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Plan Simple with Mia Moran

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May 2, 2024 • 56min

Exercise Is the Most Overlooked Stress Reliever with Krystal Taylor

“When you take the focus off of the weight and focus on the habits, it's amazing how your body changes.” –Krystal TaylorExercise is not a chore. So many of us look at exercise as a thing we have to do to transform our body or maybe to improve our health. But what if we switch that up? Krystal Taylor is a certified personal trainer who realized that the real transformations were about changes in energy and confidence.That isn’t to say that you won’t see changes in your body, but things shift when you change your focus. And for people who are exercise-phobic, think about movement. There are lots of ways to move your body.What do we do so that we can keep being active in our 70s and 80s (and beyond)? How can we really build an exercise habit?We talk about: Focusing on habits like water, sleep — but one at a timeCreating a realistic plan that you can be consistent with instead of burning yourself outNot restricting yourself when it comes to food—especially carbs—and accepting foods are part of your plan (not a cheat food or cheat day)What an accountability partner can do for youSimple ways to add more movement to your dayBeing kind to yourself and focusing on the why not the howABOUT KRYSTALAs a Certified Personal Trainer, Krystal Taylor has helped hundreds of people who are on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. She doesn’t believe in fad diets, but instead in adopting a healthier lifestyle. The change happens with your mindset first so that’s her focus.As a former Adjunct Professor and Corporate Trainer, Krystal has always had the desire to educate people. While she enjoyed those jobs, she realized her passion was to help people get healthier and look better. So she decided to merge her training skills and love for fitness to be able to provide the best programs she could for her clients and gain specializations in Fitness Nutrition and Weight Management.She offers virtual training programs (meal and exercise), unique fitness products (playing cards), and consultations.LINKSwww.fitnessisnotagame.comF* The Scale: Don't Let A Number Weigh You DownYouTube @FitnessIsNotaGame Facebook  @FitnessIsNotaGame DOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:MAKE A REALISTIC PLAN. When you get overly enthusiastic and decide to work out every day … you’re likely to burn out and quit. When you are realistic about how much you are ready to add in for your body and what you can fit into your schedule, you are more likely to succeed. Two times a week that you do consistently is better than five times a week you don’t do. Once you make the doable amount happen consistently, you may find ways to build in more if you want to.ADD A FEW MINUTES OF MOVEMENT. Start adding more movement to your day in micro increments. You could dance it out to your favorite song. Add push ups off the counter when you fill your water bottle. Walk the dog or work in your garden. You could pick one thing that you tie to something else, like the water bottle example, as a way to build the habit, or pick something new each day … dancing one day, a dog walk the next.FOCUS ON YOUR WHY. Knowing your why helps in two ways. First it can help motivate you when you don’t feel like following through on your plan. In addition, you can shift your mindset with your why. “I can’t eat pizza” is a lot different from “I feel bloated when I eat pizza too often.” “I’m going to exercise because want more energy” is different from “I have to work out to lose weight.”
May 1, 2024 • 33min

What is Feminine Productivity?

Feminine Productivity is a new way to navigate time. Most of the stuff in the time management world was created by men. I’ve got nothing against men. I’ve got nothing against great time management books. And very often the people who are writing this information have dinner waiting for them when they get home. As women, we hold so much —  kids of all ages (cause they don't stop needing us as young adults), careers, the changing landscape of our bodies, aging parents, homes that need attention, vacations, breakfast, lunch and dinner, often for not just us.Listen in to learn how Feminine Productivity is a way forward.
Apr 25, 2024 • 44min

Letting Go of the Shoulds with Linda Perry

“I've learned to really just start to give myself permission to live a really good life.” –Linda PerryAre you stuck in the shoulds? So often even when we have a vision, it isn’t ours — it comes from the outside. When Linda Perry started asking “Is this the life I want to be living?” and pushing back against beliefs that had come from outside it led to enormous change.Linda is a mindset coach, and I’m excited to talk to her about making a vision a reality. The first step is to give yourself permission to put something on paper … and allow it to change. Linda recommends putting on your experimentation hat.Don’t worry about the how. Linda calls “the how” the killer of dreams. We need more clarity about the what and the why.We talk about: Releasing beliefs that keep us from what we want, like I don’t deserve a vision, I can’t reach a vision, if I try I’m going to lose everythingCreating a list of wantsChoosing to act now, not someday, how to claim time, and what happens when you doBeing in integrity with ourselvesLetting go of gold stars and owning your self-worthShadow work and how it helps usABOUT LINDALinda Perry is a mindset coach & business strategist who works with individuals, business owners and their teams become more self-driven and move toward 7-figure success. So many people get stuck on a plateau and don’t know how to move forward, Linda uses a mindset first approach to support  individuals and teams to tap into their core motivations, strengths and frees them from their blocks so they can soar past 7 figures. She is also a recovering attorney & copywriter and uses her skills of persuasion to show business owners how to make the impact they desire. Linda works with clients through her private coaching, group courses and workshops. She is also the lead business instructor at Levin Life Coach Academy where she teaches new coaches how to build a thriving coaching practice.LINKSlindamperry.comThe Top Three Blocks Keeping You from Getting to Six Figures and BeyondInstagram @Linda.m.perry LinkedIn @lindamperryDOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:FIND YOUR VISION. Go ahead and write your vision on paper. You don’t have to figure out how to do it. You don’t even have to stick with it for the next 5 years, but write down what you want. Then ask: Is this really what I want — or is what I think I’m supposed to want? Keep experimenting until your vision feels clearer and more from the inside.CLAIM 5 MINUTES. Choose something you want to do and put 5 minutes on the calendar for that thing. Do the thing for 5 minutes. Do it every day for a week. Do you want to keep going? Do you want more time? Notice what happens to time and your ideas.HOLD YOURSELF IN INTEGRITY. We’re often good at being in integrity with others, but not with ourselves.Identify one thing you’ve said that you want to or would do for yourself — it could be related to health or business or something you love doing. Do the thing as if you were doing it for someone else. Remind yourself that you deserve to be in integrity with yourself.
Apr 18, 2024 • 49min

Being Yourself in Any Situation with Amy Green Smith

“You can actually speak up for yourself with poise and grace and kindness.” –Amy Green SmithCan you be compassionate and assertive at the same time? I’m really excited to talk with Amy Green Smith about self-empowerment and how she stopped being a people pleaser.Don’t think you are a people pleaser? We go beyond the idea of people pleasing being something a timid wallflower does. Any time we alter who we are in order to gain favor from another person or party at a cost to us is people pleasing. Sometimes we people please to stay safe. It’s important to see where people pleasing is keeping us safe and where it is stealing our joy.We don’t always have to be disrupters. Sometimes we just want to be ourselves. The middle path can be messy, but it’s possible to stand up for ourselves without anger. We can communicate without yelling and screaming or biting our tongue all the time. We talk about: Taking up equal space with people with different ideasSetting and holding boundaries around challenging areas in relationshipsHow to live life according to what you want, not other’s demands Recognizing and feeling dichotomous feelings and not falling prey to guiltGoing back to your internal compass and checking your intentionQuestions to ask to find your truthABOUT AMYAmy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego.LINKSWebsite: CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:CHECK YOUR INNER COMPASS. You will get a lot of feedback from other people, and it’s not helpful. When you are feeling bad about how people react to something you say or do, return to your inner compass and check your intention.FIND YOUR TRUTH. Use this three prong question to find your truth in any situation. Ask: What are the facts of the situation? What am I making up? What else could be true? SET A BOUNDARY. Boundary setting is not easy. It takes time and energy, but it is an important step to living the life you want to live and giving up harmful people pleasing. Start by getting really clear about what you will and will not tolerate. Then communicate that firmly and with compassion.
Apr 16, 2024 • 15min

The Benefits of a 90-Day Goal for Women with Mia Moran

Imagine you have a big puzzle to solve. It's so big that it might feel overwhelming to finish it all at once. So, instead of trying to put all the pieces together in one go, you decide to break it into smaller parts — so smart!That's what a 90-day plan is like! It's like breaking the big puzzle (a year)  into smaller puzzles that you can solve one at a time. In this minisode, I dive into why this is such a win for women.Here's why it's super cool:Less Scary: Just like solving a smaller puzzle feels easier, focusing on smaller goals for 90 days makes big goals feel less scary.Flexibility: 90 days provides enough time to make significant progress, yet it's short enough to adjust your plans based on changing circumstances or feedback.
Easier to Focus: When you know you have 90 days to finish something, you can focus better because you don't have to worry about what will happen far in the future. As some, we hold so much.  Achieving goals within a shorter time frame boosts motivation and confidence, encouraging you to continue working towards your long-term objectives.Feels Like a Game: It's like playing a video game with levels. Each 90-day period is like a level. When you finish one level, you feel awesome and ready to tackle the next one. Learning to Plan: You learn how to make plans and stick to them. This skill is super important because it helps you achieve your dreams, just like beating levels in a game gets you closer to winning.Makes Big Goals Possible: Sometimes, big goals seem impossible. But when you break them into smaller pieces with a 90-day plan, you realize that every step gets you closer to your big dream.
Evaluation and Adaptation: At the end of each 90-day period, you can review your progress, evaluate what worked and what didn't, and make adjustments accordingly.
So, a 90-day plan is like your secret weapon for making big dreams come true, one small step at a time!
Apr 11, 2024 • 28min

7 Simple Ways to Bring More Feminine into Your Day-to-Day with Mia Moran

“By conciously choosing foods, you are not only fueling your body but also honoring its needs.” – MiaBringing more feminine into your day isn’t about doing more. It’s about how you do what you do. It’s about support in what you do. More feminine in your day brings more balance and ease.When you are used to the masculine — to pushing through, to doing all the time, to a focus on efficiency and what you did not how you felt — things might feel hard. Some of the same things can feel easier, calmer, or more joyful when you bring in the feminine.In the first episode about feminine productivity, I explained a new process for planning that takes into account intuition, how you feel, and visioning. In the last episode, I show you to weave the feminine into your business. Today, let’s look at how to weave it into your day-to-day.If you are juggling a bajillion things and think this can’t work for you, I promise it can. I’ve used this process myself for years and taught it to hundreds of women who are doing the things they said were important to them and feeling good at the end of each day. I’ll teach you a new way to plan and love your day today in the free workshop Take Control of Your Day.7 Simple ActionsThese simple actions can shift the energy or your mood, support you, and help you tap into your intuition. They can happen in a few minutes and some even while you are doing something else.1. Start the day with gratitude. Gratitude is a way to center. It’s a tool we can use to lift our vibration before making a choice. It leads to different choices. Starting the day with gratitude is like setting the foundation for a beautiful house; it provides a sturdy base upon which to build the rest of your day.2. Support your body. This is an act of love and the feminine leads with love. Choose what you will feed yourself and how you will take care of yourself. By consciously choosing foods, you are not only fueling your body but also honoring its needs. Choosing nutrient-rich foods that nourish your body from the inside out can have a profound impact on your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. Similarly, how you take care of yourself physically—whether through regular exercise, adequate rest, or practicing mindfulness—reflects your commitment to prioritizing your health and vitality. When you support your body, you are sending a powerful message of love and appreciation to yourself and laying the groundwork for a great day.3. Pull an Oracle card. Oracle cards are a powerful tool for tapping into intuition and gaining insight into various aspects of life. By pulling an Oracle card, you invite a moment of reflection and connection with your inner wisdom. These cards often carry symbolic imagery and messages that can provide guidance and inspiration for navigating your day.4. Leave space in your calendar. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to fill our calendars with endless tasks and commitments, leaving little room for spontaneity or self-care. By intentionally leaving space in your calendar, you create opportunities for rest, creativity, and magical moments. Embracing this openness allows you to flow with the rhythms of life, rather than constantly pushing against them.5. Ask for help. Doing everything alone is baked into the patriarchy, and somewhere along the line many of us came to understand this as we are doing it better if we can figure it out. This is just not true. The feminine likes a village. When something comes up that you can feel yourself tensing up, ask “who not how,” and see what pops in. Many of us tend to lean on one person for everything. A big part of what we will do in our course, Feminine Productivity, is actually design our village6. Get quiet. In the midst of “the busy,” finding moments of quiet can be incredibly nourishing for our feminine spirits. Whether it's through meditation, spending time in nature, or simply sitting still for 30 seconds, getting quiet allows you to tune into your inner voice and cultivate a sense of peace and clarity. These moments provide a sanctuary where you can recharge and reconnect with yourself on a deeper level.7. Make hard or boring situations more sacred. Light a candle and make a cup of tea when you are paying bills. Turn on calming or motivating music while you cook. I first learned to meditate while washing dishes and folding laundry. Approaching pockets of time that feel boring or hard with a sense of reverence can transform them into opportunities for growth and connection. By infusing everyday activities with a touch of sacredness, we honor the present moment. This shift in perspective reminds you that even in the most challenging times, there is always an opportunity to find joy and meaning.Take control of your day by weaving in more feminine.And we can show how to use a new style of planning and following through to realize your amazing visions, feel more balance and ease, and really learn how to bend time. Our course Feminine Productivity shows you this new way of being and how to do, even when you are trying to balance too many things and can’t figure out the time. This is how you make it happen.
Apr 5, 2024 • 30min

Do Business the Feminine Way with Mia Moran

“I check in with my intuition before I plan for anything.”–MiaWhen you think about the qualities that go into building a successful business, things  like strategic thinking, self-discipline, decisiveness, efficiency, focus might come to mind. When I asked Chat GPT to give me the top attributes of masculine energy, these were all on that list. When I asked Chat GPT about the top attributes of feminine energy, some of the words that stuck out to me that have been most important in growing my businesses are intuition, flexibility, reflection, desire and belief.There’s a lot of masculine energy that comes into building a business, but today I want us to consider how we can bring the feminine energy into our businesses and lives. It’s not that masculine energy is bad, but many of our systems and structures are infused with a lot of negative masculine. Even if they contain positive masculine attributes, we need more balance with the feminine. We need both masculine, but many of us were taught, or see around us, all the masculine stuff, and do not value, or even learn, the feminine pieces. We will be officially launching the Feminine Productivity course soon that helps you bring more feminine energy into your business and day. For now I want to share more about implementing in a new way in your business. I’m going to use the example of how I weave feminine into building a course, but what I share will work for any goal — filling your private practice, writing a book, growing your social media, landing a new big client.Listen to those kind, gentle intuitive nudges.If we can listen to our intuition, we have found our path to a result. The feminine is subtle, sometimes quiet. She is waiting for the right time, not because she is scared, but because she is wise and just knows. She grows to the rhythm of her seasons.Three years ago, I dreamt about the name of the course, Feminine Productivity. I loved it. I knew that was the name the second it rolled off my tongue. I bought the url. The same knowing that delivered the name, kept telling me not now whenever I sat down to write. I did not always listen. I made a workshop with the name. It was our least attended ever. I forced myself to write, but no new words came.Then a few months ago, at a retreat, I started getting whispers of what to include. I matched the whispers with extra time to capture them, and more extra time to be quiet enough to hear.A week or so ago, I was questioning what I was doing up so late writing. The behavior looked similar to a hustle and push mentality that has not resonated in a long time — but it did not feel that way. Instead, I was filled with excitement and purpose. I felt an internal urgency to communicate the concepts of Feminine Productivity right away. It reminded me of giving birth, and that was my intuition showing me that it was time. I was in the season of making. And I was up for it because I had just come out of a season of rest.What does this look like in practice? For me it’s quiet mornings that are nurturing to me. I spend time quieting my mind and connecting to my intuition. I go between meditation, stretching, journaling, and I love pulling an Oracle card.I have a waterproof pad in the shower, because I so often get intuitive hits there.I don’t pack my days, because it’s harder to hear or see those intuitive nudges when I’m super busy all the time. I slow down on purpose. I take time between meetings and tasks when I can.I eat food that literally keeps my channels open.I check in with my intuition before I plan for anything. When I sit down to plan my week, I take time to breathe and get quiet. When I’m about to plan a big project, I often pull an Oracle card.Wondering about how to fit intuition into your own planning process? I’ll teach you how to do that in Take Control of Your Day. If you are tired from juggling a bajillion things, you should sign up for this free workshop.Establish belief.Mindset is really important in business. Every business coach I have ever worked with teaches one part business and one part mindset.In the masculine model, we spent time doing things based on measurement and metrics. The feminine bases choices on feeling.I was on a call this morning with a client. She has told me many times how good she is at what she does, and how she is different from her competitors. She said exactly what she was going to do this week to focus on new sales, but there was no wind in her sail. Her energy felt flat. I asked her to tell me what a client would say about working with her. The positive energy and beautiful words flowed, and we made it her mantra.Now she still has sales goals, but she starts with that mantra then moves to the task at hand.What does this look like in practice?Here are some specific actions that weave in the feminine when I’m trying  to follow through on a project or plan.Write down what’s holding you back. Reflection and contemplation are feminine. Write down what you’re nervous about and what’s feeling hard or overwhelming. Then identify one thing you can do to counteract those fears. This is where a tapping session, or yoga class, or understanding of your human design serves your work.Even if I spend 30 minutes writing what’s holding me back, I gain time because those obstacles can get solved instead of keeping me in procrastination mode or plowing through and making something that’s not great (that’s a waste!)Hype yourself up. Write a short (1–3 paragraph) review of your own work, as if you were your own biggest fan. Read previous compliments from clients for inspiration. What makes your work great? Why should someone work with you? There’s a lot of faith in the feminine — faith that your initial idea is amazing, faith it will all work out. When we get into the doing, it is so easy to lose that connection. This practice helps you feel it again.Connect to others who have been before you. Read a book or listen to a podcast about someone who has already done what you are doing. Borrow someone else’s belief, while you build yours.Feed desire.Those intuitive nudges are powerful and the best way I have found forward. When we have that initial intuitive hit, knowing, nudge, one could also call it a desire. In my experience, it’s the desire piece that makes a big difference in how a goal goes, and it’s the fleeting part.When an idea or next step comes intuitively into our hearts and guts, it's strong and clear and fueled by desire. Let’s say you get the hit that now is the time to make the course or write the book. The desire makes that almost seem easy.Then 10 minutes later our brain kicks in. All of a sudden, we are already behind, overwhelmed, and it does not seem so fun anymore. We keep pushing and it only gets worse. Our brain is trying to protect us from change, which it sees as unsafe.It’s our job to keep the desire alive and get back to the place of ease and flow. Remember how I stayed up late writing the course? Weaving in the feminine was the key to feeling focused and efficient (there’s that balance!)What does this look like in practice?Imagining the best case scenario. Before I make a plan, I write about my desired outcome. I write about how the outcome would impact my life, my family, those I’m helping. I really build the desire, I cultivate it in this story I’m telling. I go back and write it in the first person. I read what I wrote before I sit down to work. It’s challenging to do something for future you. This exercise brings your ideal future into the present.Feel the benefits of the result. This practice is about really feeling the outcome you want. I close my eyes and feel what it feels like to be done and have achieved the result I want. Sometimes I have to say it out loud a few times, so I can really get that energy of desire. This exercise helped me understand how flat some of my “wishes” had become, and how important it is to my motivation and focus to really feel that quality of desire.Clear energy. I find desire often gets squished by other areas of my life that are not getting my focus at that precise moment. So for example, I sit down to make slides for the course I’m working on, and the mess around me is super distracting. When I take 10 minutes to tidy it up, the energy of my work space is lighter. Or it’s time to be creative and something with one of my kids is weighing on me. The feminine art of clearing that energy makes those ideas come so much faster.I hope that what you are seeing is where the feminine needs some time and space, and how these things don’t take extra time — they are actually making us time.If you’re curious about this process of bending time and bringing more balance to your life (even if you are juggling too many things),  I’ll teach you how to do that in Take Control of Your Day. Sign up for this free workshop here.
Apr 2, 2024 • 36min

Become a Planner with Mia Moran

“In the feminine model of planning, we have to be willing to trust our hearts and guts and intuitions and future selves and make a plan to fulfill what they are dishing out.” –MiaMany of the women that we work with don’t love the idea of being a planner.They want freedom — and a plan feels like the opposite.I get it.Here are a few truths about me:I’m a creative who went to art school because the structure of other school wasn’t workingI have been labeled dyslexic and ADHD. I am a manifesting generator in Human Design, which means I need to be able to change my mind and try lots of different things.I have had bouts of being utterly tortured by procrastination.I didn’t want the structure of a plan, but I started listening to stories of very successful women, who worked 3 days making plenty of money, were great mothers, frequented yoga, traveled… all the things. And I realized that they made a choice and charted a course.Planning as a Creative ProcessPlanning — even for people who don’t like to plan — shifts when we shift how we plan. We need to stop putting together a puzzle of all the things we are “supposed” to do when we plan.When we start weaving a tapestry of what matters most, planning becomes a creative process.When we get creative and focused on what matters, we’re more likely to keep showing up for planning. When planning this way becomes a practice, eventually our days are composed only of what really matters to us and our destiny.My favorite definition of planning is this: Planning is just making choices in advance.When I say that to FLOW members or our audience, women heave a big sigh of relief or give a huge AHA!Women are often more willing to be a planner when they shift how they think about planning. Mixing Masculine and Feminine in the Planning ProcessIf you’ve pushed back against planning, you are probably thinking a lot about masculine models of planning.First let me clarify, when I talk about masculine and feminine planning, I’m talking about energy, not gender.The way we plan and make choices as a society is very masculine, and the negative side of that is that planning has largely been about how much we can do. This is why “busy” became a badge of honor, even though it leads to burnout, stress, sickness, and other issues.That isn’t to say masculine energy in planning is all bad. The problem is the feminine is squeezed out completely.We need a balance of masculine and feminine energy to make a good plan. Since we are so entrenched in a masculine model, I think most of us need to dive deeper into the feminine.When we bring the feminine in, the planning process becomes that tapestry of the life we want.Understand the FLOW Planning MethodI drew heavily on feminine energy in creating the FLOW Planning Method, a new way of planning (and yes, it works for non-planners). Let’s take a look.CenterThe first step is to center. We want to make choices from the inside out, so we want to be as centered and grounded as possible when it’s time to make those choices. When we are centered, we can make choices that truly honor our future self.VisionFrom Center we Vision. We create a picture and feel the result we want as if we’ve done it. We shift our identities in advance and make the change energetically before we make it physically.Center and vision together can take as little as 2 minutes, though sometimes we give more time for bigger decisions or longer term plans.)DecideWith our vision set, it’s time to Decide. When we are deciding how we will spend our time, we often default to what everyone else is doing and what we’ve done before. But if we’ve taken the time with Center and Vision, we can access a new way that sees a clearer next step that is completely aligned with our future self.At this point, our decisions or “knowings” feel so right. That does not mean that 5 minutes later we won’t doubt ourselves. Often a “who am I?” or “this feels too hard” will show up. A good plan helps us face our limintig beliefs in new ways.Part of the Decision step brings in feminine trust/faith and matches it with the masculine quality of breaking things down and organizing them. We get things out of our head and on paper (or into a doc) quickly, then we organize them  — sometimes into teeny tiny steps, sometimes into bunches of like things, always prioritizing 3 things that feel true at the soul level and letting the rest fall into place around.AnchorSo much shifts when we make decisions a little differently. By this state in the process, we have prioritized things in a more aligned way, but we still have a glorified to-do list. We will quickly get overwhelmed about our new idea or way of being, because the part of us that KNOWS we can do it does not understand time. We need to Anchor what we’ve  said yes to in time. We do this differently for different things. Some people like knowing that they have a morning where they have cleared the space for creativity. Others may have something that needs more specificity — 30 minutes of food shopping, 30 minutes getting organized in the kitchen, and an hour of meal prep. The key is to anchor all the important things.Follow throughWhen we have gone through the four steps above, follow through shifts, because there is a combo of focus, time bending, and momentum that creates a different result. I’ve found that even people who say they aren’t good at follow through, become finishers when they’ve done the rest of the process.There are different ways to apply these steps depending on what you are doing, but they work for a big project or in a 90-minute time block. We walk through those later, but basically it's about bringing awareness to recentering, revisioning, redeciding, and re anchoring yourself and then taking the next step.And there are a few next-level keys to “feminine followthrough” that I will teach in Feminine Productivity. If you want to learn more and do a deep dive into how to plan your day, make sure to come to our upcoming workshop!We change our vibe before we make a choice, the outcome changes.In the feminine model of planning, we have to be willing to trust our hearts and guts and intuitions and future selves and make a plan to fulfill what they are dishing out. We need to get real about time and take the steps. When we practice this again and again, new sychronicities open up. EVERYTHING changes.
Mar 28, 2024 • 51min

Build a Business that You Love with Jeannie Spiro

“I want to approach my business in a way that feeds me as opposed to depletes me.” –Jeannie SpiroNow is the right time to grow and change … but you have to sell it. Today I’m talking with business and sales strategist Jeannie Spiro about her own path to entrepreneurship, how she sold her programs, and how ideas about what she should do almost derailed her.Jeannie asks some really important questions: What does running by business from home look like now? What's important to me now? Who's important to me? How do I want to spend my time? We have plenty of people telling us what we need to do, but these questions are at the core of why we do what we do.But we’re also in business to make money, and that means making sales. I know a lot of women who are uncomfortable with sales, but Jeannie shines at it. We dive into what she does and what gets in our way.We talk about:Doubts about whether it’s the right time for a next step and building faith in yourselfLetting go of things that aren’t workingThe difference between marketing and sales — and why getting in front of the most aligned people is so importantDropping into your heart before you sell. Setting up systems to support your sales Practicing selling because the more you get comfortable with making invitations, the easier it gets when you go even higher upABOUT JEANNIEJeannie Spiro is a business and sales strategist specializing in helping women entrepreneurs and conscious coaches with building an impact-driven, high-end coaching business.Through her private coaching and mastermind programs, she's helped hundreds of clients turn their expertise into high-ticket programs and develop sales systems that allow them to consistently generate multiple six and seven figures in their business.In the past 35 years, Jeannie has closed millions in sales by selling one-to-one, selling from the stage and selling without complicated sales funnels. Through her programs, she now teaches clients her unique sales framework that allows women to stop stressing about how and when to sell and fill their programs and be able to consistently and more predictably achieve their sales and revenue goals.Jeannie's on a mission to help more women monetize their expertise and multiply their income and impact.When she's not helping clients monetize their business, she can be found spending time with her family, traveling, or binging the latest series on Apple or The Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation System: CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:WHAT FEEDS YOU? What does it take to have a business that feeds you instead of depletes you? Try journaling on these questions: What does running by business from home look like? What's important to me now? Who's important to me? How do I want to spend my time? You can also pay attention throughout the day for the next week or month to what depletes you and what fills you up.DROP INTO YOUR HEART. Get used to pausing before selling. You can even practice this a few times without making an offer after. Get really clear on the importance of your offer. It can help to read or listen to testimonials to remind yourself of the impact you’ve had. Get excited about what you do and your why. You need to believe fully in what you do to be able to connect.HAVE MORE CONVERSATIONS. Having more conversations about what you are selling gives you practice talking about it. It takes the pressure off a little because you are having lots of conversations, and you practice making the invitation. Set a number of sales calls to have. Then reach out to set up those calls. Talk about your offer or service whenever it comes up.
Mar 26, 2024 • 23min

My Wellness Now with Mia Moran

This is a minisode where I am thinking about a topic. In this case, that's coming up in my life. I'm going to take you behind the scenes today and I'm going to talk about this topic for hopefully under 15 minutes. Although, I'm not going to lie. That's the hardest part of these minisodes. I could talk for hours on almost all the topics, but I'm going to try to keep it short and I'm doing this so that we can be focused on one topic.

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