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Jul 23, 2024 • 56min

Your Nervous System with Heidi Fischbach

“We don't have to feel shame about some of those ways that we react.” –Heidi FischbachStuck at 11 all the time? Overreactive? Think rest is a dirty word? This conversation about our nervous system  with nervous system coach Heidi Fischbach is for you. She helps people feel at home in their bodies and go from anxiety and overwhelm and shut down to authentic connection.This is one of my favorite topics — one I’ve been working on myself for a while now — and I’m excited to help you get started or make a plan to move forward with nervous system work. Our nervous system connects our bodies, minds, and emotions — and impacts our relationships.One of the things I love about nervous system resetting is that it doesn’t have to take years to undo something. As Heidi says, our bodies are good at being in the now. We can make a body-based shift that changes a lot.We talk about: Different states of our nervous system — and what happens when we get stuck in oneBurnout and learning that rest isn’t a dirty wordDefensiveness as a sign we don’t feel safe and why we need an embodied sense of safetyWhat happens when you can’t trust your bodyNot making change, but making change possibleShifting from “what’s wrong with me” to friendly awarenessBonus: Nervous System Exercise with Kelly LubeckWe do regular nervous system regulation in FLOW365, and we’ve include an exercise with our teacher Kelly Lubeck.ABOUT HEIDIHeidi Fischbach is a nervous system coach and an award-winning (featured) speaker who has facilitated body-based transformation and healing for tens of hundreds of clients and students.Heidi has developed a unique science-backed and body-based program to help her clients reset stress- and trauma-based patterns of coping so that they can feel safe and at home in their bodies and meaningfully connected to themselves and what matters to them.Heidi brings decades of therapeutic massage and Focusing experience, which she combines with a Polyvagal Theory-informed understanding of the nervous system. As a result of Heidi’s Nervous System Reset Program, women are able to lay down new neural pathways which allow them to transform anxiety into calm and meaningful connection.ABOUT KELLYKelly Lubeck, MPH, is passionate about changing the world for the better, through individual and community-level healing programs that inspire wellness, health and soul- centered, embodied leadership. Kelly guides changemakers and leaders to heal their individual nervous systems and release self- defeating patterns of self-sacrifice and overgiving in their work and relationships that lead to burnout, anxiety and illness. Kelly is currently a teacher in FLOW365.LINKS Steps Back to Calm Facebook groupFLOW365DOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:RECOGNIZE WHEN YOU FEEL UNSAFE. Even when we can rationalize that we are safe, we don’t always feel safe. There are exercises you can do to help you feel more safe. For your first step, practice noticing when you feel unsafe. Some hints may be defensiveness, tension in different parts of your body, being overly calm, tamping down things you want to say.PRACTICE FRIENDLY AWARENESS. The next time you find yourself asking “What’s wrong with me?” practice friendly awareness. Notice what’s happening around you. Notice what’s happening in your body. Maybe ask yourself, “What’s wrong, honey?”RESET YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM. There are many ways to reset or regulate our nervous system. We do this work regularly in FLOW365, because it’s so important for health and also improves our productivity. Try the exercise Kelly shares. This isn’t a one and done practice. Schedule time to do it throughout the week.
Jul 18, 2024 • 54min

Art Journaling with Minette Riordan

“Remembering the childlike joy and wonder of connecting to color on the page is a great first step for anyone, even if you've never tried art journaling.” –Minette RiordanJournaler or not a journaler? Whichever camp you fall into, check out art journaling. It might be the kind of journaling you’re into. It might be the door to your purpose or new insightsI’m talking to creative mentor and artist Dr. Minette Riordan as part of our Summer Soul Series. We're looking at different tools to help us be more fulfilled humans at a stage when we're looking for a lot of meaning. Art journaling has potential to open our understanding — and we deserve to have fun!We start with this definition of art journaling (there are others): a creative practice and process of self discovery and meeting yourself on the page such that the page becomes a mirror that reflects your inner beauty back at you. It’s not just for people who think of themselves as artists; it’s for everybody.We talk about: Getting past our creative scars and reconnecting with our younger creative self — and the sensory details of crayons and other toolsUsing art journaling to bring curiosity, wonder, and play into questions like who am I? and why are we here? The power of a page of spirals and making meaningful pages without worrying about them being prettyDon’t get too precious with supplies or too attached to your journalBefriending (or even drawing) your inner criticWhat we can learn about ourselves through this processABOUT MINETTEAward-Winning Entrepreneur and Best-Selling Author, Dr. Minette Riordan is a creative mentor and artist with close to 20 years experience guiding others to live their best lives. She loves supporting midlife women to reclaim their creative brilliance and design a meaningful and purposeful vision for their lives. Her mission is to empower women to share their creative light with the world. She believes that when we are all working in our creative genius, we can solve all the world’s problems. She is an artist, author of 3 books and creative spirit who is a wee bit obsessed with coffee and dragons.LINKSwww.minetteriordan.com Instagram: Power of HabitYour Brain on ArtDOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens. And action can be fun!Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation: GET SUPPLIES. You don’t need fancy art supplies to start. Go on a scavenger hunt in your house. Gather art supplies left from your kids or grandkids or a past hobby. Gather old magazines, scissors, and glue sticks for collage. Or go to the children’s section of the store and get a cheap drawing pad, some crayons and markers.MAKE A 15-MINUTE ART JOURNAL DATE. Schedule 15 minutes for your art journal. Tie it to a habit you already have — do it with your coffee first thing or add it to your morning routine. Schedule 15 minutes at the end of your lunch. Set your materials out. Set a reminder. Show up for yourself.ASK WHAT DO I NEED TODAY. Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. Start with a prompt or question, like What do I need today? Don’t overthink. Just start putting color or image on the page. Add words if they come to you. Remember, you aren’t trying to create a pretty page, but a meaningful one. When you are done, ask yourself what the page tells you.
Jul 16, 2024 • 53min

Use Your Enneagram with Christina Granahan

“When we're present, we know what we want. We know how to get it.” –Christina GranahanLet’s dig deeper into the Enneagram. Last week we got the basics on the Enneagram, and today I’m really excited to share more in this conversation with Enneagram-informed Therapist and Coach Christina Granahan to help you really use your Enneagram.If you’ve looked at your Enneagram at all, you probably know your type or number, but do you know about energy centers? Christina shares the three main energy centers — body, heart, head — and how an imbalance can affect us.When we get all three of our energy centers on board, we are more present. The Enneagram is one of many modalities that can help us come into presence and make change in our life through being present.We talk about: Triads and which energy centers different triads are often weak inCancel culture and forgetting the head centerQuestions different types should ask themselves to balance their energy centersHolding your type tightly and loosely Shadow work and shining light on the parts of us we hide or don’t seeFinding more energy or right-sizing your energy by doing Enneagram workABOUT CHRISTINAI’m an Enneagram-Informed Therapist & Coach. As a social worker and coach, every single question I ask is in service of the client's agenda - moving them forward into action while building their awareness around what motivates them, what holds them back, and what choices they make in their perceptions and assumptions about the people and situations around them.I use the Enneagram to do this work because it is the most efficient, accurate framework for bringing consciousness to unconscious behavior. By illuminating and objectifying aspects of our lives, we are better able to bring change and choice to them. The Enneagram shines a light on the personality and all the habits therein, to allow you to work with them.LINKSWebsite: and Conscious LivingEnneagram 101 with Kelly TravisEnneagram Institute for RHETI Enneagram test: Wisdom of the Enneagram by Russ Hudson and Don RisoEnneagram Made Easy by Deborah EgertonDOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:TAKE THE ENNEAGRAM TEST. The best starting place with the Enneagram is taking a test to find out your type and wings. You don’t want a quick 10-question test. You want a recommended version. When you take it, don't overthink the questions, just answer. Don’t spend too much time in your head. Remember to hold your results lightly and loosely.LEARN ABOUT YOUR ENERGY CENTER. If you’ve learned about your type, now try learning about your energy center. Which energy center is least active for you? Take a step — awareness might be the first one — to get that energy center more on board.NOTICE WHEN YOU’RE DOING THAT THING AGAIN. Of of the things the Enneagram does is point out things about ourselves that we may want to admit are part of ourselves. First, remind yourself that whatever it is, is part of you, but not the whole you. Acknowledge when you are “doing the thing again.” That awareness is the start of a shift.
Jul 11, 2024 • 49min

Enneagram 101 with Kelly Travis

“The Enneagram gives you a roadmap into “how do I grow?”–Kelly TravisWe all have different core motivations — and the Enneagram lets us understand ourselves and others better. We’re doing an intro to  the Enneagram with Kelly Travis, a wellness and career coach and certified Enneagram practitioner.The Enneagram is one of the tools you can use to become more you and to navigate the world in a way that is more authentic. It’s another way to slow down and connect with your center.The Enneagram shows us the good and bad sides of our types — or to put it another way how our type helps us and how it can hold us back if we aren’t aware and don’t adjust.We talk about: how our core motivations mix with our thinking, feeling, and action centers to create our typean overview of the 9 core typesrecognizing ourselves — strengths and struggles — in our typesour wings and lines creating a picture of potential for ushow the Enneagram can help us understand conflict and team dynamicsadvice for completing the Enneagram test and reading your resultsABOUT KELLYKelly Travis leverages her skill set as a wellness and career coach, organizational facilitator, speaker, and certified Enneagram practitioner to help clients achieve their professional goals – whether as individuals, teams, or organizations. Kelly is a wellbeing and work expert, dedicated to helping clients create productive and meaningful work cultures while also prioritizing employee wellbeing. Her strengths include relationship building, team motivation, and leadership development at all levels. Kelly also works with individuals ranging from high-level executives and business owners to rising stars, providing coaching in areas such as health and wellbeing, emotional intelligence, professional growth, healthy leadership, and team development initiatives. As an accredited Integrative Enneagram practitioner with a Bachelor's of Science in Public Health Education and Promotion, and certification as a Holistic Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Kelly has the expertise to help you achieve your goals while staying healthy and balanced. Kelly's passion for aligning goal achievement with wellbeing began in college, where she captained the UNC-Charlotte cross country team as a collegiate All-American runner. Kelly has worked with prominent clients such as NASA, Dropbox, Nevada State Bank, and many others, helping them create thriving and collaborative work environmentsLINKSwww.kellytravis.netThe Enneagram Effect podcastInstagram: CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:TAKE THE ENNEAGRAM TEST. The best starting place with the Enneagram is taking a test to find out your type and wings. You don’t want a quick 10-question test. You want a recommended version. When you take it, don't overthink the questions, just answer. Don’t spend too much time in your head.LEARN ABOUT YOUR TYPE. When you get your results, read about your type and other information. Start with the report from the test itself. Want to go deeper? You can schedule time (set a timer) to research more — it’s easy to go down a rabbit hole, so put a container around it for yourself. And don't be surprised if there's a little bit of ickiness. Part of the Enneagram is learning to look at our full self with clear eyes. Understanding the things that feel like flaws or drawbacks is just information we can use.NOTICE HOW YOU SHOW UP. Once you have this information, notice how you show up. Start by noticing. It may point to strengths you can lean into more. It may also point to areas you may want to work to shift‚ not to be less you, but to work more effectively and authentically.
Jul 9, 2024 • 52min

Learn from Your Dreams with Amy Pearson

“The dream work is helping to clear energetic resistance.” –Amy PearsonDo you remember your dreams? We’re talking about how to remember them and what to do with them.  Amy Pearson, a master coach and dream analyst, shows us how dreams can help clear resistance and help us move forward.Sometimes we have to stop doing the obvious step to get ahead and try tapping into modalities that unlock more, like dream work. What happens to your goals when you really start to look at your dreams? What happens when you slow down and find ways to hear your intuition?It can be helpful to get support in analyzing or understanding your dreams, but Amy talks about ways you can get at meaning from your dreams on your own, too.We talk about: why dream work is so importanthow to actually remember your dreamshow to make meaning of dreams on your ownincubating dreams to help answer questionswhat things can affect our dreams and our ability to connect with themusing dreamwork to heal imbalances between masculine and feminine energyABOUT AMYAmy Pearson, founder of Being Amy, is a master coach, writer, dream analyst, speaker and instructor who strives to make the world a better place by telling the truth … in public. No apologies. Her coaching approach is irreverent, incisive, and deeply compassionate. She calls upon an eclectic mix of modalities, including The Work, metaphors to invoke waking dreams, dream analysis, Internal Family Systems and self-compassion. Amy is currently finishing up her first book, a work of creative nonfiction called Forgiving Amy. She lives in Ashland, Oregon, with her husband, three children, one dog, two cats, five chickens, and four koi.LINKS CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. Sometimes the action we need to take isn’t obvious. Sometimes it’s a way to step more into our intuition.Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:WAKE UP EARLY TO REMEMBER DREAMS. Try waking up 1.5–2 hours before you usually do to start to capture your dreams. This might look like setting an intention to remember your dream and rise earlier. It might be being more aware when you wake to use the bathroom. In any case, write down whatever you do remember, even if it isn’t much. Try voice recording on your phone or keeping a notebook by your bed or in the bathroom. INCUBATE ANSWERS. Before bed, write a question you are seeking an answer to. Ask your dreams to help you answer it. This helps set the tone for what you want your dreams to bring up.WORK WITH YOUR DREAMS. You don’t have to be a walking dream dictionary to find meaning in your dreams. Start by noticing how you feel when you wake from a dream. What do you notice? What is getting your attention? What associations do you have from your current or past life? Taking time to work through these questions and noticings can help you find meaning from your dream.
Jul 4, 2024 • 50min

Human Design Details with Jackie Johnstone

“You get to be who you are. I get to be who I am. And I can trust that in myself and know that there are a million ways to do it because there are a million different ways that we're all designed.” –Jackie JohnstoneSkeptical of Human Design? Think it’s too woo? Certified Human Design for Business Consultant, Jackie Johnstone was too, even now, she says it could all be bullshit — but it can be useful too. If you’re looking for decision making to feel easier, to get out of your own way, check out Human Design.When you first look at your chart, there are all these numbers and lines and shapes and colors. You want to know what they mean? And there’s more information on the side. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or get lost down a rabbit hole. We’re here to talk about how to make it something that actually helps you.Jackie describes Human Design like an onion — you can learn and take it layer by layer. And start to implement it.We talk about: How understanding Human Design can help teams work better togetherOur bodies holding wisdom to help guide us to the right decisionThe different ways we feel or sense what we wantExperimenting with decision makingDifferent variables that can affect how you “trust yourself”Using Human Design in marketing and business decisionsABOUT JACKIEJackie is a certified Human Design for Business Consultant, Subconscious Transformation Coach and Breathwork Facilitator (and classic Manifesting Generator who can't pick just one!). She helps passionate business owners get their message out into the world in a way that's satisfying and successful -- and works with their unique energetic blueprint. Jackie is a recovering overthinker who is constantly blown away by the wisdom in our bodies. She describes herself as a weirdo at the intersection of "woo" and science. Of magic and practicality. Of intuition and strategy. (And loving every minute of it.⁠)LINKS Plain English introduction to your Human Design: Design 101 with Megan SeamansDOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action — instead of getting lost down the rabbit hole of research or learning. Change comes from action. Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:START WITH YOUR CHART. Start by getting your chart. It may look overwhelming, but you don’t have to figure it all out at once. Pick one layer of the onion to start with, maybe your type, maybe your authority. And remember, you can focus on you — you don’t have to learn all the types or all the kinds of authority.EXPERIMENT WITH DECISION MAKING. Once you know a little about your Authority, or the way you make decisions, experiment with it. Notice when you rely on logic instead of how you feel. Notice what happens when you approach decisions in different ways.START WITH HOW YOU FEEL. In the FLOW system, we start with how we want to feel. We get centered so we can make decisions from a place of groundedness and starting with our inner self. Where you feel things and how might vary based on the particulars of your Human Design, but start by noticing how you feel in your body.
Jul 2, 2024 • 47min

Human Design 101 with Megan Seamans

“What if you honored your flow, you honored what felt good and it unfolded better than you even imagined.” –Megan SeamansNeed more ease? Human design shows you how your energy is designed to move with the most amount of ease. I’m so excited to talk to Life & Energy Coach Megan Seamans about Human Design and how you can use it to be the must “you” version of you.We start with the basics: the five Human Design types. Projectors are guides. Generators are doers. Manifesting generators are multi-passionate movers. Manifestors are bold disruptors. Megan gives examples of what all that looks like. Your type is one of the first things you look at when you have your chart done. (See link for how to get that done.)Beyond your type your chart shows you how you are designed to make decisions, where your opportunities come from, your strengths, and how your energy moves through your body — and more.We talk about: How you make decisions and listening to your inner voiceGetting your chart done and where to start with itNoticing what’s worked for you in the pastGetting back into alignment when you feel stuckRecognizing old stories about who we are and adapting to a new way of understandingUnderstanding relationship dynamics through Human DesignABOUT MEGANMegan Seamans is a certified Life & Energy Coach who helps big hearted humans create success without the stress of comfort zones, people pleasing, or burnout getting in the way. She teaches clients how to integrate their Human Design so they can balance out into life on purpose.After helping hundreds of humans around the globe, Megan’s been named the Clarity Queen as her coaching helps crystallize their vision into reality, with no overwhelm required. Centered on ease, she loves holding space for clients to get unstuck and finally live their extraordinary stories.LINKS DOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. Sometimes action gets a bad rap. You can be kind to yourself. You can practice being AND doing, but for change to happen you have to take steps. The way we take care of ourselves is making the steps doable and focusing on one thing at a time. We take time to integrate the change and then move on to the next one. Pick a Doable Change that resonates with you the most to start from. Here are three Doable changes that we chose from this conversation.GET YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CHART. The first step is to get your chart done. You can do this online. Identify your type, your authority, your profile and your channels. You don’t have to know what it all means, but start with knowing these pieces about yourself.EXPLORE ONE PART OF YOUR CHART. You don’t have to learn it all at once. You could read more about your type or your authority. Order a book, search online, or schedule a call with a Human Design specialist. Remember, your goal is to learn more about yourself — not get all the details of Human Design firm in your head.HOW CAN I LEAN INTO WHO I AM. If you re getting stuck, notice if there is something from your chart that you should lean into — a strength or a better way of decision making. What happens if you let go of old stories about what you should do and choose the path of more ease? Experiment.
Jun 27, 2024 • 25min

Soul Filled Summer Part 2

My wish for you is that you find pockets of real deep rest and restoration and relaxation and growth this summer. It's what I'm doing too! On this episode I talk through some powerful things to get curious about — your future self bucket list, you "now" natural rhythms, using oracle cards, journaling (through art or writing or both). Listen in, and don't forget to download the activity guide at
Jun 25, 2024 • 38min

Functional Food and Business with Leslie Danford

“You are going to be out of your comfort zone, so just embrace it.” –Leslie DanfordDon’t see the product you want on the shelf? What if you create it? That’s what Leslie Danford did. She’s a nutrition junkie with a corporate background in beverages and consumer products. In 2020, when her job disappeared, she started fiddling and founded Vitaminis.One of the first things Leslie did was hire a babysitter. With four kids at home, she needed the dedicated time to do the work of starting and running the company. That gave her time to do interviews and play with ideas before investing more in a beverage formulator.Her initial product idea had to do with gut health, but she was launching during covid and what everyone wanted was something for immune health, so she started there. Her interviews — market research — helped her find the right product to lead with.We talk about: how she moved in and out of corporate while she launched her businessmixing her passion for clean food with her professional experienceknowing when to call in help and how she found itsome of her yummy, healthy product optionsshifting from an online presence to retail sales and what that entailsthe growth outlook for her businessABOUT LESLIELeslie Danford, founder and CEO of Vitaminis, a clean-label functional food and beverage brand. She has always been passionate about nutrition, but she is not a foodie. For her, it's like a math equation, and it's important to cover all of your nutritional bases. In 2020 she combined her personal interests with her formal business training to launch Vitaminis. Previously she worked in beverages and consumer products at large corporations. She earned her MBA from Harvard University and her BA from the University of Chicago.LINKS @vitaminisbrand LinkedIn Leslie DanfordDOABLE CHANGESAt the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:GET CHILDCARE. If you have young kids at home, childcare, even a few hours a week, makes a difference in your business and even your selfcare. See what happens when you invest in a few hours (or more) for yourself.DO MARKET RESEARCH. Set up conversations with people you know or friends of friends or people in groups you are in who are potential customers. Ask them questions to help them see which of your ideas have legs. It may not be what you think, but when you respond to a real need, you have a stronger start. TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Sometimes things don’t work out. Instead of quitting, try taking a break. See if you get a new perspective. Take the next step, even if you are discouraged or not motivated. The next step, even if you aren’t sure about it, may move you in the right direction or help you see what you should do next.
Jun 20, 2024 • 30min

Soul Filled Summer

I used to find that I would have a strong idea of what summer “should” feel like. Then there was the reality of juggling work, family and summer. This summer the I decided to think about it differently. This episode is a piece of that.

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