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Talking Drupal

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May 27, 2024 • 1h 23min

Talking Drupal #452 - Starshot & Experience Builder

Delve into web design and development with a focus on StarShot and Experience Builder. Explore the evolution of Drupal, the Default Content Module, and transitioning to CI CD pipelines. Learn about empowering site builders, enhancing user-friendliness, and balancing code purity. Discover the impact of Star Shot on Drupal Core and potential inclusion of Experience Builder. Revolutionize site launches with Star Shot and emphasize community engagement.
May 20, 2024 • 1h 18min

Talking Drupal #451 - Just Say Drupal

Today we are talking about Drupal Marketing with version numbers, what competitors are doing, and Learning to Just Saying Drupal with guest Ivan Stegic. We’ll also cover Trash as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is the premise of Just Say Drupal Why do you think it is important to drop the version number Where do you suggest we drop verison numbers In sales, if you don't mention version, how do you talk to clients Why could using version numbers be detrimental What do you suggest we call Drupal 7 Have you spoken to the Drupal marketing team At Drupalcon they unveiled a new Brand Guide What do you think of Drupal Starshot Where do we go from here Resources Ten7 Blog - Just Say Drupal Drupal issue Drupal Brand Guide Issue Starshot Drupal tooling Guests Ivan Stegic - ivanstegic Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Matthew Grasmick - grasmash MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted your Drupal site to have a trash bin for content entities, so they wouldn’t be immediately deleted from the database? There’s a module for that Module name/project name: Trash Brief history How old: created in Feb 2008 by rötzi, though recent releases are by Andrei Mateescu (mah-teh-sku) (amateescu) of Tag1 Versions available: 3.0.3, compatible with Drupal 9, 10, and 11 Maintainership Actively maintained, release less than two months old Security coverage Test coverage Number of open issues: 7 open issues, 3 of which are bugs against the current branch Usage stats: 1899 sites Module features and usage Once the module is installed, you choose which entity types on your site should use the new trash storage For all the configured entities, deleting a piece of content moves it into the new trash storage, along with a timestamp set for when it went into the trash You can configure whether or not the trash should be automatically purged on a periodic basis, and if so how often that should happen It seems that there are some entities for which the Trash module currently excludes its functionality, such as users, comments, taxonomy terms, and so on. The note in the code indicates that more testing is needed, so any of our listeners who wants to trash entities for any of these types could try out patching the TrashSettingsFormand on a local copy and provide feedback based on how things work The ability to restore deleted content is a request I’ve heard a number of times, so this could be a really useful module for making Drupal work in ways that certain teams expect
May 13, 2024 • 1h 6min

Talking Drupal #450 - Certification & Exam Prep

Today we are talking about Certification & Exam Prep, Resources for studying, and tips to get a passing grade with guests Chad Hester & Martin Anderson-Clutz. We’ll also cover Quiz Maker as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Why are exams and certifications important to dev's After going through the Talking Drupal Skills Upgrade mini series do you feel preparted to take an Acquia certification How should someone get ready What are some struggles people may have getting ready What does the plan look like for someone getting ready Does Acquia provide pre tests Did Skills Upgrade prepare you for this type of assessment What happens if you do not pass How do you know you're ready Tips and tricks for taking a test Where do you take the test Questions to someone who has taken the test Special surprise Resources Acquia Certification Study Guides Acquia Certification Information Widgets Burritos D8 Certification Study Guide for questions Guests Chad Hester - chadhester Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Matthew Grasmick - grasmash MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to build and deliver interactive quizzes on your Drupal website? Module name/project name: Quiz Maker Brief history How old: created in Apr 2024 (the last couple of weeks) by Roman Chekhaniuk (r_cheh) Versions available: 1.0.5, which works with Drupal 9, 10, and 11 Maintainership Actively maintained Not yet opted into Security coverage, but being so new it’s possible they started the process of getting the project reviewed Number of open issues: 0 Usage stats: Not currently installed on any sites yet, according to Module features and usage The module defines a number of of custom entities to allow your site to define very flexible quizzes, that can include options like the amount of time allowed, pass rate, maximum number of attempts, randomizing the sequence of the questions, and more The module also defines custom plugins for questions, responses, and answers, so you can extend it to handle very custom use cases The Quiz module is very popular in this space but the version you can use with modern versions of Drupal is still in alpha, so it’s great to see another option available, especially for sites that don’t need anything as complex as the Opigno LMS
May 6, 2024 • 1h 11min

Talking Drupal #449 - Agile Methodologies

Today we are talking about Agile Methodologies, How to pick the best one, and why they matter with guest Chris Wells. We’ll also cover CKEditor Text Transformation / AutoCorrect as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Drupal FL Camp talk Fundamentals of Agile How do you square long term planning What is Redfin Solutions's preferred methodology What is Crystal Agile Methodology Do other methodologies have web specific versions Would you agree that large companies can use different agile methodologies Have you ever used Scrumban Listener Question: Shivan xamount:: Story points are usually equated to fibonacci numbers. These are not supposed to correlate to hours, what do you think about that? Resources Drupal Camp FL - Letting Agile Emerge Scrum vs Kanban vs Scrumban Pirate module Alfred auto expansion 4 Kitchen’s talk - Consultancy scrum Sam Ryan project management methodologies Guests Chris Wells - chrisfromredfin Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Matthew Grasmick - grasmash MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted CKEditor to autocorrect symbols like the copyright mark, the “not equals” sign, and fractions, from their text equivalents? There’s a module for that Module name/project name: CKEditor Text Transformation / AutoCorrect Brief history How old: created in Mar 2024 by Gedvan Dias of Redfin Solutions Versions available: 1.0.0-alpha1, which works with CKeditor 4 on Drupal 8, and 2.0.0-alpha1, which works with CKEditor 5 on Drupal 9 and 10 Maintainership Actively maintained, was released just a few weeks ago Not much documentation of its own, but the module leverages CKEditor’s Automatic text transformation, which has a fair bit of documentation on Number of open issues: only 1 open issues, which is the Project Update Bot’s automatically-created Drupal 11 compatibility issue Usage stats: 8 sites Module features and usage By default the module enables four categories of transformations: 'symbols', 'mathematical', 'typography', and 'quotes' You can override the module’s plugin if you want a different set enabled, but the module also provides a hook you can use to alter the active sets or define custom transformations, similar to using emojis in Slack, for example
May 1, 2024 • 26min

Skills Upgrade #9

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is the final episode, 9. Topics Review status of Chad's Smart Date test Panel discussion Chad, What was your biggest takeaway? Mike, How do you approach this type of one on one mentorship differently than your courses? AmyJune, do you think there are other types of focused mentorship like this that would be valuable to the community? Chad, what was the most surprising thing you learned in Modern Drupal vs Drupal 7? Michael, what did you learn through this process? How do you think people will use this journey to help their learning process? Chad, what are your plans for your next contribution? Resources Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th Hosts Nic Laflin - AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick Guests Chad Hester - @chadkhest Mike Anello - @ultimike
Apr 29, 2024 • 1h 18min

Talking Drupal #448 - D11 Readiness & PHPStan

Today we are talking about Drupal 11 Readiness, What you need to think about, and PHPStan with guest Matt Glaman. We’ll also cover MRN as our module of the week. For show notes visit: [ Topics What do we mean by Drupal 11 Readiness How will this be different than 9 and 10 Top 5 tips D11 Meeting and slack channel Will this be easier Major issues What is PHPStan How does it play a role How is PHPStan Drupal different than PHPStan Does using PHPStan with drupal reduce the need for tests How do you see it evolving over the next few years Drupal 12 wishlist Resources PHPStan Drupal PHPStan Herodevs DrupalCon Party Smart date BC calls Contrib semantic versioning thoughts Change records Drop is always moving Project analysis Gabor article Drupal rector Project update working group LTS even odd PHP version PHP stan rule levels Title issue Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Matt Glaman - mglaman MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted an easy way to generate detailed release notes for your contrib projects? There’s a web app for that Module name/project name: MRN which is short for Maintainer / Module Release Notes Brief history How old: created in Aug 2022 by today’s guest Matt Glaman Maintainership Actively maintained, latest updates were earlier this year Code project at has 13 open issues Usage stats: Currently no usage reporting, but a tool I’ve been using a ton lately as I get modules ready for Drupal 11 Module features and usage It’s very simple to use, you just enter the machine name of your project, and then the numbers of the releases you want it to compare It will generate the structure for your release note, include a spot for you to write a summary at the top, a list of contributors that links to their profiles, and a list of issues Previously part of Matt’s drupalorg CLI project, MRN is now a lambda function on AWS, so there’s nothing to download or install I like that you can choose which tags you want to compare, so if the release is part of a branch that doesn’t yet have a stable release, I’ll put a comparison to the previous release in the branch at the top, and then a comparison to the current stable release below it, so people can see the full list of everything new they’ll get by moving from the stable release It’s worth noting that because this works from the git history, you need to make sure you credit everyone properly before clicking to merge an MR in the UI. You can give credit to other people after the fact using the checkbox and they’ll get contribution credits, but won’t be included in the release notes generated by MRN
Apr 24, 2024 • 41min

Skills Upgrade #8

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 8. Topics Review Chad's questions What is the process of creating a new issue, reviewing automated tests, and creating a merge request for review by the project maintainer? My example issue: My example merge request: If we're not using Composer to pull the contrib module, how do we make sure that all dependencies are handled? How can someone navigate so many complex issues without getting lost or "barking up the wrong tree"? Tasks for the upcoming week Work toward getting the merge request accepted. Document learning bullet points for this journey. Resources Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th Hosts AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick Guests Chad Hester - @chadkhest Mike Anello - @ultimike
Apr 22, 2024 • 1h 17min

Talking Drupal #447 - Drupal Single Sign On

Today we are talking about Drupal Single Sign On, The Benefits it brings to the Drupal Community, and A new book called Fog & Fireflies with guest Tim Lehnen. We’ll also cover Username Field as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is Single Sign On (SSO) Does Drupal already support SSO Why is SSO on important Camps using SSO Other possibilities Gitlab login Cloud IAM Why did the Drupal Association choose Cloud IAM How do you see the collaboration growing Where are we now What are the next steps How far are we from this becoming a reality What does onboarding look like Will third party sites be able to use D.O SSO Can the community help Fog & Fireflies First book Can you buy it now Resources Single Sign On is coming to thanks to Cloud IAM A new book called Fog & Fireflies Open ID Connect module Keycloak Neil Drumm Lucas Heddn Marco Villegas Tim Lehnen Guests Tim Lehnen - hestenet Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Matt Glaman - mglaman MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to have a field on user profiles specifically designed for usernames? There’s a module for that Module name/project name: Username Field Brief history How old: created in August 2019 by hussainweb AKA Hussain Abbas of Axelerant Versions available: 2.0.0-beta4 Maintainership Actively maintained, that release was made less than 6 months ago Test coverage Number of open issues: 8 open issues, none of which are bugs Usage stats: 1 site Module features and usage The module provides a new field type, along with its own widget and formatter With a simple checkbox, you can get the module to validate that the provided username is registered on What’s really powerful about this module is that it can also pull other information from the profile, such as first and last name, country, bio, and more It does this by leveraging a Guzzle-based API client for that Hussain created as part of a DrupalCon Asia developer contest I believe the intended use of the modules is to use a provided drush command to copy the values from the username field into other fields, where they would be displayed to site visitors Although this module isn’t something that a lot of sites will need, I could see it being really useful for Drupal camp websites, to automatically collect a lot of the information that many such sites ask users to populate manually I think it’s also an interesting use of the API, and could be a useful reference for anyone needing to implement a custom integration
Apr 17, 2024 • 32min

Skills Upgrade #7

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 7. Topics Review Chad's goals for the previous week Test Example Set up phpunit.xml Start with FrontPageLinkTest.php Review Chad's questions In the testing_example module, the file "src/Controller/TestingExampleController.php" has a function for simpletestDescription(). Is this an outdated artifact that should have been removed at some point? The module itself doesn't appear to use Simpletest elsewhere and appears to only rely on PHPUnit. What do you recommend for the minimal code structure to include for any given test type? Is the Testing Example module an ideal model or are there other resources I should review? The testing reference from Selwyn was helpful. In the "FrontPageLinkDependenciesTest.php" setUp() function, the createContentType() function is called without specifying the type. Is that set somewhere else? I may have overlooked it. Nevermind—it's set using randomMachineName() in the createContentType() function. Is there anything extra or standard to write in tests for Tasks for the upcoming week Smart Date - Martin (maintainer) to review promptly, I've already chatted with him about it. Create a new functional test: "submit a range with an end time before the start and validate that an error is returned" Create an issue in the Smart Date queue and assign to yourself. Create an issue fork. Check out the issue fork locally. Write (and test) the test locally. Commit and push to the issue fork. Mark issue as "Needs review". Ask someone to review - if all looks good, the reviewer will mark as RBTC. Resources Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th Hosts AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick Guests Chad Hester - @chadkhest Mike Anello - @ultimike
Apr 15, 2024 • 1h 9min

Talking Drupal #446 - Test Driven Development

Alexey Korepov, an expert in Test Driven Development, discusses the importance of TDD in software development and its application in Drupal. The podcast covers topics such as resources for learning TDD, adapting to TDD in dev teams, environment setup, and special tools. The podcast also highlights the Test Helpers module for simplifying unit testing in Drupal projects.

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