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Feb 24, 2023 • 1h 35min

BI 161 Hugo Spiers: Navigation and Spatial Cognition

Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Hugo Spiers runs the Spiers Lab at University College London. In general Hugo is interested in understanding spatial cognition, like navigation, in relation to other processes like planning and goal-related behavior, and how brain areas like the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex coordinate these cognitive functions. So, in this episode, we discuss a range of his research and thoughts around those topics. You may have heard about the studies he's been involved with for years, regarding London taxi drivers and how their hippocampus changes as a result of their grueling efforts to memorize how to best navigate London. We talk about that, we discuss the concept of a schema, which is roughly an abstracted form of knowledge that helps you know how to behave in different environments. Probably the most common example is that we all have a schema for eating at a restaurant, independent of which restaurant we visit, we know about servers, and menus, and so on. Hugo is interested in spatial schemas, for things like navigating a new city you haven't visited. Hugo describes his work using reinforcement learning methods to compare how humans and animals solve navigation tasks. And finally we talk about the video game Hugo has been using to collect vast amount of data related to navigation, to answer questions like how our navigation ability changes over our lifetimes, the different factors that seem to matter more for our navigation skills, and so on. Spiers Lab. Twitter: @hugospiers. Related papers Predictive maps in rats and humans for spatial navigation. From cognitive maps to spatial schemas. London taxi drivers: A review of neurocognitive studies and an exploration of how they build their cognitive map of London. Explaining World-Wide Variation in Navigation Ability from Millions of People: Citizen Science Project Sea Hero Quest.
13 snips
Feb 7, 2023 • 1h 29min

BI 160 Ole Jensen: Rhythms of Cognition

Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Ole Jensen is co-director of the Centre for Human Brain Health at University of Birmingham, where he runs his Neuronal Oscillations Group lab. Ole is interested in how the oscillations in our brains affect our cognition by helping to shape the spiking patterns of neurons, and by helping to allocate resources to parts of our brains that are relevant for whatever ongoing behaviors we're performing in different contexts. People have been studying oscillations for decades, finding that different frequencies of oscillations have been linked to a bunch of different cognitive functions. Some of what we discuss today is Ole's work on alpha oscillations, which are around 10 hertz, so 10 oscillations per second. The overarching story is that alpha oscillations are thought to inhibit or disrupt processing in brain areas that aren't needed during a given behavior. And therefore by disrupting everything that's not needed, resources are allocated to the brain areas that are needed. We discuss his work in the vein on attention - you may remember the episode with Carolyn Dicey-Jennings, and her ideas about how findings like Ole's are evidence we all have selves. We also talk about the role of alpha rhythms for working memory, for moving our eyes, and for previewing what we're about to look at before we move our eyes, and more broadly we discuss the role of oscillations in cognition in general, and of course what this might mean for developing better artificial intelligence. The Neuronal Oscillations Group. Twitter: @neuosc. Related papers Shaping functional architecture by oscillatory alpha activity: gating by inhibition FEF-Controlled Alpha Delay Activity Precedes Stimulus-Induced Gamma-Band Activity in Visual Cortex The theta-gamma neural code A pipelining mechanism supporting previewing during visual exploration and reading. Specific lexico-semantic predictions are associated with unique spatial and temporal patterns of neural activity. 0:00 - Intro 2:58 - Oscillations import over the years 5:51 - Oscillations big picture 17:62 - Oscillations vs. traveling waves 22:00 - Oscillations and algorithms 28:53 - Alpha oscillations and working memory 44:46 - Alpha as the controller 48:55 - Frequency tagging 52:49 - Timing of attention 57:41 - Pipelining neural processing 1:03:38 - Previewing during reading 1:15:50 - Previewing, prediction, and large language models 1:24:27 - Dyslexia
Jan 26, 2023 • 1h 29min

BI 159 Chris Summerfield: Natural General Intelligence

Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Chris Summerfield runs the Human Information Processing Lab at University of Oxford, and he's a research scientist at Deepmind. You may remember him from episode 95 with Sam Gershman, when we discussed ideas around the usefulness of neuroscience and psychology for AI. Since then, Chris has released his book, Natural General Intelligence: How understanding the brain can help us build AI. In the book, Chris makes the case that inspiration and communication between the cognitive sciences and AI is hindered by the different languages each field speaks. But in reality, there has always been and still is a lot of overlap and convergence about ideas of computation and intelligence, and he illustrates this using tons of historical and modern examples. Human Information Processing Lab. Twitter: @summerfieldlab. Book: Natural General Intelligence: How understanding the brain can help us build AI. Other books mentioned: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? by Frans de Waal The Mind is Flat by Nick Chater. 0:00 - Intro 2:20 - Natural General Intelligence 8:05 - AI and Neuro interaction 21:42 - How to build AI 25:54 - Umwelts and affordances 32:07 - Different kind of intelligence 39:16 - Ecological validity and AI 48:30 - Is reward enough? 1:05:14 - Beyond brains 1:15:10 - Large language models and brains
Jan 16, 2023 • 1h 35min

BI 158 Paul Rosenbloom: Cognitive Architectures

Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Paul Rosenbloom is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Southern California. In the early 1980s, Paul , along with John Laird and the early AI pioneer Alan Newell, developed one the earliest and best know cognitive architectures called SOAR. A cognitive architecture, as Paul defines it, is a model of the fixed structures and processes underlying minds, and in Paul's case the human mind. And SOAR was aimed at generating general intelligence. He doesn't work on SOAR any more, although SOAR is still alive and well in the hands of his old partner John Laird. He did go on to develop another cognitive architecture, called Sigma, and in the intervening years between those projects, among other things Paul stepped back and explored how our various scientific domains are related, and how computing itself should be considered a great scientific domain. That's in his book On Computing: The Fourth Great Scientific Domain. He also helped develop the Common Model of Cognition, which isn't a cognitive architecture itself, but instead a theoretical model meant to generate consensus regarding the minimal components for a human-like mind. The idea is roughly to create a shared language and framework among cognitive architecture researchers, so the field can , so that whatever cognitive architecture you work on, you have a basis to compare it to, and can communicate effectively among your peers. All of what I just said, and much of what we discuss, can be found in Paul's memoir, In Search of Insight: My Life as an Architectural Explorer. Paul's website. Related papers Working memoir: In Search of Insight: My Life as an Architectural Explorer. Book: On Computing: The Fourth Great Scientific Domain. A Standard Model of the Mind: Toward a Common Computational Framework across Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Robotics. Analysis of the human connectome data supports the notion of a “Common Model of Cognition” for human and human-like intelligence across domains. Common Model of Cognition Bulletin. 0:00 - Intro 3:26 - A career of exploration 7:00 - Alan Newell 14:47 - Relational model and dichotomic maps 24:22 - Cognitive architectures 28:31 - SOAR cognitive architecture 41:14 - Sigma cognitive architecture 43:58 - SOAR vs. Sigma 53:06 - Cognitive architecture community 55:31 - Common model of cognition 1:11:13 - What's missing from the common model 1:17:48 - Brains vs. cognitive architectures 1:21:22 - Mapping the common model onto the brain 1:24:50 - Deep learning 1:30:23 - AGI
Jan 2, 2023 • 1h 21min

BI 157 Sarah Robins: Philosophy of Memory

Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Sarah Robins is a philosopher at the University of Kansas, one a growing handful of philosophers specializing in memory. Much of her work focuses on memory traces, which is roughly the idea that somehow our memories leave a trace in our minds. We discuss memory traces themselves and how they relate to the engram (see BI 126 Randy Gallistel: Where Is the Engram?, and BI 127 Tomás Ryan: Memory, Instinct, and Forgetting). Psychology has divided memories into many categories - the taxonomy of memory. Sarah and I discuss how memory traces may cross-cut those categories, suggesting we may need to re-think our current ontology and taxonomy of memory. We discuss a couple challenges to the idea of a stable memory trace in the brain. Neural dynamics is the notion that all our molecules and synapses are constantly changing and being recycled. Memory consolidation refers to the process of transferring our memory traces from an early unstable version to a more stable long-term version in a different part of the brain. Sarah thinks neither challenge poses a real threat to the idea We also discuss the impact of optogenetics on the philosophy and neuroscience and memory, the debate about whether memory and imagination are essentially the same thing, whether memory's function is future oriented, and whether we want to build AI with our often faulty human-like memory or with perfect memory. Sarah's website. Twitter: @SarahKRobins. Related papers: Her Memory chapter, with Felipe de Brigard, in the book Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience: A Philosophical Introduction. Memory and Optogenetic Intervention: Separating the engram from the ecphory. Stable Engrams and Neural Dynamics. 0:00 - Intro 4:18 - Philosophy of memory 5:10 - Making a move 6:55 - State of philosophy of memory 11:19 - Memory traces or the engram 20:44 - Taxonomy of memory 25:50 - Cognitive ontologies, neuroscience, and psychology 29:39 - Optogenetics 33:48 - Memory traces vs. neural dynamics and consolidation 40:32 - What is the boundary of a memory? 43:00 - Process philosophy and memory 45:07 - Memory vs. imagination 49:40 - Constructivist view of memory and imagination 54:05 - Is memory for the future? 58:00 - Memory errors and intelligence 1:00:42 - Memory and AI 1:06:20 - Creativity and memory errors
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Dec 23, 2022 • 1h 41min

BI 156 Mariam Aly: Memory, Attention, and Perception

Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Mariam Aly runs the Aly lab at Columbia University, where she studies the interaction of memory, attention, and perception in brain regions like the hippocampus. The short story is that memory affects our perceptions, attention affects our memories, memories affect our attention, and these effects have signatures in neural activity measurements in our hippocampus and other brain areas. We discuss her experiments testing the nature of those interactions. We also discuss a particularly difficult stretch in Mariam's graduate school years, and how she now prioritizes her mental health. Aly Lab. Twitter: @mariam_s_aly. Related papers Attention promotes episodic encoding by stabilizing hippocampal representations. The medial temporal lobe is critical for spatial relational perception. Cholinergic modulation of hippocampally mediated attention and perception. Preparation for upcoming attentional states in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. How hippocampal memory shapes, and is shaped by, attention. Attentional fluctuations and the temporal organization of memory. 0:00 - Intro 3:50 - Mariam's background 9:32 - Hippocampus history and current science 12:34 - hippocampus and perception 13:42 - Relational information 18:30 - How much memory is explicit? 22:32 - How attention affects hippocampus 32:40 - fMRI levels vs. stability 39:04 - How is hippocampus necessary for attention 57:00 - How much does attention affect memory? 1:02:24 - How memory affects attention 1:06:50 - Attention and memory relation big picture 1:07:42 - Current state of memory and attention 1:12:12 - Modularity 1:17:52 - Practical advice to improve attention/memory 1:21:22 - Mariam's challenges
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Dec 10, 2022 • 1h 54min

BI 155 Luiz Pessoa: The Entangled Brain

Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Luiz Pessoa runs his Laboratory of Cognition and Emotion at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he studies how emotion and cognition interact. On this episode, we discuss many of the topics from his latest book, The Entangled Brain: How Perception, Cognition, and Emotion Are Woven Together, which is aimed at a general audience. The book argues we need to re-think how to study the brain. Traditionally, cognitive functions of the brain have been studied in a modular fashion: area X does function Y. However, modern research has revealed the brain is highly complex and carries out cognitive functions in a much more interactive and integrative fashion: a given cognitive function results from many areas and circuits temporarily coalescing (for similar ideas, see also BI 152 Michael L. Anderson: After Phrenology: Neural Reuse). Luiz and I discuss the implications of studying the brain from a complex systems perspective, why we need go beyond thinking about anatomy and instead think about functional organization, some of the brain's principles of organization, and a lot more. Laboratory of Cognition and Emotion. Twitter: @PessoaBrain. Book: The Entangled Brain: How Perception, Cognition, and Emotion Are Woven Together 0:00 - Intro 2:47 - The Entangled Brain 16:24 - How to think about complex systems 23:41 - Modularity thinking 28:16 - How to train one's mind to think complex 33:26 - Problem or principle? 44:22 - Complex behaviors 47:06 - Organization vs. structure 51:09 - Principles of organization: Massive Combinatorial Anatomical Connectivity 55:15 - Principles of organization: High Distributed Functional Connectivity 1:00:50 - Principles of organization: Networks as Functional Units 1:06:15 - Principles of Organization: Interactions via Cortical-Subcortical Loops 1:08:53 - Open and closed loops 1:16:43 - Principles of organization: Connectivity with the Body 1:21:28 - Consciousness 1:24:53 - Emotions 1:32:49 - Emottions and AI 1:39:47 - Emotion as a concept 1:43:25 - Complexity and functional organization in AI
Nov 29, 2022 • 1h 22min

BI 154 Anne Collins: Learning with Working Memory

Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Anne Collins runs her  Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at the University of California, Berkley One of the things she's been working on for years is how our working memory plays a role in learning as well, and specifically how working memory and reinforcement learning interact to affect how we learn, depending on the nature of what we're trying to learn. We discuss that interaction specifically. We also discuss more broadly how segregated and how overlapping and interacting our cognitive functions are, what that implies about our natural tendency to think in dichotomies - like MF vs MB-RL, system-1 vs system-2, etc., and we dive into plenty other subjects, like how to possibly incorporate these ideas into AI. Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab. Twitter: @ccnlab or @Anne_On_Tw. Related papers: How Working Memory and Reinforcement Learning Are Intertwined: A Cognitive, Neural, and Computational Perspective.  Beyond simple dichotomies in reinforcement learning. The Role of Executive Function in Shaping Reinforcement Learning. What do reinforcement learning models measure? Interpreting model parameters in cognition and neuroscience. 0:00 - Intro 5:25 - Dimensionality of learning 11:19 - Modularity of function and computations 16:51 - Is working memory a thing? 19:33 - Model-free model-based dichotomy 30:40 - Working memory and RL 44:43 - How working memory and RL interact 50:50 - Working memory and attention 59:37 - Computations vs. implementations 1:03:25 - Interpreting results 1:08:00 - Working memory and AI
Nov 18, 2022 • 1h 26min

BI 153 Carolyn Dicey-Jennings: Attention and the Self

Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Carolyn Dicey Jennings is a philosopher and a cognitive scientist at University of California, Merced. In her book The Attending Mind, she lays out an attempt to unify the concept of attention. Carolyn defines attention roughly as the mental prioritization of some stuff over other stuff based on our collective interests. And one of her main claims is that attention is evidence of a real, emergent self or subject, that can't be reduced to microscopic brain activity. She does connect attention to more macroscopic brain activity, suggesting slow longer-range oscillations in our brains can alter or entrain the activity of more local neural activity, and this is a candidate for mental causation. We unpack that more in our discussion, and how Carolyn situates attention among other cognitive functions, like consciousness, action, and perception. Carolyn's website. Books: The Attending Mind. Aeon article: I Attend, Therefore I Am. Related papers The Subject of Attention. Consciousness and Mind. Practical Realism about the Self. 0:00 - Intro 12:15 - Reconceptualizing attention 16:07 - Types of attention 19:02 - Predictive processing and attention 23:19 - Consciousness, identity, and self 30:39 - Attention and the brain 35:47 - Integrated information theory 42:05 - Neural attention 52:08 - Decoupling oscillations from spikes 57:16 - Selves in other organisms 1:00:42 - AI and the self 1:04:43 - Attention, consciousness, conscious perception 1:08:36 - Meaning and attention 1:11:12 - Conscious entrainment 1:19:57 - Is attention a switch or knob?
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Nov 8, 2022 • 1h 45min

BI 152 Michael L. Anderson: After Phrenology: Neural Reuse

Check out my free video series about what's missing in AI and Neuroscience Support the show to get full episodes, full archive, and join the Discord community. Michael L. Anderson is a professor at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, at Western University. His book, After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain, calls for a re-conceptualization of how we understand and study brains and minds. Neural reuse is the phenomenon that any given brain area is active for multiple cognitive functions, and partners with different sets of brain areas to carry out different cognitive functions. We discuss the implications for this, and other topics in Michael's research and the book, like evolution, embodied cognition, and Gibsonian perception. Michael also fields guest questions from John Krakauer and Alex Gomez-Marin, about representations and metaphysics, respectively. Michael's website. Twitter: @mljanderson. Book: After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain. Related papers Neural reuse: a fundamental organizational principle of the brain. Some dilemmas for an account of neural representation: A reply to Poldrack. Debt-free intelligence: Ecological information in minds and machines Describing functional diversity of brain regions and brain networks. 0:00 - Intro 3:02 - After Phrenology 13:18 - Typical neuroscience experiment 16:29 - Neural reuse 18:37 - 4E cognition and representations 22:48 - John Krakauer question 27:38 - Gibsonian perception 36:17 - Autoencoders without representations 49:22 - Pluralism 52:42 - Alex Gomez-Marin question - metaphysics 1:01:26 - Stimulus-response historical neuroscience 1:10:59 - After Phrenology influence 1:19:24 - Origins of neural reuse 1:35:25 - The way forward

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