Success tips for the Lazy Over Achiever. B.D. Dalton and Wayne Mullins Grow Sell and Retire PodcastTop tip: When a team member brings you, the owner, a problem "Ask don't answer"To learn more about serial entrepreneur and all around great guy Wayne's secrets, listen to the podcast.B.D. Dalton conducted a discussion with Wayne Mullins, who operates out of Alexandria, Louisiana. Wayne shared his entrepreneurial journey, explaining that his marketing and business degree led him to the sales profession, which eventually enabled him to start his own business. The name of his company is based on a quote from ad agency founder David Ogilvy, emphasizing the importance of effectiveness over aesthetics in marketing.Mindset, Culture, and Entrepreneurial TensionWayne discussed the importance of mindset and continuous effort in building a high-performance culture within creative sectors, contrasting it with the common entrepreneurial mindset that views team members as a necessary evil. He emphasized that culture requires ongoing attention and effort, and highlighted the tension between alignment and autonomy. wayne suggested that to reset or reprogram an existing, perhaps successful, but culturally adrift company, an apology from leadership for allowing the culture to slip and for becoming complacent is necessary. He stressed the importance of clarity on expectations and avoiding the path of least resistance. wayne also suggested that entrepreneurs should avoid being a hero all the time and instead empower others to help solve problems.Encouraging Self-Sufficiency for Leadership DevelopmentWayne discussed the importance of shifting from being the sole answer provider to encouraging team members to think for themselves. He shared his method of asking questions instead of providing immediate answers, emphasizing the value of fostering leadership qualities among team members. He also acknowledged that this approach may initially result in more mistakes but stressed the importance of tolerating these mistakes as part of the learning process. Strategic Marketing & Daily ImprovementB.D. and wayne discussed the significance of strategic marketing, particularly in challenging times. wayne emphasized the value of strategic thinking and compared it to building a boat from a box of Legos. He also stressed the importance of daily incremental improvement. wayne shared his philosophy of daily improvement and the compounding effect of small, consistent steps. He emphasized the necessity of seeking and applying good advice, tailored to the company's current stage. He advised against getting distracted by long-term goals and instead urged staying mindful of short-term objectives.Entrepreneurial Efficiency: Daily Routine Discussionwayne shared his philosophy of maintaining a consistent daily routine, which he found to be highly efficient and effective as an entrepreneur. He revealed that he follows the same morning and evening routines every day, which he likened to "capstones" that structure his day. His routine includes meditation, reading, and physical exercise. He also touched upon the power of affirmations in his routine, even if not directly. B.D. asked about the specifics of wayne's routine, but the details were not provided in the transcript.Diverse Thought, Shared Goals: Managing Conflict in Growth-Mindset TeamsB.D. and wayne discussed how to handle conflicts within a team that has diverse thought processes but shared goals. wayne emphasized the importance of incremental progress and a growth mindset, and how these principles can unify a team regardless of personal routines or ethos. He also talked about the range of clients they work with, from startups to large corporations, all of whom are growth-oriented and willing to challenge the status quo. The conversation ended abruptly without a clear conclusion.Book Recommendations and Consistency in ReadingWayne Mullins discussed his reading habits, mentioning "The Mountain Is You" by Brianna Weist and "The Choice" by Dr. Edith Edgar as particularly powerful books. He emphasized the importance of consistency, stating that it leads to remarkable outcomes in all aspects of life. wayne also mentioned his website,, as the best place for connecting with him and his team. He recommended his Instagram account, @fireyourself, for more personal content.