Send us a textGUESTS:James Macpherson, columnist, The Spectator AustraliaMegan Basham, reporter, The Daily WireOver the last year, reports have been coming out of Australia that the country formerly known for its happy-go-lucky “G’day, mate!” disposition has slid into authoritarian beast mode in its response to Covid. The government’s heavy-handed mask and vaccine mandates, quarantine centers, travel strictures, and protest suppression, cheered on by the media, left many to question, “What’s up Down Under?”So when the No. 1 tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, arrived in Australia last month to compete in the Australian Open, an inevitable showdown occurred…but not on a tennis court. The issue was that Djokovic was unvaccinated but had received an exemption from the Victoria state government to enter the country, at least in part because he had recently overcome the virus.Djokovic was detained upon arrival and quarantined for days while a legal battle ensued. The media spotlight from around the world was white-hot. Would one man who posed little-to-no health threat to anyone be allowed to stay? Sure to form, the federal government said no, deporting him “on health and good order grounds”.The draconian repression of individual liberties taking place in Australia, Canada, Europe, and yes, America, should be concerning to Christians. While the faith will never be extinguished through government oppression—in fact, it often grows through it—every believer has the God-given desire to speak and live God’s truth in freedom.James Macpherson, a columnist for The Spectator Australia, will join us from Sydney, Australia to discuss what is taking place in Australia.Then Megan Basham, reporter for The Daily Wire, will join us to discuss how the most notable Christian leaders in America are willingly using their platforms to advance debunked Covid propaganda from government officials like Francis Collins, the former director of the National Institutes of Health and a professing Evangelical.Related Articles:Welcome to Australia, mate! Jab or jail?Bread and games everybody, bread and games!How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread Covid Propaganda To Churches