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Apr 3, 2019 • 1h 26min

Doing Justice: Integral Law and the Mueller Report (with Mark Fischler and Corey deVos)

In this new monthly series with Mark Fischler, we take a look at some of the most pressing and most complex issues of our time through the lens of Integral Law. In this special premiere episode Mark describes his own background, how he arrived at this fascinating intersection between the integral world and the legal world, and what exactly he means by the phrase “integral law”. Mark and Corey then turn their attention to the big story of our day — the Mueller report — offering their own views about the investigation, Attorney General William Barr’s summary of Mueller Report, and how this story might play out in the weeks and months to come. Topics include: — What is “Integral Law”? — What were the origins of the Mueller investigation? — What were the main conclusions of the Mueller report, as summarized by William Barr? — What are the different kinds of “burden of proof”, and how do they apply to this investigation? — Does the Mueller report (or what we know about it) actually exonerate President Trump? — If Mueller’s investigation did not surface evidence “beyond a reasonable doubt” of Trump conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election, does that mean the entire investigation by the FBI and the media was a sham? Or was the investigation justified, regardless of the evidence it reveals? — If the Mueller report does end up providing evidence of Trump’s complicity, should Democrats move to impeach him?
Apr 1, 2019 • 36min

For the Love of Darwin — The Upward Thrust of Sex, Love, and Evolution (David Loye and Ken Wilber)

David Loye, author of Darwin in Love, talks to Ken Wilber about the life and often-distorted legacy of Charles Darwin, as well as Darwin’s belief in LOVE as a critical driver of the evolution of species. Survival of the fittest is taken by many as the end-all, be-all of Darwinian evolution — that all evolution comes down to the solitary drive to propagate one’s genes at any cost, giving rise to all sorts of “selfish gene” interpretations of life, evolution, and society. Which is kind of funny, considering that in The Descent of Man, where Darwin focused on human evolution in particular, he only used the phrase “survival of the fittest” twice — and one of those times was to suggest that the phrase not be used at all! Compare this to the 95 times Darwin used the word “love” and 92 mentions of “moral sensitivity” as important drivers of evolution, and it becomes clear that something important is missing from our current discussions of evolution, natural selection, and Darwin’s tremendous legacy. As Darwin himself explains, pure survival is but the lowest of evolutionary drivers, and are eclipsed by a number of other drivers as we move up the evolutionary chain. In Darwin’s mind, evolution was guided by an entire spectrum of critical drivers that ranged from sexual instincts on the lowest end to the Golden Rule on the highest, with parental instincts, social instincts, emotion and reason, cultural habits, etc. filling out the rest of the picture. From sex to the Golden Rule — just using this simple frame, we can see three critical dimensions of evolutionary unfolding that are almost always missed by contemporary readings of Darwin: - Darwin’s belief in higher-stage, non-physical drivers of evolution, which argue against reductionism. - Darwin’s attention to the interior dimensions of evolutionary selection, which argue against scientific materialism. - Darwin’s emphasis upon mutuality, reciprocity, and other intersubjective/interobjective factors, which argue against selfishness, opportunism, and narcissism Taken together, this leads to a much more comprehensive understanding of our own evolution, and helps cut through the distortion of books like The Selfish Gene or Darwin’s Dangerous Idea. Join us as we take a closer look at the life and legacy of one of history’s greatest pioneers, and examine an evolutionary process that is anything but blind when it selects for beauty, is anything but dumb when it selects for truth, and is anything but amoral when it selects for goodness. Find the full 2-hour dialogue here: https://integrallife.com/for-the-love-of-darwin-beyond-the-selfish-gene/
Mar 26, 2019 • 36min

The Boy Crisis — 01 — Privilege, Oppression, and the Wage Gap (with Warren Farrell and Ken Wilber)

Warren Farrell and Ken Wilber take an in-depth look at the many social, cultural, and psychological challenges that young boys are facing today, while noting how many of these challenges are the products of well-intentioned — but often misguided — feminist praxis. Not that feminism is inherently hostile to men. Far from it. As Warren notes in his book, many prominent feminist leaders over the decades have understood the critical role that fathers play in their children’s development and psychological well-being. He quotes Gloria Steinem, who famously said, “what the world needs now is more women at work and more dads at home”. He also recalls Betty Friedan’s popular book, The Second Stage, which was a call for men to consciously begin the same process of self-liberation and redefinition of their identities and roles that women have struggled with over the last century — going so far to say that the major goals of feminism can never be fully attained if men are not also engaged in an equivalent praxis on their side. As the saying goes, if you only row the boat with one oar, you’re just going in circles. As the era of #MeToo continues to put a spotlight upon the many inertias, indignities, and injustices that women face in the public sphere, Farrell and Gray are bringing some much-needed attention to the inertias, indignities, and injustices that men are experiencing in the public and private spheres, and in their private lives. “We have seven federal offices of women’s health, and zero federal offices of men’s health. Can you imagine the sexism that we would accurately be accused of if women died five years earlier than men, and died earlier of 14 out of 15 of the leading causes of death, and we had seven offices of men’s health, and zero offices of women’s health? It’s not conceivable that that would be the case. Yet that is the case. And more potently, no one is protesting it, and very few people even know about it.” —Warren Farrell Find the full discussion here: https://integrallife.com/the-boy-crisis/
Mar 20, 2019 • 1h 12min

Growing Up: A Guided Tour — A Brief History of Human Development (with Ken Wilber and Corey deVos)

In this excerpt from the March episode of The Ken Show, titled Growing Up: A Guided Tour, we explore one of the most central elements of integral metatheory — growing up through multiple stages of developmental maturity. Watch as Ken and Corey offer a guided tour through each of the major stages on the Path of Growing Up — an exploration of your own greatest, deepest potentials — and offer some simple practices to help you actualize those potentials.
Mar 5, 2019 • 41min

The Heart of Motherhood (with Brooke McNamara and Jeff Salzman)

"The unique terrain of mothering is always, already shaping us into ripe and powerful writers: we are tired so we are funny and real; we are in love so we are tender; we are damn strong so we have conviction. I want to bring our ordinary, extraordinary realities out of hiding and into view, for ourselves, each other, and the greater public if we so choose. This is my activism. This can be your activism. This is a chance to know and be known by each other, amazing mamas.” —Brooke McNamara Jeff invited Brooke McNamara to the Daily Evolver to talk about a project she is launching that we think represents a new way of building creative we-spaces. It’s a 6-week virtual course that provides inspiration, community and an opportunity for creative self-expression to a select group of people who are living in a unique crucible: mothers. Brooke developed the course, Write to the Heart of Motherhood because, as a poet, she knows writing to be a flexible and potent way for mothers to “connect to our true voice in the middle of our messy lives.” She explains: “The practice of writing is not something I do, but somewhere I go. When I give myself fully to whole-bodied listening for poems, I am never disappointed. Even if nothing comes, the tuning itself creates a presence and vitality in my being that support me profoundly in living and mothering. Poetry, for me, is language that carries both meaning, imagery and story, AND, more importantly, life force itself.” —Brooke McNamara Brooke’s new course, Write to the Heart of Motherhood, begins on March 4th and will run for six weeks. It’s not too late to sign up! Click here to learn more and register: https://www.theheartofmotherhood.com/ref/integrallife/
Mar 1, 2019 • 13min

Star Trek Discovery and the Moral Arc of the Universe (with Corey deVos)

Boldy go where no holon has gone before as Corey deVos shares his review of Star Trek: Discovery — the latest installment in this venerable franchise. Listen as Corey explores how Star Trek offers a way to see beyond our current social, cultural, and political challenges, while also unpacking some of the important integral themes contained within the show.
Feb 27, 2019 • 34min

What's Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web — 06 — The Way Forward (with Ken Wilber)

The Intellectual Dark Web — the term was coined by IDW member Eric Weinstein — refers to a loosely bound worldwide internet community of over a hundred major thinkers (and hundreds of millions of views) who do not find any present day intellectual trends to be that inviting. They don’t like the far Right, but they don’t like the far Left either — they’re looking for a much more unified and inclusive ways of thinking. In an article posted on the Rebel Wisdom website — a website that was created in part due to a very positive response to the work of Jordan Peterson — David Fuller makes the following observation: “It was while watching these two interviews in quick succession—Dave Rubin’s talk with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, and his discussion with Eric and Bret Weinstein—that I came to my conclusion of what the conversation actually represented! It mapped clearly onto a model I was familiar with—the philosopher Ken Wilber’s idea of ‘Integral’ consciousness as an essential evolutionary leap. I’m going to argue that the conversation is an early but spontaneous manifestation of a more advanced way of thinking that Wilber calls ‘Integral.’ I’m going to apply Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory to the Intellectual Dark Web….” Integral Theory — or technically, Integral Metatheory — seems to be applicable here because it is basically an attempt to draw together as many different approaches to truth as we possibly can and integrate them in a unified framework. Integral sometimes refers to all these different truths as ones that include Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up, Opening Up, and Showing Up.
Feb 27, 2019 • 24min

What's Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web — 05 — Politics and the IDW (with Ken Wilber)

The Intellectual Dark Web — the term was coined by IDW member Eric Weinstein — refers to a loosely bound worldwide internet community of over a hundred major thinkers (and hundreds of millions of views) who do not find any present day intellectual trends to be that inviting. They don’t like the far Right, but they don’t like the far Left either — they’re looking for a much more unified and inclusive ways of thinking. In an article posted on the Rebel Wisdom website — a website that was created in part due to a very positive response to the work of Jordan Peterson — David Fuller makes the following observation: “It was while watching these two interviews in quick succession—Dave Rubin’s talk with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, and his discussion with Eric and Bret Weinstein—that I came to my conclusion of what the conversation actually represented! It mapped clearly onto a model I was familiar with—the philosopher Ken Wilber’s idea of ‘Integral’ consciousness as an essential evolutionary leap. I’m going to argue that the conversation is an early but spontaneous manifestation of a more advanced way of thinking that Wilber calls ‘Integral.’ I’m going to apply Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory to the Intellectual Dark Web….” Integral Theory — or technically, Integral Metatheory — seems to be applicable here because it is basically an attempt to draw together as many different approaches to truth as we possibly can and integrate them in a unified framework. Integral sometimes refers to all these different truths as ones that include Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up, Opening Up, and Showing Up.
Feb 27, 2019 • 20min

What's Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web — 04 — Postmodernism and the Culture Wars (Ken Wilber)

The Intellectual Dark Web — the term was coined by IDW member Eric Weinstein — refers to a loosely bound worldwide internet community of over a hundred major thinkers (and hundreds of millions of views) who do not find any present day intellectual trends to be that inviting. They don’t like the far Right, but they don’t like the far Left either — they’re looking for a much more unified and inclusive ways of thinking. In an article posted on the Rebel Wisdom website — a website that was created in part due to a very positive response to the work of Jordan Peterson — David Fuller makes the following observation: “It was while watching these two interviews in quick succession—Dave Rubin’s talk with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, and his discussion with Eric and Bret Weinstein—that I came to my conclusion of what the conversation actually represented! It mapped clearly onto a model I was familiar with—the philosopher Ken Wilber’s idea of ‘Integral’ consciousness as an essential evolutionary leap. I’m going to argue that the conversation is an early but spontaneous manifestation of a more advanced way of thinking that Wilber calls ‘Integral.’ I’m going to apply Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory to the Intellectual Dark Web….” Integral Theory — or technically, Integral Metatheory — seems to be applicable here because it is basically an attempt to draw together as many different approaches to truth as we possibly can and integrate them in a unified framework. Integral sometimes refers to all these different truths as ones that include Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up, Opening Up, and Showing Up.
Feb 27, 2019 • 28min

What's Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web — 03 — Left and Right (with Ken Wilber)

The Intellectual Dark Web — the term was coined by IDW member Eric Weinstein — refers to a loosely bound worldwide internet community of over a hundred major thinkers (and hundreds of millions of views) who do not find any present day intellectual trends to be that inviting. They don’t like the far Right, but they don’t like the far Left either — they’re looking for a much more unified and inclusive ways of thinking. In an article posted on the Rebel Wisdom website — a website that was created in part due to a very positive response to the work of Jordan Peterson — David Fuller makes the following observation: “It was while watching these two interviews in quick succession—Dave Rubin’s talk with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, and his discussion with Eric and Bret Weinstein—that I came to my conclusion of what the conversation actually represented! It mapped clearly onto a model I was familiar with—the philosopher Ken Wilber’s idea of ‘Integral’ consciousness as an essential evolutionary leap. I’m going to argue that the conversation is an early but spontaneous manifestation of a more advanced way of thinking that Wilber calls ‘Integral.’ I’m going to apply Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory to the Intellectual Dark Web….” Integral Theory — or technically, Integral Metatheory — seems to be applicable here because it is basically an attempt to draw together as many different approaches to truth as we possibly can and integrate them in a unified framework. Integral sometimes refers to all these different truths as ones that include Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up, Opening Up, and Showing Up.

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