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Talking Drupal

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Oct 21, 2024 • 1h 11min

Talking Drupal #472 - Access Policy API

Today we are talking about Access Policy API, What it does, and How you can use it with guest Kristiaan Van den Eynde. We’ll also cover Visitors as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is the Access Policy API Why does Drupal need the Access Policy API How did Drupal handle access before How does the Access Policy API interact with roles Does a module exist that shows a UI What is the difference between Policy Based Access Control (PBAC), Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) How does Access Policy API work with PBAC, ABAC and RBAC Can you apply an access policy via a recipe Is there a roadmap What was it like going through pitchburg How can people get involved Resources Access Policy API Access Policy Talking Drupal #226 Group Flexible Permissions External roles Test Super access policy Access policy talk at Drupalcon barcelona D.o Issue about exception on security issue Guests Kristiaan Van den Eynde - kristiaanvandeneynde Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Aubrey Sambor - starshaped MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted a Drupal-native solution for tracking website visitors and their behavior? There’s a module for that Module name/project name: Visitors Brief history How old: created in Mar 2009 by gashev, though recent releases are by Steven Ayers (bluegeek9) Versions available: 8.x-2.19, which works with Drupal 10 and 11 Maintainership Actively maintained Security coverage Test coverage Documentation guide is available Number of open issues: 20 open issues, none of which are bugs against the 8.x branch Usage stats: Over 6,000 sites Module features and usage A benefit of using a Drupal-native solution is that you retain full ownership over your visitor data. Not sharing that data with third parties can be important for data protection regulations, as well as data privacy concerns. You also have a variety of reports you can access directly within the Drupal UI, including top pages, referrers, and more There is a submodule for geoip lookups using Maxmind, if you also want reporting on what region, country, or city your visitors hail from It provides drush commands to download a geoip database, and then update your data based on geoip lookups using that database It should be mentioned that the downside of using Drupal as your analytics solution is the potential performance impact and also a likely uptick in usage for hosts that charge based on the number of dynamic requests served
Oct 14, 2024 • 1h 16min

Talking Drupal #471 - Off The Cuff #9

Today we are talking about Freemium Drupal Modules, The WordPress hub-bub, and Drupal, Now with AI with our hosts. We’ll also cover FullCalendar as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Freemium Drupal Wordpress controversy Drupal CMS and AI Resources Dries Wordpress Blog Post Non-Code Contribution: Using your passion and skills to power open source. DrupalCon Barcelona Driesnote Drupal AI Guests Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Aubrey Sambor - starshaped Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted an interactive calendar to display your Drupal events with drag-and-drop rescheduling, and without using jQuery? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: FullCalendar Brief history How old: created in Sep 2010 by ablondeau, though I’ve been behind the most recent releases Versions available: 7.x-2.0 and 3.0.0-beta2 versions available, the latter of which supports Drupal 10 and 11 Maintainership Actively maintained, latest release was this morning Security coverage, though technically the 3.0.x branch will have it once it’s stable Test coverage, minimal but on the roadmap Documentation - does have a user guide, but created for the D7 version, so newer documentation is needed Number of open issues: 337 open issues, none of which are bugs against the 3.0.x branch Usage stats: 3,388 sites, though the vast majority of those are for the D7 version, since the 3.0.x branch is very new Module features and usage No jQuery! Lots of configurability plus some extras specifically for Drupal Drag-and-drop to alter events Option to require confirmation Can display toast-style notifications when updates are save Double-click on a day or time to create an event at that time Can display events from different content types, even if they use different fields to store dates, and yes, even different kinds of fields, so a mixture of core and Smart Date fields will work You can set default colors and output type (block or the newer, list-item display), and the ability to override color based on content type or a taxonomy reference This module had been essentially dormant for over 4 years, but I decided to work with Jürgen Haas on reviving it after a similar and popular project called Fullcalendar View was not only marked as “Minimally maintained” and “Maintenance fixes only”, but the project page directed users to contact the maintainer to pay for a premium version, in order to use the current version of the Fullcalendar JS library, or to load events via AJAX, which as been an often-requested feature because Fullcalendar View has had common reports of performance problems on sites with lots of event data. Worse, the maintainer has closed as “won’t fix” issues that had community-provided patches, because he only wanted to provide said improvements in the paid, premium version In my work on the Events recipe for Drupal CMS, I knew that having a solid calendar would be important, and I didn’t feel good about relying on a module that seemed to be pushing users more and more towards a paid model. I’m grateful to Jurgen and everyone who worked on FullCalendar before us for creating such a robust and extensible code base
Oct 7, 2024 • 1h 23min

Talking Drupal #470 - Creating Recipes

In this discussion, Jim Birch, a Drupal specialist and the head of a team at Canopy Studios, shares insights on creating effective recipes for Drupal environments. He explains the significance of the Recipe Author Guide and delves into practical tips for managing dependencies and ensuring streamlined execution. Birch also highlights the evolution of the Drupal Recipes Initiative, inviting community members to contribute to its growth. Listeners will discover how efficient configuration management can enhance their site development experience.
Sep 30, 2024 • 1h 23min

Talking Drupal #469 - Drupal’s Popularity & Dev Experience

Today we are talking about Drupal’s Popularity & Dev Experience, what could be better, and things that are great with guest Nathan Dentzau. We’ll also cover Spam Master as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Drupal's popularity What can Drupal to enhance popularity and enhance dev experience What is missing in Drupal What could use improvement in Drupal What about recent tooling improvements Drupal CMS (Starshot) Resources New drupal Drupal at your fingertips Laravel Next.js Document using DDEV as the recommended Drupal local development environment Just say drupal Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Nate Dentzau - nathandentzau MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to defend your Drupal website from webform spam using a constantly updating list of known bad actors? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Spam Master Brief history How old: created in Mar 2018 by Pedro Alves (pedro-alves) Versions available: 8.x-1.99 and 8.x-2.50, the latter of which support Drupal versions 8 through 11 Maintainership Actively maintained Security coverage Documentation on Number of open issues: no open issues Usage stats: 449 sites Module features and usage Spam Master is a website protection technology that was originally created back in 2012, and is used across sites based on a variety of technologies, including Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, and more It uses a variety of techniques to identify and block malicious actors, including “real-time block lists”, honeypot traps, comment analysis, and more By maintaining a list of known bad actors, tracked by IP address and email addresses used, you can also benefit from a “network effect” by being able to identify them based on malicious behavior on any of the thousands of sites using Spam Master The module claims compatibility with a variety of forms, including registration, comments, commerce, and more It includes a variety of reports you can use to understand the amount of spam your site is receiving, and the module can automatically send you an email if it believes your site has reached “Level 3” of spam targeting Spam Master does use licenses on, but free licenses are available
Sep 24, 2024 • 1h 21min

Talking Drupal #468 - Drupal AI

Jamie Abrahams, an expert in AI and Drupal, discusses the transformative power of artificial intelligence in content management. He dives into the new AI SEO Analyzer module, enhancing SEO practices for Drupal sites. The conversation further explores evolving AI integration, including advancements in search techniques and user accessibility. Jamie highlights challenges and innovations within the Drupal community, emphasizing future opportunities for AI in streamlining processes and improving user experience. Don't miss these insights on bridging technology with creativity!
Sep 16, 2024 • 1h 18min

Talking Drupal #467 - Config Actions System

In this engaging discussion, Alex Pott, a seasoned Drupal developer, and Adam Globus-Hoenich, an expert in enhancing Drupal functionalities, dive deep into the Config Actions System. They explain how it streamlines configuration changes without coding complexity. The duo also unveils the versatile Events recipe, tailored for managing events effortlessly. Insights on community collaboration, legacy support, and the future of Drupal recipes make this conversation a must-listen for developers looking to enhance their Drupal experience.
Sep 9, 2024 • 1h 10min

Talking Drupal #466 - Progressive Migration

Today we are talking about Progressive migration with Drupal, What it is, and how you can do it with your organization with guest Stephen Cross. We’ll also cover Views JSON Source as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What is a progressive migration What other types of migration are there What problem does progressive migration solve at the ATF What versions of Drupal are involved Technical implementation Technical challenges Non-Technical challenges Processes needed for success When to use another migration process Resources Drupal GovCon Presentation - Progressive Migration Talking Drupal #334 - Managing Drupal Teams in Government Guests Stephen Cross - stephencross Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Nate Dentzau - nathandentzau MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to use Drupal’s Views interface to allow visitors to browse and navigate data from another source? There’s a module for that Module name/project name: Views JSON Source Brief history How old: created in Apr 2020 by Pradeep Venugopal (venugopp), but recent releases are by Viktor Holovachek (astonvictor), a member of the Ukraine Drupal community Versions available: 2.0.2 compatible with Drupal 8.8 and newer, all the way up to Drupal 11 Maintainership Actively maintained Security coverage Documentation: pretty lengthy README to help you get started Number of open issues: 17 open issues, 4 of which are bugs against the current branch, although one had a fixed merged in the past week Usage stats: 1,641 sites Module features and usage After installing the module, you can create a view and specify it should show “JSON” instead of some kind of content entity In the view settings you can then provide a URL for where to retrieve the JSON, and an optional Apath value to indicate a section of the data to show It also supports contextual filters, so you can create a single view that will show different sections of data depending on the path used to access it From there you can build out your view in the normal way: using fields to specify what data should be shown and how, filters to limit which rows will be shown, and sort criteria to specify the order in which it will be listed. And of course, the ability to expose controls for users to filter and sort the data in ways that meet their own needs make this an extremely powerful way to make data available to your site’s visitors We spoke a couple of episodes ago about how powerful it can be to use Drupal as the “glass” or experience layer through which visitors can interact with other systems, and I think this is another great example of that
Sep 2, 2024 • 1h 2min

Talking Drupal #465 - Greater Cleveland RTA

Today we are talking about The Greater Cleveland RTA, How they use Drupal, and how they built a Drupal team with guests Mike Cermak & Rithya Lath. We’ll also cover Geofield Directions as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics What does the Greater Cleveland RTA do Is the RTA a state agency What kind of Digital Service do you provide How does the GCRTA use Drupal Whay was Drupal selected Let's talk about the team How long has the team existed and how many people What type of skill makeup doest hte team have Local development and deployment Point and click learning, how do you keep up to speed now Day to day responsibilities Drupal con and Starshot Resources Greater Cleveland RTA Guests Rithya Lath - ral1239 Mike Cermak - MikeCermak Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to make it easy for visitors to your Drupal site to get directions to a location via Google Maps? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Geofield Directions Brief history How old: created in Feb 2021 by Christopher Martin (ccjjmartin), though recent releases are by Allan Chappell (generalredneck) Versions available: 1.0.1, compatible with Drupal ^8.8 ^9 || ^10 ^11 Maintainership Minimally maintained, Maintenance fixes only Security coverage Test coverage Documentation? Not even a README Number of open issues: 1 open issue, not a bug Usage stats: 26 sites Module features and usage The module provides a new field formatter, so you can install it and then update a view mode to use Geofield Directions. Now your content display will include a link to get directions You can figure the text of the link, whether the link should open in a new tab, the magnification of the destination map, and more The module also includes token support, so you can dynamically include things like the name of the location in the link text I think the only downside I can see is that because this is implemented as a formatter, you have to choose the directions link OR a map, where I could foresee sites wanting to show both
Aug 26, 2024 • 1h 14min

Talking Drupal #464 - Drupal Content Production

Today we are talking about Producing content with Drupal, How Drupal can help content producers, and ways it could be better with guest Jerry Ta. We’ll also cover Stage File Proxy as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics Brief overview of Urban Institute using Drupal What are the day to day responsibilities of a content producer Layout Builder or Paragraphs What is your opinion You've been in content production for almost 2 decades, what was your first website editing tool. How long have you been using Drupal What is your number one wish the Drupal community would solve Drupalcon What value do you look for for a content producer What is the hardest part of using Drupal Starshot reaction Predictions for Drupal in 5 years for content producers Resources Modules for replacing files on Drupal - , Media Entity File Replace, etc. File Replace Media Entity File Replace File Field Replace Content Sync Tokens with CKEditor module Shortcode Common Spot Scheduled transitions Experience builder Starshot Guests Jerry Ta - joshmiller Hosts Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Josh Miller - joshmiller MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to work on code or configuration changes to your Drupal site in a non-production environment, without having to copy over all the images and other content files? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Stage File Proxy Brief history How old: created in Jan 2011 by netaustin, by recent releases are by Stephen Mustgrave, who listeners will probably recognize from the Needs Review initiative, among his many other Drupal contributions Versions available: 7.x-1.10, 3.0.0-alpha2, and 3.1.0, the last of which works with Drupal 10.3 and 11 Maintainership Actively maintained Security coverage Test coverage Documentation - not a lot, but it has been the subject of numerous blog posts over the years Number of open issues: 15 open issues, 2 of which are bugs against the current branch Usage stats: 16,710 sites Module features and usage Once you have Stage File Proxy site up on your non-production site, when the environment gets a request for a content file it doesn’t have like an image, it will query the production site to create a local copy It also has a mode where those requests are served 301 redirects to their location on the production server, so no files are ever copied Once you have the module installed, you can set the origin website URL using the admin UI, using a drush variable-set command, or you can add a line to your settings.php file. Also, if you have simple HTTP authentication set up on the site you want to pull from (for example using the Shield module), you can add URL-encoded versions of the username and password to the origin URL, and the module will still be able to copy down the files. This module was previously covered in this podcast way back in episode #33, but I thought it was worth bring back because it is so useful for working on site locally or across non-production environments
Aug 12, 2024 • 1h 10min

Talking Drupal #463 - Drupal vs DIY Site Builders

Ivan Stegic, a web development expert at TEN7, discusses the differences between DIY site builders and Drupal. He highlights how DIY platforms like Wix and Shopify can be more accessible and cost-effective for non-technical users. The conversation also dives into the migration process from Drupal to these site builders, revealing the trade-offs in customization versus ease of use. Furthermore, they explore the features of the upcoming Drupal 11, emphasizing its enhancements that could maintain Drupal's competitive edge.

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