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Talking Drupal

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Mar 6, 2024 • 30min

Skills Upgrade #1

This is the first episode of Skills Upgrade, a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a Drupal 7 developer learning Drupal 10. Topics Chad and Mike's first meeting Chad's Background Chad's goals Tasks for the week Resources Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes Hosts AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick Guests Chad Hester - @chadkhest Mike Anello - @ultimike
Mar 4, 2024 • 1h 21min

Talking Drupal #440 - The Cost Of Drupal

Today we are talking about the cost around Drupal, common misconceptions, and how you get what you pay for with guest Jeff Robbins. We’ll also cover Module Instructions as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is new! How did you get started with Drupal Selling Drupal and the cost How much is the technology vs the complexity of projects that lend themselves to Drupal Value of Drupal What can the Drupal community do to make it more widely attractive Versionless Drupal marketing Resources Documentation Drupal versioning discussion Talking Drupal #390 - Employee Owned Companies Talking Drupal #429 - The Drupal Association Board Talking Drupal #439 - Drupal 7 Long-Term Support Visibox Jeff Robbins MySQL PHP Guests Jeff Robbins - jjeff Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Ivan Stegic - ivanstegic MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to have easy access to the README, CHANGELOG, and INSTALL files for the contrib modules on your Drupal site? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Module Instructions Brief history How old: created in Apr 2012 by Ales Rebec of Slovenia Versions available: 7.x-1.0 and 2.0.3 versions available, the latter of which works with Drupal 9 and 10 Maintainership Actively maintained? Security coverage Test coverage Number of open issues: 4 open issues, none of which are bugs against the 2.0.x branch Usage stats: 1,238 sites Maintainer(s): Current maintainer of the 2.0.x branch is Viktor Holovachek a.k.a Aston Victor of the Ukraine Drupal Community Module features and usage The usage of the module is pretty straightforward. Once the module is installed, anyone who has access to the Modules page on a Drupal site will see links on that page to any README, CHANGELOG, or INSTALL files that are available for the contrib modules in the codebase It also provides a cron job and drush command to generate the links, stored in the site state, so the application isn’t doing all the work of parsing through all your contrib modules looking for the files every time someone wants to load the Modules page It does override the template for the module page to add those links, so be aware that if you’re doing something very custom and have overridden that template in something like a custom admin theme, you may need to manually add some extra markup to see the links The module does also define new permissions, to manage the settings for these links, or to view them The settings really consist of specifying which of the links you want to appear, if the relevant files are available. By default it will show all three, but you could, for example, only have it show README links
Feb 26, 2024 • 1h 24min

Talking Drupal #439 - Drupal 7 Long-Term Support

Today we are talking about Drupal 7 Long Term Support, common security tips, and support services you can use with guests Greg Knaddison, Aaron Frost, and Dave Welch . We’ll also cover Storybook as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Drupal 7 EoL Drupal will not stop working Security team perspective Security concerns Extened Community Support Long Term support HeroDevs Never ending support (NES) PHP Hosting Security Contrib Product advisor Colorado Digital Service Resources Colorado Digital Service Guests Greg Knaddison - greggles Aaron Frost - aaronfrost Dave Welch - dwelch2344 Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Ivan Stegic - ivanstegic MOTW Correspondent Mark Casias - markie Module name/project name: Storybook Brief description: The storybook module makes it easier to create a connection between Drupal and Storybook. It adds some Twig functionality so you can write Stories in Twig as opposed to YML or JSON or React Brief history How old: Less than a year Versions available: Alpha4 came out earlier this month Maintainership Actively maintained: Yes Number of open issues: 6 Test coverage: no Usage stats: N/A: for development only Maintainer(s): Mateu Aguiló Bosch (e0ipso) from Lullabot. Module features and usage Twig based stories Pulls in Sites theme and base css. So needs some updates to the Also means it is hard to publish a storybook. No need for SDC (but works well with it) Great instructions on the module page Way easier than previous integrations including cl_server. Not as opinionated as previous storybook integrations.
Feb 19, 2024 • 1h 15min

Talking Drupal #438 - CKEditor 4 End of Life

Today we are talking about CKEditor 4 End of Life, Moving to CKEditor 5, and what you can expect from CKEditor 5 now and in the future with guest Wim Leers. We’ll also cover CKEditor 5 Premium Features as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics CKEditor 4 end of life June 2023 Issues people might see if they are still on CKE4 Why a third party library and not roll our own Are there other alternatives Why did Drupal decide on CKEditor Drupal 10 moved to CKE5 How should people update Upgrade gotchas What's new in CKE5 What is on the roadmap regarding Drupal and CKE5 Is there going to be a CKE6 Native Web Components Does CKE in core affect Gutenberg Resources CKEditor 4 End Of Life Contrib Core, prioritized upstream blockers Core, all issues blocked on upstream (currently 29), if we look just at bugs there's 17 (1 of which is critical, 6 major) Drastically improve the linking experience in CKEditor 5 Drupal Image ability to opt in to SVG image uploads Native and UX Extended html filter Views / ckeditor custom elements Guests Wim Leers - Wim Leers Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Ivan Stegic - ivanstegic MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to offer your content creators advanced capabilities like real-time collaboration? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: CKEditor 5 Premium Features Brief history How old: created in Sep 2022 by Wiktor Walc, although recent releases are by Wojciech (vOYchekh) Kukowski, both of CKSource, the company behind CKEditor (Wiktor was on episode 372 Current version available: 1.2.5 which works with Drupal 9 and 10 Maintainership Actively maintained, latest release in the past month User Guide available, link is in the README Number of open issues: 16, 8 of which are bugs Usage stats: 159 sites Module features and usage To me, the most compelling features enabled by this module are the ones that turn your Drupal WYSIWYG into a robust collaboration tool, similar to what users may be used to in tools like Google Docs or Office 365 Real-time inline comments and changes from multiple users Track changes to suggest ways the content could be improved A history of changes made in the WYSIWYG, independent of the saved Drupal revisions Tag users with @ mentions to have them notified There’s also a Productivity Pack to enhance your WYSIWYG, and again some of these will be familiar to users that also use popular online collaboration tools A document outline that uses heading within your content to make navigation for moving quickly within the document Can generate a linked Table of Contents, which will automatically update as headings are added or changed Slash commands to execute actions Enhanced Paste from Office, to preserve complex incoming content structures, but with clean HTML as the result And more! Another premium feature is the ability to export to Word or PDF, and it can also restore full screen editing, a feature that didn’t make the transition from CKEditor 4 to 5, as part of the open source offering Finally, it also includes an AI Assistant that provides yet another interesting way to empower your content authors to leverage AI tools for their writing, including the ability to change the style, length, or tone of selected content using pre-made prompts, or generate content with custom queries. It also works with a number of different models out of the box, so you’re not restricted to ChatGPT The module is open source but using these premium features does require a subscription. The pricing will depend on the number of active users and which features you need, so if you’d like more information you can use the contact form at Also worth mentioning here that the team at Palantir has released a YouTube video of an open source collaborative editor that they’re calling Edit Together. It’s based on the ProseMirror rich-text editor framework, and the blog where they announced it mentioned a mid-2024 release, but that was back in Jul 2023 and I haven’t been able to find any updates since then
Feb 12, 2024 • 1h 16min

Talking Drupal #437 - Drupal Mail & Easy Email

Today we are talking about sending email with Drupal, The Easy Email Module, and Drupal Mail Best Practices with guest Wayne Eaker. We’ll also cover Content Access by Path as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Current state of email What happened to swiftmailer Do you still need the mailsystem module Why Symfony Mailer New dependency in core Difference between Symfony Mailer module and the Symfony Mailer Lite module How does the Easy email module make it easier What are the features of Easy Email Why not use PHP mail JMAP Do you have a roadmap How do we communicate the different module options Are you looking for help Resources Easy Email Module Symfony Mailer Lite Module Symfony Mailer Module Mail System Module hook_mail replacement issue Swiftmailer / Symfony mailer issue JMAP FastMail Free Easy Email Webinar Guests Wayne Eaker - zengenuity Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Ivan Stegic - ivanstegic MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to grant users access to edit content based on the path alias of the content? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Content Access by Path Brief history How old: created in the past month by Mark Conroy of Annertech, who is also a core subsystem maintainer for the Umami profile Versions available: a stable 1.0.0, created in the past week, that works with Drupal 10 Maintainership Actively maintained Doesn’t have a user guide yet, but the module’s README does include some FAQs, and the project page includes a link to a YouTube video that demonstrates how to install and use the module Number of open issues: 2, one of which is a bug Usage stats: 2 sites Module features and usage When installed, the module adds a new taxonomy vocabulary to your site. You can add terms to this vocabulary to define sections by path Users on the site will have a new field, where you can reference one or more of the section terms, granting the user access to edit any content with a path that matches the section The module also includes a submodule called Content Access by Path Admin Content. When installed, users who go to the admin/content listing will only see content listed that they can edit, based on either the sections they’ve been assigned, or their ownership of the content. Granting edit permissions to a “section” of the website is a common ask for site owners, so I’m excited that this module makes it easy to set that up. There are solutions in the contrib ecosystem based on taxonomy for access control, and back in episode #414 we talked about Access Policy as a very flexible way to grant edit permissions, but in my mind those all require more set-up, and may require an extra step during content creation to make sure the right access is available. Content Access by Path, along with something like the near-ubiquitous Pathauto, can make it pretty painless to set up and use section-specific edit permissions
Feb 5, 2024 • 1h 12min

Talking Drupal #436 - Drupal & AI

AI specialist, Martin Anderson-Clutz, joins to discuss AI in Drupal. They cover topics like AI in relation to image fields, configuring API keys for the Augmenter module, prompt engineering, and exploring AI integration in Drupal. They also touch on the use of AI in solving arithmetic problems and automating blog post creation.
Jan 29, 2024 • 1h 14min

Talking Drupal #435 - UI Suite initiative

The podcast discusses the UI Suite initiative in Drupal, its benefits for themers and site builders, and its division of work between developers. They also explore a contrib module for drop down menus, improving accessibility, and the functionality and configuration options of Drupal menus. The hosts highlight the advantages of implementing design systems and discuss handling updates and deprecations. They provide information on reaching out to the podcast and contacting the hosts about the UI Suite.
Jan 22, 2024 • 52min

Talking Drupal #434 - Talking Drupal

Today we are talking about te show itself. We’ll also cover Autosave Form as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Update on the show Guest hosts MOTW Correspondent Newsletter Sponsorship Open Collective Content New content in 2024 Expanding team Resources Open Collective Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Stephen Cross - stephencross MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted an autosave feature on your Drupal site’s forms, so content creators won’t lose their work if they accidentally close the window or lose power? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Autosave Form Brief history How old: created in Nov 2016 by Hristo Chonov of 1x Internet, who is also one of the organizers of Drupal Dev Days 2024 in Burgas Versions available: 8.x-1.4 which works with Drupal 9 and 10 Maintainership Actively maintained, most recent comment less than 3 months ago Test coverage 38 open issues, 20 of which are bugs Usage stats: 6,414 sites Module features and usage Works by automatically saving the content of the current form every 60 seconds, though the time period is configurable When a user opens a form, if an autosaved state exists for that form a dialog will be shown asking if they want to resume editing or discard any autosaved states Once a form is submitted, any saved states will be automatically deleted Notionally it should work with both content entity forms and config forms, but the majority of development and testing has been with entity forms in mind The project page also mentions an issue with nested entity reference inline forms, and has links to relevant Drupal core issues Worth noting that this module uses AJAX to save the states to the Drupal database, separate from entity revisions If you want a solution that save form states into the browser’s localStorage instead, you can check out the Save Form State module, using the jQuery Sisyphus plugin
Jan 15, 2024 • 1h 9min

Talking Drupal #433 - Drupal 10 Masterclass

In this podcast, the hosts discuss The Drupal 10 Masterclass book and its benefits, including its unique approach compared to other Drupal books. They also cover the Dashboards module, which allows users to add customizable dashboards to their Drupal sites. The speakers explore the advantages of this module and the different features it offers. Additionally, they talk about Hero Devs' partnership with the Drupal 7 core team and provide insights into the process of writing a book. They discuss their writing experience, collaboration methods, and potential future book editions. The podcast ends with updates on the release of the book and plans for the Simply Test Me platform.
Jan 8, 2024 • 1h 13min

Talking Drupal #432 - Portals & Community Websites

Ron Northcutt, a Drupal expert specializing in portals and community websites, discusses the passion behind community sites, different types of portals, and common features. They explore why Drupal is a great fit and unique aspects of each community. The importance of UX, common content models, and the choice between Drupal and Saas/PaaS are also discussed. The episode concludes with valuable tips for building community websites.

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