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Feb 23, 2025 • 36min

Decoding the Prophecies of Daniel

On this episode, Shane explores some of the fascinating prophecies found in the book of Daniel and discusses how they have been interpreted (and misinterpreted) both before and after the time of Jesus. He also interacts with audio clips related to this subject from interviews he’s recorded with Talmud scholar Daniel Boyarin, and New Testament scholar, Craig Evans.Click here to read selections from the Dead Sea Scrolls, Eusebius, Calvin, and other sources cited on this program along with additional related material. Also, DONORS and PAID Subscribers can download a BONUS PDF featuring “An Overview Chart of Daniel’s Visions.”SHOW NOTESRelated ArticlesDeciphering the Clues of Revelation (Pt 1), (Pt 2), (Pt 3), (Pt 4), (Pt 5), Shane RosenthalArchaeological Discoveries Related to Nebuchadnezzar II, Shane RosenthalJustin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Prophecy, Shane RosenthalIsaiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth, Shane RosenthalThe Bethlehem Prophecy: An Exploration of Micah 5:2, Shane RosenthalSprinkled Nations & Speechless Kings, Shane RosenthalFinding Christ in All The Scriptures, Shane RosenthalProof of the Gospel, Quotes from Eusebius, Augustine & othersWhy Should We Believe The Bible? (PDF), Shane RosenthalExploring Covenant Theology, Mike Brown & Zach KeeleRelated BooksThe Jewish Gospels, Daniel BoyarinSon of Man in Early Jewish Literature, Richard BauckhamGuide to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Craig EvansThe Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, Craig EvansThe Jewish Roots of the Gospels, Craig EvansProof of the Gospel, Eusebius of CaesareaA Handbook of Messianic Prophecy, Rydelnik & BlumThe Gospel According to Isaiah 53, Darrell Bock & othersJourneys with Jesus, Dennis JohnsonChrist From Beginning to End, Hunter & WellumRelated AudioBabylon, Humble Skeptic #66Jewish Views of the Messiah, HS #38 with Daniel BoyarinWere Jews Expecting a Divine Messiah? WHI #1243 with Craig EvansWere Jews Expecting a Suffering Messiah?, HS #47How to Read & Apply the Old Testament, WHI #1568 with Iain DuguidWhat Did the Earliest Christians Believe? HS #25The Big Picture, Humble Skeptic #26 with J. Daniel HaysThe Intersection of Church & State, HS #53 with David VanDrunenWhy Should We Trust The Bible? HS #39 with Mike FarleyHow to Read & Interpret the Bible, HS #37 with Mike BrownAlistair Begg on the Book of Daniel, WHI #1603 with Shane RosenthalJacob’s Ladder, Humble Skeptic #63UPCOMING EVENTSThe Messianic Hope, Memphis, TN, April 11-13Shane Rosenthal will be giving a series of talks related to Christ’s fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy at this weekend conference in Rosemark, TN. The conference is free, but registration is required (a registration page and more info will be available soon).Who Is Jesus? (A Christian & Muslim Conversation), St. Louis, MO, April 24th.Shane Rosenthal and Michael McClymond will be defending the historic Christian view of Jesus at this event which will take place at St. Louis Community College Meramec (located at 11333 Big Bend Rd, in Kirkwood, MO). The purpose is to highlight some of the differences between Christian and Muslim perspectives related to Jesus’ identity and mission and to take questions from students. This event is brought to you by St. Louis Community College in partnership with ReThink315. Click here for more info.Share with Friends & FamilyIf you’re a fan of the show, please tell others about the show, and consider posting a link to this episode via your social media feed. Just copy the URL of this page, paste it into your feed, and write a few words. Also, consider writing a positive review of this podcast via the Apple Podcast app, or your preferred podcast portal. The more reviews we get, the more exposure we get! Thanks for your help!Make a One-Time Gift or Upgrade to a Paid SubscriptionConsider supporting The Humble Skeptic podcast by making a one-time gift or upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack ($5.95 per month, $59 per year). Tax-deductible giving options are also available. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Feb 5, 2025 • 44min

Christian Narcissism

Shane concluded the last episode with a brief clip from an interview he recorded years ago with respected author and theologian, J.I. Packer. On this program, he decided to feature more of that conversation, while also weaving together other interviews and man-on-the-street segments related to the prevalence of narcissistic beliefs and attitudes in American Christianity. Additional authors featured in this program:Thomas Ascol (3:22), Scott McKnight (3:54; 7:06), Andy Crouch (4:08; 6:01), William Willimon (4:25; 5:10), R.C. Sproul (4:40), Anthony J. Carter (6:20), Roger E. Olson (6:40), Bryan Chapell (7:19), Jean Twenge (13:45), Christian Smith (29:49), Marva Dawn (31:12).SHOW NOTESBooksKnowing God, J.I. PackerSoul Searching, Christian SmithChristless Christianity, Michael HortonReaching Out Without Dumbing Down, Marva DawnPeculiar Speech, Peculiar Speech, William WillimonThe Christian Mind, Harry BlamiresThe Narcissism Epidemic, Twenge & CampbellChristianity & Liberalism, J. Gresham MachenCreed or Chaos? by Dorothy Sayers — FREEArticlesThe Story of Us, Shane RosenthalThe Megachurch Century, Shane RosenthalThe Tower of Babel, Shane RosenthalThe Mormonization of American Christianity, Shane RosenthalFinding Christ in All of Scripture (PDF), Shane RosenthalLiberalism or Christianity?, J. Gresham MachenThe Importance of Christian Scholarship, by J. Gresham MachenTheologically, This Country is in a State of Utter Chaos, Dorothy SayersWhy Johnny Can’t Preach, T. David GordonAudioJacob’s Ladder, Humble Skeptic #63Babylon, Humble Skeptic #65The Earliest Gospel, Humble Skeptic. #45The Effect of Media & Technology, Humble Skeptic #30Grounded in the Gospel, WHI #986 with J.I. PackerAn Interview with R.C. Sproul, WHI #909The Preached Word, WHI 972 with William WillimonTeen Spirituality, WHI #730 with Christian SmithAlmost Christian, WHI #1017 with Kenda Creasy DeanGetting Over Yourself, WHI #1588 with Dean InserraThe Narcissism Epidemic, WHI #956 with Jean TwengeVideoAmerican Gospel: Christ AloneAmerican Gospel: Christ CrucifiedWe Need Your Help!Consider supporting The Humble Skeptic podcast by making a one-time gift or upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack ($5.95 per month, $59 per year). Use the button below for more information about giving options. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Jan 21, 2025 • 36min


Wherever we find references to Babylon in the Bible, we’re frequently reminded of man’s failed attempt to ascend to the heavens. This is due in part to the fact that “Babel” and “Babylon” happen to be the same word in Hebrew. On this edition, Shane walks through a variety of Old Testament passages that relate to this theme and contrasts them with prophecies about Israel’s coming Messiah.SHOW NOTESTo read various selections from Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Josephus, and others that Shane cited on this episode, click here.ArticlesArchaeological Discoveries Related to Nebuchadnezzar II, Shane RosenthalThe Tower of Babel, Shane RosenthalDeciphering the Clues of Revelation, Shane RosenthalNew Life in the New Year, Shane RosenthalJustin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Prophecy, Shane RosenthalIsaiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth, Shane RosenthalFinding Christ in All of Scripture, Shane Rosenthal (PDF)Why Should We Believe the Bible?, Shane RosenthalIdentifying Babylon The Great, Shane Rosenthal (coming soon)BooksBabylonian Life & History, E.A. Wallis Budge—FREEGod Dwells Among Us, G.K. Beale & Mitchell KimThe Temple & The Tabernacle, J. Daniel HaysPierced for Our Transgressions, Andrew Sach & OthersThe Gospel According to Isaiah 53, Bock & GlaserBrave By Faith, Alistair BeggEchoes of Exodus, Roberts & WilsonHim We Proclaim, Dennis JohnsonWe Who Wrestle With God, Jordan PetersonAudioJacob’s Ladder, with Richard Bauckham, Michael Horton & othersThe Intersection of Church & State, with David Van DrunenThe Big Picture, with J. Daniel HaysHow to Read & Interpret the Bible, with Mike BrownWorship in Spirit & Truth, with G.K. BealeJewish Views of the Messiah, with Daniel BoyarinWere Jews Expecting a Suffering Messiah? Life in a Post-Christian World, with Alistair BeggVideoExploring Babylon & The Prophecies Against Her, Joel KramerThe Message of Daniel, John LennoxThe Tower of Babel, Jordan PetersonWe Need Your Help!Consider supporting The Humble Skeptic podcast by making a one-time gift or upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack ($5.95 per month, $59 per year). Use the button below for more information about giving options. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Dec 30, 2024 • 43min

Year-End Special with Liam Cooper

On this year-end episode, Shane talks with Australian pop-singer Liam Cooper about their shared interest in the backstory of Billy Joel’s song, Piano Man. Liam is the creator and frontman of a show called King of the Keys, which features the music of Billy Joel, Elton John, Paul McCartney and others. Earlier this year, Liam had plans to shoot a music video featuring the original piano used by Billy Joel at The Executive Room back in 1973—or so he thought. Shane’s research has led him to re-evaluate things.SHOW NOTESRelated Episodes & ArticlesThe Pilot Episode, Humble Skeptic #01New Evidence for The Executive Room, Humble Skeptic #55Evidential Reasoning, Humble Skeptic #56Dealing with Discrepancies, Humble Skeptic #57Is My Dad One of the Characters in Piano Man? Shane RosenthalThe Executive Room according to PopSpots, Bob EganHow to Detect Deception, Shane RosenthalThe Virtue of Doubt, Shane RosenthalMusic & Video LinksProject Magic, Liam Cooper (wedding proposal video)If You Were Here, Liam Cooper (song)Out of the Blue, Liam Cooper (music video)Yellow, Coldplay (music video)I Found The Executive Room Piano, Liam Cooper (interview)Carpool Karaoke, Paul McCartney & James Corden (video)Chin Up, Tomorrow’s a New Year, The Whiskey Wasps (song)Minute to Midnight, Anthony Lazaro (song)King of the Keys, Liam Cooper (website) Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Dec 18, 2024 • 39min

Christmas: Legend or History?

This special Christmas edition of the podcast features Shane’s man-on-the-street interviews that he recorded at a local Christmas festival. In particular, he asked whether the holiday, with all its memorable characters, is rooted in mythology, history, or a little of both. In the second half of the program, Shane reads selections from Justin Martyr’s First Apology, which provides insight into the compelling nature of early Christian proclamation. SHOW NOTESArticlesProof of the Gospel (PDF), selections from Justin Martyr, Eusebius & AugustineIsaiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth, Shane RosenthalThe Bethlehem Prophecy: An Exploration of Micah 5:2, Shane RosenthalSprinkled Nations & Speechless Kings, Shane RosenthalFinding Christ in All of Scripture (PDF), Shane RosenthalA New Way of Reading Scripture, Shane RosenthalWhy Should We Believe The Bible? (PDF), Shane RosenthalFirst Apology of Justin Martyr, online text versionBooksThe Writings of Justin Martyr, hardback editionProof of the Gospel, Eusebius of CaesareaThe Jewish Gospels, Daniel BoyarinA Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, Craig EvansA Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels, Craig EvansThe Angel of the Lord, Doug Van Dorn & Matt ForemanThe Gospel According to Isaiah 53, Darrell Bock & othersThe Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy, Rydelnik & BlumSoul Searching, Christian SmithAudioThe First Apology of Justin Martyr, FREE AudiobookWhat Child Is This? A Christmas Message by Shane RosenthalJewish Views of the Messiah, Humble Skeptic #38 with Daniel BoyarinWere Jews Expecting a Divine Messiah? WHI 1243 with Craig EvansA Suffering Messiah? WHI-1564 with Craig EvansThe Angel of the Lord (Pt 1), WHI 1566 with Foreman & Van DornThe Angel of the Lord (Pt 2), WHI-1567 with Foreman & Van DornJacob’s Ladder, Humble Skeptic #63Youth Ministry in Crisis, Christian Smith, J.I. Packer, Michael Horton & othersMusicCarol of the Bells, The Whiskey WaspsFor Unto Us, A Child Is Born, from Handel’s MessiahSurely, He Hath Born Our Sins, from Handel’s MessiahO Come, O Come Emmanuel, Ardie’s Son Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
5 snips
Dec 3, 2024 • 37min

Jacob's Ladder

On this episode, Shane weaves together a variety of interviews he’s recorded over the years related to Genesis 28 and the story of Jacob’s ladder. In particular, the conversations focus on the way the narrative has been completely inverted to become another Tower of Babel tale of our ascent to God, rather than a prophecy of Christ’s descent to us in mercy and grace.For a gift of any amount to help support the work of The Humble Skeptic podcast, we’ll send you a 12-page PDF resource by Shane Rosenthal titled, “Finding Christ in All of Scripture.” For a preview of this helpful resource, click here. SHOW NOTESRelated BooksJesus in the Old Testament, Iain DuguidJourneys with Jesus, Dennis JohnsonWho is God? Richard BauckhamPutting Amazing Back Into Grace, Michael HortonJustification, Vo1. 1, Vol. 2, Michael HortonThe Angel of the Lord, Doug Van Dorn & Matt ForemanGenesis: Interpretation, Walter BrueggemannGod Dwells Among Us, G.K. Beale & Mitchell KimRelated ArticlesFinding Christ in All of Scripture, Shane RosenthalThe Tower of Babel, Shane RosenthalIsaiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth, Shane RosenthalThe Bethlehem Prophecy, Shane RosenthalBlessed Are the Pure in Heart? Shane RosenthalThe Story of Us, Shane RosenthalWhat’s the Most Important Thing Taught in the Bible? • Shane RosenthalA New Way of Reading Scripture, Shane RosenthalThe Application of Messianic Prophecy, Richard BauckhamAudio & VideoJacob’s Ladder, R.C. Sproul (video)The Gospel Creed, Humble Skeptic #09Jewish Views of the Messiah, Humble Skeptic #38 with Daniel Boyarin Were Jews Expecting a Divine Messiah?, WHI-1243 with Craig EvansHow to Read & Apply the Old Testament, WHI-1568 with Iain DuguidJacob’s Ladder, WHI-207 with Michael HortonClimbing Jacob’s Ladder, WHI-1454 with Sam Allberry & Caleb BassettThe Angel of the Lord (Pt 1), WHI-1566 with Foreman & Van DornThe Angel of the Lord (Pt 2), WHI-1567 with Foreman & Van DornStairway to Heaven, WHI-1578 with Michael HortonWe Need Your Help!Consider supporting The Humble Skeptic podcast by making a one-time gift or by upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack ($5.95 per month, $59 per year). Tax-deductible giving options are also available. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Nov 26, 2024 • 52min

Simply Genius

On this episode, Shane talks with Peter J. Williams about his book, The Surprising Genius of Jesus, which primarily focuses on the parables of Luke 15. Shane discussed some of these parables on episode 43 earlier this year, but the insights provided by Williams merit a brand new investigation. In short, the more we notice Jesus’ subtle allusions to the Old Testament, the more we’ll understand his teaching and begin to appreciate the depth of his genius. Toward the end of the conversation, the two also discuss questions related to the date of John’s Gospel in light of recent trends among New Testament scholars who are currently reassessing the late date hypothesis.SHOW NOTESBooksThe Surprising Genius of Jesus, Peter J. WilliamsCan We Trust The Gospels? Peter J. WilliamsEchoes of Exodus: Tracing the Theme of Redemption, Roberts & WilsonJoseph: A Story of Love, Hate, Slavery, Power & Forgiveness, John LennoxRedating the New Testament, John A.T. RobinsonThe Priority of John, John A.T. RobinsonRethinking the Dates of the New Testament, Jonathan BernierRedating Matthew, Mark & Luke, John WenhamJesus & The Eyewitnesses, Richard BauckhamThe Testimony of the Beloved Disciple, Richard BauckhamArticlesWas Jesus a Genius? Peter J. WilliamsFinding Christ in All of Scripture, Shane RosenthalParadigm Shift on The Date of John’s Gospel? Shane RosenthalJohn 5:2 “There is in Jerusalem…”, Shane RosenthalWas John The First Gospel? Ian PaulWhy Are The Birth Stories of Jesus Different? Peter J. WilliamsAuthenticating The Fourth Gospel, Shane RosenthalWater Into Wine? Shane RosenthalScribes of the New Covenant, Shane RosenthalThe Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus, Shane RosenthalVideo & AudioThe Surprising Genius of Jesus, Peter Williams (video)Do The Gospels Tell the Same Story?, Peter Williams (video)Can the Old Testament Be Trusted Historically? Peter Williams (video)How to Read & Apply the Old Testament, WHI #1568 with Ian DuguidThe Gospel in Genesis, a WHI series hosted by Shane RosenthalRethinking Jesus’ Parables, Humble Skeptic #43 with Scott ChurnockIs John Late & Unreliable? Humble Skeptic #51 with Daniel WallaceFor More Info About Peter Williams & Tyndale HousePeter Williams is the principal of Tyndale House, which is a Cambridge-based research institute housing one of the world’s most advanced libraries for biblical scholarship. You can find them online at Need Your Help!Donations to The Humble Skeptic podcast are tax-deductible. To make a one-time donation or set up recurring monthly gifts, click here. Another way to support us is by upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack. Subscriptions begin at $5.95 per month or $59 per year (this option is not tax-deductible). Another way to help is to spread the word about The Humble Skeptic podcast! Thanks for your help, and Happy Thanksgiving! Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Nov 19, 2024 • 48min

Stories of Jesus: Can They Be Trusted?

What are we to make of the stories of Jesus recorded in the New Testament Gospels? Are they authentic accounts of his life and teaching, or collections of myths and legends that evolved over time? Shane discusses this with Cambridge New Testament scholar Peter J. Williams, principal of Tyndale House and author of Can We Trust the Gospels?SHOW NOTESBooksCan We Trust The Gospels? Peter J. WilliamsThe Surprising Genius of Jesus, Peter J. WilliamsIs Jesus History? John DicksonJesus: A Very Short Introduction, Richard BauckhamJesus & The Eyewitnesses, Richard BauckhamA Doubter’s Guide To Jesus, John DicksonRevisiting the Corruption of the New Testament, Daniel WallaceRedating the New Testament, John A.T. RobinsonThe Gospel of John: A Newly Discovered Commentary, J.B. LightfootArticlesQuestions About New Testament Manuscripts, Peter J. WilliamsWhy Are The Birth Stories of Jesus Different? Peter J. WilliamsThe Gospels as Authentic Testimony, Richard BauckhamThe Authenticity & Genuineness of the Fourth Gospel, J.B. LightfootIs Luke a Trustworthy Historian? Sir William RamsayOutside the Gospels, What Can We Know About Jesus? Shane Rosenthal?Scribes of the New Covenant, Shane RosenthalAuthenticating The Fourth Gospel, Shane RosenthalWhy Should We Believe The Bible? Shane RosenthalSimon of Cyrene: An Intriguing Archaeological Discovery, Shane RosenthalVideo & AudioCan We Trust the Gospels? Peter J. Williams (video)New Evidence for the Gospels, Peter J. Williams (video)Evidence for the Resurrection, Peter J. Williams (video)Are the Gospels Reliable?, Peter J. Williams & Bart Ehrman (video)Has the Bible Been Miscopied or Mistranslated? WHI #1377 with Daniel WallaceIs John Late & Unreliable? Humble Skeptic #51 with Daniel WallaceAre the Gospels History or Fiction? Humble Skeptic #52 with John DicksonThe Gospels As Eyewitness Testimony, Humble Skeptic #48 with Richard BauckhamFake or Authentic? Humble Skeptic #10 with Lydia McGrewFaith & Proof, Humble Skeptic 7 with Mike FarleyThe Tools & Rules of HistoryOn Friday, November 8th, the Lanier Theological Library hosted a panel discussion at The Stone Chapel on The Tools and Rules of History: How Do We Know What Really Happened? This 90-minute session featured Gary Habermas, Shane Rosenthal, and David McIlroy and was moderated by Mark Lanier. This conversation was live-streamed and you can find the video here.For More Info About Peter Williams & Tyndale HousePeter Williams is the principal of Tyndale House, which is a Cambridge-based research institute housing one of the world’s most advanced libraries for biblical scholarship. You can find them online at Need Your Help!Help spread the word about The Humble Skeptic podcast by sending a link to your favorite episode to a friend or relative. Also, donations to The Humble Skeptic podcast are tax-deductible. To make a one-time donation or set up recurring monthly gifts, click here. Another way to support us is by upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack. Subscriptions begin at $5.95 per month or $59 per year. FYI, this option is not tax-deductible. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Nov 12, 2024 • 48min

God & Science: Are Miracles Possible?

Are miracles possible, or should they be seen as violations of natural laws that all scientifically minded people should reject? Is it true that most scientists reject God? What about faith? Should it be dismissed as a kind of of irrational leap that is essentially the opposite of critical thinking? Shane discusses these questions and more with MIT professor Ian Hutchinson, author of Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles?SHOW NOTESBooksCan A Scientist Believe in Miracles?, Ian HutchinsonMonopolizing Knowledge, Ian HutchinsonCan Science Explain Everything? John LennoxFinding Ultimate Reality John LennoxThe Return of the God Hypothesis, Stephen MeyerThe Case Against Accident & Self Organization, Dean OvermanArticlesScience & Faith: Allies or Enemies? John LennoxWhat is Faith? Shane RosenthalSignature in the Cell, Stephen MeyerIs Science Incompatible with Christianity? Derek RishmawyTaking Science on Faith, Paul DaviesSupersymmetry & The Crisis in Physics, Scientific AmericanHas Belief in God Harmed the Advancement of Science? Craig PartonVideosThe “Science Refutes God” Debate, Hutchinson, Krauss & ShermerCan A Scientist Believe in Miracles? Ian Hutchinson (Veritas Forum)Is There Knowledge Outside of Science? Ian Hutchinson (Veritas Forum)By Design, Lennox, Behe & Meyer (Uncommon Knowledge)Stephen C. Meyer, The Joe Rogan ExperienceHas Science Buried God? John Lennox (Socrates in the City)Does the Biblical Story of Creation Fit with Science? John LennoxAgainst the Tide, A documentary film featuring John LennoxAudioReturn of the God Hypothesis,  Shane Rosenthal & Stephen MeyerThe Multiverse & the Mystery of Life’s Origin, Shane Rosenthal & Stephen MeyerJohn Lennox on Faith & Science, Humble Skeptic #41John Lennon on The Problem of Evil, Humble Skeptic #42A Conversation About God, Jordan Peterson & John LennoxCan a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection? R. McLaughlin & Ian HutchinsonWRITE A POSITIVE REVIEWIf you’re a fan of the show, consider writing a quick note about what you like about the show (preferably via the Apple Podcast app since their reviews are visible in many other podcast portals). The more positive reviews we get, the more exposure we get! SUPPORT THIS PODCASTDonations to The Humble Skeptic podcast are tax-deductible. To make a one-time donation or set up recurring monthly gifts, click here. Another way to support this podcast is by upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack. Subscriptions begin at $5.95 per month or $59 per year, however, this option is not tax-deductible. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at
Oct 30, 2024 • 49min

Into the Darkness...

For two years, Steven Flo was filled with fear and despair. He retreated from the world and even began to hide from sunlight. In vampire-like fashion, he closed all his curtains and lived in what felt like a tomb. Even though he was a Lutheran pastor who often counseled others, during this period he was inconsolable, and began to despair about his own eternal state. If the Gospel was true, it was true for others, but not for him. On this episode, Shane talks with pastor Flo about his descent into darkness.SHOW NOTESRelated ArticlesAn Overview of TMS, Mayo ClinicWhat is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?, Cleveland ClinicLife & Death, Simonetta CarFaith & Mental Illness, Michael HortonWilliam Cowper: Depression & The Art of Hymn Writing, Barb DuguidRelated BooksThe Unseen Realm | Demons, Michael HeiserPrincipalities & Powers, John W. MontgomeryThe Proof of the Gospel, Eusebius of CaesareaThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas KuhnThe Care of Souls, Harold SenkbeilRelated AudioFaith & Mental Illness, White Horse Inn #1213 Darkness My Only Companion, White Horse Inn #1214Death, Ghosts & Views of the Afterlife, Humble Skeptic #31UPCOMING EVENTS Troy, IllinoisOn Sunday, Nov. 3rd, Shane will be speaking at a youth event from 3:30 to 7:00 pm at Providence Presbyterian Church. Shane will be addressing the topics: “Is Faith Blind?” and “Are There Contradictions in the Gospels?” For more information about this youth event, send a text to 618-820-4908.Houston, TexasOn Friday & Saturday, Nov. 8-9, Shane will be speaking with Gary Habermas and others at the Lanier Theological Library. The discussion will be centered on the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection as part of the 4th Annual John Warwick Montgomery Lecture in Evidential Apologetics. For more information about this event, click here.St. Charles, MissouriOn Sunday, Dec. 8th at 6 pm, Shane will discuss some of the challenges related to Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth. Some believe that the account of the census that took place in the days of Quirinius (Luke 2) is at odds with other known historical facts. Did Luke make a mistake or can the apparent contradiction be resolved? This discussion will take place at Christ Presbyterian Church ( you would like to invite Shane Rosenthal to speak at your event, send an email to: INFO at HUMBLESKEPTIC dot COM. SUPPORT THIS PODCASTDonations to The Humble Skeptic podcast are tax-deductible. To make a one-time donation or set up recurring monthly gifts, click here. Another way to support this podcast is by upgrading to a paid subscription via Substack. Subscriptions begin at $5.95 per month or $59 per year, however, this option is not tax-deductible.The Humble Skeptic is a listener-supported podcast. To support this work, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Get full access to The Humble Skeptic at

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