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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Latest episodes

Dec 15, 2022 • 36min

How to Live with Flow & Ease! Finding the Path of Least Resistance with Michael Sandler and CJ Liu

If you've ever wondered what to do, which to choose, where to turn or what in the world to do with your computer then do we have the Path of Least Resistance show for you.   Today I'm joined by CJ Liu from the Fire It Up With CJ show, we'll be talking about finding the path of least resistance and more on dancing babies, chicken feet, study buddies, Elton John, unconscious neurobiology, monkey mind, anniversary, pinetree massacre, Roo Roo flying lessons and what in the world an RV named "Burp" has to do with anything!   Are you ready to shine?   Visit:    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Dec 13, 2022 • 51min

How to Shine BRIGHTEST in the DARKEST Months! Raise Your Vibration with Michael Sandler

While it's the darkest time of year, it's also easiest to see the light - and when you learn how to call in help, and crank up that inner flame, you begin illuminating the entire world around you!   So welcome to this extra-special, extra-bright event, and you'll learn how to turn this into the BRIGHTEST time of year, and raise your vibrational frequency of love as you begin playing and bathing in the light.   Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content -    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Dec 8, 2022 • 1h 11min

How to Heal Your Life with Love and Laughter! Live Life Happier with Dr. Bernie Siegel

If you’ve ever wanted to heal from illness, or feel better about your life, then do we have the Humor and Healing show for you.   I’ll be talking with Dr. Bernie Siegel, about how to laugh your way to self-healing, and happiness.   Bernie Siegel is an American writer and retired pediatric surgeon, who writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process and the best selling author of numerous books including Love, Medicine and Miracles, Love Animals and Miracles, The Art of Healing, and a phenomenal little audiobook Humor and Healing.   Topics Include: What does it mean to become a love warrior? What it means to send someone love and help change their life? What is 365 Prescriptions for the Soul? How do we heal from the feeling that we are a failure? What we can learn from stories about our life? What we can learn from Simon and Garfunkel? Why you want to wear a bandage when you are not injured! What is the importance of sharing what is ailing you with others? Why people never die, and what it means for you? What laughter means for our health? Why your attitude is so important for your survival? What we can learn from people who have a few months to live? What people have done when they were told they were dying that dramatically extended their lives? What does it mean to choose to live? What does it mean to take back the reigns of your life? How can parents “use love as your weapon”? What does it mean to breathe peace?   Dr. Bernie Siegel was born in Brooklyn, NY. He attended Colgate University and Cornell University Medical College. He holds membership in two scholastic honor societies, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha and graduated with honors. His surgical training took place at Yale New Haven Hospital, West Haven Veteran’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. He retired from practice as an assistant clinical professor of surgery at Yale of general and pediatric surgery in 1989 to speak to patients and their caregivers.   In 1978 he originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings. ECaP is based on “carefrontation,” a safe, loving therapeutic confrontation, which facilitates personal lifestyle changes, personal empowerment and healing of the individual’s life. The physical, spiritual and psychological benefits which followed led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her healing potential. He realized exceptional behavior is what we are all capable of.   Bernie, and his wife and coworker Bobbie, live in a suburb of New Haven, Connecticut. They have five children and eight grandchildren. Bernie and Bobbie have co-authored their children, books and articles. Their home with its many children, pets and interests resembled a cross between a family art gallery, museum, zoo and automobile repair shop. It still resembles these things, although the children are trying to improve its appearance in order to avoid embarrassment. - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content.   To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics - - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Dec 6, 2022 • 45min

How to Raise Your VIBRATION! Use This One SIMPLE Energy-Changing Technique! Michael Sandler

We've all heard it before, we come from an unlimited Universe, filled with abundance--but it often doesn't feel that way when we're exhausted, worn-out, and our energy is flat. However, there is a Secret to raising your vibration, plugging back into this unlimited energy, and finding a way to feel much, MUCH better.   It takes 3 important but simple steps and in this show you'll learn secrets from the Angels, for doing just this! - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content.   To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics - - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Dec 1, 2022 • 1h 14min

How To Find True Inner Peace! Lessons of Inner Peace from a Monk in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village | Phap Ban

If you're looking for more peace, stillness and ease in your life, then do we have the Plum Village, an Artist’s Journey, show for you.   Today I’ll be talking with Phap Ban, Plum Village Monk, on finding inner peace and teachings from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village.   Phap Ban is a Disney Artist, Plum Village Monk, and the author of a beautiful, peaceful, work of art, Plum Village: An Artist's Journey.   Plum Village Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:  What was Phap Ban’s relationship to spirituality growing up? How did he begin drawing? When did he begin working with Disney? What was the importance of the book “Introduction to Zen”? What drew Phap to meditation at 24? How did he find himself at Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum village? What was the allure? How did he end up leaving his life behind? How’d he end up becoming a monk? What was the peace he began to find? What is a beginner’s mind and how do we return to one? What does it mean it takes a lot of courage to be happy? How do we first begin to experience the silence? How do we let go of the mind? What’s the importance of gratitude??? How can nature help us find the stillness within??? What is Phap Ban’s practice now? What is the importance of daily repetitive actions??? How can artwork or drawing help us tap back into the silence? What is the illusion of separation?   Visit:    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Nov 29, 2022 • 59min

The ANGELS You Never Knew Existed & What They Mean for YOU! Michael Sandler

There are very specific Angels, for VERY specific tasks, and yet, we often don't know who to call, why they're here, or even how to reach out--until now. In this special event, you'll learn some of the most special Angels, you never knew existed, and how to effectively reach out to them, and get the higher-level help you need! And how does it get any better than this?   Sign up to Michael's FREE Newsletter! Your daily dose of uplifting inspiration and high vibrations with our new daily newsletter    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Nov 24, 2022 • 1h 11min

How to Reprogram Your Self-Image for Greater Happiness, Direction & Success with Psycho-Cybernetics! Mitch Horowitz

Do you want to get more more living out of life? Then do we have the Pyscho-Cybernetics show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz about how to steer your mind to a productive useful goal, so you can reach the greatest port in the world, happiness and a peace of mind. And the learnings we can take away from Dr Maxwell Maltz book, Psycho-Cybernetics   Mitch Horowitz is a PEN award winning writer and a former editor in chief at Tarcher Perigee about one of my one of my all-time favorite books, Psycho-Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz.   Psycho-Cybernetics Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What is psycho-cybernetics Who was Dr. Maxwell Maltz? How did a plastic surgeon come to write a self-help book What does it mean that man has a machine which he uses? What’s the self-image, and how is it a self-fulfilling loop? What’s imaginary ugliness? What’s the success mechanism or the built-in guidance system What’s the importance of being goal oriented? Are mistakes a bad thing? What’s the real secret to visualization? What’s the best way to imagine ourselves (finding success, living dreams, etc.) What does it mean to be hypnotized by our beliefs? How do we dehypnotize ourselves? Why do we want to examine and re-examine our beliefs? Why’ don’t we want to be too careful? How can happiness be cultivated and developed? What’s a happiness habit? How do we reprogram our self-image? What’s the importance of persistence? How do we move past self-doubt? How do we chose the right path in life? One homework assignment to help you overcome setbacks   Visit:    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok -
Nov 22, 2022 • 58min

Find Certainty in Uncertain Times (FROM YOUR GUIDES) Connecting with the OTHER Side! Michael Sandler

While these times may seem crazier than ever, there are ways you can find certainty, stability, and even peace.   In this special event we'll look at how to connect with the other side, hear from your guides, and find the certainty you need to get through these times, or even just catch your breath!   To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok - 
Nov 17, 2022 • 57min

The GREATEST Secret to Self-Healing! How We Can All Heal with Eric Pearl & Jillian Fleer

At some point in our lives, we all need some healing assistance - not from a doctor, but instead from a higher frequency. We can call this self-healing, alternative healing, or energy healing, but we need a way to summon something special in order to heal. And that's what tonight's show is about. About a Secret to summoning in a power much greater than we ever realized we have.   Today I'll be talking with Dr. Eric Pearl & Jillian Fleer of Reconnective Healing about connecting with your innate healing within and how to use it for yourself and others.   Dr. Eric Pearl & Jillian Fleer of Reconnective Healing are authors of their newest book The Direct Path to Healing: A Trinity of Energy, Light & Information.   The Direct Path to Healing: A Trinity of Energy, Light & Information:    The Portal - Online Course:    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok - 
Nov 15, 2022 • 51min

The SURPRISING Secret for Tapping Into Greater Peace & Calm with Michael Sandler

There's a Secret so powerful and so close, that can give you the peace you need, but that is rarely used. In this special show, I download a teaching from the Guides of AWE on how you can tap into this peace, now, and in your most trying moments. For you deserve peace, and it's closer than you think!   Join Michael's School of Mystics! $60.00 USD off forever -    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit:   We’ve got NEW Merch! -   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram -   Find us on TikTok - 

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