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The Life Stylist

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Jun 5, 2018 • 1h 6min

The War Is Over: Making Peace With Your Mind with Byron Katie #142

I worked in the entertainment industry for 17 years, and I grew jaded to being starstruck… but this episode is a dream come true for me. I got to sit down with Byron Katie, whose work and story helped me pick myself up & transform my life. Katie, creator of The Work, is driven by a single mission: teaching people how to end their own suffering. Katie found herself at the bottom of a ten-year spiral when she realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she questioned them, she didn't suffer – and that this is true for every human being. Now, Katie guides people through a powerful process of inquiry she calls The Work, in which anyone can find their stressful beliefs about life, other people, or themselves & radically shift them. The result is a life changed forever. The Work is an astonishingly simple process – as you’ll hear in this episode – accessible to anyone at any age and from any background; all you need is an open mind. Even from the darkest depths of suffering and loss, anyone can learn to trace unhappiness to its source and deal with it there – trust me. Take these tools, open your mind, and set yourself free. –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: How Luke found Katie (after being dragged there by his father) When Katie hit rock bottom How a chance run-in with a cockroach completely changed Katie’s (and Luke’s) life Coming to terms with the fact that the world is a projected image of our thoughts Our motivation to ease the world’s suffering Katie gets labeled enlightened – but she says, “I’m just someone who knows the difference between what hurts and what doesn’t.” Everything in life is awesome… if you choose to frame it that way with your thinking Sparing ourselves from the desire for approval Our futile attempts to argue with reality… and why we always lose The irony of struggling to win love and approval Why it’s called “The Work” Luke gets completely raw & vulnerable about some resentment he’s working through right now, going through the 4 questions & turnarounds of The Work to show you how the magic happens The life-changing work done at Katie’s Turnaround House A Mind At Home With Itself, Katie’s commentary on the Diamond Sutra, one of the great spiritual texts of the world   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ALTERRA PURE. This show is all about optimizing your lifestyle, and part of that is optimizing your sleep environment. I’m super stoked about the new bedding company Alterra Pure. Insane high quality, truly organic, pesticide-free, non-GMO cotton sheets and bedding. A lot of stuff in the market is actually pretty fake. I’ve done a lot of research into it. Alterra Pure is legit, I’m using them on my bed, they are insanely high quality. What’s also great about this company is that they support the environment, social sustainability and are absolutely transparent. 15% OFF when you use coupon code LIFESTYLIST at checkout. AND... ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20%, use discount code "LIFESTYLIST". AND… BIOSTRAP. Biohacking your body requires data, and Biostrap tracks more data, more accurately than anything else on the market. The biometric readings allow users to quantify their body’s physiological well-being, measure the bodily effects of their daily activities, and assess the efficacy of preventative health measures – even in your sleep. Get 25% off today by going to and using the promo code “STOREY”.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life-enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
May 29, 2018 • 2h 17min

Mental Health Habits: Escaping the Rx Matrix with Tara Mackey #141

Tara Mackey has a fascinating story full of peaks and valleys, shifting between periods of abject suffering and astounding success. Today, Tara is standing atop a shining peak: she is the CEO + Founder of The Organic Life, the CEO + Founder of Genetix Skincare, a soul singer, and the #1 best-selling author of “Cured by Nature” and “WILD Habits.” But, as most good stories unfortunately do, it all began in a pretty dark valley. Tara was born with drugs in her body – very literally – and into a home filled with abuse and… well, more drugs. She didn’t fall into using hard drugs, but she was isolated and depressed and struggling to cope with her mother’s addiction. Tara’s grandparents brought her to a psychiatrist and, within 10 minutes, she had her first diagnosis and her first prescription – Lithium. The first of many. By the time Tara was 24, she was on 14 different prescription drugs – then she reached her breaking point. Tara successfully quit all 14 prescriptions cold turkey (which she doesn’t recommend) and started healing her chronic illnesses holistically, a move that drastically changed her life. Now Tara is turning these tragedies into her greatest gifts, converting her suffering into compassion like an emotional alchemist. Tara replaced her addiction with WILDhabits, healing herself from the inside out – and if that works for a body going in and out of the hospital on a monthly basis due to drug complications, can you imagine what it will do for yours? – Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Being born a crack baby Detoxing Reading Tony Robbins as a seven-year-old Why addiction is a family disease, affecting everyone around you Codependence Controlling what you can control (and letting the universe take care of everything else) Why we usually keep repeating the same patterns until some pain forces us to make a change Superficial, outward honesty VS being honest with yourself The overmedication of children Pain & trauma getting misdiagnosed as mental illness The difference between fact and opinion “Shitty life disorder” Diagnosing problems as disorders Negative drug interactions that put Tara in the hospital on a monthly basis, for years Why Tara doesn’t recommend quitting cold turkey Controlling your relationship with other people Why interior design is so powerful Embracing chiropractors The WILD method: Willingness, Intuition, Love, & Discipline Using your story to make the world a better place   More about this episode.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ATHLETIC GREENS. 11 supplements in 1! As someone who’s been into superfoods, and supplementation for over 25 years, I’ve seen many a trend come and go. One of those trends is green powder blends. Having tried many of them, and left most of them behind, one I’ve decided to stick with is Athletic Greens. The attention to detail in the ingredient deck and the careful sourcing of those ingredients is really impressive. The inclusion of not only the broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals is fantastic, but also the enzymes and probiotics necessary to fully assimilate those nutrients. Add to that the convenience factor, and the elimination of the need to travel with 20 bottles of supplements, and you’ve got a home run even for the most discerning health connoisseur. If you’re looking for fast acting energy, alkalinity, and nutrient density, Athletic Greens is a home run. Get 20 FREE travel packs valued at $99 with your first purchase. AND… ORGANIFI. I'm loving Organifi Gold especially for my night time routine. It has turmeric, ginger, reishi, lemon balm, turkey tail and other rad super foods, phytonutrients & pain-soothing herbs. My daily routine lately goes like this: in the morning I add it to my nut milk smoothie. At night when I want to chill out, I make a golden latte. I add the power and a healthy fat like ghee, coconut, or grass-fed butter to hot water and voilá! Great warm elixir, really chills you out, gently detoxifies and tastes awesome. Save 20% off, use coupon code "LIFESTYLIST". AND… ALTERRA PURE. This show is all about optimizing your lifestyle, and part of that is optimizing your sleep environment. I’m super stoked about the new bedding company Alterra Pure. Insane high quality, truly organic, pesticide-free, non-GMO cotton sheets and bedding. A lot of stuff in the market is actually pretty fake. I’ve done a lot of research into it. Alterra Pure is legit, I’m using them on my bed, they are insanely high quality. What’s also great about this company is that they support the environment, social sustainability and are absolutely transparent. 15% OFF when you use coupon code LIFESTYLIST at checkout.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
May 22, 2018 • 1h 39min

East By West: Ayurveda Meets Paleo Conscious Cuisine with Jasmine Hemsley #140

We all go on our own journeys with food. I’ve gone through quite a few phases in my journey – from hardcore vegetarian to hardcore raw protein to, now, something more balanced and less inflammatory. Now I don’t care what you eat – you can eat a sofa if you want – but a lot of people mindlessly eat more than their fair share, a lot of the time. That doesn’t help you, and it doesn’t help the world. The key to finding the optimal diet for your body is appreciating your food, and being more conscious about when it serves you and when it doesn’t. Of course, we live in a fast-paced world. Finding and preparing the best food doesn't always feel easy – and that’s where today’s guest, Jasmine Hemsley, comes in. Jasmine is a wellbeing expert and creator of the East by West, a modern take on Ayurvedic principles & recipes for today’s busy world. Beginning with a pop up cafe in London, East by West is now a cookbook containing 140 delicious (and simple) recipes that focus on using the ancient Ayurvedic philosophy of eating to nourish, sustain, and repair. The Vedic lifestyle isn’t about strict rules or regulations, and it’s really a lot less stressful than most diets – it’s simply a philosophy for living well that emphasizes bringing balance into your lifestyle. Ready for the ultimate mind-body balance? –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Becoming more conscious about food Growing up with a Filipino mother & English father Creating a healthy family bond around food Coming up with SO MANY amazing recipes Utilitarian eating VS being a foodie The creative process Combining the Paleo-Primal way of eating with the Ayurvedic diet Gut health Cooking tasty meals that include organ meat Why some people need animal protein in their diet Appreciating your food Where hunger begins & cravings end Emotional eating Sound bathing & the effects of sound on your blood Marrying East + West The nutritional difference between some cold & hot foods Meat as medicine The science of living Simultaneous & incredible inventions throughout history (How did different civilizations build pyramids at the same time, without contact?!) Vedic architecture The proper pace for eating (“There are no teeth in your tummy”) Food combining; it’s better to have good digestions and a bad diet than it is to have bad digestion and a good diet   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. I'm loving Organifi Gold especially for my night time routine. It has turmeric, ginger, reishi, lemon balm, turkey tail and other rad super foods, phytonutrients & pain-soothing herbs. My daily routine lately goes like this: in the morning I add it to my nut milk smoothie. At night when I want to chill out, I make a golden latte. I add the power and a healthy fat like ghee, coconut, or grass-fed butter to hot water and voilá! Great warm elixir, really chills you out, gently detoxifies and tastes awesome. Save 20% off, use coupon code "LIFESTYLIST". AND... Athletic Greens. 11 supplements in 1! As someone who’s been into superfoods, and supplementation for over 25 years, I’ve seen many a trend come and go. One of those trends is green powder blends. Having tried many of them, and left most of them behind, one I’ve decided to stick with is Athletic Greens. The attention to detail in the ingredient deck and the careful sourcing of those ingredients is really impressive. The inclusion of not only the broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals is fantastic, but also the enzymes and probiotics necessary to fully assimilate those nutrients. Add to that the convenience factor, and the elimination of the need to travel with 20 bottles of supplements, and you’ve got a home run even for the most discerning health connoisseur. If you’re looking for fast acting energy, alkalinity, and nutrient density, Athletic Greens is a home run. Get 20 FREE travel packs valued at $99 with your first purchase. AND... Banyan Botanicals. Banyan Botanicals wants to help you gain a deeper understanding of your health through the lens of Ayurveda, from physiology and digestion to body structure and personality. All you have to do is take the 10-minute quiz to find out your current imbalances and the reasons why you might be out of balance. Immediately, Banyan delivers personalized herbal, diet, and lifestyle guidance to keep your doshas balanced, all based on your own quiz results. You should definitely check out Banyan Botanicals’ Intro to Ayurveda, and then you can learn more by taking the quiz at   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.  
May 15, 2018 • 1h 51min

You Are Your Own Guru: Meditation For The Masses with Light Watkins #139

I didn’t start meditating to be cool – I started meditating to save my life. By 26 years old I loathed my very existence, and was trapped in a downward spiral of self-destruction. I’ve tried numerous methods of finding peace of mind using various practices of meditation, but Vedic meditation has been my Holy Grail. I also know that meditation is one of the things you all are hungry to learn more about, so I sat down with Light Watkins, an author and Vedic teacher who wants to empower the everyman to meditate. To help, Light wrote one of the best books I’ve ever read on the topic: Bliss More: How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying. You can think of Bliss More as the meditation version of the The 4-Hour Workweek: lean, effective, and at home on a bio hacker’s bookshelf near you. Some meditation practices and techniques are very specific and rigid, both physically and mentally. This is what a lot of people think of when they hear the word “meditation,” and in all honesty, those practices can be a struggle for the amateur who sincerely wants to make a daily practice out of meditation. If you want to sit with your legs crossed on the floor for an hour, that’s fine! But that’s NOT necessary to achieve the best or most efficient results from meditation – you can’t focus your way to bliss. Vedic meditation, on the other hand, is about reshaping the relationship with the mind to effortlessly experience fully-awake restful consciousness and its many physiological benefits. “The mind is not the enemy. The mind is not the obstacle. The mind is actually your ally. The mind is noble.” –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Urban escape room & evasion course How to succeed in meditation (without really trying) Changing the conversation around meditation Why Light’s book is accessible for the everyman & experienced practitioners Reframing writing as a practice Dealing with criticism (& laughing at negative reviews on Yelp) How Light (a young man from Alabama) first got into meditation in the 90s Experiencing Light’s first “meditation orgasm” Thom Knoles, a maharishi (or pre-eminent master-teacher) of Vedic Meditation Why meditation is only effective when it’s a daily practice Becoming a good teacher (“You don’t have to beat Michael Jordan to coach him to a championship.”) Training in India Listening to our intuitive voice Your energetic economy Having many choices VS knowing the right choice (for you) The early, rocky stages of a meditation practice Stress relief & meditation Fun fact: we all have the same number of thoughts Appreciating beauty Calming the fight or flight reaction Why Light keeps his services accessible and affordable How Light prays   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Now featuring a slew of brand new super chronic, super food & herbal blends! Check out the the green coffee bean extract, the brain stack, the sleep stack, the matcha tea with Lion’s Mane, and the new coffee + mushroom infused mixes! Use coupon "thelifestylist" for 15% off. AND...   ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20%, use discount code "LIFESTYLIST". AND... Health IQ. All your hard work as a health-conscious, biohacker can now payoff in deep savings on your life insurance. Health IQ offers exclusive discounts based on your lifestyle and level of health, so if you're a runner, cyclist, yogi, triathlete, vegan... here's the payoff. Discount code: Lifestylist.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
May 8, 2018 • 1h 54min

EpiEnergetics: The Miraculous Healing Powers of Donny Epstein #138

Do you want access to every thought that could ever be thought, every dream that could ever be dreamt, and every manifestation that could ever happen? Of course you do. And you can. Dr. Donny Epstein is the creator of EpiEnergetics, the evolutionary self-help and healing methodologies that are praised by the likes of Tony Robbins and Ken Wilber and sought out celebrities, politicians, CEOs, thought leaders, professional athletes and other people seeking the extraordinary through his knowledge of the dynamics of energy and information from multi-dimensional realms. The basic idea of EpiEnergetics is that “around all energy is information,” or a field of consciousness. So if you bring energy into any system – our bodies, our relationships, a business – the system improves, effortlessly… unless there’s not enough energy. All of our distress and cognitive dysfunction comes about because we don’t have enough energy. The reality is that you don’t have to change your job, your relationship, or your circumstances to change your life – if you change the way you use energy, you will have a different experience and a different impact. Ordinary experiences lead to an ordinary life. Extraordinary experiences lead to an extraordinary life. And an extraordinary experience doesn’t even require an extraordinary person – it requires an ordinary person using an extraordinary source of energy. Are you ready access more energy and experience the extraordinary? –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Everything in reality is a function of a binary code of energy and information The magic of manifestation What EpiEnergetics means Experiencing reality differently (and then getting drugged) Working across the street from Ken Wilber Benefitting from the different levels of consciousness Spirituality & experiencing the divine as a reward for adding value to others The lack of spirituality in (some) religious structures Accessing intelligence Spiritual escapism The “Network” - a spine-based, life-enhancing natural healing method The relationship between emotional intelligence & physiology Why ‘immune system’ is an antiquated term The purpose of an emotion Developing children into thinkers ‘Having cancer’ VS ‘cancering’ Moving from the lower mind to the upper mind Your thoughts & your nature Addiction, reward, pain, & certainty Transpersonal vigilance (watch Donny discuss it more here) The purpose of soul Taking care of those who’ve lost their way Expanding the model of healing The difference between a psychotic and a genius   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. I'm loving Organifi Gold especially for my night time routine. It has turmeric, ginger, reishi, lemon balm, turkey tail and other rad super foods, phytonutrients & pain-soothing herbs. My daily routine lately goes like this: in the morning I add it to my nut milk smoothie. At night when I want to chill out, I make a golden latte. I add the power and a healthy fat like ghee, coconut, or grass-fed butter to hot water and voilá! Great warm elixir, really chills you out, gently detoxifies and tastes awesome. Save 20% off, use coupon code "LIFESTYLIST". AND... ALTERRA PURE. This show is all about optimizing your lifestyle, and part of that is optimizing your sleep environment. I’m super stoked about the new bedding company Alterra Pure. Insane high quality, truly organic, pesticide-free, non-GMO cotton sheets and bedding. A lot of stuff in the market is actually pretty fake. I’ve done a lot of research into it. Alterra Pure is legit, I’m using them on my bed, they are insanely high quality. What’s also great about this company is that they support the environment, social sustainability and are absolutely transparent. 15% OFF when you use coupon code LIFESTYLIST at checkout. AND... AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
May 1, 2018 • 3h 17min

Extreme Biohacking: Millennial Edition with Matt Maruca #137

In this episode, our guest is Matt Maruca, Founder of Ra Optics. At 18-years-old, Matt is, by far, the youngest guest we’ve had on the show (and possibly the world’s youngest biohacker). But don’t let his age fool you – this guy is smart. While in high school, he learned more about optimizing health than most people do in a lifetime, and he gave the machine that is his body a complete overhaul. When you look at nature, every other species has a lifestyle that is dictated by their environment, and they are in harmony with their environment. But humans have changed their environment, resulting in a fundamental disconnect from what they need to nourish their bodies. As a result, we are constantly pursuing the newest health trend – but the fact that they are trends, the fact that they are always changing, proves that none of them are actually the answer. For years, Matt found himself in this trap: he chased the newest trends and diets just so that he could stop feeling like crap. He exhausted every popular food program available, but nothing worked (of course). Then Matt really started digging in. He started following thought leaders like our friend Jack Kruse and asking big questions: How is food used in our body, on a chemical level? How does seasonal eating play into things? Geographic eating? What is light’s role in all of this? Temperature’s? What are these mitochondria things and why isn’t anyone talking about them? It’s time to use some common sense, holla at nature, and fix the dysfunction in our bodies. –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: What mitochondria are, how they run our cells, & why you’ll die if they aren’t doing their job The fallacy of authority The problem with “health trends” and fad diets Struggling with migraines (once for three weeks straight) How Jack Kruse, Matt’s mentor, saved his life Dr. Douglas Wallace, “The Galileo of Biology” How our man-made environment is damaging our bodies Common sense & nature How to figure out what YOU should be eating Repairing mitochondrial function Being homo domesticus Using technology to mimic natural environments & fix our bodies The cold factor & the cold thermogenesis protocol Why infrared light is so cool The restorative power of darkness Benefits of sex & the problem with ejaculating too much The sun doesn’t cause cancer – mitochondrial dysfunction does Humans are the first animal to un-ground themselves & remove themselves from the sun   More about this episode.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Athletic Greens. 11 supplements in 1! As someone who’s been into superfoods, and supplementation for over 25 years, I’ve seen many a trend come and go. One of those trends is green powder blends. Having tried many of them, and left most of them behind, one I’ve decided to stick with is Athletic Greens. The attention to detail in the ingredient deck and the careful sourcing of those ingredients is really impressive. The inclusion of not only the broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals is fantastic, but also the enzymes and probiotics necessary to fully assimilate those nutrients. Add to that the convenience factor, and the elimination of the need to travel with 20 bottles of supplements, and you’ve got a home run even for the most discerning health connoisseur. If you’re looking for fast acting energy, alkalinity, and nutrient density, Athletic Greens is a home run. Get 20 FREE travel packs valued at $99 with your first purchase. AND... ORGANIFI. I'm loving Organifi Gold especially for my night time routine. It has turmeric, ginger, reishi, lemon balm, turkey tail and other rad super foods, phytonutrients & pain-soothing herbs. My daily routine lately goes like this: in the morning I add it to my nut milk smoothie. At night when I want to chill out, I make a golden latte. I add the power and a healthy fat like ghee, coconut, or grass-fed butter to hot water and voilá! Great warm elixir, really chills you out, gently detoxifies and tastes awesome. Save 20% off, use coupon code "LIFESTYLIST". AND... FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Now featuring a slew of brand new super chronic, super food & herbal blends! Check out the the green coffee bean extract, the brain stack, the sleep stack, the matcha tea with Lion’s Mane, and the new coffee + mushroom infused mixes! Use coupon "thelifestylist" for 15% off. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
Apr 24, 2018 • 1h 21min

The Esoteric Secrets of Taoism, Qi Gong, & Acupuncture with Chris Chen #136

My spiritual practice and transformative journey has been all about recontextualizing my reality. When you change your perception and step away from “the way things are supposed to be,” you start to understand that they already and always are. And when you take that line of thought and apply it to our bodies and treating disease… well, things can get pretty crazy from our limited view of the world. In this episode, I sit down with Chris Chen, a licensed acupuncturist who has spent the last decade studying with Grandmaster Sung Baek, 75th Grandmaster of the Dong Han healing clan, a Korean Taoist tradition stretching back over 2,500 years. We don’t really know the true origin of these ancient Eastern practices, but like some of the other ancient technologies we’ve discussed on the show, such as Kundalini, it inarguably changes you – they’re powerful and they work. That’s why these technologies manage to stick around long enough to become ancient. (And you should see Chris – something must be working because he looks incredible.) Honestly, I thought this conversation would be all about acupuncture and what Chinese herbs to take, but we end up exploring a whole lot more: How were these ancient technologies (or, in some cases, truths) originally discovered? How is food a form of data? How can you surrender to reality and still contribute in a meaningful and positive way? What the hell is Qi Gong and what does it do to you? What’s up with pulse reading? Sustaining the kinetic energy machine of your body is actually pretty easy when you get down to it – we just over complicate everything with our own thoughts and feelings. What’s new? –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Finding and studying with Grandmaster Sung Baek The moment Chris dedicated the rest of his life to studying Eastern healing The terminal condition called life Daoism & naturalism The profound lessons that Chris has received from his teacher Why your digestive tract is outside of you, exposed to the universe The Eastern attitude towards food Food as a form of data Nature’s perfect design The history of acupuncture (and the difference between the sacred medicine and the secular medicine) The body-brain connection Recontextualizing reality How you can surrender to reality & still contribute in a meaningful and positive way The philosophy of activism When Chris (almost) stopped meditating What Qi Gong is and what it does to you How pulse diagnosis works   More about this episode.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Now featuring a slew of brand new super chronic, super food & herbal blends! Check out the the green coffee bean extract, the brain stack, the sleep stack, the matcha tea with Lion’s Mane, and the new coffee + mushroom infused mixes! Use coupon "thelifestylist" for 15% off AND...   ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20%, use discount code "LIFESTYLIST". AND... LONGEVITY POWER. Some of the most potent superfoods and herbal extracts in the planet. I've been using their products for over 10 years now. No filler, additives, preservatives, GMOs, solvents, dairy, gluten, and tested for mold, metals and pollutants. Super legit. My favorites: Maca Bliss, Epic Reishi & Goji Joy. Discount code: thelifestylist for 5% off. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible?   The easiest and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
Apr 17, 2018 • 2h 46min

Vaccine Safety vs. Science: Facts & Fiction with Del Bigtree #135

Today we’re digging into a controversial topic: vaccines. I know this is a touchy topic, and this episode is not about telling you how or what to think – I am not having this conversation to be pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. I am pro-question and pro-clarity, and I am here to learn all sides of the story and offer a different perspective. That’s why I sat down with Del Bigtree, the Producer of Vaxxed – a must-see documentary for anyone who will potentially have kids and wants to stay informed. I sat up late one night watching the documentary, and as the story unfolded, it just made me so angry. There’s just so much intentional misinformation out there on this topic, and on this documentary. Did you know that Andrew Wakefield – the doctor who lost his license after being tried for publishing a fraudulent paper in 1998 linking the MMR vaccine and autism – never actually came out against vaccines? Did you know that Dr. Wakefield was one of 13 co-authors of that report, yet he was the only one tried for fraud (and he just so happened to be the only one digging further into vaccine safety)? Did you know that Vaxxed isn’t an anti-vaxxer movie? It’s insane how much we don’t know – and that’s why we need people out there who aren’t afraid to ask some big questions. Always be skeptical. Arm yourself with knowledge. –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Learning how to ask questions, think more critically, and decide for ourselves Producing a debate between Monsanto’s head of toxicology Dr. Donna Farmer and GMO activist Jeffrey Smith How Del first learned about the CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson The scientific fraud and cover up surrounding MMR vaccine studies Why Dr. Thompson is the “cleanest whistleblower you’re ever going to have” The fine line between being an advocate for truth and driving yourself insane Why the vaccine debate seems to be different from any other controversial topic How some people on the Left seem to be trying to shut down free speech these days Why Del considers himself a consumer advocate Getting kicked out of the Tribeca film festival Robert De Niro’s role in the story Donald Trump & vaccines The mandated adult vaccine program that’s in the works 75% of advertising on television comes from Big Pharma Why science is the one place where consensus is meaningless Big Pharma’s stranglehold over the vaccine conversation and lobbying The “religion” around doctors, medical knowledge, and vaccines Why a child in America is 70% more likely to die before adulthood than the other 20 richest nations in the world The first generation of children in America who probably will not live to be as old as their parents The BIG change in vaccinations that happened in 1986 (that made it impossible to sue due to injury from vaccines) The autoimmune crisis in this country The scientific method for evaluating the safety of a drug – which ZERO childhood vaccines have ever done The people who are killed by vaccines annually Playing devil’s advocate The 15 childhood vaccines that have NEVER been studied for a link to autism What’s wrong with the “herd immunity” argument Del’s dream of a truly independent vaccine safety research organization to hold Big Pharma accountable How our species is evolving backwards The difference you can make as an individual – not part of a herd   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Health IQ. All your hard work as a health-conscious, biohacker can now payoff in deep savings on your life insurance. Health IQ offers exclusive discounts based on your lifestyle and level of health, so if you're a runner, cyclist, yogi, triathlete, vegan... here's the payoff. Discount code: Lifestylist. AND...   ATHLETIC GREENS. 11 supplements in 1! As someone who’s been into superfoods, and supplementation for over 25 years, I’ve seen many a trend come and go. One of those trends is green powder blends. Having tried many of them, and left most of them behind, one I’ve decided to stick with is Athletic Greens. The attention to detail in the ingredient deck and the careful sourcing of those ingredients is really impressive. The inclusion of not only the broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals is fantastic, but also the enzymes and probiotics necessary to fully assimilate those nutrients. Add to that the convenience factor, and the elimination of the need to travel with 20 bottles of supplements, and you’ve got a home run even for the most discerning health connoisseur. If you’re looking for fast acting energy, alkalinity, and nutrient density, Athletic Greens is a home run. Get 20 FREE travel packs valued at $99 with your first purchase. AND...   ORGANIFI. I'm loving Organifi Gold especially for my night time routine. It has turmeric, ginger, reishi, lemon balm, turkey tail and other rad super foods, phytonutrients & pain-soothing herbs. My daily routine lately goes like this: in the morning I add it to my nut milk smoothy. At night when I want to chill out, I make a golden latte. I add the power and a healthy fat like ghee, coconut, or grass-fed butter to hot water and voilá! Great warm elixir, really chills you out, gently detoxifies and tastes awesome. Save 20% off, use coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life
Apr 10, 2018 • 1h 44min

The Psychology of Style with Lauren Messiah #134

This episode is a long time coming – I’m sitting down with the catalyst of the Life Stylist podcast and my partner in crime at the School of Style, Lauren Messiah. (Oh... and we also dated for exactly five years.) As a self-described “perpetual not-fitter-inner,” Lauren struggles to find a tribe of her own – but she’s always had style, her one constant. If you dress the right way, you can fit in anywhere... but if you really own it, you can carve out your own space. That’s exactly what Lauren does, and that’s what makes her such an incredible entrepreneur. As a personal stylist, Lauren is dedicated to helping women fundamentally change their relationship with clothing so that they can take out the BS and completely transform themselves, from the outside in. What does your wardrobe communicate to other people? Hell, what does it communicate to yourself? How does our style affect our identity? Our energy? It’s not about being cute or sexy – it’s about getting what you want and living your best life! –Luke   Topics Discussed In This Episode: How Lauren kicked my ass and got me to start the podcast Our five-year relationship and multiple attempts at couples therapy (including a stay at the Onsite Workshops) How we’ve evolved since ending our relationship Lauren’s first fashion memory Being a perpetual not-fitter-inner Growing up multiracial & feeling like you don’t have a tribe Using style to carve out her own space Being a voice for people who feel misunderstood Going to fashion school and then not becoming a designer Inadequacies in education Moving from the east coast to the west coast Becoming a stylist and finding the School of Style Blogging about fashion in 2005 Why Lauren stopped celebrity styling & started personal styling Being a servant VS serving Style being a huge pain point for so many people How a job with Nickelodeon changed Lauren’s life trajectory Clothing as a way of communicating your values Lauren’s evolving brand & relationship with style Living your best life Putting yourself in badass mode Being the Oprah of fashion The science of getting dressed How men can represent their true self on the outside Lauren’s current self-help journey   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20%, use discount code "LIFESTYLIST". AND... ALTERRA PURE. This show is all about optimizing your lifestyle, and part of that is optimizing your sleep environment. I’m super stoked about the new bedding company Alterra Pure. Insane high quality, truly organic, pesticide-free, non-GMO cotton sheets and bedding. A lot of stuff in the market is actually pretty fake. I’ve done a lot of research into it. Alterra Pure is legit, I’m using them on my bed, they are insanely high quality. What’s also great about this company is that they support the environment, social sustainability and are absolutely transparent. 15% OFF when you use coupon code LIFESTYLIST at checkout. AND... AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges.     HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible?   The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews in iTunes. Or, if you want to get there yourself, you can follow these instructions.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life  
Apr 4, 2018 • 2h 19min

Miracle Medicine: My Stem Cell Journey with Dr. Harry Adelson & Dr. Amy Killen #133

What motivates you? If you're like most people it's one of two things:    A) The avoidance of pain B) The pursuit of pleasure    This unique double-interview, narrative format show was motivated by the former. Pain. Lots of pain, for a long, long time- mostly in my lower back and right hip.   It all started 25 years ago when I injured my hip drunk-hiking in Angeles National Forest. I used to pack booze into the woods with my homies, get hammered, then try to find our way back out. It was the best of times, and well, you know the rest of the line.    At any rate, rather than having my hip looked at by an actual doctor, I had my pot dealing, boarding house manager Bob (who was incidentally, a spitting image of Steven Seagal) knock my displaced hip back into the socket with a giant rubber mallet.    Suffice to say, that method of medical treatment was not only ineffective but left my hip injured, which eventually put a strain on my S.I. joint. Add to that initial injury 15 more years of hauling massive musical equipment around the world while playing in rock bands (mostly also done while intoxicated), and you've got me at the current age of 47 years old, in fairly constant back pain.    Over the past 21 years that I've been into alternative health, biohacking and all ways and means by which to heal your body, mind, and soul, I've tried anything and everything I've ever heard of to improve my back and put an end to the nagging pain. The list is far too long to include here, but I'd dare say that I've tried just about anything that you can think of to fix it, short of straight-up surgery.    While I have had moments of reprieve here and there through the application of various modalities, nothing has ever really helped in a meaningful way.    Over the years, however, I have heard over and over again about the healing power of stem cell therapy, and have met many owners of injured, painful human bodies who have experienced nothing short of miraculous healing experiences using this increasingly popular natural-medicine intervention.    Due to this fact, I've had the words 'Stem Cell Treatment' on my yearly vision boards and journals, in hopes that someday I would be so situated as to try this emerging technology on my back.    Well, as fate would have it finally in February 2018, the stars finally aligned and I was able to travel to beautiful Park City Utah to undergo dual treatment under the care of doctors Harry Adelson and Amy Killen at Docere Clinics.    Dr. Harry worked his magic on my lower back, hip, spine, and shoulder, while Dr. Amy focused her injections on my face, scalp, and penis. Yes, you read that correctly. Why would I have them put there? You'll have to listen to this episode to find out.    This extraordinary show follows my entire journey from LA to Utah, in cars, on the airplane, to a local hot spring, and right into the operating room where the two interviews took place, mere moments before I went under anesthesia and underwent the procedure.    This will no doubt be a trip you won't forget as you ride co-pilot along with me on my latest experiment to find the ultimate solution to this long-standing physical challenge.    If you know anyone with persistent pain, or someone who's looking for safe alternatives to anti-aging and sexual optimization therapies, please do them a favor and share this episode with them now.    Here's to new discoveries in health and healing,   Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode A full report of my journey from LA to Utah:  At the airport On the plane Off the plane and reporting from Uber At the secret hot springs with podcast listener Kia Sorensen, how she became a listener and her 3 top recommendations for keeping healthy, spiritually and emotionally centered The day after arrival, and off to Docere Clinic Interview with Dr. Harry Adelson: The ABCs of stem cells, and how it's the body’s own natural drugstore  What’s the deal with FDA’s paranoia?    The risks involved with stem cell therapy The conditions most often improved with this type of therapy “A busy doctor means a bad doctor”: Dr. Harry’s no-repeat business model Aftercare therapy, and the importance of bodywork, mobility and healthy lifestyle changes Neurodegenerative diseases and how injections into the brain work towards cell growth factor  Other fringing benefits of stem cell therapy  The difference between fat-derived cells and bone marrow cells  PRP therapy explained  Autologous Vs. Allogeneic: Understanding the derivatives of stem cells, where they come from if not from your body, and the U.S. regulations around it What's with the tourism factor when it comes to stem cell therapy, and how the U.S. differs from international approach  What are exosomes, and how they are made  Umbilical cord storage Cross-species stem cells: are they still a thing?  Step-by-step walkthrough of my treatment today Lifestyle recommendations Interview with Dr. Amy Killen:  More on what is PRP therapy, and how it differs from stem cells  What happens when you inject stem cells into a man’s "unit", and why I’m having her do it to me The fact that 40% of women suffer some form of sexual disfunction  The O-Shot and why she injects stem cells and PRP into vaginas, and why she has not administered that treatment to herself  How the O-Shot improves the power and duration of female orgasms The secrets of the vampire breast lift  How hormone function affects your sexual health  What are bio-identical hormones, and are they really natural? How diet affects hormones, and the #1 food ingredient that kills men’s testosterone levels  Is having too much iron in the body bad for men? And how to get rid of it The benefits of rubbing testosterone into your genitals, for men and women  What’s the purpose of this P-Shot I’m getting, and where exactly she’ll be injecting my private parts with stem cells  The secret cure to premature ejaculations that you can order on Amazon under $20 The power of GAINSWave treatment for erectile disfunction Are erection drugs safe? And what are the side effects?  How she convinced her husband to be her guinea pig for some of her experimental therapies  What causes hair loss, and how to fix it with stem cells How to use stem cells and PRP to get a non-surgical facelift, and how she’s going to inject my face and scalp  What happens when airpot security catches you with a penis pump   Lifestyle recommendations Real time report of my post-treatment journey:  The day after and tech used to speed up healing Back to LA and full recovery mode A run down of my entire biohacking recovery therapy 5-weeks later report   For more about this episode. Watch on YOUTUBE:  My interview with Dr. Harry My interview with Dr. Amy My LIVE stem cell procedure   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HEALTH IQ. Health IQ. All your hard work as a health-conscious biohacker can now payoff in deep savings on your life insurance. Health IQ offers exclusive discounts based on your lifestyle and level of health, so if you're a runner, cyclist, yogi, triathlete, vegan... here's the payoff. Save 4-33% savings just for being healthy. Discount code: Lifestylist. Also... try their online quiz at and see how well you score!  AND...   FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Now featuring a slew of brand new super chronic, super food & herbal blends! Check out the the green coffee bean extract, the brain stack, the sleep stack, the matcha tea with Lion’s Mane, and the new coffee + mushroom infused mixes! Use code THELIFESTYLIST for 15% off.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.

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