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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

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Aug 3, 2018 • 27min

Episode 311: Sarah's Back From Canada!

Ep. 311: Sarah's Back From Canada!In this episode, Sarah is back from Canada and we catch up on what has happened in the last three weeks!Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 311: Sarah's Back From Canada!      Intro (0:00)      News and Views (0:40)      Sarah is back from Canada! Stacy wants to test her accent!      Sarah had a terrible flight fiasco on the way back and was a day late returning      While Sarah was gone, Stacy had an experience where her roof rack tore off the roof and hasn't been able to go paddleboarding.      Stacy meanwhile played Settlers of Catan: Game of Thrones edition!      The biggest news: Stacy has no kitchen! It's being renovated!      Sarah in Canada saw her family and took her girls camping for the first time!      When her girls were little, she was intimidated to take them, but her brother was there to be the outdoorsman expert!      Stacy hasn't gone tent camping since Cole was a baby. Because she encountered a bear last time.      Sarah was camping where bears and wolves and cougars were! She taught the girls how to be safe around wildlife!      That's all the show! Sarah is too jet lagged to do research! But excellent shows are coming up!      Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address!      Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback!      Thank you for listening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 27, 2018 • 1h

Episode 310: Finding Health While Housebound

Ep. 310: Finding Health While Housebound In this episode, Stacy and Sarah answer a question from a listener who is housebound and very limited due to overwhelming fatigue and nausea. We try to help her to eat more and perhaps do AIP. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 310: Finding Health While Housebound Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Stacy and Sarah are doing the Time Warp because Sarah is still in Canada this week! Stacy stood up on her paddleboard today! And she paddled with the family for a mile or so! She's so happy to have recovered her health this much! Sarah's philosophy is to do physical activities that are fun! Big thanks to this weeks podcast sponsor ShopAIP! Use coupon code PALEOVIEW for 10% off your order! Use the link: We will be doing sponsored shows occasionally. Please support us by supporting them They are an excellent resource for obtaining safe foods for the Autoimmune Protocol as everything is prescreened! They have everything from snack foods to sauces to spices that are all AIP compliant! And you can a subscription order or bundled items for additional savings! This weeks question is a heartbreaker. Vivian says, "Hello Sarah and Stacy. I have been following you for a few years now, and I love your show (and books, and blogs). Thank you for all the science! I have ME moderate to serious. I have endometriosis and fibromyalgia also. Trying to do AIP, bit am so disabled I don't make my own food. I think (know) that I struggle to eat enough food, Even when I get help cooking. I have a lot of nausea and struggle to eat because I have trouble sitting up. My sleep has gotten better, but I still struggle. Before I would often be tossing on my bed until 5 in the morning. My doctor has given me a prescription for melatonin, and now I sleep before 1 in the morning most nights. Still not perfect. But better. I sleep 8-16 hours. I am housebound, partly bedridden. I am really struggling to eat enough food. I wake up every morning with a horrible nausea. I have tried ginger and other things people has recommended for it, and nothing seem to work. I had a friend help me measure everything and calculate the calories for a week (it was for a nutritional specialist at the ME Clinic who wanted a diary). My daily intake (calculated) was 800-1100 calories a day. Probably it was actually a little bit less, because I did not finish the plates of food. On bad days I sometimes only eat a bag of samai chips (rainforest or plantain). Because salt and crispy goes down in small quantities. In norway (where I live), there has been some research into fish protein as a dieting method, and because of that research a few companies are producing fish protein pills, but also fish pills (from the entire fish). So I have two questions. First; do you have any suggestions on how I can manage to eat more? Second; could fish protein be a way for me to get protein in me om the days I really struggle to eat anything? I have found one that the ingredients are powdered fish, fish gelatin, magnesium and silica. I am guessing the silica is not ideal. But not eating does not seem to be doing me much good, even though people are trying to convince me fasting Will make me better. I would be so amazingly grateful for any help, as I feel very trapped in my body and my house. I want to do the AIP, and to get better. I love you both, and I really appreciate the respectful and sciency way you approach all questions." ME refers to myalgic encephalomyelitis. Vivian is solution oriented and that's great! More protein is a common cure for nausea because it tightens the esophogeal sphincter. Grazing and frequent meals is also good for nausea, avoiding an empty stomach. Time shift your meals towards when you are less nauseous. Ginger and mint are natural anti-emetic remedies Fish protein might be great! It's already hydrolyzed (broken down and easier to digest) and should be great! Sarah saw white fish capsules, maybe not as healthy as salmon but a good idea Now, the ones we found were 2g of protein for 6 pills. So this is a LOT of pills for a serving of protein Stacy says a smoothie with collagen would be nutrient and caloric dense Broth would be great as well (Shop AIP has Epic Broth which is great.) Pudding or popsicles might go down well and slowly. Vital Proteins liver pills might work well, and they are only 4 pills for 2g of protein. Nutrient dense meats like liverwurst or braunschweiger fried in the oven would become crispy and maybe more tolerable. Avocados and coconut are very calorically dense. Convenience foods are very important so that people can help you quickly when you feel up to eating. What would you have someone bring you to help? Homemade broth Clean, quality protein and vegetables (maybe cooked already) Do chores that you can't do instead of food (laundry, vacuum, dusting, etc.) If you want to do AIP but you have a but after that, then figure out what you need to do to mitigate the but. Be strong and brave and stand up for your health! Ask for what you need for you to be healthy. You could need to help me less if you help me with this! If someone wants you to cheat, remind them that it's inappropriate for others to judge your choices. It doesn't effect them! Vivian! We're rooting for you! Keep in touch! Reminder: Big thanks to this weeks podcast sponsor ShopAIP! Use coupon code PALEOVIEW for 10% off your order! Use the link: Free shipping in the lower 48 and shipping to Canada, too! Have fun in Canada, Sarah! Come back with your accent! If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 20, 2018 • 53min

Episode 309: Aspartame Is Evil

Ep. 309: Aspartame Is Evil In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about the sweetener found in most diet sodas, aspartame, and how dangerously detrimental it is to health on so many fronts. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 309: Aspartame Is Evil Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Stacy is doing a happy dance that we are finally doing this topic! Meanwhile this episode is recorded in advance because Sarah is in Canada Why Is Aspartame a big problem? Stacy is very concerned about the link between dementia and aspartame in particular Both Stacy and Sarah have a history with diet soda with aspartame, especially Sarah and her THREE CASE a DAY habit! There's a lot of politics involved here, which we won't go too far into, but suffice it to say that industry studies show aspartame to be harmless, but independent studies find a lot of issues with it It's upsetting that so many studies show non-nutritive sweeteners to be problematic, but still they are marketed as safe! Stacy recommends getting your loved ones to phase out aspartame no matter what. One of the main ways that aspartame affects you is making it difficult to prevent oxidative damage. This means it can cause systemic inflammation, leading to damage in every cell in your body potentially. "It's not a food, it's a poison." This show is not to shame you but to encourage you to make better choices. Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide. It breaks down into phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol. While there is some concern about the phenylalanine, it's the methanol that is the most concerning; methanol is what will make you go blind from poorly made moonshine. It's not the same as the claim "it's the same amount as from grape juice" because the methanol in fruit juice is bound with pectin and not absorbed Methanol breaks down into two carcinogens: formaldehyde and diketopiperazine An animal study showed that aspartame leads to a 300% increase in cancer rates. Only things like smoking and lung cancer have that kind of cancer affect. It's linked to: Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, and Central nervous system cancers And it's linked to lifelong increased risk from exposure in utero. Aspartame, contrary to what you would think, increases diabetes risk too This may be due to changes in the gut microbiome. Aspartame may inhibit enzymes that prevent endotoxins from reaching the bloodstream as well The Paleo Diet in its original form allowed for diet sodas. This is crazy! Using diet soda for diabetes risk is like going from the frying pan to the fire! Huge meta-analyses reveal a strong link between aspartame and other nonnutritive sweeteners and cardiovascular disease. This also seems to occur when exposure is in utero Aspartame is also linked to weight gain and obesity as well The idea is that aspartame increases sugar cravings. The cycle never allows a craving to be satisfies so calorie intake becomes higher. Aspartame increases mood issues as well. It's linked to anxiety and depression as well as cognition. And it is linked to seizure rates, dementia, and strokes. It increases brain cell death and brain damage in mice. Twenty-five years ago a study into mood disorders was discontinued because it affected people with existing mood disorders so severely. And yet we still have it as a "safe" food additive! The warning label on aspartame only addresses people with the disease phenylketonuria (PKU) and they have to avoid phenylalanine. That's it! 92% of aspartame studies not funded by industry found some health affect from aspartame. How can you interpret that as anything other than a conspiracy? If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom References: “Revisiting the safety of aspartame.” 2017 "Reshaping the gut microbiota: Impact of low calorie sweeteners and the link to insulin resistance" 2016 “Nonnutritive sweeteners and cardiometabolic health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies” 2017   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 13, 2018 • 46min

Episode 308: All About Amino Acids

Ep. 308: All About Amino Acids In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about amino acid supplementation, empty stomaches and how your supplements compete for the attention of protein transports like they're hailing cabs in the big city! Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 308:  All About Amino Acids Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) It is almost our 6-year podcast-iversary! We are recording in advance this week because Sarah will be gallivanting around Canada soon. Most all of Sarah's family lives there, and she hasn't been back to visit in two years. She is very excited to have a vacation and visit family! Sarah is excited about this week's topic- she did a lot of research and "nerding out." We got a lot of great feedback on last week's show about Collagen. This week's show is a great sister show to that topic. Listener Question from Tess: "I have heard people talk about amino acid competition, is this is a thing I should keep in mind? I bring it up because I eat lots of bone broth, collagen, eat meat and also take amino acids as supplements (l-glutamine and l-tyrosine). I started melting my brain about trying to take these all separate from one another, but does it matter? I would love to wash my l-tyrosine down with my collagen water in the morning, then support my gut health all day by drinking little bits of l-glutamine with or without meals! Thank for for the show, and I’m not just saying that because I want to suck up to you and get my question answered!!! I truly appreciate the sensible, practical info you both put out. I’m the type of person who really likes to know the WHY!!!" Protein Digestion Occurs in the stomach and first section of the small intestine. This process is driven by hydrochloric acid. Three main enzymes break food proteins into polypeptides. Pepsin, Trypsin, Chymotrypsin. Polypeptides are then broken down into peptides and amino acids by peptidase enzymes. Exopeptidases and Dipeptidases. About 30% of protein is absorbed as peptides, not individual amino acids. These peptides are endocytosed or hydrolyzed inside enterocytes. About 70% of protein is absorbed as amino acids. In the digestive tract are 5 main families of amino acid transporters. Divided by the types/properties of the amino acids they transport. Neutral amino acid transporters transport: alanine, valine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, isoleucine, asparagine, threonine, glycine, proline, histidine, serine, glutamine, cysteine, tryptophan. Different members of transporter families have higher affinity for specific amino acids. For example, B0AT1 neutral amino acid transporter transports L-leucine, L-methionine, L-isoleucine, L-valine before it will transport L-asparagine, L-phenylalanine, L-alanine, L-serine before it will transport L-threonine, glycine, L-proline. Cationic/Basic amino acid and cysteine transporters transport: lysine, arginine, histidine, cysteine. Anionic/Acidic amino acid transporters transport: aspartic acid, glutamic acid. Imino acid and glycine transporters transport: proline, hydroxyproline, glycine. beta-Amino acid and taurine transporters transport: beta-alanine, taurine, betaine. Generally, there are multiple pathways for any given amino acid. Amino acids compete for binding with other high-affinity amino acids for each specific transporter. The transporter system is extremely complex. The body may be able to detect which amino acids are available and which the body needs, in order to prioritize amino acids. Generally, 90% of protein we eat is digested and absorbed. 10% will pass through to the large intestine, where it may be digested by bacteria. Low protein diets cause the body to up-regulate transporters. Typically 1.3-10 grams per hour of amino acids can be absorbed. If you eat a complete protein, you don't need to worry about amino acid content. Is there a need for amino acid supplementation? Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) have been shown to improve muscle recovery and performance. If you are working out really heavily, these can benefit. It has to do with what the system can produce and what we can get from food. Glycine is a commonly deficient amino acid. We aren't eating organ meats and similar things like people used to. Supplementing with glycine can be beneficial. Glutamine has compelling science for supplementation. Glutamine deficiency alone can cause leaky gut. If you are supplementing amino acids, you want to be able to absorb them all. Consuming them with food can create a competitive binding situation. Taking amino acids on an empty stomach is usually recommended. 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before. However, amino acids are absorbed quickly, so this window is probably smaller. We just don't know everything about amino acid absorption and competition. It is a very complex system. Until more is known, you are probably best off sticking with the instructions on the label. Sarah has been trying BCAA during the past week or so. She takes them post-workout right when she gets home. She has been using Kion Branched Chain Amino Acid Tablets. Stacy could notice a difference in her recovery after lifting heavy when she used to take them. She used plain BCAA and it made her water taste like "dirty feet." If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom References: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 6, 2018 • 54min

Episode 307: Are Mushrooms Really Magic?

Ep. 307: Are Mushrooms Really Magic? In this episode, Stacy and Sarah tackle the latest trend of using mushrooms as a supplement Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 307:  Are Mushrooms Really Magic? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Stacy asked Sarah to prioritize this week's topic. Sarah had to do a lot of research (and learned a lot of things!) researching this week's topic. Stacy's question to Sarah was, "should we really be putting mushrooms in coffee?" Listener Questions (5:55) Jan writes, "Hey ladies!! Love your show. Thanks for everything that you do to help so many people be the best versions that they can be!!! I was wanting your thoughts on the medicinal mushroom drinks. I keep hearing about them and seeing ads for the four stigmatic drinks. I have several autoimmune so would love to know for that as well as for those that don’t have auto immunes." Annik writes, "Bonjour Sarah et Stacy, I love your books and your podcast - the science you bring to health topics is so refreshing and helpful in navigating the tremendous amount of health claims we are bombarded with daily, and weeding out the fads and those that are not scientifically proven.This brings me to my question. The new health push seems to be for including powdered mushrooms into our diet. Claims include increased energy and reduced fatigue, mental clarity, immune boosting properties, hormone balancing, etc. Is there any science that shows the benefits of including cordyceps, chaga, lion’s mane, reishi, etc., into our diet? And if so, how long does it take for someone to feel the benefits of including these supplements into our diet? I’m particularly interested in the claims around reduced fatigue, increased energy and immune boosting properties. I do not have an autoimmune condition diagnosis yet but I have been dealing with fatigue, congestion and lots of colds in the last year which continues to be unexplained by my medical doctor. While I know quick fixes don’t work, if adding powdered mushrooms to my morning tea would help with energy then why not?!Lastly, I want to say a big thank you to Dr. Ballantyne for the Autoimmune Protocol Lecture Series. I took the 6-week course and learned so much! I was already eating a paleo diet but saw tremendous benefits in fine-tuning my diet to see how it could help with my health challenges described above. I am most grateful for the continued access to the course material; I messed up the reintroduction part and will now restart the course!Thank you both for all that you do and for your active social media info sharing. You set the standard high for evidence-based health information and make it accessible to all of us! It is highly appreciated!" Thanks Annik for telling us how much you love the Autoimmune Lecture Series! The next session starts Monday, September 10th. Pre-ordering the AIP lecture series gets you 10% off. Sarah is also offering a free trial if you want a better idea of the content. Find the pre-order and free trial in the "shop" section at The Paleo Mom here. Edible mushrooms are really nutrient-dense and have unique carbohydrate and fiber types. Medicinal mushroom use goes back thousands of years. They date back to ancient Egyptians and ancient Chinese cultures. In the last 50 years there have been a lot of scientific studies on mushrooms. Specifically, health-promoting properties can include: Antioxidants Cholesterol-lowering properties Anti-hypertensive Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory  Liver protection Anti-diabetic Antio-obesity Anti-tumor (note, only animal studies and cell culture studies to date) Anti-viral Anti-microbial properties Some drugs have been created from mushroom extracts, specifically used in cancer patients to boost immune function during treatments. Phytochemicals found in mushrooms are a contributor to the health benefits of mushrooms. Mushrooms are high in gallic acid. An antioxidant and heavy metal chelator. Mushrooms are high in Triterpenes. These properties include anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-diabetes, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant and speed wound healing. Glucans are a unique carbohydrate found in mushrooms. Fungal glucans can be water soluble or insoluble. Chitin fiber is a fermentable fiber found in mushrooms. This type of fiber is great for gut health and microbiome diversity. Some glucans are very small molecules, so they can actually bind to immune cells directly and modulate the immune system. Mushroom extracts versus whole mushrooms. Most medicinal extracts use a double extraction process. Some of the compounds are water soluble and some are not. Some medicinal preparations can have one, some, or many of these compounds included. Well-known properties of commonly used mushrooms. Reishi Probably the most studied medicinal mushroom. Main uses: lung infection (expectorant), liver protective, reduces blood pressure, improves exercise performance, adaptogen (relaxer), reduce allergies, reduce ulcers, anti inflammatory, anti-cancer , reduce infections, reduces anxiety and depression, anti-diabetes. Maitake Main uses: reduces high blood pressure, tumor inhibition, liver protectant, fights infection, anti-diabetic. Shiitake Main uses: immune regulator, tumor inhibition, antiviral, antibacterial, liver protectant, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, reduces cholesterol, antimicrobial, anti-cancer. Chaga Main uses: immune regulator, Anti-Cancer, Anti-Viral & Anti-Inflammatory! Antioxidant, reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure, improves performance, Also adaptogenic (relaxer). Lion's Main Main uses: enhances brain function, anti-cancer, lowers cholesterol, reduces gastric ulcers, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, immune regulating. Cordyceps Main uses: energizing adaptogen, improves exercise performance, anti inflammatory, immune stimulating or regulating (fighting infection), anti-cancer, liver protective, anti-diabetes acts as a natural aphrodisiac. Turkey Tail Main uses: anti-cancer (one of the best studied for helping fight cancer, adjuvant for chemo patients), helps fight infection (HIV). Almond Mushroom Main uses: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-virus, reduces allergies, immune regulatory. Not edible whole, usually only available as supplement. Mushrooms and Cancer One of the benefits is that mushrooms can suppress the regulatory immune system and stimulate the attacking part of the immune system. Reishi, Cordyceps, Maitake, and Turkey Tail. Studies have show they are able to boost the immune system's ability to find and kill cancerous cells. There are no clinical trials showing medicinal mushrooms can kill cancer. Mushrooms and Autoimmunity Emerging preliminary evidence suggest that mushroom extracts are immune modulators rather than immune stimulators, meaning they can help balance the immune system. This could be because of their influence on the gut microbiome. This could be because of the high level of phytochemicals. Medicinal mushrooms may be beneficial in instances of under-active immune systems, overactive immune function, and dysfunctional immune systems. Reishi and Cancer Able to activate natural killer cells, increasing their activity and the body’s ability to fight tumors. Reduces the chances of metastasis, which is when cancer spreads to another part of the body. Adjunct therapy (not primary, first-line therapy) for colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer, and is shown to increase survival rate. Reishi and Autoimmune Disease Studies in RA patients showed no increase in inflammatory cells or cytokines, and a decrease in IL-18, which activates Th1. Impact on the immune system was not the same as it is in cancer. This suggest immune modulating rather than stimulating. Study participants reported lower joint pain. A Lupus mouse study showed a decrease in autoantibodies and increased survival. In summary: Eating more whole mushrooms in general can be beneficial for health. There are people who would probably benefit from medicinal mushrooms. Talking to your health care provider first is always a good idea. Adding more mushrooms to our diets is a great choice! If you take mushrooms, let us know if they have helped you. If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom   References: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 29, 2018 • 56min

Episode 306: Can Collagen Affect My Digestion for Good or Ill?

Ep. 306: Can Collagen Affect My Digestion for Good or Ill? In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk collagen and digestion! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 306: Can Collagen Affect My Digestion for Good or Ill? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Sarah has had her nose to the grindstone, wrapping up her new book draft. It is a microbiome book! She has had to learn a lot of new things and expand her knowledge base. We're doing something new! We're going to be working with and sharing with you more brands here that we use and love. To kick off, we have our favorite products from Vital Proteins, available in bundles with a discount. Sarah and Stacy have both been using Vital Proteins Collagen for 4-5+ years. Stacy doesn't go a single day without collagen and liver pills. She can tell a difference if she misses even one day. Sarah goes through a big tub of collagen every month. She can feel the difference it makes in her joints. Sarah also loves Dr. Sarah Ballantyne's Veggie Blend, for obvious reasons! Sarah also loves the Cartilage Collagen and Gelatin. Question from a listener about Collagen. Cindy asks, "Hi ladies: Thank you for your amazing podcast and all of the wonderful information the both of you share. You both have inspired and motivated me to focus on real foods and look at healing through lifestyle and nutrient density. Here's the question- with Sarah's new Vital Proteins product (Collagen Veggie Blend), I'm curious about reactions to collagen. I have noticed that I can have 1/2-1 scoop of VP collagen in my coffee or smoothie or water and feel fine. However, if I go over 1 scoop, I find that I get bloated, gassy, and sometimes "everybody out" moments. Everyone talks about all the benefits to adding collagen to their diet, but I can't seem to find a good explanation for those of us who seem to react to it. Can you discuss why some of us may be reacting to collagen? Is bone broth enough to get all the benefits of added collagen? Thanks so much for all you do!" What is Collagen and why is it important? Collagen is the main structural protein in our bodies. It is found in the space between our cells, the glue that holds our cells together. Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up from 25% to 35% of protein in our bodies. Supplementing with collagen is helpful because it provides us with the raw materials to make collagen in our bodies. Collagen is made up of amino acids that we can be deficient in if our main source of protein is muscle meat. Collagen has a unique balance of amino acids compared to protein from muscle meat. Collagen Peptides versus Gelatin. Both are considered hydrolyzed versions of collagen. It is broken apart more and easier for us to digest. Gelatin will make something "gummy" or gelatin. Collagen peptides are broken down even further and will dissolve easily, and won't solidify or gel. The amino acid profile is the same in gelatin and collagen peptides. They just react differently in food preparation. Collagen is considered almost a complete protein. 20% of the protein in collagen is glycine. It is phenomenally important! Needed for sleep quality, memory, synthesis of bile acids, synthesis of several extremely important proteins, immune regulation, etc. Glutamic acid is important for neurotransmitters and cellular metabolism. It also may add an umami quality to food. Collagen is high in Proline and Hydroxyproline, at 11% each. It is essential for skin, joints, tendons, and cardiac muscle. Alanine is 8% of collagen. It increase exercise capacity, help build lean muscle mass, and improve immunity. Arginine is also found at 8% in collagen. Important cell division, wound healing, hormone release, and immune function. Aspartic Acid is 6% of collagen. Involved in the citric acid and urea cycles in the body and plays a role in gluconeogenesis. All of the other amino acids make up about 24% of collagen. Bone broth is not as concentrated with amino acids typically. Broth is still an amazing super food, but collagen peptides is more concentrated in collagen. There are 20 amino acids that our bodies use to make the proteins in our body. There are 9 amino acids called "essential," because we can't make them ourselves. We must get these from food. Collagen has 8 out of 9 of these essential amino acids. It contains little tryptophan and is not very high in isoleucine, threonine, and methionine. This is why collagen isn't a "complete protein." Studies show that collagen peptides are highly bioavailable. 90% of amino acids are absorbed within 6 hours. It is extremely useful protein! We're not consuming traditional foods like our ancestors used to, like organ meats and slow boiled soup. Stacy and Sarah don't tend to make a lot of soups during the summer. What can cause a negative reaction to collagen? An allergy: a triggered immune response to beef. Some people with beef allergies don't react to collagen, some do. An allergic reaction usually happens within 2 hours. Hives, rash, nausea, stomach symptoms, sneezing, running nose, anaphylaxis, etc. Food intolerance: slower build and typically occur 4 hours to 4 days after consumption. Stomach symptoms, fatigue, headache, skin problems, mood changes. Antibody driven immune reaction without the release of histamine. Eliminating the food, and working on the immune system can help. Gut bacteria love to eat Amino Acids. Gut bacteria eat more than just fiber! Gut bacteria love to eat glycine. Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus group, and Proteobacteria When they metabolize glycine they produce important beneficial things. Consumption of glycine by gut bacteria may be required for glutathione production. If there is an imbalance of bacteria or dysbiosis, they can change the acidity of the environment. This can cause GI symptoms. Don't eliminate collagen completely, just keep the dose low enough to not get symptoms. Address other factors that are important for gut health. If you know someone in your life who could benefit from collagen, please share this podcast with them. Don't forget our special Vital Proteins page here! We really appreciate your support over the years- shopping through our links and buying our books. If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom References: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 22, 2018 • 56min

Episode 305: Why Insulin is Important & Awesome!

Ep. 305: Why Insulin is Important & Awesome! In this episode, Stacy and Sarah tell you about how awesome insulin is and why you shouldn't be trying to go very low carb. Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 305: Why Insulin is Important & Awesome! Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Sarah is on single-parent duty this week and is feeling the effects! Kudos to all you single parents out there who do it all. Stacy is in her busy season at work. Stacy wants to mention something that has been on her mind this week: it is easy to get wrapped up in wanting what someone else has- which is partly human nature. If this looks like jealous, anger, and frustration... those are not good feelings. Have patience and compassion, and consider reaching out and giving a compliment or asking for mentorship if you're having these feelings. Sarah has become a regular contributor for Paleo Magazine. She wrote an article coming in the Aug/Sept issue about the case for more carbohydrates. This was spurred by the editor of the magazine noticing Sarah isn't a supporter of very low carb diets. Insulin as a Super Hormone: Thyroid There are insulin receptors in just about every cell type. It isn't always about shuttling glucose into the cells. Insulin is important for thyroid function. There are 3 different variations of the same enzyme that convert "inactive" T4 to "active" T3. This can happen in the thyroid or all over the body. The Type 2 Deiodase is the most active form. It is stimulated by insulin. This is how insulin feeds into thyroid function. With insulin resistance and diabetes there is a higher risk of hypothyroidism. A recent paper looked at ketogenic diets in epileptics. 120 participants followed a mediterranean style ketogenic diet. 1 in 6 participants developed hypothyroidism requiring medication within the first 6 months. 8 of these participants developed hypothyroidism within the first month. The ketogenic community counter-argues that any weight loss diet causes suppression of the thyroid. The difference is the magnitude, and their hypothyroidism requiring medication. We want to maintain proper insulin signaling because insulin is important! You do want some insulin. Don't eat all the sugar. Slow burning carbs like root vegetables and fruits are generally low glycemic load. It's not about ditching all carbohydrates at all costs. Stacy knows the low carb does not work for her- it caused her to have major health crash. Sarah has been a loud voice of decent for the ketogenic diet. Most people who are recommending this diet are not presenting a balanced look at what science tells us. Ketogenic diet can be therapeutic in people with neurologic and neurodegenerative disease. Ketogenic diet is not a healthy way to lose weight. The cost/benefit for this vs. someone with a neurological disease is very different. When you take out large amounts of vegetables from your diet, as keto or very low carb does, it is hard to be healthy. It would be difficult to eat the recommended amount of vegetables and still be very low carb. Insulin as a Super Hormone: Other roles not related to blood glucose. Insulin is important for muscle growth and repair. It helps bring amino acids into muscle tissue, including BCAA. It stimulates muscle protein synthesis. It suppresses protein break down. We see this reflected in insulin resistance, diabetes, and ketogenic diets. A side effect of diabetes is poor muscle strength and function with age compared to healthy individuals. One study compared weight loss in a balanced macronutrient diet vs. ketogenic. It showed there was no metabolic advantage to a ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diet group lost more muscles mass than the balanced macronutrient group. 2 things important for maintaining lean muscle mass during weight loss. 1. High protein intake: 20-30% of calories. 2. Physical activity helps stimulate muscle growth and repair. Insulin is important for bone mineralization. Bone is constantly turning over- breaking down and rebuilding itself. This is driven by osteoclasts (break down bone) and osteoblast (build bone). As we age, osteoclast activity remains more constant and osteoblast activity slows. Insulin is important for signaling osteoblasts and drives its activity. Bone cells are signaling to the pancreas, helping to control insulin sensitivity. There is growing research suggesting that osteoporosis is like "bone diabetes." This might be driven by insulin resistance in our bones. Similarly, Alzheimers disease is thought to be driven by insulin resistance in our brain. Type 2 Diabetics have 69% increase bone fracture rate. The Case for More Carbs can be found here. There is a lot more detail in this article that Sarah wrote, but here are some highlights: Insulin is important for cognitive health, promoting learning and memory. Insulin has an impact on neuro-inflamation. Insulin is important for turning off these inflammatory cells. This could be why insulin resistance in the brain is linked with other neurological diseases. There is impact on cognitive performance in diabetics and ketogenic diets. Mood problems, psychological adjustment in kids. Ketogenic diet caused adults to be less motivated to exercise in one study. A study in young, healthy men showed short-term ketogenic diets caused reduced concentration, slower memory retrieval, and slower processing of visual information. Insulin is a happy medium hormone. If it gets too high or low, the wheels fall off the cart. Every single thing in human health is designed around a happy-medium range in which it functions. Yes, you can see physical results short-term from a very low carb diet, but that doesn't mean it's supporting your health. If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars- thank you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 15, 2018 • 55min

Episode 304: What's Better: Raw or Cooked Vegetables?

Ep. 304: What's Better: Raw or Cooked Vegetables? In this episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss the prevailing debate about whether it is better to eat veggies raw or to cook them first. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 304: What's Better: Raw or Cooked Vegetables? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Sarah is on summer break mode and the girls have been entertaining themselves! Brace yourself: Cole turns 13 this summer! Stacy and family will be transitioning into summer mode in the coming weeks. Stacy is really excited about this week's show. Afterall, her original hashtag is #morevegetablesthanavegetarian. Even with all the veggie-related shows we've done, there are still topics we haven't covered. Question from a Listener (7:40) Marin asks, "This podcast and you have truly changed my life for he better. I’ve been a listener for 3 years and totally binged listened before that! I Have cured so many things from acne to being able to live life like a boss with RA. Really appreciated you opening up about depression and it was helpful listening to you coming off meds and it wasn’t something you had to just add to this list of meds you’d take forever. I wish I have the time to list all the health things you’ve helped me through! Really appreciate the cool books too and you guys sharing all the recommendations. My question is can you break down or talk about raw vs cooked foods. This came up in looking at adding more veggies and some of the reading I found (vegan based) said it was better to eat more raw than cooked veggies. Is this really true? I just kinda figured veggies were veggies. Is it really that beneficial to consume more raw than cooked? One of the “rules “ was raw till 4. Thoughts? Thank you for all you and your teams do." The bottom line is that there are benefits to both raw and cooked, so mix it up! There were two main drivers of us evolving our large brains. 1. Fire and Cooking 1.5 million years ago. Increases the energy that can be digested out of food. It costs us less energy to get the energy out of our food. More time in the day for socializing and communicating. Our brains use 20-25% of the calories we burn every day. 2. Eating starchy roots and tubers. A study in 2011 looked at mice fed meat and sweet potatoes prepared in different ways. Cooked food delivered more energy than raw, both meat and sweet potato. Cooked food gave more energy than pounded foods, pounded foods gave more than raw foods. Mice showed a preference for cooked foods. Micronutrient content in foods. Sarah strongly believes that micronutrient sufficiency is the primary criteria for a healthy diet. Some micronutrients are volatile in heat. Vitamin C degrades with heat. For example, steamed broccoli may have a 10% drop in vitamin C versus raw. Polyphenols are partially destroyed with cooking. Myrosinase, whose activity forms sulforaphane, known to prevent cancer, is found in raw broccoli but destroyed in cooking. The allicin in garlic (the compound responsible for its antibiotic and antimicrobial effects) is less stable in heat. In general, boiling and blanching can cause phytochemicals to leach out into the water. Some nutrients are formed during cooking. Heat breaks down cell walls and can liberate nutrients that would otherwise be locked up. Carotenoids increase in bioavailability when cooked. Lycopene increases when tomatoes are cooked or sun-dried. Indol (in cruciferous veggies) is only formed when those veggies are cooked. What about the fiber content in raw versus cooked vegetables? Cooking partially breaks down some of the fiber. Does this alter how the fiber feeds the microbiome? There are only a handful of studies that have looked at this. The diversity of fibers types from different vegetables feeds a diversity of microbes. A study that looked at carrots showed faster fermentation of cooked versus raw. It also produced more short-chained fatty acid. One study looked at raw and toasted wheat fiber on common gut microbes. Bifidobacterium growth didn't show preference for raw or toasted. Lactobacillus only grew with raw wheat fiber, not the toasted. A study that looked at brown seaweed found similar results. They concluded that raw fiber supported more lactic acid producing bacteria. Heat treated fiber supported more butyric acid producing bacteria. You can see that it's hard to make a statement of if cooked fiber or raw fiber is better. They both act differently on the microbiome. Cooked fiber: Is more readily fermentable = increase in short-chain fatty acids. Lowers the acidity of the colon, which supports growth of probiotic bacteria. This is why cooked veggies and soups is great for your intestinal health. Raw fiber: Certain good bacteria species prefer this raw fiber. Both children and adults can benefit from mixing up raw and cooked veggies. Collagen Veggie Blend It's been reformulated to taste better. Tastes more like carrot juice and less like green vegetables. The vegetables in this product are raw. Sarah co-created this supplement with Vital Proteins. This is a great way to get veggies in your diet. One scoop = one serving of vegetables. It stirs easily into a glass of water or blends into other things as well. Get Veggie Blend bundled with our favorite collagen peptides and liver pills for a discount here. Previous Veggie-Loaded Podcasts: All About Vegetables. How Many Vegetables?! How Many Vegetables Part 2: Lectins and Oxalates. If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars- thank you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 8, 2018 • 44min

Episode 303: Are Certain Foods Causing My Anxiety?

Ep. 303: Are Certain Foods Causing My Anxiety? In this episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss the possible link between food and anxiety and other psychological issues. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 303: Are Certain Foods Causing My Anxiety? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) Welcome back, listeners- thanks for making through our super science-y sun-related podcasts. Thank you all for your great feedback on our last two shows! Stacy is offering a free sunblock in the month of June to anyone who places an order with her. Details on the sidebar of her blog, here! Sarah got a (minor) sunburn last week- oh the irony!! Today's topic hits home for both Stacy and Sarah. Matt had crippling anxiety before going Paleo. Sarah used to have panic attacks but hasn't since going Paleo. Listener Questions (7:15) Lauren asks, "I recently went from strict paleo to trying dairy here and there in my diet. While strict paleo my anxiety and OCD practically disappeared. I no longer had panic attacks and the intrusive thoughts practically disappeared. Well.. upon adding dairy back into my diet I noticed within hours my anxiety and intrusive thoughts were at an all time high. I was extremely irritable with my husband (angry for absolutely no reason) and depression was the only way I could describe my mood. I cut out dairy and within 24 hours was back to feel almost myself again. So I'm curious what y'all have to say about the correlation between dairy and depression, anxiety, and other postpartum mood disorders. I've only found minimal research linking dairy and mood disorders, so I'm second guessing this huge link of my diet and my mood. With both kids births I was more lax with paleo after and looking back now notice that when I went more strict paleo my mood disorders got better. Is it really as easy as diet (in some cases)?" Disclaimer: we are not medical professionals, so please seek medical advice if you need it. It is extremely important to not make changes to your medications without first consulting with your doctor. Anxiety, depression, and mood disorders are extremely complex. There is growing recognition that inflammation is part of the pathology for mood disorders. Insulin Resistance has also been linked to neurological conditions. When you look at the mechanisms that drive Insulin Resistance and inflammation, you can make the connection that changing diet may have an impact. There is definitely a link between food allergies and anxiety and depression, especially in adolescents. Food allergies have been linked to general anxiety, ADHD, and anorexia. Allergies are very potent drivers of inflammation. There is a robust collection of studies looking into non-Celiac gluten sensitivity. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity often looks like: GI symptoms, abdominal pain, bloating, bowel movement abnormalities. Foggy brain, fatigue, headache, joint pain, carpal tunnel, skin symptoms like eczema, anemia, depression, and anxiety. Studies have found a link between consumption of gluten-containing foods and onset of neurological symptoms like anxiety, depression, gluten psychosis. There is also a possible link with Schizophrenia and Autism. There are some researchers who suggest psychiatric patients should be screen for gluten sensitivity. There is limited research looking at foods other than gluten. Some researchers are suggesting mood disorders go back to a leaky gut. Zonulin release in people with Celiac disease or Celiac risk genes. High stress can cause leaky gut. Being sedentary or over-exercising can impact gut health. Not getting enough sleep can negatively impact gut health. Not eating enough fiber can impact gut health. Environmental toxics can contribute to poor gut health. They suggest that leaky gut can lead to increase in IgG food sensitivity. IgG food sensitivities increases inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines stimulate inflammation throughout the entire body, including in the brain. This inflammation in the brain is causing depression. This opens up the possibility of managing mood disorders through food. Identifying food culprits. Having a metric for evaluating which foods are health or unhealthy. Paleo Principles and The Paleo Approach both walk you through this. A vegetable-rich, anti-inflammatory diet. Microglial cells (inflammatory cells in the brain) are harder to turn of once they turn on. Getting enough sleep. Getting exercise. Stress management and mindfulness. We're not super-human when we adopt a Paleo diet, as stress can trigger inflammation and inflammation in the brain as well. This is why it isn't as simple as just diet. Combination of diet and lifestyle can be so powerful when it comes to managing mood disorders. Unfortunately there aren't any studies that combine looking at all these diet and lifestyle factors with mental health. Stacy suffered with post-partum and post-nursing depression. It took a lot of focus on sleep and nutrient-density to help her out of it. It can feel lonely and dark and frustrating. We're here with you and supporting you if you're going through this. A good support system and/or therapist can be very helpful. Thank you all for your reviews of the podcast- keep them coming, we love it! Sarah has a large collection of articles on leaky gut, including a video-based course, find them here! If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars- thank you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 31, 2018 • 55min

Episode 302: Is Blue Light Harmful and What Should I Do?

Ep. 302: Is Blue Light Harmful and What Should I Do? In this episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss the latest thing people are becoming concerned about: blue light Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 302: Is Blue Light Harmful and What Should I Do? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:40) We're back with part 2 of sunscreen science bonanza! We love it when you leave us reviews- send us an email, leave a comment on social media or our blogs! Thanks to Mary for her wonderful review of our How Many Vegetables?! podcast. Admittedly, sunscreen was one of the last things Stacy switched over for a healthier version. Sarah switch years ago when her kids were very little. She never liked the feel of chemical sunscreen on her skin. Stacy was afraid of switching away from the chemical sunscreens she knew she could count on. She was genuinely surprised that the mineral sunscreen worked! Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide These are the two minerals used in mineral or physical sunscreen. They reflect UV radiation back. Sarah loved the idea of zinc-oxide based sunscreen because of her history using diaper cream as a "cure all." Question from a listener: Jordan asks, "Hi! I absolutely love The Paleo View and love listening to you guys every week! I’ve learned so many awesome new things and really look forward to it every week. I just saw your post on the Facebook group about the new Beautycounter sunscreen and have a question about the blue light blocking. I've heard that it's actually important to get blue light during the day to help with your circadian rhythm (and help sleep) and would love if you and Sarah could go into that more, especially regarding this new sunscreen. I've always used conventional sunscreens and was about to buy new Beautycounter sunscreen to use a better product, but now I'm curious about this new line." "Zeitgeber," is a German word for "clock setter," referring to something in the external environment that helps set our internal clock. Our clocks will run without external stimulus for up to three weeks, studies have shown. Blue light from the sun during the day, dim red light in the evenings, and darkness at night are the most important zeitgebers, giving the cues to our circadian rhythms. The photoreceptors detecting these are way more sensitive in our eyes than in our skin. It is much more important for our eyes to detect sunlight and blue light than our skin. It is unlikely that wearing a sunscreen that blocks blue light will wreck circadian rhythms. Screen time and indoor lighting. It is not enough blue light to hit the sunlight signal to our internal clocks. Using blue light blocking glasses to protect your eyes from strain is not likely to hinder your internal clock as long as you see the sunlight at some point during the day. LED screens have more blue light and can interfere with melatonin, especially in the evening. Blue Light: Good or Bad? Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide naturally block blue light! Other compounds that will block blue light: Lutein (this is what is in the Beautycounter sunscreen Jordan was asking about). Synthetic melanin. Blue light is now recognized to accelerate skin aging. This is from increasing the formation of oxidants in the skin. This happens at about a quarter of the level that UV radiation does. It degrades carotenoids, the natural antioxidants, in our skin. These carotenoids recover very quickly after being degraded by blue light. It is being used in the medical fields for treating various skin disorders. Wearing a blue light blocking sunscreen may also have some anti-aging benefits. Stacy noted that just as the sun has both benefits and harm, blue light also seems to have the same nuances. Blue light doesn't cause DNA damage and is not linked to skin cancer. One study showed blue light induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Another paper showed blue light stimulated the production of melanin. What about Zinc Oxide? Very well known for 80+ years to be beneficial for skin health. Used in diaper creams, skin protectant creams for elderly, etc. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Stacy feels that the zinc oxide in the face products and sunscreen she uses has helped her adult acne. Zinc is part of the molecular structure of the vitamin D receptor. What about Nano Particles? Stacy always looks for "non-nano zinc oxide." Nano particles go on more transparent and sunscreen looks less white/chalky. There isn't a definition for nano particle versus micro particles. Changing the particle size changes the wavelengths they reflect. Nano particles reflect UVB better, and are worse at reflecting UVA. There is a small amount of research showing nano particles can be absorbed into the skin and can cause cellular damage- more research is needed in this area. There is definitely research showing that nano particles can be problematic if inhaled. Stacy is concerned over using a spray or powder with nano particles for this reason. Some spray sunscreens don't differentiate if the particles are non-nano or nano. The overall take aways from both shows: Burning = bad. Non-burning sun exposure = good. Sunscreen use when burns might happen = good. Chemical sunscreens = bad. Physical sunscreens that are non-nano and non-aerosol with added phytochemicals = good. Stacy recommends that if you don't want to age your face, wear SPF on it every day. Sarah uses Araza cream foundation and powder, which has zinc-oxide. Stacy uses a Dew Skin tinted moisturizer with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. If you've enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it. We love when you share and when you leave reviews for us! Thanks for listening! Real Everything The Paleo Mom Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars- thank you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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