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Sep 17, 2022 • 54min

Considering the Life and Death of Queen Elizabeth II

Send us a textGUEST: PAUL TWISS, pastor, Former Officer in Royal NavyBy now you know, as most everyone in the world knows, that Queen Elizabeth II has died at age 96 after reigning over Britain and its Commonwealth of nations for 70 years.It would be hard to point to any other person’s death in western civilization over the last 100 years that has commanded more worldwide attention than the Queen’s death. Ten days of mourning and processions will culminate in her funeral on Monday, Sept. 19 at Westminster Abbey in London.Paul Twiss, a citizen of the United Kingdom who now pastors Bethany Bible Church in Thousand Oaks, CA will join us to discuss the life and death—and faith—of Queen Elizabeth. Paul grew up and was educated in England, becoming an officer in the Her Majesty’s Royal Navy where he served as a nuclear engineer in the submarine service.We will also hear part two of the interview with Robert Knight, columnist for the Washington Times, as to why President Biden and the Left have ratcheted up their blame and vilification toward millions of Americans who supported Donald Trump, categorizing them as semi-fascists.
Sep 10, 2022 • 54min

Fascist Playbook Rule No. 1 – Accuse the Opposition Of What You’re Doing

Send us a textGUESTS:General Michael FlynnRobert Knight, columnistIn contradiction to President Biden’s promise to unify the country after the 2020 election, he and his administration have made the decision to accuse who he calls “MAGA Republicans” (Trump voters) as enemies of the state and the cause of all that ails America. He recently labeled tens of millions of Trump supporters as “semi-fascists” and then gave a fascist-looking and -sounding speech in Philadelphia with blood red lighting and two U.S. Marines behind him, blaming and vilifying those who oppose him.Robert Knight, columnist for The Washington Times, joins us on The Christian Worldview to explain what’s behind this ominous move by the federal government.Also, General Michael Flynn, who served 33 years in the U.S. Army and was U.S. National Security Advisor to Donald Trump, will join us to explain why he and other conservatives are relentlessly attacked and vilified and why we must stand up and speak up for Constitutional freedoms. General Flynn is the keynote speaker at the Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom event on Thu, Sept. 15 in Oakdale, MN (ticket deadline is Sunday, Sept. 11).Before we get to Robert Knight and General Flynn, we have one segment left with Pastor Travis Allen, as we discuss the drift taking place in Evangelicalism and the call to remain faithful in the midst of the compromise.
Sep 3, 2022 • 54min

The Need for Evangelical Repentance and Reformation

Send us a textGUEST: TRAVIS ALLEN, pastor, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)“Evangelical” once meant a Christian who believed in the authority of Scripture and the call to evangelize the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. But the devil, so to speak, is in the details of how that has played out over the decades.Today many Evangelical churches and Evangelical para-church organizations—colleges, seminaries, publishing and music industries, camps, conferences, films, evangelism, social work, etc.—form such a wide tent in doctrine and practice as to defy definition, and worse, to dishonor God.This is a bad development. Misrepresenting God and compromising His Word is egregious sin.Paul told Timothy to “accurately handle the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). He didn’t tell Timothy to use creative, man-centered methodology to reach the culture but rather to “Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you” (1 Tim. 4:16).Pastor Travis Allen of Grace Church in Greeley, CO joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss the need for Evangelical repentance and reformation. He will explain how the Evangelical movement arrived where it is today and what must be done to avoid ending in apostasy.RELATED RESOURCE: You are encouraged to listen to the two messages Pastor Allen preached at the Reforming Evangelicalism Conference:The Need for Evangelical ReformationReforming the Evangelical Pastorate
Aug 27, 2022 • 54min

God’s Call for Men

Send us a textGUEST: TRAVIS ALLEN, pastor, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)As our society rejects God, so it rejects God’s call for what a man is to be. The biblical call for men to be providers for their home, loving leaders of their wives and children, and strong and courageous in word and deed is misrepresented as “toxic masculinity”, “sexist”, and “patriarchal”. Even when a man offers sound advice and direction, especially to a woman, it’s criticized as “mansplaining.”Add to this the influence of feminism and homosexuality in our culture and the impact is seen all around us today—men who have no idea what God calls them to be.God created men and women of equal value and yet with certain character qualities and roles which are to be more prominent depending on whether male or female. This is a complementary design by God, resulting in joy for us and glory for Him.Travis Allen joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview radio program to discuss God’s call for men. Travis is pastor of Grace Church in Greeley, CO, married with five children, and served in the U.S. Navy as a member of the SEAL teams. But as you will hear, it’s not one’s ability to fire weapons or fast-rope from a helicopter that makes a godly man but rather allegiance and obedience to Christ and His Word.
Aug 20, 2022 • 54min

What Really Happens When You’re Born Again?

Send us a textGUEST: DR. STEVEN LAWSON, author, New Life in ChristConfusion characterizes our world. Or maybe delusion is the better word, in that people are deluded by others or just self-deluded.There are no shortage of “experts”—politicians, scientists, teachers, professors, writers, speakers, journalists, analysts, commentators, influencers, and yes, Christian leaders—confidently making assertions about all matters of life and faith.So if you’re pondering what is going wrong in the world, you will hear all kinds of responses—“racism, inequality, lack of education, capitalistic greed, moral corruption”—with all manner of proposed solutions, mostly promoting some new government program or law or political candidate.Despite all the talk, confusion and delusion still reign. People don’t know who or what to believe about what’s going on and don’t understand the root cause of the problems.Because all of Scripture is inspired by the holy and perfect God, Christians have a foundation for discerning truth from error, right from wrong, and wisdom from foolishness.Dr. Steven Lawson, president of OnePassion Ministries, expository preacher, and author of New Life in Christ: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again and Why It Matters, joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss:What is going on in the world right now?Why has there been division over the issue of “social justice”?What does it mean to be born again?Please join us for this important program.--------------------Related Resource:New Life in Christ: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again and Why It Matters addresses the most important issue—what it means to be born again. This book is for a believer to better understand the gospel of Christ and for a non-believer to understand and believe in Christ. 224 pages, softcover.  Available for a donation of any amount!
Aug 13, 2022 • 54min

Why Is Inflation So High? Hint: It’s a Worldview Issue

Send us a textGUEST: CAL BEISNER, President, The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of CreationNo doubt you have noticed that the price of nearly everything has increased. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Over the 12 months ended June 2022, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers increased 9.1 percent…the largest 12-month increase since the 12-month period ending November 1981.”For example, food (for the home) increased 12.2%. Motor fuel increased 60.2%. Electricity rose 13.7%. Natural gas increased 38.4%. New vehicles rose 11.4%.Ask ten people why prices have increased so much and you’ll likely hear explanations like “price gouging” or “Putin’s war in Ukraine” or “Covid” or “supply chain problems.”But are these the real reasons? Cal Beisner, our guest this weekend, doesn’t think so. He is the president of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation and a respected teacher on the environment, economics, and ethics.You may be surprised to learn that the price increases have almost everything to do with inflating the money supply through the latest nearly one trillion dollar spending bill misnamed the “Inflation Reduction Act”, which was pushed and passed on August 7 by President Biden and the Left, that will among other things, hire 87,000 new tax agents.The very next day, former President’s Trump home was raided and searched by FBI agents for reasons not well-explained by the Justice Department.Cal will also address other questions, such as:Why are businesses struggling to find workers?Why Evangelicals have been influenced by the late Ron Sider, a leader in the “Evangelical Left”?The ethical question as to whether a Christian should attend a homosexual “wedding” to “be a good neighbor”?---------------------------Related Resource:Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People by Roy Spencer
Aug 6, 2022 • 54min

Why Are Gas Prices So High? Hint: It’s a Worldview Issue

Send us a textGUEST: CAL BEISNER, President, The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of CreationJust as the root of redefining marriage and gender is rebellion against God’s Word, so the same motivation drives the left-wing “climate change” movement.God commanded Adam and Eve in the first chapter of Scripture, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28).This is the “dominion mandate”, where man, as the pinnacle of God’s creation, is called to populate the earth and rule over it in ways that, above all, benefit mankind and glorify God.The humanistic environmental worldview reverses this—the environment (“Mother Earth”) is prioritized above the needs of man and worshipped instead of the Creator.Because we all live in and are dependent on natural resources for energy, food, water, air, shelter, raw materials, medicines, clothes, and more, and because we all are drawn to the beauty, majesty and power of God’s creation, co-opting the environment (through lying and scaring people) is one of the most useful means to achieve godless, humanistic ends.This week on The Christian Worldview, Cal Beisner, president of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a “network of Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection”, joins us to discuss how the war on energy—specifically fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal—harms mankind, especially those most vulnerable.Why are fuel prices high, when our nation is blessed with all kinds of fossil fuel resources? Is the transition to electric vehicles going to improve life and the environment? And is it true, as we are constantly told, that man is causing irreversible and catastrophic climate change?We invite you to hear an uncommon—and biblical—perspective as Cal answers these questions and more.--------------Related Resource:Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People - for a donation of any amount!
Jul 30, 2022 • 54min

What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? - Part 1 (rebroadcast of 3/12/22)

Send us a textThis program is a rebroadcast from 3/12/22GUEST: PASTOR JAMES COATES, co-author, God vs. GovernmentPersecution, imprisonment, and murder of Christians is nothing new. The gospels recount the crucifixion of Christ and the book of Acts chronicles the threats, beatings, jailings, and stonings of first century Christians.Today is no different for believers in Communist China or North Korea, where Christians defy government edicts and gather secretly. In some Islamic countries, Christians are jailed and martyred for refusing to keep silent about the gospel.In countries like the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand that were founded on Christian values with guaranteed individual liberties, the state has generally allowed citizens to pursue their faith.That changed about a decade ago when the homosexual movement began prosecuting Christians for refusing to participate in“same-sex” so-called weddings. It was a shock when Christians lost their baking or photography business or were fined for following their biblical beliefs.But the God-haters wouldn’t stop there. With Covid came a new opportunity to silence and persecute Christians, as government-mandated restrictions and closures of churches in the name of “community health and safety”.Most pastors and churches “compiled”, but some, like GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta where James Coates pastors, understood the Biblical command for churches to “not forsake our own assembling together” (Hebrews 10:25).Alberta’s governing authorities couldn’t allow GraceLife to defy their order and so Pastor James was arrested and imprisoned. For what? For continuing to gather as a church in obedience to God’s Word.---------------------Related Resource:God vs Government by Nathan Busenitz and James Coates:
Jul 23, 2022 • 54min

The Predictable Result of Educating Children Without God

Send us a textGUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and Author, Crimes of the EducatorsIt’s axiomatic—the one who teaches children is the one who shapes their worldview, and thus, society at large.The Bible assigns the teaching and training of children to parents. “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).But of course, God-rejecting man has a “better" idea—remove children from the (redefined) home to be indoctrinated by government “educators” for up to 40 hours each week from age four to 18. With a government that ignores the most important truth in life—God exists and has spoken in Scripture—how do you think that will turn out for the kids?Turns out, just as planned. John Dewey (1859-1952), considered the “Father of the Modern American Public Education System” said: “There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, immutable truth is also dead and buried.”In case you’re not convinced, Dr. Chester Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychology at Harvard University, said at the Childhood International Education Seminar in 1973:“Every child who enters school at age 5 is mentally ill because he enters school with an allegiance toward our elected officials, our founding fathers, our institutions, the preservation of this form of government we have, patriotism, nationalism, sovereignty… All this proves that the children are sick, because a truly well individual is one who has rejected all those things and is what I would call the international child of the future.”Mission accomplished. Taxpayer-funded, federal government-mandated public education has shaped generations of the “international child” with unsuspecting parents losing almost all influence. The moral confusion that reigns in our children and nation today shouldn’t be surprising.International journalist Alex Newman joins us for a second week on The Christian Worldview to discuss what government education has become and what Christian parents should do. Alex is the author Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media and a senior editor for The New American Magazine.-------------------------------Crimes of the Educators: Sentinel: New American Magazine:
Jul 16, 2022 • 54min

Transhumanism and the Quest to be Like God

Send us a textGUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media All that is happening in the world and our country seems so complex as to defy simple explanations.Is there any correlation between inflation, energy dependence, the push for globalism, Critical Theory in government education, food shortages, gun control, promotion of transgenderism, and division in the evangelical church? These issues, and others like open immigration, abortion-on-demand, and environmentalism, are in fact all related by the underlying worldview that advocates for them.Once one understands that worldview and where that worldview is striving to lead humanity, then lots of seemingly disparate issues and events start making sense. In short, it’s a worldview that rejects God and His Word and actually seeks to be God.Our guest this weekend and next on The Christian Worldview is Alex Newman. Alex is an international journalist, the CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media and a senior editor for The New American Magazine. He is also a writer for The Epoch Times and the author of two books, Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind The Scenes and Crimes of The Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.In part 1, Alex will address the push for globalism, the influence of the Deep State, and the technology of transhumanism and how man’s impotent purpose can never thwart God’s omnipotent plans.

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