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The Christian Worldview

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Mar 30, 2024 • 54min

Easter Weekend Special: Christ the Redeemer, Christ the Victor

Send us a textIn the days leading up to Easter I was watching a weather forecast on television. When the extended forecast came up showing the weekend ahead, there was an icon of a bouncing bunny on Easter Sunday (better termed Resurrection Sunday). Nothing on Crucifixion Friday…not even a mention of Easter weekend.How sad and tragic that the most important event in the history of mankind—the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ—has been replaced with a counterfeit fairy tale (the Easter bunny and Easter eggs). For to not know about the person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His supernatural resurrection is to be left in the dark about the one way God offers to reconcile sinners to Himself.“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time” (1 Tim. 2:5-6).This Easter weekend on The Christian Worldview, we will focus our minds and hearts on what God has revealed in His Word about His Son the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and the Victor.
Mar 23, 2024 • 54min

Three Christian Responses to Neo-Pagan Western Civilization

Send us a textGUEST: ANDREW DeBARTOLO, Director of Operations, Liberty Coalition CanadaTo borrow a popular term today, the United States is in “transition”. Whereas the nation once “identified” as a broadly Christian nation (the Declaration of Independence refers multiple times to the Christian God), a real transition (in contrast to the imagined transitions and marriages of the transvestite/homosexual movement) has and is taking place to a present-day post-Christian, neo-pagan nation, where Satanic statues are displayed in state capitol buildings and a reworked Marxist-based, anti-Christian religion of woke-ism has captured many minds and all institutions.How and why has this happened in a nation so known for and influenced by Christianity? Is it…Infiltration of nefarious forces (e.g. globalists and Marxists)?Leavening principle of sin over time?Compromising churches exerting less influence?Christians unengaged from culture and politics?Judgment of God “giving over” the nation to unrestrained sinfulness (Rom. 1)?Whatever the reasons—and no doubt there are more—here we are in our present state of depravity and foolishness (i.e. thinking and living as if there is no God).So what should Christians do now? Broadly speaking, there are three general responses:FAITHFULNESS: A primary focus on personal sanctification, family discipleship, and the local church, along with some civil engagement such as voting, running for public office, and supporting organizations that advocate for Christian-based policies. Example: G3 Ministries, John MacArthurACTIVISM: a more muscular posture that aims for spiritual and cultural change, including local church advocacy in politics and issues, on-the-street confrontation of sin, and a willingness to unite across theological divides to accomplish political objectives. Example: Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk.DOMINION: the belief that Christ reigns over all and thus a mandate that institutions and society be reclaimed, possibly by force if necessary, to reflect overtly Christian laws and magistrates. Example: full-throated Christian Nationalists, some in New Apostolic ReformationWhich response most honors God and the example His Son and His disciples set? Join us this weekend on The Christian Worldview as Andrew DeBartolo, Director of Operations for Liberty Coalition Canada, describes what is occurring in his country and ours and what he believes Christians should do.
Mar 16, 2024 • 54min

The Supernatural Power of Biblical Preaching - Shepherds' Conference 2024 Recap

Send us a textShepherds’ Conference is a three-day pastors conference held in early March at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles (this is the church that John MacArthur has pastored for 55 years). What started 40 years or so ago with about 100 pastors has grown into 5000 church leaders and laymen gathering from all corners of the world.“The mission of Shepherds Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement together as servants of the Chief Shepherd.”That’s basically what takes place over those three days. Some of the most notable expository (verse-by-verse) pastors, such as MacArthur, Steve Lawson, HB Charles, Voddie Baucham, John Piper, Paul Washer, Alistair Begg (not this year as you know by now), Conrad Mbewe, Albert Mohler, and more, preach to the pastors who attend to strengthen and model to these pastors how to preach and lead their churches better.It has been a blessing and time of growth for me to attend the Shepherds’ Conference about 15 times or more over the years. I just returned from the 2024 edition and will share some key takeaways from the conference, along with some man-at-the-conference interviews.And the main takeaway is this: supernatural transformation takes place in lives when God’s supernatural Word leads the way in preaching.
Mar 9, 2024 • 54min

Biblical Clarity on the Holy Spirit [rebroadcast of 10/7/23 program]

Send us a textGUEST: COSTI HINN, pastor and author, Knowing the SpiritThe Holy Spirit is the “most used and abused member of the Trinity,” writes our guest Costi Hinn in his new book, Knowing the Spirit: Who He Is, What He Does, and How He Can Transform Your Christian Life. Costi would know, growing up in the extreme charismatic movement as the nephew of world-renown “faith healer” Benny Hinn.God graciously saved Costi out of that heresy and now he pastors Shepherd’s House Bible Church in Chandler, AZ. He joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to offer “Biblical Clarity on the Holy Spirit”—how to receive the Spirit and walk by Him, how the gifts of the Spirit operate today, and much more.We’ll also discuss popular pastor Andy Stanley’s recent sermon where he said his church draws “big circles, not lines” with those who are in homosexual “marriages”.----------------Knowing The Spirit - Costi’s latest book explains why a relationship with the Holy Spirit is the most important next step on your journey as a Christian. 272 pgs, softcover [retail $19.99]
Mar 2, 2024 • 54min

Why the Cessationism vs Continuationism Debate is Really About the Authority of Scripture

Send us a textGUEST: Scott Aniol, Editor in Chief G3 Ministries and Featured in CessationistIt’s a simple question with far-reaching ramifications: do Christians today possess the same miraculous “sign” gifts that God gave first century apostles, such as Peter and Paul, to…Perform miracles, like bringing a dead person back to life (Acts 9:36-42);Heal instantly and fully, making a blind man see or lame man walk (Acts 3:1-8);Speak instantly in a previously unknown foreign language (Acts 2:1-12);Prophesy, by foretelling the future with 100% accuracy (Acts 27:21-26)?Christians today are widely divided on the issue of cessationism (men ceased to have sign gifts after the first century) and continuationism (men and women continue to have sign gifts today).It’s more than just a perennial doctrinal debate. It’s ultimately about the sufficiency and authority of God’s Word, for if men and women today receive revelation from God beyond Scripture, we can’t trust Scripture alone as the final authority.Scott Aniol, executive vice president of G3 Ministries, an organization partnered in producing a documentary film called Cessationist, joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss this compelling topic.--------------------------------Stream Cessationist, and other resources, FREE for one month on G3+Donate any amount to TCW and receive a FREE one-month G3+ streaming platform PROMO Code. This gives you access to Cessationist and other films, video series, audiobooks, and more from G3 Ministries.OR… a limited quantity of the Deluxe DVD Edition of Cessationist is available. This 2-disc bundle includes a booklet by Tom Pennington, timeline, bookmark, and more.
Feb 24, 2024 • 54min

How “He Gets Us” Doesn’t Get Jesus and the Gospel

Send us a textGUEST: Tom Buck, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church (Lindale, TX)Back in 2022, we were interested to learn that a non-profit foundation, funded to the tune of $100M by mostly anonymous donors, had put together a marketing campaign called “He Gets Us” to, in their own words, “rediscover the life and teachings of Jesus, the world’s most radical love activist?”Hmm, the life and teaching of Jesus has never needed to be rediscovered, as it’s right there in the Bible for all to read. And Jesus as the “world’s most radical love activist” is not how Jesus described Himself. He called Himself the “Son of God” and the giver of eternal life.With these hints of the campaign’s view of Jesus, it wasn’t surprising that their “Brand Jesus” marketing ads appearing on television (including the Super Bowl), social media, Times Square billboards, and well, almost everywhere, portrayed Jesus as a social justice hero who gets us because He had a “teen mother” and was a “refugee” and was “cancelled” as three of the ads portray.But hey, “An ad for Jesus is being viewed by millions during the Super Bowl and how could that be anything but good? God can use anything!” so the refrain goes.The problem is, and it’s a problem of the greatest significance, that the real Jesus Christ of Scripture is being misrepresented in the He Gets Us campaign, along with His main message: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).The Biblical gospel of God’s holiness, man’s sinfulness, Jesus’ substitution and resurrection, and Christ’s command to “repent and believe the gospel” is either not clearly presented or is obfuscated by the heavy emphasis on Jesus as a role model who gets our problems and predicaments.The false Christ and gospel being presented by He Gets Us is all the more pernicious now that the organization is funded to the tune of $1B. Yes, you heard that correctly, one billion dollars to portray a skewed version of Jesus.Tom Buck, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Lindale, TX and Director of Expository Workshops for G3 Ministries, joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss why Christians need to be aware of this wrong presentation of Jesus and the gospel and proclaim the truth about who Christ is and how sinners can be reconciled to God through Him.-------------------Upcoming Speaker Series with Alex Newman - April 12 at Beacon of Hope ChurchOvercomer Course for 18-25 year olds; June 21-22 at Stone House Farm
Feb 17, 2024 • 54min

The Push for Global Governance

Send us a textGUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel MediaThe final book of God’s Word—Revelation—clearly describes that the world in the future before Christ’s return will be largely globalized and led by a leader called the antichrist or beast. Revelation 13 says as Antichrist appears on the scene, “the dragon [Satan] gave him [the beast] his power and his throne and great authority. I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast.”It was early on in human history at Babel where man disobeyed God’s command to scatter across the earth and instead proudly determined, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).God foiled their man-centered plan at that time, but that hasn’t stopped man from tirelessly working toward creating, not just a city and tower, but an entire world that operates out from under the authority of God. This of course is impossible but it doesn’t keep unregenerate man from trying.The push for globalism and global governance is out in the open today, with organizations like the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and many more. And they utilize things like “climate change”, the educational system, economic and monetary policy, health care, corporations, and war to coerce the world to globalize.Alex Newman, international journalist and CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, joins us this weekend to talk about the push for global governance, as we preview the upcoming Speaker Series event on Friday, April 12 at Beacon of Hope Church in St. Paul, MN where Alex will speak and take questions on the topic: How the Push for Global Governance Utilizes War, Environmentalism, Education, and Economics.--------------------Faith Bible Church - Feb 18 at 10am; Overcoming Like Daniel in an Oppositional World  from Daniel 1Upcoming Speaker Series with Alex Newman - April 12 at Beacon of Hope ChurchOvercomer Course for 18-25 year olds; June 21-22 at Stone House Farm
Feb 9, 2024 • 54min

Raising Spiritual Champions

Send us a textGUEST: DR. GEORGE BARNA, Director, Cultural Research Center, Arizona Christian UniversityChristian parents have their greatest call to discipleship right in their own homes. And it seems pretty straightforward. Scripture says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4).In other words, don’t be overbearing with your kids, but bring them up (ongoing process), correcting what is wrong and teaching what is right according to God’s standard in His Word.Anyone who has been around children knows that raising children is one of the greatest challenges and greatest blessings in life. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. It’s hard and exhausting dealing with an unregenerate child or even a Christian child who gives in to their flesh. But there’s no greater joy than to have a child be born again and choose to love and follow the Lord.Dr. George Barna is the most well-known Christian researcher, perhaps in the world. He is the director of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, which focuses on “worldview assessment and development, and cultural transformation.”In his latest book, Raising Spiritual Champions, Barna reveals extensive research when it comes to the worldview of parents, youth pastors, and children.Some of the headlines from the research:68% of parents think of themselves as Christian but only 2% have a biblical worldview64% of youth ministers believe there is no absolute moral truthLess than 1% of 13-14 year old Americans have a biblical worldview67% of all Americans who ever accept Jesus Christ as their Savior do so before the age of thirteenThese data partially explain why our nation is becoming more secular and more God-less generation after generation. But you and your children are much more than a statistic. God gives Christians the road map and the resources to be the exception to these troubling trends.Dr. George Barna joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss “raising spiritual champions”.-----------------------------------Raising Spiritual Champions
Feb 3, 2024 • 54min

Alistair Begg Responds to Furor Over His Counsel to Attend “Trans Wedding”

Send us a textGUEST: JUSTIN PETERS, preacher/evangelistIn case you haven’t heard the controversy that is being hotly debated in Christian circles, pastor Alistair Begg, who leads Parkside Church in Cleveland but who is even more well-known for his daily radio program Truth For Life, which features his preaching and is heard by millions around the world, said in an interview that he received a letter from a grandmother asking whether she should attend her grandson’s wedding to a transgender person.Here is the transcript of Begg’s advice to the grandmother:I asked the grandmother, “Does your grandson understand your belief in Jesus?”“Yes.” “Does your grandson understand that your belief in Jesus makes it such that you can’t countenance in any affirming way the choices that he has made in life?”“Yes.”I said, “Well then, okay. As long as he knows that, then I suggest that you do go to the ceremony. And I suggest that you buy them a gift.”“Oh,” she said, “what?” She was caught off guard.I said, “Well, here’s the thing: your love for them may catch them off guard, but your absence will simply reinforce the fact that they said, ‘These people are what I always thought: judgmental, critical, unprepared to countenance anything.’”Loving and engaging with non-believers is prescribed by Scripture but attending a ceremony that openly rejects God’s design for marriage? For the vast majority of theologically conservative Christians, this was a line that ought not be crossed.We reported last week that American Family Radio, after discussion with Truth for Life representatives, has removed the program from their network. And this week, it has been reported that Begg will no longer be speaking at Shepherds’ Conference, a worldwide event for pastors held at John MacArthur’s church in March.To his credit, Alistair Begg responded to the controversy in a full 40-minute message to his church this past Sunday night. We encourage you to watch it here.This weekend on The Christian Worldview, preacher and evangelist Justin Peters will again join us to discuss whether Alistair Begg’s response was faithful to Scripture.------------------------Register for The Overcomer Course
Jan 27, 2024 • 54min

Should a Christian Attend a Homosexual or Transgender “Wedding” Ceremony?

Send us a textGUEST: JUSTIN PETERS, evangelist and preacherIt can be confusing and even destabilizing when a pastor or Christian leader who has been orthodox in his teaching for decades says something that seems to compromise God’s Word.Such occurred recently with revered pastor Alistair Begg. Begg, who is from Scotland but leads Parkside Church in Cleveland, is the Bible teacher on the popular radio ministry, Truth for Life. In an episode in September 2023, Truth for Life host Bob Lepine was interviewing pastor Begg about his new book, The Christian Manifesto, which seeks to help Christians live out Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain” (Luke 6) in a 21st century brave new world context.Begg brought up the example of what he said to a grandmother who had contacted him about whether to attend her grandson’s “wedding” to a “transgender” person (the quotes being added because God defines a wedding as between one man and one woman and no one can “trans” their gender).We’ll play the audio of pastor Begg’s response, but in short, he suggested the grandmother attend the ceremony and buy the couple a gift with the purpose to keep the lines of engagement and gospel-witness open with her grandson.Those in theologically conservative circles collectively choked on his response while theological liberals said “this is the way”.The important question is: What is God’s will for Christians with an issue like this? It is a matter of right vs wrong or an issue of personal conscience?Preacher and evangelist Justin Peters will join us this weekend and point to key passages of Scripture that help us make wise, God-honoring decisions.---------------------------Registration Open for The Overcomer CourseJune 21-24, 2024

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