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Talking Drupal

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Nov 22, 2021 • 1h 22min

Talking Drupal #322 - Camp Planning

Today we are talking about Camp Planning with April Sides. Topics Can you tell us about Drupal Camp Asheville? Why is camp planning “Your Jam”? How do you think virtual events have impacted camps? Do you think we will get back to In-person camps in 2022? What are your thoughts on hybrid camp formats in the future? What is neurodiverse inclusion? Why is it important for events and the Drupal community? What is your favorite aspect of camp planning? Biggest challenge Biggest Success Tips for starting a new camp How to help with an existing camp Resources Drive by Daniel Pink Notist - John Notiat - April Event Organizers Working Group Event Accessibility Playbook Drupal Camp Asheville Drupal Camp Asheville Project Asheville Twitter Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi April Sides - @weekbeforenext Module of the Week DropzoneJS Drupal integration for DropzoneJS - an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.
Nov 15, 2021 • 1h 16min

Talking Drupal #321 - Drupal Diversity & Inclusion

Today we are talking about Drupal Diversity & Inclusion with Tearyne Almendariz. Topics Nic - Split keyboard April - Daylight saving pet time adventures Tearyne - Summer sabbatical coming to an end - working for Pantheon now! John - NEDCamp! Brief background for DDI Talking Drupal #217 - Tara, Marc, Alanna Talking Drupal #297 - with Fatima & Tara First involvement in DDI What’s new with DDI Regional leads Focus on Restoration and rejuvination Changes over the years Support from community How to expand diveristy and equity in tech How to elevate women in tech React community New members Getting involved First online camp Biggest issue in Drupal right now for Diversity Neurodiversity How to be an ally and an advocate Resources Drupal Diversity & Inclusion Group Query patch Batch index patch Additional Patch Drupal patch in time: Talking Drupal #217 - Diversity & Inclusion Group Talking Drupal #297 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Holding ourselves accountable Drupal Community Working Group Harvard business review article Hidden brain Book Podcast Capacity of supporting junior developers Online camp Youtube channel Guests Tearyne Almendariz - @TearyneG Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi April Sides - @weekbeforenext MOTW Entity Usage
Nov 8, 2021 • 58min

Talking Drupal #320 - Drupal 8 End of Life

Today we are talking about Drupal 8 End of Life with Gábor Hojtsy. Topics John - NEDCamp is in two weeks April - Planning Drupal Camp Asheville in person next year Gábor - Thinking of all versions of Drupal Nic - Vacation was great - visited Salem What End of Life (EoL) means Statistics on number of sites Why D8 EoL is before D7 What can people do to continue using D8 Does the new release schedule and EoL schedule improve the platform Improvements to the process Process expected for D9 and D10 D8 -> D9 migration process affect on adoption Expected differences with D7 EoL Current Projects Contributions Next big thing Core committer experience over the years Initiative lead, lead Merge request support with gitlab Making core committer’s life easier Resources New England Drupal Camp Old versions of Drupal FGM getting it working on newer php Cheppers made a running version of Drupal 1 - 8 Drupal Usage Drupal Upgrade Status Drupal 9 Deprecation Drupal 10 Deprecation Drupal rector sponsored by Multi-core compatibility Project Update Bot Lenient Composer Facade Talking Drupal #312 - DrupalPod Closure of the multilingual initiative (over 1600 contributors credited on this issue!) Last page of commit history First contribution - contrib First core contributions ( issues did not yet exist, you would send in a patch via email) found through git log --reverse --grep “Gabor” | less commit 62f939944f9ecdff0cfb84e1eb057237ad3d52ed Author: Dries Buytaert Date: Tue Sep 16 17:35:02 2003 +0000 - Added 'escape HTML' option to the filters. Patch by Gabor Hojtsy. commit 069e1bb87b9971f160f8ddccfe95335986dd17e0 Author: Dries Buytaert Date: Sun Sep 28 17:07:46 2003 +0000 - More translation fixes for the menu items. Patch by Gabor. commit bcfa6dca1e6646a50f12f617425c6087cae97ac8 Author: Dries Buytaert Date: Sun Sep 28 18:23:13 2003 +0000 - Translation improvements for the block module help. Patch by Gabor. commit 7531e82969cda841d2e03a736c2b0568ed2647e7 Author: Dries Buytaert Date: Mon Sep 29 18:35:46 2003 +0000 - Made sure non US-ASCII mails are sent out properly. Patch by Gabor. TODO: rename user_mail() to drupal_mail() and move it to Other modules, such as the project module, should use this as well or they risk to send out /invalid/ mails. Guests Gábor Hojtsy - @gaborhojtsy Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi April Sides - @weekbeforenext MOTW Views AJAX History Enable bookmaking of AJAX views. Supports filters and paging.
Nov 1, 2021 • 1h 16min

Talking Drupal #319 - Backdrop CMS

Today we are talking about Backdrop with Jen Lampton. Topics Nic - Vacation April - need new shelves for Lego Harry Potter Jen - Heirloom tomatoes and too much rain John - Personal website / blog Backdrop CMS Elevator pitch Difference between Drupal and Backdrop Why choose Backdrop over Drupal Matt Glaman on twitter General challenges of growing a fork’s identity Challenges in being thrifty Biggest milestones in the last two years New core committers 7 releases with new features Layouts File browser Lazy loading images Config overrides Telemetry Backdrop Live events More listener questions (Matt Glaman) Contributor community Companies specializing in Backdrop Wider adoption as D7 approaches EoL Wider adoption as D9 approaches EoL Ease of migration from D7 Easier than migrating D7 to D9 More listener questions (Matt Glaman) Marketing challenges Anything that you would do differently after 6 years Philosophy Biggest upcoming features Telemetry Resources Twitter Questions Backdrop CMS Twitter Main site Documentation Forum Live Chat Contributed projects Guests Jen Lampton - Jeneration Web Development @jenlampton Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi April Sides - @weekbeforenext MOTW CKEditor CodeSnippet
Oct 25, 2021 • 1h 4min

Talking Drupal #318 - DDEV with Randy Fay

Today we are talking about DDev with Randy Fay Topics John - TD youtube and linkedin AmyJune - Getting ready for winter and music shows Randy - managing hospice for mother Nic - House cleanouts and lego DDEV elevator pitch Beginning of DDEV Development Process Team Docker use cases Listener Marc van Gend “I’d love to hear about the current state of the project, given the change of ownership. Is it healthy financially?” Listener Josh Miller “Randy has a long history with Drupal, outdating most. a little over 16 years. How did his contribution start, and how has it changed? Does he still build with Drupal?” Roadmap Listener Stephen Cross “I easily got DDEV running on Raspberry Pi, while other tools do not run simply. How has ARM adoption been?” Josh on Twitter “Will docker work on new processors?” Resources Compu-Home Systems TomorrowHouse (1980’s Home Automation run by an Apple II Randy and Nancy’s 2.5-year bike trip through the Americas Ddev docs DDEV Github What’s So Different about DDEV? #ddev for tweets Talking Drupal on YouTube Guests Randy Fay- @randyfay Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi AmyJune - @volkswagenchick MOTW Recaptcha Uses the Google reCAPTCHA web service to improve the CAPTCHA system. It is tough on bots and easy on humans. reCAPTCHA is built for security. Armed with state of the art technology, it always stays at the forefront of spam and abuse fighting trends. reCAPTCHA is on guard for you, so you can rest easy.
Oct 21, 2021 • 58min

Talking Drupal #317 - Govcon Keynote Non-Code Contribution: Using your passion and skills to power open source.

Today we are talking about Non-Code Contribution Topics What is Talking Drupal Podcast with audio and video We recorded our 300th episode in June, over 175 guests, 700K audio downloads Weekly episodes covering a variety of topics Most recent 315 with Tara King, Director of Developer Relations at automatic, Comparing Drupal and Wordpress Communities Visit This may be a different keynote than you are accustomed to. Talking Drupal is a discussion, and that’s what we are having today. Today we are talking about Non-Code Contribution: Using your passion and skills to power open source. What is contribution in an open-source project? Providing your time, skills or resources to benefit the project Today we’re talking about non code contributions Early on contribution was considered writing code Over time we have learned to value non-code contributions just as much as code contrib Rather than defining non-code contribution by what it is not, we need a term to define it by what it is Community is built in meetups, camps, and cons Majority of contribution has nothing to do with coding at a camp Attending Speaking Training Organizing Organizing a camp ( / Nov 19th) Volunteering at a camp Stephen - Sponsorship, lead for many years Nic - Website & Signage John - Current Lead, Day of Logistics, Venue coordination Some other examples of contribution Mentorship Documentation Training Summits Being on a committee/Board Answering questions in issue queue Answering questions in slack Who is a contributor? Is it a self designation or a community designation? Why would you contribute? Contribution is a relationship Give and receive Makes you feel good Benefit Skills Technical Communication Project Management Benefit Career Skills Visibility Building Personal Network Networking at Events Financial Compensation Contribute does not always mean nights and weekends Usually starts that way Contribute as part of your job Employers are open supporting open source, there are benefits got both company and employee Contribute to external project or contribute internal project to open source Will your company support your time to make NCC 315 we learned about Wordpress’ contribution goals Launched in 2014, Five for the Future encourages organizations to contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development. Government 2016 Federal Source Code Policy Support for open source usage, encourage sharing across agencies 20 percent created code should be open source Start the Dialog with your company Why do we contribute - Contribution can be personal like donating to your favorite charity or playing your favorite game. Nic I was asked I enjoy giving back Helps my career Stephen Sharing and Learning John To help people and solve technical challenges for people Education and knowledge sharing To support something larger than myself / make the world a better place How did TD Start Long before Joe Rogans podcast deal with Spotify of 100 million 2008 - With Liberty and Justice for All - 5th grader Obama McCain 7 episodes Mechanics of podcasting,work involved with pre and post record production Virtual book club with Jason Pamental - pick a web design book, assign weekly chapters, Google Hangout Like to learn - similar Drupal journeys - makings of an interesting podcast… great reason to talk every week When did we start considering it a contribution? When did we start giving contribution credits on How did Talking Drupal come to be a non-code contribution? It always was a non-code contribution, we didn’t consider it at first because the Drupal community was code focused. Credit for TD started 20 November 2020 Community Projects When did the drupal community start supporting NCC Why is this important How has the show & other non-code contribution impacted our lives / careers Stephen Friendships Have helped others Nic Friendships Clients John Connections - Hey you are that guy Given me a sense of value Gives me a sense of supporting the community Why are non-code contributions important As valuable to the health of a project as code contributions. There are non-code requirements for all projects Not everyone is a developer/coder Get’s more people with a variety of skills involved in the community Moves open source forward Challenges of Contributing Contribution Imposter Syndrome My Contribution isn’t valuable Dealing with concerns that it’s not helpful Focus on your skills and passions Work, life, contribution balance Work it into your work Build a career based on contribution Contrib doesn’t have to be Nights and Weekends Add 30 min to the start or end of your day If you do tackle one thing a night Provide contrib during your workday Sustainability Projects are easy to do short time, Energy is high Newness interesting Most podcast don’t make it past 8 episodes Long term is a challenge Pre-show guest scheduling, content planning, shownotes Post Production audio and video Release and marketing 1 hour show = 6 - 8 hours Priorities and interests change over time NCC easier to transition in and out Had to make transition out of my primary roles and I did that, projects have thrived in those transitions Be honest with yourself How to get involved / How to contribute Just get started Look at your skill set Look at your interests Ask in the issue queue or drupal slack for a starting point You can also reach out to most camp organizers for recommendations Takeaways John Anyone can and everyone should contribute Stephen Your contribution is valuable Nic Code and non code are equal to the long term health of the project Resources Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Stephen Cross - @stephencross
Oct 18, 2021 • 1h 24min

Talking Drupal #316 - Accessibility

Today we are talking about Accessibility with Rain Breaw Michaels. Topics We are talking about Accessibility today, but specifically gearing the conversation towards developers. Why? So many people when coding for accessibility simply provide workarounds. Why can this be dangerous? What is ARIA? What is meant by the term Landmarks? How does this apply to dev’s working with Drupal? What modules do you recommend? How can you help content editors maintain accessibility while adding content? What are common pitfalls you see devs make How can Javascript help or hurt Accessibility? In closing, is there anything you would like to add? Module of the Week Anti Spam by CleanTalk Resources Clean Talk - Geerling’s Post Anti-spam by Clean Talk Acquia Engage Time Timer Driven to Distraction Design of everyday things (Book) ColorCube - Color Testing Tool ARIA WAI-ARIA HTML 5 Landmarks Module for decorative images Editoria11y Layout Builder Content Strategy for the Web PDF Accessibility course on Deque VPAT Hanlon’s Razor: “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” Guest Rain Breaw Michaels - @rainbreaw Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Chad Hester - @chadkhester
Oct 11, 2021 • 1h 4min

Talking Drupal #315 - Wordpress vs Drupal Communities

Today we are talking about What The Drupal & WordPress communities could learn from one another with Tara King. Topics What makes the WP community different? Automattic influence on the community. What could the Drupal community learn from the WP community? Is there a lot of crossover in people in each community? Do you think there is anything the WP community could learn from Drupal? What are some struggles shared across the two communities? How does platform sustainability differ between the two communities? Why do you think so many more people gravitate towards WP? Module of the Week Gutenberg Resources Sedo Domain Transfer Service Talking Drupal 016 - Drupal Vs WordPress WP Issue Queue Japanese translation of and Spanish Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Tara King - @sparklingrobots
Oct 4, 2021 • 1h 7min

Talking Drupal #314 - Dev to Owner

Welcome to Talking Drupal. Today we are talking about Transitioning from a Developer to an Owner with Nathan Dentzau. Topics Nic - Lenient Tara - Music league Nate - Landscaping John - Govcon keynote Career timeline Considering ownership Motivation Is this for everyone? What to consider Biggest challenges Fear of finding work Type of work Mythic Digital does Growth Where to find clients Resources Drupal GovCon Webinar Simple Employee Pension Mythic Digital Guests Nate Dentzau - Mythic Digital @NathanDentzau Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Tara King - @sparklingrobots MOTW Username Enumeration Prevention
Sep 27, 2021 • 1h 12min

Talking Drupal #313 - DevPanel

Welcome to Talking Drupal. Today we are talking about DevPanel with Salim Lakhani. Topics John - Nedcamp is going virtual! Tara - Made lots of bread Salim NYC Drupal camp talks / Devops summit Govcon talk Book Pandemic by AG Riddle Nic - Cannot use patches for Drupal 9 compatibility (more news soon) DevPanel elevator pitch How it works Hosting providers (AWS only at the moment) Adding other AWS services Billing structure Certifications Update process Is it open source Features Roadmap DevPanel is closed source but a Public Benefit Company - what that means Resources Bread recipe Book Composer commands New England Drupal Camp Kubernetes Helm Artifacthub Updating from Drupal 8 Media current blog on patches and Drupal 9 DevPanel Cloud Native Computing Foundation Guests Salim Lakhani - @salimlakhani Hosts Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Tara King - @sparklingrobots MOTW Upgrade Status

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