in such a short amount of time and is now courageously speaking out about her experiences and what she has learned in hopes that it’ll not only help her own healing, but that it may also help serve those of you on the other side of the screen who are also on your own healing and learning journeys. Today, Poppy is back to expand on some current and past events that will be extremely valuable for all of us to hear and learn including: attacks and heart attacks, programming, interdimensional-life, emotional charge and vulnerability, aliens and non-human intelligence, and so much more. This is going to be a jam-packed episode overflowing with Poppy-Joy wisdom, personal experiences, love, and of course - pure JOY. I ask you all to please give this warrior of a woman your full attention as we continue to be blessed with the miracle and opportunity to learn from a woman who faced the depths of darkness only to emerge as the brightest light. And Poppy Joy is not only a bright light, but she is also a beacon of hope, a living example of what can be found on the other side of healing, and a miracle we get to treasure and behold. Grab a pen and paper as Poppy guides us on another amazing episode and journey where she blinds the darkness with her everlasting light and - in turn - gives us the pSupport the show
Sep 13, 2024 • 3h 58min

S4E10 | Patrick Mills: Catholic Church / Knights of St Columba Survivor & Godfather of British Comics

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce to you: Catholic church, Knights of St Columba, and organized ritual, systemic and secular abuse survivor and whistleblower, published author and writer, creator and first editor of long-running British comic 2000AD, devoted husband to his supportive wife Lisa, yogi, cycler, and table tennis player, blogger, and a hero on a mission to expose organized clerical abuse and neo-Masonic sexual abusive crimes of the Catholic laity: Patrick MillsPatrick is the son of a devout, pour, Catholic widow and became a target to his abuse from a young age. He was indentured into the Catholic Church - which is different than baptism - and was in his 40’s when memories of sexual child abuse surfaced. These forms of abuse took three forms: The first was: Organized ritual abuse within the Church and through The Knights of St Columba - who are the British equivalent of the USA Knights of Columbus. This form of abuse had elements of satanic ritual abuse. The second form was ‘Organized systemic abuse’ that occurred within the Church and the Catholic College he attended, and the third form was ‘Organized secular abuse’. These three forms of abuse overlapped throughout Patrick’s childhood. When he recovered his memories in the 90s, the British False Memory Society was at its most powerful - copying the American equivalent which we all know of as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Both foundations are now allegedly defunct. It was only when Patrick discovered the proven cases of recovered memory in the United States - such as the famous Frank Fitzpatrick vs Father James Porter case - that he realized his memories were valid.Patrick believes Catholic Canon Law is the likely cause of Catholic child sexual abuse as it provides a license to abuse. Patrick has been offered apologies from the Church, the Knights, and a national investigation from his old College. His research has led him to find through academic studies that clerical abuse is transgenerational and is likely to still be current. He believes the Church is operating a damage limitation exercise, acknowledging - but not pursuing - the crimes involved. Patrick is also the creator and first editor of the long-running British comic 2000AD and developed Judge Dredd - which has been made into two movies. Key graphic novels he has written include the internationally acclaimed, anti-war series “Charley’s War”, exposing the real truth about the First World War, “Nemesis” - a science fiction, futuristic critique of the Catholic Church, “Slaine” – about the High King of Ireland and celebrating a victory of the matriarchy over the patriarchy, and “Third World War” – about how multinational food companies oppress the people of South America.His other writing credits include “Marshal Law” (used in Marvel and D.C. Comics), which is an extremely hostile look at super heroes, “Accident Man”, about a deep state assassin, made into two movies starring Scott Adkins, “Requiem Vampire Knight” – which is a 12 volume series about famous people sent to Hell, and “Batman Book of Shadow”. Patrick’s story, “The Star Beast” was also adapted as the anniversary celebration story and first episode of the recent relaunch of the Doctor Who TV series, starring David Tennant.Patrick also has a blog that has resulted in the sacking of the head of a religious teaching order  - which is the equivalent of an arch bishop here in the US, the recent arrest of one of his Catholic abusers at the age of 90, apologies on the table for three dead abuser Catholic priests, apology for the crimes of the Knights of St Columba, and a national investigation into the crimes Support the show
Sep 9, 2024 • 2h 39min

S5E9 | Madison Clares: The Original Pizzagate: Cyberslice, Steve Jobs & Child Sex Trafficking Rings

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: Multi-generational sexual abuse survivor, technology sales extraordinaire, aspiring singer and songwriter who dreams of bringing to life music to help empower other survivors, animal and child rescue advocate, whistleblower of what I will be referring to as ‘The Original Pizzagate’ scandal involving a suspicious pizza delivery company called Cyber Slice, and my new friend: Madison ClaresMadison was born a twin to a father who was the co-founder of the first online pizza delivery service company called Cyber Slice - and who would also allege that he was an ex-CIA assassin - and she and her twin sister spent their first 6 weeks of her life being hospitalized after being born prematurely. Madison discovered through her investigations since waking up to her abuse that her family line is laden with occult, military and CIA influences and connections, and that the oddities and abuse in Madison’s family date back at least a few generations - tracing back to her great grandfather who was a Freemason and trickling down the family line to her and her twin sister. Madison recalls her abuse starting as early as age 4 where she can remember memories of her father and his business partner, Tim Glass, in their joint company called Pizza Slice having her strip naked while they sexually molested and abused her. Cyber Slice was the first online pizza delivery service and Madison’s father would often be absent from home on business trips, catering to high-end clientele like his biggest client, Bill Gates. Madison recalls how it was interesting how her father could go from being playful to violent so quickly. When he’d assault her, he always did it with so much joy that sometimes Madison would forget that he was a monster - although her father was not a joyful person. Her father would also would force her and her sister to do sexual acts to each other and he would record and use those recordings to lure in other predators to Cyber Slice. He would offer free videos and photos of Madison and her sister in exchange for them using the Cyber Slice platform. His platform was for online pizza ordering but - as Madison discovered: ‘pizza’ was actually her father’s code word for little girls.And the rabbit hole goes even deeper: Inspiration for Cyber Slice began with a movie called ‘The Net’ starring Sandra Bullock, and in an interesting chain of events, Apple Inc Founder, Steve Jobs, was the first person to place an order for online pizza using Cyber Slice’s online platform after helping develop the app during a brief hiatus from Apple in the late 1980’s through the early 1990’s. Madison’s repressed memories of her abusive childhood began surfacing around the age of 14 and ever since, she has been working on putting together the pieces of the mysterious events of her life that flew under the radar of her and her siblings as children. Madison hopes that going public with her story will help her to get custody of her 12 year old brother as the FBI, police, and CPS have been useless despite the evidence Madison has presented. Madison also hopes her testimony and public disclosure helps other survivors to come forward, helps shed a light on what’s going on in our world right now, and helps brings justice to all of the victims.Rife Technologies: Rife Technology – Real Rife Technology15% Code: 420CZTL Methylene Blue: Buy ultra high purity Methylene Blue – CZTLFree Shipping Code: IMAGINATIONCONNECT WITH MADISON: Twitter: Support the show
Sep 8, 2024 • 16min

Podcast Updates, Censorship, Strikes on YouTube, & Streaming Episodes to Alternative Platforms

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comALL MY LINKS / MY DIRECT.ME: Emma Katherine on Direct.meWHERE TO FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE: YOUTUBE:SURVIVORS & WHISTLEBLOWERS! SUBMIT YOUR WRITTEN TESTIMONIES TO BE PUBLISHED IN MY NEW BOOK SERIES! ( The Imagination Podcast ( / X: (21) E M M A ✨ K A T H E R I N E (@TheEmmapreneur) / XSUBSTACK: (27) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackBITCHUTE: The Imagination Podcast ( The Imagination Podcast Series - Apple PodcastsSPOTIFY: The Imagination | Podcast on SpotifyFACEBOOK: (8) FacebookSupport the show
Aug 23, 2024 • 2h 22min

S5E8 | Mitchell Gerber - Whistleblower Exposes Forced Organ Harvesting of the Falon Gong in China

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comThis week we are going to dive into an element of trafficking that doesn’t get talked about as much as drug or human trafficking does. We are going to shine a light on organ trafficking and harvesting. And to guide us through today’s episode is investigative journalist and researcher, voice for the voiceless, educator, anti-human trafficking and organ harvesting whistleblower, Mitchell Gerber. Mitchell has selflessly devoted and dedicated over 22 years of his life to exposing the Forced Organ Harvesting of the Falun Gong spiritual movement in China. Having coined this modern genocide, a “New Form of Evil”, Mitchell has been on the frontlines exposing these horrific crimes against humanity being led by his resilient character and determined mind. He has spent the past couple decades investigating and researching this literal organ harvesting genocide and travelling the world in a crucial attempt to raise awareness about the hundreds of thousands of innocent practitioners that are being rounded up and sent to over 2,000 state-mandated hospitals where their organs are cut out of their bodies while they are still ALIVE, sold for profit and burned in crematories to conceal the evidence along with the help of the mainstream media and government officials. Mitchell’s courageous intention is to get the word out about The Forced Organ Harvesting in China, as well as to gain support across as many media outlets and channels as possible to expose this new form of evil, especially against the innocent Falun Gong practitioners; and he calls to action kind-hearted human beings who will welcome an interesting discussion about this continuing crime and pressing topic.Organ harvesting - and especially what is and has been happening in China - is an aspect of trafficking that isn’t talked about nearly enough. And it’s only because of heroes like Mitchell that we are able to know it’s even happening at all. There is a concerted effort to silence whistleblowers like Michell because forced organ harvesting is a multi-billion dollar racketeering business that stands to financially ‘benefit’ all who are involved from the top down. The first time I saw Mitchell speak a few years back - his words, convictions and actions gave me a feeling of sheer hope and inspiration. While most people run away from fires, there are some rare people out there like Mitchell who instead grab a bucket of water and walk straight into the flames to save those who cannot save themselves. I know you, too, will gain as much inspiration as I did listening to Mitchel’s story and mission on this episode. I ask that you please give Mitchell your full attention and grab a pen and paper because you are going to need it! The information he is going to share is going to shock and also educate you tremendously on a crisis that deserves our attention and concerted efforts to demand change. Change begins with just one person with the courage to take a stand. And today, you are going to meet that one person who’s risking it all to do what’s right and to make a difference.CONNECT WITH MITCHELL: Twitter: (1) Mitchell Lion Heart (@Truthseeker070) / XWebsites: - Stop Forced Organ Harvesting in China | Stop Forced Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China ( Seating Video: the show
Aug 19, 2024 • 3h 12min

S5E7 | Carrie Olaje P2 - The Double Life of a MONARCH Slave & The Making of an Occult Battery

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comI’m honored to have back on the show for Part 2 of her daytime / nighttime personality podcast series: ritual abuse, child trafficking, and mind control survivor and whistleblower, artist and visionary, entrepreneur, gallery and tattoo shop owner and tattoo cover-up extraordinaire, podcast host and creator of her own incredible, educational and informative YouTube channel @Desert Dakini, fierce mama bear, and our most viewed guest of all time and podcast regular - Carrie Olaje!In case you’re new here or missed Carrie’s first episode where she walks us through her testimony - here’s a short recap: Carrie was born into a multi-generational incest-based family and from a young age was sold into government-sponsored child slavery and behavioral modification programs with the goal of making her a child assassin, sex slave, and ritual butcher. Her abuse was perpetuated initially by her father who then passed her on to other owners and handlers who furthered her programming, trafficking and ritual abuse. I encourage you all to go watch the important testimony we did on our first episode together as Carrie quite literally paints us some massive disclosures that give deeper insights into the operational and orchestrated aspects of satanic rituals and abuses that happen within these occult networks. The last time Carrie was on, we ventured down a Part 1 episode that took us down the rabbit hole of what it’s like to wake up and realize you were living a double life as a mind control asset at night and a civilian by day simultaneously while having no conscious memory of this occurrence happening day-to-day, as well as her harrowing and fascinating memories of a GATE field trip and disclosing a celebrity sex trafficking party that involved famous individuals you all know by name. I will have Part 1 in the show notes and encourage you all to check out that episode before or after this episode. Today, Carrie is back to continue our deep dive into the daytime-nighttime life of a mind control slave and the personal and professional impact this has on a survivor’s life after the programming breaks down and the memories start flooding in. Imagine waking up one day and realizing that your whole life has been orchestrated - the schools you went to, the friendships you had, the relationships you were in, the career path you took… Imagine realizing that none of these events happened by your own free will and that all of it was planned in advance unbeknownst to you by people who had the audacity to think they own you. CLICK HERE FOR FREE SHIPPING ON CZTL'S METHYLENE BLUE: LINK: CODE: IMAGINATIONCLICK HERE FOR 15% OFF YOUR RIFE ORDER:LINK: Rife Technology – Real Rife TechnologyCode: 420CONNECT WITH CARRIE: (2) Desert Dakini: A Survivor’s Perspective - YouTubeCONNECT WITH EMMA & THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: (1) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackEMAIL:   All links: Emma Katherine on Direct.meBUY ME A COFFEE: Emma Katherine is Artist ( the show
Aug 16, 2024 • 2h 15min

S5E6 | Matthew Rife - Owner & CEO of Rife Technology, & Great Nephew of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comI’m honored to have on the show today: Owner and CEO of REAL Rife Technologies, relative of American inventor Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, animal and nature lover, motorcyclist, passionate educator, fisherman, humanitarian, and a man on a mission to heal the world’s electromagnetic field: Matthew RifeMatt’s spark for having a passion for electricity and questioning how things work began in early childhood and he was naturally gifted with exceptional mechanical ability. Relative of the inventory Dr. Royal Rife, Matt inherited his Uncle Roy’s proprietary journals, notes, and blueprints and took a special interest in learning more about mechanics, electrical and structural engineering, math, physics and theory creation. After the loss of a loved one, Matt’s entrepreneurial journey into the world of electricity and frequency technologies began, where he started the process of integrating the research from his own modern studies alongside the studies and journals of Dr. Rife to create his company, Real Rife Technologies. Matt’s passion led him to take on the tremendous task of resurrecting the REAL Rife Machine, and ever since, he has been on a quest to help society rediscover these ancient healing modalities that have all but been forgotten and shunned in the western allopathic medicine model. As Matt says, money is the root of all evil - and today Matt spends his life helping to shine a light on the legacy and body of work championed by Dr. Rife, who was heavily persecuted for going against the FDA and healing people organically with his Rife technology frequency machines. We know through listening to this podcast that frequencies can be used for OR against us. And sadly, the frequencies we are most exposed to living in modern day society - whether through listening to music, being separated from nature in our cities and communities, or through covert electronic mind control - are highly toxic and doing the opposite of healing us. In fact, I would go so far as to say that many of the general dis-ease and dis-function humans in this day and age experience can be fully or partially contributed to being so disconnected from the natural, detoxifying and healing frequency states that nature intended for us. Luckily for us, Matt is here to dispel the myths and educate on the truth and healing power of frequencies so we can all make more informed decisions on how to reclaim our health and wellbeing naturally and the way that nature - and Dr. Rife - intended. And I can’t end this intro without referencing Gensis 1:3 which says: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.”CONNECT WITH MATT: Website: (Use my code '420' for 15% off your Rife order!)Twitter / X: CZTL METHLYNE BLUE AND GET FREE SHIPPING WITH CODE BELOW: Website: Discount Code: IMAGINATIONSupport the show
Aug 12, 2024 • 2h 38min

S5E5 | Fringe - Alien & MILABS Abductee on UFOs, Human Trafficking, Elite Pedophiles & MK ULTRA

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: UAP / UFO and NHI experiencer, abductee, and whistleblower, mind control survivor and victim, retired police officer and investigator, surfer, gym-goer, wife to her husband of over 25 years, dog mama to her new puppy, podcaster, writer, independent researcher and reporter, and a woman on a mission to shine a light on the darkness: FringeFringe was born into a multi-generational abductee and experiencer family and spent her first 6 weeks of life in foster care. Her birth mother has had experiences with Hat Man and is likely an abductee herself, and her birth father and grandfather are also likely abductees and were heavily involved with The Lady and De Nino. Fringe’s first experiences with ‘aliens’ began at the age of 3.5 in the summer to fall of 1972 just outside the Naval Submarine Base in New London, Connecticut. At the time, her father was assigned to a nuclear-powered special ops submarine and still to this day, Fringe has very little information about her father’s time in the service. She has been a lucid dreamer and has been having out of body experiences since she was a child, likely had a near death experience as a child, had a tiny, green entity living in her hand as a child, and always felt like she was being watched since she was a child. During her childhood, she suffered abuse at the hands of her step-father who was physically and psychologically abusive, and between all these events occurring simultaneously at such a young age, she developed some deep-rooted fears that have remained with her all her life. At the age of 17, Fringe had her own first conscious experience with Hat Man and has had countless negative experiences with shadow beings since then. After the age of 30, she came to realize her family was involved with some dark entities, and now - in her 50’s - she has come to a place in her life where she has been able to truly find the time and space to sit with and ask the hard questions of “What happened to me, why did it happen to me, and do all these seemingly random, terrifying and bizarre events and experiences connect somehow?”, and the answers she has come up with have been ground-breaking for both the UFO, UAP and NHI community as well as for the ritual abuse and mind control survivor community. Her years of investigative experiences coupled with her countless number of conscious experiences has led her to arrive at some loosely held conclusions regarding these phenomena. Since arriving at her own provisional conclusions, Fringe has had the opportunity to read abduction research and to consult with other researchers and abductees - which has served to validate and confirm her own ideas. She will be covering some of her beliefs and ideas today including how aliens may NOT be from outer space and that their agendas may, in fact, be negative - despite the mainstream narrative. Fringe’s research is open-minded, controversial, and compelling and it is a reason I knew her story needed to be told and heard by all of you on the other side of the screen. CONNECT WITH FRINGE: Twitter:  @IntoFringe  Website: the show

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