Matthew is an actor (Sopranos, City on a Hill, The West Wing, Scandal, Huge In France, Law & Order, and many more ), a podcast host, and now an author. His new book, 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES, chronicles Matthew Del Negro’s tough journey from humble beginnings, through a sea of rejections, on the way to his eventual rise to become a recognizable face on some of history's most acclaimed television shows. Along the way, he learned hard lessons about perseverance, persistence, and resilience. Matthew also hosts a podcast under the same name (10,000 NOs ). A creative impulse prompted him to start this podcast, which has resulted in a very successful show, where he talks to people from all walks of life. More than anything I appreciate Matthew's brutal honesty about his struggles, his achievements, and about the power of self-belief.
Matthew and I talked about his upbringing and journey to the point in his life when he decided he wanted to be an actor. We discussed the importance of hearing no, and learning from rejection, the mindset of getting into a character, his new book, his podcast, and so much more. We even go down a rabbit hole of cults and cults leaders.
This was an extremely fun conversation, and Matthew is a true inspiration.
Enjoy the Episode!
Matthew Del Negro
Matthew's Instagram
My Take: Rejection is an important part of growth; it molds us, strengthens us, and ultimately allows us to grow and improve. The important thing is realizing what we can learn/take away when someone's telling you NO. Was it them, or is it something I can improve on and become better at, on the path to my goals? Never let someone else's perception of you defeat you, as every closed door is an opportunity for another door to open.
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