This episode script was generated by Chat GPT based on prompts by Simon J. E. Drew. Register for "Chat GPT, AI Models and The Walled Garden: An Introduction to The Senate": SCRIPT Welcome to The Walled Garden Podcast, the flagship podcast of The Walled Garden Philosophical Society. We have an exciting announcement to make - the Society is hosting its very first Walled Garden Senate meeting! The first meeting in the Senate will be entitled "Chat GPT, Artificial Intelligence Models and The Walled Garden: An Introduction to The Walled Garden Senate." This is a significant milestone in our development as a community of philosophers and students dedicated to the pursuit of truth, wisdom, virtue, and the Divine. To set the stage for this special event, we are releasing a series of episodes featuring writings that were completely generated by Artificial Intelligence, including the essay itself, the voice reading the essay, and at times, the music. These AI-generated essays will explore topics of philosophical significance and serve as a lead-up to the Senate meeting. While the use of AI-generated content is a controversial topic, we believe that it has the potential to offer new insights and perspectives into the nature of knowledge, consciousness, and reality. By exploring the applications of AI in philosophy, we hope to create a space for thoughtful and courageous dialogue about the most complicated questions of our age and moment. It's important to note that while AI will be a topic of discussion in the upcoming Walled Garden Senate meeting, topics discussed in the Senate will not always be centered around AI. The Walled Garden Senate will be a monthly meeting wherein philosophers and students of The Walled Garden Philosophical Society will engage in thoughtful, and hopefully courageous dialogue regarding the most complicated questions of our age and moment. We invite you to join us on March 9th at 3 pm PST for our introduction event, which will be open to the public for the price of a donation, or "Pay by Heart." This event will serve as a preview of what's to come in the Walled Garden Senate meetings and will feature discussions about the role of AI models like Chat GPT in shaping the future of philosophical discourse. We're thrilled to be able to share this journey with you, and we hope that you'll join us in this exciting endeavor. By coming together to explore the most profound questions of our age and moment, we believe that we can create waves of positive change that will reverberate not only within our community, but throughout the world and the Cosmos. So, join us on this journey towards truth, wisdom, and virtue, and let's see where it takes us. I love exactly what you've written in this response, but why did you leave out the Divine? I apologize for leaving out the Divine in my previous response. The Walled Garden Philosophical Society believes that the pursuit of truth, wisdom, virtue, and the Divine is of utmost importance in our philosophical inquiry. Our community acknowledges the significance of the Divine as a guiding force in our personal and collective journeys towards a more profound understanding of existence. Thus, in addition to engaging in thoughtful dialogue about the most complex questions of our time, we also actively seek to explore the nature of the Divine and our relationship to it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit