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Get Clarity with Jamie Smart

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Jul 31, 2019 • 46min

#026 - Interview: Better relationships from the inside-out

in this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a conversation I had on the subject of relationships with two of my dear friends and colleagues, Jan and Chip Chipman. I recorded this interview with Jan and Chip at the same time as we were recording material for ClarityPro. Claritypro is our low-cost membership programme for people who want to share the principles like a pro with anybody, on any topic and in any situation.     In ClarityPro, we cover a different topic every month, ranging from stress and anxiety to confidence & self-belief, and we give the members all the resources THEY  need to share the principles effectively with the people they want to reach.    Well, June’s topic was relationships, and we were lucky enough to have Jan and Chip record an audience engagement lesson for our members  on working with clients around the whole area relationships.   And that brings us to this episode. What you’re about to hear is a conversation I had with Jan and Chip Chipman, all about relationships. my team and I believe the most valuable things a person can discover is how their mind works and who they really are. And Jan and Chip are two of the people who I’ve really learned a lot from, particularly in the domain of relationships. They’ve been learning and sharing the inside-out understanding for over 40 years, and they’ve got a wealth of experiences working with individuals, couples, prison inmates, large companies and all points in between.  And if that ‘members only’ session is of interest to you, you can check out the membership programme at  ClarityPro is our answer to the question of how to enable a person like you who’s been touched by this understanding to share it impactfully with others, and it really is a brilliant resource for anyone looking to share this understanding right now with the people in their world. And when you join our community today, you’ll also get a free ticket to attend one of our ClarityLive 2-Day Events. So to find out more and join ClarityPro go to
Jun 24, 2019 • 13min

#025 - DEMO: Parenting with the principles: How to help a suffering child

This episode features a coaching demo I did with Clarity Coach Trevor Hartwick. And here’s one of the interesting things about it: We did the demo at the end of a virtual session where we only had 7 minutes left. What you’re going to hear is just how quickly it’s possible for someone to experience a profound shift when you’re working with an understanding of the principles behind clarity.   Trevor and his wife are new parents, with a two-month old baby. Trevor’s loving being a father, but sometimes, when the baby won’t stop crying, he feels powerless. Trevor said it breaks his heart to see his child upset and not be able to make him happy.   And of course, whether you’re a parent or not, you can probably relate to Trevor, because we’ve all had the experience of seeing someone we care about suffering, and feeling powerless to do anything about it.    As you’ll hear, what Trevor realised is that one of the biggest gifts he can give his son can *only* be given in those moments where there’s nothing he can do to make him happy.   At the end of the session, we take a pause, then you’ll hear me circle back to check in with Trevor.      By the way, the Clarity Certification Training for coaches, practitioners and professionals is formally open for registration. We’ve had people from all walks of life go through the programme including computer programmers, doctors, call centre workers, lawyers, parents, PR specialists, therapists, office workers, entrepreneurs, surgeons, people who are already coaches, consultants, trainers and even a professional footballer. The programme starts in January 2020, and we’re only accepting 36 applicants this time, so if you want to find out how to become a Clarity Coach, and see what’s involved in bringing an understanding of these principles into every aspect of your life, go to
Apr 26, 2019 • 40min

#024 - Nick Bottini From Scared of speaking on his home-turf to bestselling author, sharing the principles

In this episode of the podcast, you’re going to be hearing a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Nick Bottini. Over the past couple of years he’s gone from being the music teacher in a school to being a bestselling author, speaker and coach who’s passionate about sharing the inside-out understanding with musicians. And while hundreds of thousands of people are now exploring and having insights into this understanding, there are relatively few people who are managing to share this understanding effectively. Nick’s an example of someone who’s been proactive in navigating that journey from having his OWN insights into the inside-out nature of life, to helping other people to have THEIR own realisations, but that’s not where he started. In the beginning, Nick experienced what people often call ‘impostor syndrome’ when it came to sharing the principles with musicians. He said, “I did hold off sharing with musicians because I felt like ‘Who am I to share it at all’ and sharing it on my home territory is the scariest thing to do because it's like I've got real credibility to lose. I could be ‘that guy that's always talking about that thing’ you know, and and how will people react to that?” And here’s one of the reasons I’m really excited to be sharing this conversation with you. As you may already know, at our company, we believe the most valuable things you can discover are how experience is created and who you really are. Our mission is to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing. And one of the things we’ve realised is that the world needs more people who can share the inside-out understanding with others. While Nick’s story is going to be an inspiration for people who want to ‘get this understanding out there’, there’s an important message for all of us in it: That the most important place to share what you’ve seen is on your ‘home turf’; in the way you’re living your life, and connecting with the people around you. By the way - whether you have an audience you’d like to reach, like Nick, or you just want to share what you’ve realised with the people already in your world, we’ve just launched a new membership site called Clarity Pro. It’s designed for you to have everything you need to share the principles like a pro, with anybody, on any topic and in any situation. To find out more, go to
Mar 19, 2019 • 37min

#023 - Clarity Case Study: The Principles of Clarity at Work in the NHS

A simple solution to stress, pressure and burnout in the NHS. this episode is one we’ve been trying to organise for a while, because it’s with Louise O’Dalaigh, a woman who’s been working to introduce the principles behind clarity into he National Health Service (NHS).    As you may know, the issue of stress and burnout is pretty much an epidemic in the world of healthcare, so it’s one of the places where subtractive psychology has so much to offer. Why? Because in a domain where people are insanely busy, and have crucial, life and death decisions to make,  subtractive psychology is the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential. Louise went into the NHS because she’s passionate about helping people and caring for others. She started out as a nurse, and rose through the ranks to become a senior manager leading services.    In the process, she experienced a huge amount of stress and pressure, to the point where she was really struggling at work. Her doctor had put her on anti-depressant medication and even advised her to find a different career.  That looked like a last resort to her, so she started exploring the principles behind clarity. During the first workshop she attended, she had an insight into where her experience was coming from, and who she really is.    She suddenly realised that no matter what happened, she’d be OK; that she could never be a victim of circumstance, and there was nothing she couldn’t handle. Within weeks, she was off medication, and living with a knowledge of her innate resilience and wellbeing that is with her to this day. Once she saw the power of this understanding for herself, it was a no-brainer to see how it could benefit her colleagues. And you may be able to relate to this. Have you had a realisation into some aspect of these principles, then wondered “Why doesn’t everyone know this?” or “How can I get this out there?”   That’s what happened to me when I first saw this, and it’s also what Louise experienced. Of course, knowing these principles can make a huge difference is one thing, but it’s quite another thing to answer the question, “How do you share this understanding with the people in your workplace? How do you share it with your colleagues? With your friends? With your loved ones?”  Louise is a mum to four children, so you can imagine how important this last one is to her.  In this episode, you’re going to hear how Louise is answering that question, and is now sharing this understanding with senior health professionals from all around the world. You may also get your own insights and realisations about how to ‘get these principles out there’, and share them with the people who matter to you. To view the original video this show was taken from click here:
Mar 7, 2019 • 39min

#022 - Christine Mitchell The Power of Hope and Certainty

A conversation with a good friend and Clarity Coach Christine Mitchell.  In this episode of the Get Clarity podcast, you’re going to be hearing a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Clarity Coach Christine Mitchell. Christine works with people who arrive with a variety of challenges and objectives, particularly around anxiety, stress and OCD. And one of the interesting things about Christine is she’s working more and more with nurses and first-responders. And here’s one of the reasons I’m really excited to be sharing this conversation with you. As you may already know, at our company, we’re passionate about what we call subtractive psychology: the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential.  It works on the basis that human psychology functions perfectly; that every person is born with innate resilience, clarity, natural motivation, the capacity to enjoy life, and navigate its ups and downs with ease.  So what does that actually mean, in rough going? What it means is that there’s something very simple a person can discover for themselves that makes the difference between stress and freedom, between a lifetime of mental health challenges, and complete recovery. And in this interview, you’re going to hear about an extraordinary example of how that happened for Christine and her family.  You see, when you discover the truth about how your mind works and who you really are, it sets you free. And once you know the truth about this, your very *presence* can set others free.    Christine saw the truth of this so clearly that those around her saw it too.  Two of her closest family members recovered spontaneously from lifelong depression and OCD after a single conversation.     Here she shares in her own words what she realised, how she shared it with her loved ones, and the dramatic difference it made to them. She also talks about the differences it’s making with her other clients.   Christine didn’t have years of training or the so-called “right way” of talking about it,  she had two things: certainty and the willingness to share what she’d seen so far, that:   - Clarity, resilience & wellbeing are pre-existing capacities rather than things to be achieved - People aren’t broken and they don’t need fixing    And this episode was first aired back in 2017, but I’m re-publishing it because I want it to be heard by so many people who missed it the first time around. So sit back, relax and prepare to discover just what a difference it’s possible to make when you’re sharing what you’ve seen for yourself.   To find out more about Christine and her work you can visit her Facebook page here
Mar 1, 2019 • 1h 1min

#021 - Subtractive psychology: Are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer

Are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer? In this episode of the get clarity podcast, we’re going to be answering this question about subtractive psychology: are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer? Here’s the back story. You may recall that I conducted a 3-day Clarity 1:1 Coaching Intensive with a corporate lawyer named Andy, in front of a live audience of coaches, therapists and trainers. A year later, I did a live follow-up interview with Andy in front of an audience, to find out how the experience changed his world and give people the chance to ask us BOTH questions. There were some real surprises – for instance someone asked Andy whether he would have been prepared to pay full price for the intensive, knowing what he knows now (Andy paid £4,000 instead of the usual fee of £30,000, in return for letting an audience watch and listen as he went through the entire experience). As you can imagine, I was waiting with baited breath to hear his answer in front of an audience of over 100 people! I’ve decided to share the whole interview with you, because it’s so aligned with the purpose my team and I are working to. As you may know, we believe the most valuable things a person can discover are how their mind works, and who they really are. Well, this interview demonstrates why they're so valuable– the immeasurable, practical, real-world benefits of learning just these two things, specifically. And when I say learning, I mean realising them insightfully – not just as concepts, beliefs or ideas, but as bedrock facts that make a go-forward difference in your life. These two facts (how your mind works and who you really are) are what Andy realised insightfully during his intensive, and what you’re going to hear is the difference those two discoveries have made in his work, and in his life as a whole. In the interview he reports on the changes in: - His sense of trust in himself and his decision-making - His levels of relaxation - His productivity - His parenting and family life - Starting his own coaching practice - His deep-down knowing about whether he can handle anything that comes his way, including a company shakeup following the intensive, that took the team of nine senior executives down to just two people (one of which was Andy) Here are some of the questions Andy gave answers to: - How did how you operate in the world before VS after the intensive? What changed for you? - How did things change around your career transition and your ability to take action and be productive? - Knowing what you know now, would you have been prepared to pay the full price (£30,000) for your intensive? - What was the biggest new belief that you gained about yourself in the intensive that you felt was most transformative? (Andy’s answer to this was particularly interesting, because of the ‘subtractive’ nature of this work) - How did you go about building your coaching practice alongside your corporate lawyer role? - What impact has the intensive have had on your relationships - for instance work colleagues, family etc? - What do you think the difference would have been if you'd had regular coaching in hourly sessions rather than an intensive? I was also asked some technical questions (E.g. do you ever do Intensives remotely? The answer is “yes”), as well as what I’d learned personally from the intensive, so it was great to share my insights from the session. If you'd like to contact Andy to find out more about his coaching services, you can reach him on andyjsmith101 at gmail dot com or at his "Business Success Made Simple" Facebook group at
Feb 15, 2019 • 1h 4min

#020 - KEYNOTE: Clarity, Resilience and Doing What You Love

A keynote I did at the Popup Business School in Westminster. In November of 2018, I was invited to speak to 100 students at the PopUp Business School in Westminster, London. The founders of Popup created it as a response to traditional startup advice, because they felt that stuff was completely inaccessible to some of the people they wanted to inspire... - Unemployed people - People doing jobs they hated - People who were trapped in the benefit system - People who were struggling with addiction, mental health and other issues Basically, people who were traditionally excluded from the kind of support that helps when you're starting up. Not only that, but they’re people who often don’t get to experience the kind of work I do. They run their programmes in partnership with Housing Associations and Local Authorities, to help their constituents get a handle on their financial situations by creating their own income streams. Popup help people start their own business, fast! I was talking with one of the founders, Simon Paine, (Simon was personally impacted after reading my books and listening to this podcast, and we’ve ended up becoming friends), so we were having lunch and I asked him this question: "What's the number one thing that stops people taking action and creating the business they want to?" He thought about it, then he said "It's the psychological stuff"; confidence, motivation, resilience. - Believing they were broken - that past experiences had damaged them - Thinking that they couldn't change - that their lives couldn't transform - Feeling like they lacked the qualities they would need to deal with the ups and downs of doing their own thing When he asked if I could do a talk to help his students with that stuff, I instantly said "YES". You see, my team and I believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is how their mind works and who they really are. We want to share this far and wide and reach people in every walk of life. We want to inspire and educate a generation about what they've got going for them, so this means reaching the kinds of people who would rarely get the chance to hear about this sort of thing, in fact one of the audiences we want to be reaching is the very people that popup business school are working with. As you can imagine, I was really excited to see how the simple message of the principles behind clarity landed with the Popup audience. It was a big experiment for me AND for Popup. So in this recording, you’re going to hear what happened when I shared this understanding with a group of people who were hearing about it for the first time. Enjoy!
Jan 17, 2019 • 44min

#019 - Jamie Smart - The Unashamedly Human Interview

Jacquie Forde interviews Jamie Smart for her Unashamedly Human podcast. In this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a conversation I had with an old friend of mine, Jacquie Forde, but it was a conversation with a difference. Jacquie was interviewing me for her podcast, Unashamedly Human, and we had a really open and honest conversation. So I thought you might like to hear what it’s like when I’m sitting on the other side of the microphone. By the way, in the next couple of weeks I’m going to be sharing some of my plans for the year ahead. You may have heard me mention that we’ve been refocusing our vision and mission, so I’m looking forward to sharing how that’s taking shape. We’ve got some very cool brand new stuff planned for 2019 so if you don’t already receive my newsletter, head over to to get on the list.
Dec 19, 2018 • 1h 1min

#018 - Your True Identity

In this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a conversation I had with two of my dearest friends, colleagues and mentors – these are people who’ve had a profound impact on my work and in my life, so I’m really excited to share them with you. And a few pieces of housekeeping before we start:   First of all, this is the final podcast before we pause for the holidays, so I just want to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones a happy, peaceful and restful time over the next few weeks. I know for a lot of people, this can be quite a challenging time of the year, so it can be worth remembering to take it easy on yourself and the on people you care about. A little kindness goes a long way, so I encourage to start by being kind to yourself. At Clarity HQ, our vision is to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing, and we believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is how their mind works, so they can remember who they really are. So in relation to that, we’ve got some very cool brand new stuff planned for 2019, so I’ll be telling you all about that in the weeks and months ahead.      Meanwhile, I’m delighted to announce two things:   Number 1 – We’ve now confirmed dates for the Clarity Coach Training programme that’s happening starting in January 2020, a little over a year from now. We’re going to be doing a formal launch of this in a few months’ time, however… if you already know that you want to be part of the 2020 programme, you can head over to to find out all about it, complete an application form or hit the ‘find out more’ button to… find out more, and that’ll also let you book a conversation with a member of my team if you’d rather talk to someone about it. And if you book your place before the end of January, you can get it at the 2018 price, so once again, head over to if you already know you want to join us in 2020.   Secondly, the conversation you’re about to hear is with Jan and Chip Chipman, and I’ll introduce them both at the start of that, but one of the things worth knowing is that Jan, Chip and I do a retreat each May in the Canary Islands, and it’s one of the highlights of my year, so if you like the idea of spending a week with a small group of people diving deep into an exploration of your true self, head over to to find out more.    And that brings us to this episode. What you’re about to hear is a conversation I had with Jan and Chip last year as we gave people a taste of what we’re most passionate about sharing with our clients. As I already mentioned, my team and I believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is how their mind works, so they can remember who they really are. And Jan and Chip have been pivotal in waking me up to MY true identity, and helping me to do the same for others, so this episode is going to be one you can listen to again and again. Here you go! 
Nov 29, 2018 • 18min

#017 - Keynote - Resilient Young Minds: A Vision For The Future

In this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a keynote speech I gave at the Resilient Young Minds conference recently. The conference was attended by Teachers, school leaders, Youth Workers, Charity workers, Coaches, Parents, Business owners and a number of young people who joined us. The conference set out to demonstrate that young people: - Are not broken - Do not need to be 'fixed' - Have resilience, resourcefulness and wellbeing inbuilt   Of course, this doesn't just apply to young people - it applies to all of us. I was joined by many friends and colleagues, and it was really heartening to see how many young people and people who support young people are being moved by this understanding.   My team and I believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is the truth of who they really are, so this conference was a great opportunity for us to take a next step towards our vision: to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing.   In the weeks and months ahead, my team and I are going to be announcing new products and programmes that are fully aligned with this vision.    In the meantime, thank-you for sharing this journey with me, and I hope you enjoy this brief talk.

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