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Feb 3, 2025 • 33min

#10 - Can We Save Cats and Wildlife? The Outdoor Cat Dilemma.

Send us a textCats are independent, lovable, and endlessly entertaining—but with nearly 100 million outdoor cats in the USA alone, they become one of the most devastating forces against wildlife, killing billions of animals each year. At the same time, outdoor cats face harsh, short lives filled with disease, injury, and danger. So how do we balance our love for cats with our responsibility to protect biodiversity?Join host Griff Griffith as we explore the complex reality of outdoor cats with veterinarian Dr. Mike Armer, TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) advocate Allison Fluty, and biologist Sophie Osborn. They’ll tackle tough questions, debunk myths, and reveal how cat lovers and wildlife advocates can find common ground. Whether you adore cats, cherish wildlife, or both, this episode will challenge your perspective—and offer real solutions.FULL SHOW NOTES with extra resources, including impacts of outdoor cats, ways to enrich your indoor cat's life, and studies on TNR efficacy.Also check out our full interview with Sophie Osborn to hear more about her efforts to reintroduce endangered birds, and how cats are hindering efforts.Additional CreditsFilmmusic.io Compositions - License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseCinematic Suspense Series Episode 009 by Sascha EndeFree download: https://filmmusic.io/en/song/8224-cinematic-suspense-series-episode-009Imagefilm 018 by Sascha Endehttps://filmmusic.io/en/song/315-imagefilm-018 Lockdown by Sascha EndeFree download: https://filmmusic.io/en/song/7658-lockdownMiles Ewell Compositions:Principal Dean - Clic [C670 Records]Principal Dean - ANXSupport the show
Jan 13, 2025 • 31min

#9: Invaders in Your Yard: The Hidden Dangers of Invasive Species

Send us a textThere’s an invasion happening right under our noses—one that’s likely reached your own backyard. You may have even unknowingly played a part in it.This is the spread of invasive plants, animals, and fungi. Once removed from their native habitats, these species reproduce rapidly, disrupting ecosystems, threatening biodiversity, and even endangering our food, health, and recreation.Invasive species are wreaking havoc in every corner of the world, often with our unwitting help. But with knowledge, care, and action, we can turn the tide.Griff Griffith guides you on a journey explaining how invasive species pose a threat, how they got here, and what you can do. Griff is joined by Dr. Sara Kuebbing (from the Yale School of the Environment), Emelie Swackhamer (Penn State University Extension), and Carl Klarner (Redwood Invasive Plant Eradicators). Thanks to Associate Producer Kat Hill and Sound Designer Miles Ewell for their assistance in production of this episode.FULL SHOW NOTESLINKS and Additional Information for Topics DiscussedForeign Seed Scam - did you know there is a scam where people send foreign seeds? Sounds crazy, but it happens. Learn what to do here.How to Build a Spotted Lanternfly Circle TrapiNaturalist - you can use iNaturalist to identify plants, fungi, insects, and more, with the help of machine learning and a dedicated community of experts. iNaturalist also flags many invasive species, so take a backyard safari and see what you can find and remove from your yard!RIPE - Redwood Invasive Plant Eradicators - is Carl Klarner's organization in Northern California. They remove English Ivy from private properties. They have a new instagram account, too.USDA Invasive Species Database, and their maps serve as a good starting pointRelated Podcast EpisodesJumpstart Nature The Yard of the FutureAdditional CreditsThe following music was used for this media project:Music: The Question Is (Quizpackage) by Sascha EndeFree download: https://filmmusic.io/en/song/228-the-question-is-quizpackageLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Silent Movie 19 by Sascha EndeFree download: https://filmmusic.io/en/song/12433-silent-movie-19License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Cinematic Suspense Series Episode 008 by Sascha EndeFree download: https://filmmusic.io/en/song/7669-cinematic-suspense-series-episode-008License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Bahnstreik by Sascha EndeFree download: https://filmmusic.io/en/song/404-bahnstreikLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseAdditional Music: Cleanse by Principal DeanSound Effects from Soundly: getsoundly.com Support the show
Sep 24, 2024 • 32min

#8 - Saving A Valley: How Coyote Valley Inspires Conservation

Send us a textOn a 1983 morning, Steve Jobs scouted Coyote Valley for Apple's new headquarters. Despite his plans, Coyote Valley remains one of the most important undeveloped landscapes near Silicon Valley. This episode tells the story of its conservation through unexpected alliances, resilience, and the invaluable ecosystem services it provides. From critical wildlife connectivity to indigenous cultural significance, discover how perseverance and community action can protect cherished landscapes. Join host Griff Griffith and our guests, Andrea Mackenzie, Amah Mutsun Chairman Valentin Lopez, Megan Fluke, Nick Perry, and Dr. Stuart Weiss as they provide unique and inspiring perspectives as they explore how to protect and steward unique lands like Coyote Valley, whether near Silicon Valley or your own backyard.Beyond a podcast, Jumpstart Nature is a movement fueled by volunteers, igniting a fresh approach to reconnecting people with the natural world. In the face of our pressing climate and biodiversity challenges, we're on a mission to help you discover newfound purpose and motivation.Join us in this vital journey towards nature's revival. Explore more and show your support at jumpstartnature.com, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.For even deeper nature insights, delve into our companion podcast, Nature's Archive.Sign up for our short, bi-weekly (and solutionary!) newsletter called It's All Connected! Get recommendations for books, podcasts, articles, and more, as well as analysis and learn what YOU can do to help nature.FULL SHOW NOTES with PhotosLINKSAmah Mutsun Land TrustAmah Mutsun Tribal BandCars, Cows, Checkerspot Butterflies - Dr. Stuart Weiss's paperCreekside ScienceGreen FoothillsObi KaufmannP-22, The Mountain Lion of HollywoodSanta Clara Valley Open Space AuthorityWallis Annenberg Wildlife CrossingPodcasts ReferencedThe Age of Connectivity - Jumpstart Nature Episode 3Full Interview with Dr. Stuart Weiss on Cars, Cows, and CheckerspotsSupport the show
Sep 10, 2024 • 1h 9min

Jumpstart Bonus: Top 10 Favorite Species with Griff Griffith, Michelle Fullner, and Michael Hawk

Send us a textWhat do parasitic plants, 600 year old oak trees, salmon, and hoverflies have in common? Well, they are some of Griff's, Michelle Fullner’s and my favorite wild organisms!Today’s episode is a fun conversation with Michelle Fullner, Griff Griffith, and myself, Michael Hawk, where we advocate for our 10 favorite animals and plants. We each bring three species to the conversation…well, not physically. And we had a bit of a game to decide who got to pick the 10th one. All I’m saying is that I still think that aphids would be good at soccer, but you’ll have to listen to hear what that’s about.This idea was all Michelle’s - and if you don’t know Michelle, she’s the host and producer of the Golden State Naturalist podcast, which is a fun and entertaining California-centric nature podcast. Her fourth season is about to launch, and she plans to cover topics that I know you’ll love - wildlife crossings, coastal wetlands, red-legged frogs, and much more. Be sure to check out her podcast and follow her social media, too.And looking ahead, Jumpstart Nature is in the late stages of three new episodes for this fall, covering invasive species, outdoor cats, and an inspiring land conservation story that succeeded against all odds. And if you’re listening to this on the Nature’s Archive feed, well, we have plenty of fun episodes coming too - covering topics ranging from wildlife forensics to ants!FULL SHOW NOTES (be sure to check it for some great photos!)LINKSSnakes with Emily Taylor - Nature's ArchiveNewt PatrolSupport the show
May 20, 2024 • 31min

#7: Don't Be a Birdnapper! (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Help Wildlife)

Send us a textMany well meaning people, seeking to help wildlife, mistakenly become a birdnapper. Or a turtlenapper. Or even a bunnynapper.And it's all too easy to mistakenly harm an animal that you might think is distressed or in trouble. Do you know what to do if you see a bird on the ground? Or a turtle in the road? Or newborn bunnies in your yard?Spurred by a personal story from a follower, Griff and Michael discuss all of these scenarios and more, and wildlife coexistence in general. With a little knowledge of the animals, and a few resources at your disposal (looking at you Animal Help Now), you'll be prepared to be the hero that your neighborhood animals need!Beyond a podcast, Jumpstart Nature is a movement fueled by volunteers, igniting a fresh approach to reconnecting people with the natural world. In the face of our pressing climate and biodiversity challenges, we're on a mission to help you discover newfound purpose and motivation.Join us in this vital journey towards nature's revival. Explore more and show your support at jumpstartnature.com, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Sign up for our short, bi-weekly (and solutionary!) newsletter called It's All Connected! Get recommendations for books, podcasts, articles, and more, as well as analysis and recommendations of things YOU can do to help nature. FULL SHOW NOTESLINKSAnimal Help Now [Apple App | Android App | quick link to emergency flow charts]All About Birds - easy to use resource to learn about birds, where they nest, what they eat, and more.California Council for Wildlife RehabilitatorsMerlin Bird ID - wonderful app that helps identify birdsTouching Wings, Touching Wild: True Stories of Rescue and Return to the Wild by Ronnie James [Note: this is an Amazon link]Support the show
Apr 29, 2024 • 30min

#6: Cicadas: Unexpected Ambassadors of Biodiversity

Send us a textPeriodical cicadas are amazing animals - they spend nearly 13 or 17 years underground, and all decide, together, to come out and party in your trees at the same time.They are loud, and perhaps you think they are annoying. But they are one of the most accessible demonstrations of nature's abundance that still occurs.But cicadas are super important to our ecosystems and the food webs that support life. Their story is full of history, drama, and even optimism. And right now, as this is being released in 2024, a rare "double emergence" is occurring.So now is the time to give cicadas a second look, and see just how magical the "magicicada" genus is. Host Griff Griffith, with the help of renowned cicada researchers Dr. Chris Simon, Dr. Gene Kritsky, and Dr. Matt Kasson, as well as All Bugs Go to Kevin founder Kevin Wiener, takes a fun, and sometimes disturbing look at cicadas, why they matter, and how they reflect biodiversity in general.See the Full Show Notes and photos on Jumpstart Nature's web page.Beyond a podcast, Jumpstart Nature is a movement fueled by volunteers, igniting a fresh approach to reconnecting people with the natural world. In the face of our pressing climate and biodiversity challenges, we're on a mission to help you discover newfound purpose and motivation.Join us in this vital journey towards nature's revival. Explore more and show your support at jumpstartnature.com, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.For even deeper nature insights, delve into our companion podcast, Nature's Archive. Sign up for our short, bi-weekly (and solutionary!) newsletter called It's All Connected! Get recommendations for books, podcasts, articles, and more, as well as analysis and recommendations of things YOU can do to help nature. Links to Topics DiscussedAll Bugs Go to Kevin: Facebook Group | YouTube ChannelCicada Safari Appcicadas.uconn.edu - perhaps the best, most authoritative resource on periodical cicadasThe full length interview with Dr. Chris Simon is available on Nature's Archive podcast feed.CREDITSThis podcast episode was written, edited, and produced by Michael Hawk. Our host and co-writer is Griff Griffith. Kat Hill provided editing assistance.Thanks to the team at cicadas.uconn.edu for allowing us to use some of their recordings of periodical cicadas, as well as Kevin Weiner for use of his photos and audio.The following music was used for this media project:Music: Lofi Prairie  by Brian Holtz MusicFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/9247-lofi-prairieLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseSupport the show
Apr 22, 2024 • 20min

#5: Every Observation a Discovery: How iNaturalist Changes Lives and Changes Science

Jennifer Rycenga, a humanities professor and iNaturalist user, shares how the app connects people to nature. Topics include integrating iNaturalist into language classes, discovering species, participating in the City Nature Challenge, and embracing nature. Learn how this technology transforms lives and contributes to global conservation efforts.
Feb 14, 2024 • 1h 7min

Jumpstart Bonus: Dr. Doug Tallamy - The Nature of Oaks

Send us a textJumpstart Nature's next season is making great progress, but it's still a few weeks away. So we decided to share one of our top episodes from our sister podcast, Nature's Archive. It's with Dr. Doug Tallamy, the world renowned author, entomologist, native plant advocate, and co-founder of Homegrown National Park (instagram). In this episode of Nature's Archive, Dr. Tallamy discusses why oak trees are perhaps the most important tree on Earth! And despite their reputation, there are oak trees in all sizes - and you may be able to plant one in a small yard! Be sure to check out Dr. Tallamy's latest books, including The Nature of Oaks and Nature's Best Hope.And please check out Nature's Archive! If you are interested in birds, mushrooms, butterflies, beavers, regenerative agriculture, snowflakes, climate change, wildfire, and so many other nature topics, there is likely an episode that you'll enjoy. Full Show NotesLINKS Bringing Nature Home California Native Plant Society CalScape native plant finderHomegrown National Park (instagram)Kenneth V. Rosenberg - lead author of study showing 3 billion birds have been lostMichelle Alfandari - Partnered with Doug to create Homegrown National Park Nature’s Best HopeSudden Oak DeathThe Nature of OaksSupport Us On Patreon! We need your support to continue to produce Jumpstart Nature Podcasts and develop new and innovative ways to reconnect people to nature.Support the show
Nov 7, 2023 • 36min

The Confluence of Hope and Action (Bonus Episode)

Send us a textPlease Join the Jumpstart Nature Patreon to support creation of future episodes Our pilot season is over, but Griff Griffith and Michael Hawk have more great nature knowledge to share!Today's episode answers your questions about the Jumpstart Nature episodes we've already published and gives you an exciting peak into what comes next.In fact, maybe YOU can be part of a future podcast episode? Be sure to listen to hear how.And perhaps most importantly, Griff, Michael, and the Jumpstart Nature team need your support! If you agree with their vision, enjoy this podcast, and want to hear more, please become a member of our Patreon! You'll have the satisfaction of supporting this important work - and you'll get some perks, too!Please Join the Jumpstart Nature PatreonSubmit your questions, ideas, or feedback to podcast (at) jumpstartnature.comGriff on TikTok / FacebookRedwoods Rising TikTok / Facebook Sign up for our short, bi-weekly (and solutionary!) newsletter called It's All Connected! Get recommendations for books, podcasts, articles, and more, as well as analysis and recommendations of things YOU can do to help nature. And be sure to like, share, rate, and review this podcast on the app of your choice!Join us in this vital journey towards nature's revival. Explore more and show your support at jumpstartnature.com, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.For even deeper nature insights, delve into our companion podcast, Nature's Archive.Full Show NotesSupport the show
Oct 23, 2023 • 27min

#4: We Live in a 10% World

Explore the concept of shifting baseline syndrome and its impact on environmental perceptions. Learn about the decline of lamprey eel population, ecosystem impact, and conservation efforts. Discover how this syndrome distorts our view of environmental changes and the importance of conservation and native plant restoration.

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