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The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Latest episodes

Feb 26, 2020 • 38min

Episode 51: Preventing Tech Fatigue and Digital Dementia In Your Family

My guest this week Dr. Krista Burns is the founder of the American Posture Institute, author of the textbook The Posture Principles and TEDx speaker. Dr. Krista is leading the charge against Digital Dementia and has been featured on media including Fox News and Global Woman Magazine. In this episode, Dr. Krista and I discuss the challenges of raising children within the digital age and how parents can act now to prevent tech fatigue and digital dementia in their family’s. Dr. Krista guides parents on warning signs of tech fatigue and practical ways they can instill healthy tech boundaries within the home. Children and adults with or without diagnosed developmental and behavioral disorders are experiencing negative results from device use overstimulation. Dr. Krista shares with the audience staggering research on how tech device use can actually alter our brain health and what we can do to avoid digital dementia. To learn more about Dr. Krista Burns click here.   Where to learn more about Dr. Krista Burns... American Posture Institute Facebook: American Posture Institute Facebook: Dr Krista Burns Instagram: @dr.kristaburns Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Feb 19, 2020 • 44min

Episode 50: How Food Allergies Affect Behavior and Development In Kids

My guest this week is Emily Cerda, a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist with a LDN in the State of Maryland. Emily has an MS in Nutrition and Integrative Health from Maryland University of Integrative Health where she supports students in graduate-level Physiology and Pathophysiology when she is not busy with her private practice. Her passion for food and nutrition stems from her son’s diagnosis with multiple severe food allergies and her determination to see him thrive in the face of this challenge. Emily is passionate about the need for individualized nutrition and dreams of mobilizing an army of practitioners to cater to the integrative needs of this community. In this episode, Emily and I discuss concepts and strategies to help parents navigate food allergies and food sensitivities while sharing ways they can directly impact children's behavior and development. Emily provides direction on testing and diagnosis, anaphylactic responses and provides invaluable tips on how parents can advocate for their children and empower them to make safe independent decisions with their food allergies as they transition into their teenage years and beyond. To learn more about Emily Cerda click here.   Episode Highlights Food Reactions and Behavior Connection  Food allergy = an immediate response in health or behavior  This immediate shift can be seen in a behavioral response, anaphylactic response, or even a histamine-based response visible via a runny nose, clearing of throat, or hives on the skin Food intolerance or food sensitivity Can/may show up days later after ingesting something the body is sensitive or intolerant to   Testing and Diagnosis Start with a board-certified allergist  That allergist will then usually do a skin prick or blood test The gold-standard is to do an oral food challenge in office with the practitioner present in case a negative reaction occurs Results are not always precise - they take time, elimination testing and lots of patience   Anaphylactic Response  Allergic reaction that constricts your airways from a swollen tongue or throat Other symptoms include: weak and rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, skin reactions (hives, itching, flushed and/or pale skin) These reactions can be immediately life-threatening Immediate use of an epinephrine auto-injector is vital, as well as, a visit to the emergency room to ensure safety and possible preparation for a second reaction called - biphasic anaphylaxis   Supporting Your Child’s Independence with Allergies  As your children age, advocacy and awareness must occur as they venture into independence in handling their food allergies outside of their safe places Transitions from elementary to middle school or middle school to high school when labels and bullying can arise can cause children to stray from communicating their allergy needs not wanting to stand out as “different” Modeling good awareness and inclusiveness on part from the adults is crucial Advocating for your child within school setting  Section 504 plans- part of the American Disabilities Act provides an avenue for students who may have a diagnosed medical condition that requires accommodations but does not rise to the level of qualifying them as a special education student IEP process - for those who qualify as a student with a disability for the purpose of their schooling    Raising and Feeding Children with Food Allergies  Simplify first Instead of looking to replace go-to meals or packaged snacks that do not have an allergy-free alternative, look to what whole foods you can start with to create easy, simple meals for the entire family Batch cooking more than what you will eat in one day so that there are some hearty leftovers for snacks or later meals Pre-cut fruits and vegetables always on hand  Double checking your ingredients always - even in organic processed foods and foods you have consistently purchased (companies change up ingredients with zero warning!) Empowering your children in the process and teaching them what to look out for so they are equipped for safety   Integrative Approach  Looking from an integrative approach allows parents to use essentials to help them tackle their children’s food allergies Re-framing, empowerment, stress control, resilience building and the teaching of basic kitchen skills and cross-contamination rules The integrative approach will always look to resolve underlying inflammation and will always stay on top of gut health    Where to learn more about Emily Cerda... Thrive Inside Nutrition Thrive Inside Nutrition on Facebook Instagram: @thriveinside Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Feb 12, 2020 • 42min

Episode 49: How To Prevent Chronic Illness In Your Household

My guest this week is Dr. Marvin Singh, an Integrative Gastroenterologist in San Diego, California and a Member of the Board and Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Singh is trained and board-certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology/Hepatology. He was later trained by Andrew Weil, M.D., a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. Currently, Dr. Singh is a voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSD in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health. He is an editor of the textbook of Integrative Gastroenterology, 2nd edition and has written several book chapters and articles. Dr. Singh is dedicated to guiding his clients toward optimal wellness every step of the way, using the most cutting edge technologies to design highly personalized precision-based protocols and help them stay on top of their health, rather than underneath disease. As a result, he founded Precisione Clinic, to bring the best in preventive medicine to his clients.  In this episode, Dr. Singh and I discuss how families can improve their health and wellness collectively to help prevent future chronic illnesses in their households with a precision medicine-based approach. To learn more about Dr. Singh click here.   Where to learn more about Dr. Marvin Singh... Dr. Marvin Singh Website Precisione Clinic Website Facebook  Twitter: @drmarvinsingh Instagram:  @drmarvinsingh Instagram: @Precisioneclinic   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Feb 5, 2020 • 54min

Episode 48: Assessing and Treating Children With Feeding Problems

My guest this week is Dr. Kay A. Toomey, a Pediatric Psychologist who has worked with children who struggle to eat for almost 30 years. She has developed the SOS Approach to Feeding as a family-centered program for assessing and treating children with feeding problems. Dr. Toomey speaks nationally and internationally about her approach and also acts as a consultant to Gerber Products. Dr. Toomey helped form The Children’s Hospital – Denver’s Pediatric Oral Feeding Clinic, as well as, the Rose Medical Center’s Pediatric Feeding Center. She previously co-chaired the Pediatric Therapy Services Department at Rose Medical Center prior to entering private practice. Currently, Dr. Toomey is the President of Toomey & Associates, Inc., and acts as a Clinical Consultant to the Feeding Clinic at STAR Institute.   In this episode, Dr. Toomey and I discuss the challenges that parents face with picky eaters and problem feeders and how they can address and treat those issues. Dr. Toomey presents a thorough breakdown showing how and when feeding problems begin for children and sheds light on resolving these issues with proven methods through her SOS Approach to feeding. To learn more about Dr. Kay A. Toomey click here.   Where to learn more about Dr. Kay A. Toomey... SOS Approach To Feeding Facebook    Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Jan 29, 2020 • 38min

Episode 47: Exploring, Understanding, and Treating Endometriosis in Teen Girls

My guest this week is Dr. Jessica Drummond, the Founder, and CEO of the Integrative Women’s Health Institute who is passionate about caring for and empowering women who struggle with women’s pelvic health conditions. She is equally passionate about educating and supporting clinicians in confidently and safely using integrative tools to transform women’s and pelvic healthcare. Dr. Drummonds has two decades of experience in women’s and pelvic health as a physical therapist and functional nutritionist. Owning a private women’s health clinical nutrition and coaching practice gives her a unique perspective on the integrative, conservative options for pelvic pain management, hormone balance, pre-conception and fertility support, postpartum recovery, and chronic pain and fatigue management in active and athletic women. She regularly lectures on topics such as integrative pelvic pain management, natural fertility options, optimal hormone health, female athletes, and functional and integrative nutrition for rehabilitation, nutrition, wellness, fitness, and medical professionals. In this episode, Dr. Drummond and I discuss the common issue of endometriosis in teen girls and help parents understand how they can address and treat this disease. Preteen, teen and young women who suffer from endometriosis most commonly show symptoms of severely painful menstrual cramps. Coping with this pain and commonly dealing with inflammatory imbalances within the gut and digestive system can result in mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders. To learn more about Dr. Jessica Drummond click here.   Episode Highlights What is Endometriosis?  A disease state where cells grow outside the lining of the uterus and outside of the uterus in general There is a genetic component to endometriosis and an inflammatory component   Diagnosis Is Surgical Diagnosis for endometriosis is surgical Sometimes it can be seen on imaging but imaging does not rule it out It is important to have someone well-versed in endometriosis before having a laparoscopy as endometriosis can be found in surprising places and can be missed   Symptoms Severe period pain that is so severe that school or work is missed 1 in 10 women and girls has endometriosis Young girls who have yet to menstruate may show symptoms through: stomach aches, digestive complaints, anxiety, and depression due to an imbalance in the gut  Functional Nutrition for Healing An anti-inflammatory plan that feeds a healthy gut microbiome and nourishes a healthy brain Lots of vegetables, 8-10 servings per day Sometimes this must be approached slowly depending on the state of the gut and intestines, i.e. whether the patient is also dealing with SIBO or dysbiosis of the small/large intestine Gut bacteria play a huge role due here in the gut-brain connection as it signals pain and affects anxiety and depression Fiber, prebiotics, healthy fats, proteins and therapeutic doses of turmeric Hydration is key, as well as, avoiding processed foods, sugar, trans fats Where to learn more about Dr. Jessica Drummond... The Integrative Women's Health Institute Dr. Drummond’s Book: Outsmart Endometriosis Facebook Twitter Instagram Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Jan 22, 2020 • 42min

Episode 46: Healing Children with Challenging Neurodevelopmental and Infectious Issues

My guest this week is Stephanie Belseth, a board-certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with over 25 years of experience in inpatient and outpatient primary care, pulmonology, asthma, early childhood screening, and neurodevelopmental disorders. Stephanie has a special interest in holistic wellness care, Gastrointestinal disorders, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, mental health disorders, PANS/PANDAS, Autoimmune disease, Pediatric Lyme and conditions that mimic it, and other complex chronic pediatric conditions.  In this episode, Stephanie and I discuss the various infections that we see in children who are struggling with neurodevelopmental issues. We also highlight some of the environmental dangers (right in your own home) like EMF radiation and mold, that could be exacerbating these issues. Finally, Stephanie walks us through some examples of treatment protocols for these issues that are very encouraging for parents and children. To learn more about Stephanie Belseth click here.   Episode Highlights Infectious issues related to neurodevelopmental challenges Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, Bartonella, Babesia Problems with mycoplasma, strep, viruses Many different kinds of conditions underlying parasitic or fungal overgrowth, bacterial dysbiosis in the gut and the microbiome PANDAS and co-infections Often times kids that come in diagnosed with PANDAS, actually have many other infections Blood-brain Barrier  Kids have leaky blood-brain barriers Their blood-brain barriers are more permeable than they should be, either due to concussions, due to infection, microbiome problems, the gut-brain connection If the gut has increased permeability then the brain will have increased permeability Treatments that can help Often times kids aren’t sleeping well, so improving sleep is a good place to start with treatment Melatonin, valerian root, and lemon balm can sometimes help Herbs, vitamins, CBD for lowering brain and gut inflammation Deep breathing skills, hopping skills, QNRT or Brainspotting or other kinds of techniques, EMDR Introducing more healthy fats into the diet and eating mostly anti-inflammatory foods can help Environmental dangers for kids EMF (electromagnetic fields) radiation from wifi and wifi enabled devices Too much screen time Overexposure to screens and devices can cause hyperactivity, irritability, and other neurological issues in kids There are physiological effects of EMF radiation, especially in kids that are extra sensitive, therefore, screen time and proximity to wifi should be limited Mold Exposure Mold can be a significant stressor on the immune system One out of two homes has some type of mold Test your home environment if you feel like you have tried everything for your child and they are still struggling to improve their neurological symptoms Where to learn more about Stephanie Belseth... New Bridge Wellness Facebook   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Jan 15, 2020 • 40min

Episode 45: What Parents Need to Know About OCD

My guest this week is Dr. Tamar Chansky, a licensed psychologist and founder of the Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety in Plymouth Meeting, PA. She is the author of numerous books on the treatment of anxiety, including the popular Freeing Yourself from Anxiety Series: Freeing Your Child From Anxiety, Freeing Your Child from Negative Thinking, and Freeing Your Child From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Dr. Chansky is the creator of the educational website: Her most recent book, Freeing Yourself from Anxiety: 4 Simple Steps to Overcome Worry and Create the Life You Want is for anyone suffering from everyday worry, an anxiety disorder or depression.  In this episode, Dr. Chansky and I discuss how parents can distinguish symptoms, understand and address their children who may be or who are suffering from OCD. Children suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder vary in symptoms from outward obsessive actionable displays to internal incessant thoughts. OCD is often mistaken for anxiety-related symptoms. OCD treatment is possible and highly effective. To learn more about OCD treatments and Dr. Chansky click here. Episode Highlights What is OCD? There are two components Intrusive thoughts that you don’t want to be there The brain isn’t sending the signal that something is finished Compulsions – what a person does to try to quell that thought or get rid of that thought Treating OCD Depersonalize the content and separate from the content to feel more empowered that this is not something you need to think about Exposure and ritual prevention is the treatment of choice and very highly effective Relabel what’s going on, give a name to this process How long does it take to treat? Some progress can be made within the first month On average, treatment can last 4-6 months Why reassuring kids with OCD doesn’t work That attempt to soothe actually can add fuel to the fire by teaching a kid or teaching their brain that these are serious thoughts that they need to pay attention to instead of teaching the kid that these are not serious thoughts Why do kids develop OCD? There is a genetic component To put it simply, the brain is in overdrive PANS or PANDAS and OCD 1/3 of kids with OCD tend to have PANS or PANDAS If you see a very obvious and sudden onset of OCD symptoms, testing for PANS and PANDAS is a good first step Where can people learn more? Facebook: @TamarChansky Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Jan 8, 2020 • 40min

Episode 44: How To Develop Your Child's Independent Executive Function Skills

My guest this week is Sarah Ward, who holds over 25 years of experience in diagnostic evaluations and treatment of executive dysfunction. She holds a faculty appointment at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions and is an internationally recognized expert on executive function. She presents seminars and workshops on the programs and strategies she has developed with her Co-Director, Kristen Jacobsen. Their 360 Thinking Executive Function Program received the Innovative Promising Practices Award from the National Organization CHADD. Sarah has presented to and consulted with over 1200 public and private schools in the United States, Canada, and Europe. In this episode, Sarah and I discuss the importance of independent executive function skills and how parents can better approach teaching them to their children. Key concepts like planning and prioritizing, self-control, focussing, emotional control, organization and following directions have all become more difficult for those struggling with executive functions skills especially children with behavioral disorders such as ADD and ADHD. Sarah helps parents and children who struggle with executive functions by providing practical and impactful lessons to help improve their skills. To learn more about Sarah and 360 Thinking click here.   Episode Highlights Executive Function Skills Organization, time management, decision-making, memory The ability to pre-imagine the future is a developmental skill and is at the core of what executive function is Our digital age has greatly affected the teaching of these skills Teaching Time Management  Using an analog clock to show that time is visible and passing through space The curriculum in schools teaching time used to last on average around 6 months, nowadays they may last around two weeks This skill is critical for children and adults to understand and function on their daily lives at work and in school especially for teens before they enter university See 360 Thinking’s resources   Where to learn more about Sarah Ward... EF Practice Website Twitter   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Jan 1, 2020 • 41min

Episode 43: The Impact of Developmentally Appropriate Practice on Child Outcomes

My guest this week is Amanda Morgan, who holds a BA in both elementary and early childhood education and an MS in family and human development. Her past experience includes teaching in public, private, and migrant school settings as well as teaching preschoolers, grade-schoolers, college students, teachers, and parents. She writes, speaks, and trains on the topic of intentional, whole child development and is the creator of the blog, Not Just Cute. In her free time, she can usually be found exploring the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four boys or procuring copious amounts of chocolate. In this episode, Amanda and I discuss what developmentally appropriate practices are and how they are essential for our children’s individual learning and development process. Often children are faced with expectations in the classroom that are far from where they stand developmentally resulting in behavioral issues and developmental delays. These issues occur starting in pre-school and often carry into high school levels. Learn more as Amanda helps navigate and explain the why’s of our school system expectations and how parents and teachers can advocate for their children and students. To learn more about Amanda click here.    Episode Highlights Developmentally Appropriate Practice  Taking what we know about how children grow and learn and ensuring those principals and understandings are being applied within the home and school environments Respecting childhood in and of itself and for each individual learner    Results of Shift in School Expectations Behavior issues become an immediate problem when school expectations do not “match” where they are developmentally  This simply relates to the fact that these children are not the actual age they are expecting to be at Expecting a 3-yr to act like a 6-yr old only ends in frustration for both involved Inappropriate academic expectations usually take the place of play and social skills and interactions Academic struggle results from this as children miss the hands-on play experiences before jumping to performance-based tasks like worksheets etc.   How Did We End Up Here? When we start to work from fear, competition, and comparison we realize how we are poorly focused only on performance and testing   What Can We Do To Address This?  As parents: where can we slow down in our home and offer outlets for more movement or sensory interactions? Looking to address whatever it is they need more or less of Do not understand your voice as a parent for your child and their peers to administration, never stop advocating As teachers: Use your knowledge on developmentally-appropriate practices and get creative with the “homework” that is required instead of the routine textbook worksheets Amanda’s example: former 2nd-grade teacher of her son gave assignments on a point system of completion with activities to do while at home such as; help your family make dinner, take care of your animal, play outside, help a neighbor   Where to learn more about Amanda Morgan… Not Just Cute Blog Why We Play Twitter Facebook Youtube   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Dec 25, 2019 • 32min

Episode 42: Understanding and Balancing Bacteria and Fungi For Children’s Gut Health

My guest this week is Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum, a world-renowned microbiome researcher who named the mycobiome and founder of the leading antifungal clinical testing company, Next Trillion Sciences. Dr. Ghannoum lectures extensively across the world on the microbiome from the Pasteur Institute in France to the National Institute of Health (NIH). His work has been published in over 450 peer-reviewed papers and cited over 21,000 times. Dr. Ghannoum has been actively funded by the NIH continuously since 1991 for his work studying the fungal and bacterial communities in our body and has been involved in the development of 95% of the antifungals that have come to market since the 1990s. In this episode, Dr. Ghannoum and I discuss the importance of understanding and balancing good bacteria and fungi for your child’s gut microbiome. Assessing gut health in children plays an important role in their overall health, especially for children with behavioral disorders such as ADD, ADHD, and autism. Imbalances in the gut like candida overgrowth can surface in a variety of symptoms such as irritability, hyperactivity, stomach aches, diarrhea, pain, and fatigue. To learn more about balancing your family’s gut health and Dr. Ghannoum and his latest book, Total Gut Balance, click here.   Episode Highlights The Good vs. Bad in the Mycobiome Low levels or abundance of candida can help us break down complex molecules and nutrients that we eat like complex carbohydrates Saccharomyces Boulardii or baker’s yeast is good yeast in our body that can keep candida under control The candida levels are high and create an overgrowth    Disruptors of Our Fungal Community  Over the counter products such as non-steroidal analgesic or painkillers and antacids  Excessive stress levels Lack of a balanced diet and exercise   Destressors For Kids and Adults Spending time outdoors  Playing in the yard and being exposed to dirt helps diversify the microbiome Taking walks or hikes together as a family Engaging in less screen time activity and more physical outdoor activity   Signs of an Imbalanced Gut Listen to your body Take note of signs of fatigue, pain, diarrhea, stomach issues, etc. If possible, you can have your stool tested to analyze your gut health See Dr. Ghannoum’s guide in his new book, Total Gut Balance   Where to learn more about Dr. Ghannoum... Dr. Microbiome Website  Dr. Ghannoum’s Publications Total Gut Balance Book Facebook   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.

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