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Psychedelic Salon

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Mar 12, 2012 • 1h 21min

Podcast 302 – “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide”

Guest speaker: James Fadiman We are saddened to report that long time friend of the salon and psychedelic research pioneer extraordinaire, Gary Fisher has gone on to his next adventure. Archive of podcasts featuring Gary Fisher The Gary Fisher Page PROGRAM NOTES: “There is so much more psychedelic use in this country than any of us, even those of us who think we know a lot, are aware of. . . . According to [the government], 23 million Americans have used LSD since it became illegal. And that figure, because I've been tracking it, goes up 600,000 a year, pretty much rain or shine. So there's 600,000 people this year who are going to be taking, and that just deals with LSD, that doesn't deal with ecstasy or ayahuasca or anything else. But there's this growing, continual large number of people, and they tend to be better educated and brighter, and we do have research on that. So what I'm doing a lot with this book is say, 'Hey, it's OK to admit what is true, which is the person next to you at your work probably had some acid in their background just as you did.” -James Fadiman Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys By James Fadiman The Other Side of Haight: A Novel ENTHEOGUIDE.NET Meeting the Divine Within A Manual for Voyagers and Guides and Supplemental Information EROWID.ORG Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans and Psychoactives BOOKS By Matt Pallamary Myron Stolaroff and Gary Fisher talk about the legendary Al Hubbard
Mar 3, 2012 • 1h 49min

Podcast 301 – “Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012” Part 4

Guest speaker Bruce Damer takes us on a mental voyage around the solar system and shares a fascinating story of his encounter with a dodgy character. He discusses the complexities of the financial system and highlights nature's superior technology. The podcast also explores the significance of visions, reflections on the time wave theory, preserving psychedelic history, increased surveillance, Facebook's role, and the controversy of black bloc tactics.
Feb 20, 2012 • 51min

Podcast 300 – “Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012” Part 3

Guest speaker: Lorenzo PROGRAM NOTES: Today's podcast picks up with the third section of the workshop that Bruce Damer and I led on January 28th. This section features my second presentation of the day in which I try to live up to the advanced billing for the workshop which read: “Lorenzo will take us from 2013 into the emerging era of cyber-enhanced humans, immersed in a meme-space stranger than we can suppose.” In the Occupy segment of the podcast I feature an interview with and a talk by Chris Hedges, including his criticism of the Black Bloc hooligans who are doing their best to destroy the Occupy Movement. Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST Art by Randal Roberts (who provided the art for this podcast) Description of the elements in “Fawkes” by Randal Roberts Video of today's podcast What You Should Know About 2012: Answers to 13 Questions by John Hoopes, Ph.D.
Feb 12, 2012 • 1h 52min

Podcast 299 – “Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012” Part 2

Guest speaker: Bruce Damer PROGRAM NOTES: In today’s podcast we pick up with the next part of a workshop that was held on January 28, 2012 titled “Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012”. This section features Bruce Damer, who begins with his “Ode to Terence” [ In the Occupy segment I begin with a recap of what went down in Washington, D.C. the day of the eviction from McPherson Square. Also, I play a series of short audio clips. The first one is of a young man from San Diego who was speaking at the General Assembly that was held in the middle of K Street in Washington the evening after the McPhearson eviction. And while this segment also ends with a call to the barricades from Chris Hedges in different interview, between those two Hedges segments I play a three minute pep talk that Tony Benn gave to some of the occupiers in London the other day. Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option Links Mentioned In This Podcast The Adult Autism and MDMA/Ecstasy Study
Feb 4, 2012 • 1h 40min

Podcast 298 – “Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012” Part 1

Guest speakers: Bruce Damer and Lorenzo Hagerty PROGRAM NOTES: Today's podcast features the first of the recordings from last weekend's workshop (titled “Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012”) that Bruce Damer and Lorenzo led in the Los Angeles area on January 28, 2012. In addition to Lorenzo's remarks and some comments by those in attendance, three videos created by Bruce Damer were shown. Those videos are embedded below. The second part of the podcast is the Occupy Movement update, which features a conversation between Lawrence Lessig and Chris Hedges. During the course of their conversation they debate the relative merits of pushing for a Constitutional Convention verses non-violent civil disobedience. Also included is a sound bite from one of OccupyFreedomLA's live video feeds in which a speaker addresses the actions now being taken by those who are suffering from the foreclosure epidemic that is facing so many people in the U.S. Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option Video of the first session of the workshop Books mentioned in this podcast Land Without Evil: A Novel By Matthew J. Pallamary Death of the Liberal Class By Chris Hedges Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It By Lawrence Lessig OCCUPY SEGMENT: “The Occupy Movement seems deeply rational for not engaging in normal politics, because normal politics gets us Barack Obama.” -Lawrence Lessig “All of the correctives to American democracy came through movements that never achieved formal political power.” -Chris Hedges “Which in my mind means the system is not reformable but will have to be pushed aside. And I think in that sense the Occupy Movement is, in sort of classical terms, correctly defined as a revolutionary movement.” -Chris Hedges “The legislative branches, both at the state and the federal level, are wholly owned subsidiaries of the corporate state.” -Chris Hedges “But this is a moment, this is more the French Revolution moment. This is a moment when everything is falling apart at the same time, and it's another reason to be pushing on every front at the same time.” -Lawrence Lessig This is the YouTube video from which I extracted some of the audio for this podcast.
Jan 27, 2012 • 1h 29min

Podcast 297 – “A Tribute to Robert Anton Wilson”

Guest speakers: Douglas Rushkoff, Antero Alli, Tiffany Lee Brown, and Joseph Matheny PROGRAM NOTES: The featured audio that I play in this podcast is part of a two-CD collection produced by Joe Matheny and given to the salon to podcast by the distributor, The Original Falcon Press, which you can find via The voices you will here are those of: Douglas Rushkoff, Antero Alli, Tiffany Lee Brown, and Joseph Matheny. Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option For the Occupy Segment, I first play a few minutes that I've taken from a three hour interview that Chris Hedges gave on CSPAN 2 on the first day of this year, and in it you will hear this Pulitzer Prize winning journalist explain how corporate personhood isn't just a threat to American Democracy, it is a threat to humanity itself. . . . Following that, I play a short speech for you that Senator Bernie Sanders gave on the Senate floor as he introduced an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will strip personhood from corporations. After those two kind of heavy duty pieces. I lighten it up with a two minute clip of country music star Willie Nelson and his wife reading a poem that he wrote about the Occupy Movement. Finally, I close with a song that was written and is sung by a young man from Salt Lake City named Noel. And this is from a YouTube video I found where Noel was singing on Day 1 of the Occupy Salt Lake City street theater. Books and links mentioned in this podcast “The Terence McKenna Experience” a new film by Ken Adams Pyramid Eclipse, a Symbiosis Gathering RAW week at A few random quotes from Robert Anton Wilson "A monopoly on the means of communication may define a ruling elite more precisely than the celebrated Marxian formula of monopoly in the means of production." "An Enlightened Master is ideal only if your goal is to become a Benighted Slave." "Belief is the death of intelligence." "Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil." "Horror is the natural reaction to the last 5,000 years of history." "Most of our ancestors were not perfect ladies and gentlemen. The majority of them weren't even mammals." "Nobody sees the obvious, nobody observes the ordinary. There are more miracles in a square yard of earth than in all the fables of the Church." “On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break.” “Only the madman is absolutely sure.” “The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.” “The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill.” “The Right's view of government and the Left's view of big business are both correct.” “You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.” “Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.”
Jan 11, 2012 • 1h 56min

Podcast 296 – “The World and It’s Double” Part 2

Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: [NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.] “One of the most puzzling things about DMT is that it does not affect your mind. It simply replaces the world 100% with something completely unexpected. But your relationship to that unexpected thing is not one of exaggerated fear, or exaggerated acceptance, as in 'Oh great, the world has just been replaced by elf machinery. Your reaction is exactly what it would be if it happened to you without DMT. You're appalled!” “[DMT] is a secret of such magnitude that it's inconceivable how it has ever been kept.” “When you get to DMT you have hit the main vein.” “It has to do with your own intelligence. Truly stupid people aren't interested in psychedelics because they can't figure out what the point of it is. It feeds off intelligence. It's a consciousness-expanding drug. If you don't have any consciousness you can't expand it.” “The less intelligent you are, the less challenging the psychedelic experience becomes because the less capable of entertaining the implications you are.” “A hallucination is a species of reality.” “The world is like a novel. It's a novel in which you are a character.” “And then I got crossed up with this mushroom, and immediately life became art.” “If what we're embedded in is a novel, or some work of art like a novel, then what you want to do is figure out who in the novel you are.” “We are trying to find a doorway into a new world for the spirit.” “And I really think that when we dissolve all the boundaries this is what we will discover, is an unconditional caring, an unconditional affection that flows through all life and all matter and gives it meaning.” “You don't have to wait for the end of the world to get this news. You can just short circuit the collective march toward that realization by accelerating your own microcosm of spirituality through the use of these hallucinogens They are the doorway that the Gaian mind has installed in the historical process to let anybody out, any time they want to, provided they have the courage to turn the knob and walk through the door.” “Let those who talk to the elves find each other and band together.” “We are now in a position to actually make something of ourselves. Extend the design process to human destiny and produce something that will redeem 10,000 years of pogroms, and migrations, and attempted genocides, and pointless wars, and stupid religions that make people hate themselves, and all the rest of it. If we're going to redeem that legacy then we have to do something quite spectacular.” “A concrescence is a local state of unusually high complexity.” “Organized religion is as concerned with controlling social groups as organized politics is.” “The cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation.” “We all want our children to be well-adjusted, unfortunately there is nothing to be well-adjusted too. So that's a real problem.” “The reason shamans can do their magic is because they are outside the belief system.” “I think alienation, extra-environmentalism, shamanism, whatever you want to call it, is simply individualism, in the context of cultures that don't value individualism, and cultures don't.” “It's said nature acts to preserve the species. Cultures act to preserve the illusions of the population.” “There are old psychedelicists and bold psychedelicists, but there are no old, bold psychedelicists.” Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option
Jan 6, 2012 • 1h 40min

Podcast 295 – “The World and It’s Double” Part 1

Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: [NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.] “Culture denies experience. We all have had, and even a population of non-psychedelic people have had, prophetic dreams, intimations, unlikely strings of coincidences, all of these sort of things. These are all experiences, which cultures deny.” “We live at the end of a thousand year binge on the philosophical position known as materialism in its many guises.” “We're literally at the end of our rope. Reason and science and the practice of unbridled capitalism have not delivered us into an angelic realm.” “So we're in, essentially, a tragic situation. A tragic situation is a catastrophe when you know it.” “Boundary dissolution is the most threatening activity that can go on in a society. People, meaning government institutions, become very nervous when people begin to talk to each other.” “I think of history as a kind of mass psychedelic experience, and the drug is technology.” “We have packed more change into the last 10,000 years than the billion years which preceded it. And yet, as entities, as animals, meat, we have not changed at all in 10,000 years.” “What psychedelics do, and I think this isn't too challengeable, is they catalyze imagination. They drive you to think what you would not think otherwise.” “Notice that the enterprise of human history is nothing more than the fallout created by strange ideas.” “We have the tools that would allow us to sculpt paradise, but we have the reflexes and value systems of anthropoid apes of some sort.” “Our entire psychology is characterized by a profound discontent.” Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST What You Should Know About 2012: Answers to 13 Questions Future Theater Radio – Interview with Lorenzo TERENCE MCKENNA: BEYOND 2012 A one-day seminar celebrating the life and ideas of Terence McKenna and taking the next steps beyond 2012 with Bruce Damer and Lorenzo
Dec 17, 2011 • 1h 22min

Podcast 294 – “The Genesis of Occupy Wall Street”

Guest speakers: David Graeber & Tim Pool PROGRAM NOTES: Today's podcast takes a look back at some of the roots of the current Occupy Movement on the eve of the first anniversary of the death of Mohamed Bouazizi, whose self-immolation marked the beginning of the Arab Spring. Today is also the eve of the third anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, and so I have put together an audio collage that ranges from some early sounds of the movement to interviews with David Graeber and Tim Pool, as well as some comments by fellow saloner Jaret, and a couple of sound bites from Lawrence Lessig and Senator Bernie Sanders to round things out. Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option Links to topics discussed in this podcast: Battle in Seattle The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Lawrence Lessig Interview Brian Leher Program with David Graeber Majority Report interview with Tim Pool Jaret Johnston's FEEDBACK ART
Dec 10, 2011 • 1h 26min

Podcast 293 – “The Power of Art and the TAZ”

Guest speaker: Peter Lamborn Wilson PROGRAM NOTES: [NOTE: The following quotations are by Peter Lamborn Wilson.] “Why are artists still meddling, or mediating, between people and their desires?” “All livelihoods are arts, from midwifery to war, nothing is mere labor.” [In reference to gift economies.] “The artist sacrifices talent for money. The audience sacrifices money for talent.” “One can no longer distinguish between cops and cop-culture, the media-induced hallucination of a society designed by its lawyers and police.” “Ten minutes in a video store should convince any impartial observer that we live in a police state of consciousness, far more pervasive than the Nazis.” “The first step in any real utopia is to look in the mirror and demand to know my true desires.” “I will argue that illegality means more than mere law-breaking. Illegality as a positive attribute of the Temporary Autonomous Zone implies that the very structure, or deepest motivation of the TAZ-group necessitates the overcoming of consensus values, and that this is true when even no statute or regulation has been broken.” “The Temporary Autonomous Zone should serve as the Matrix for the emergence of a Sorelian myth of uprising.” “The Temporary Autonomous Zone cannot be realized solely as a hedonic exercise any more than the revolution can be realized without dancing, as Emma Goldman put it.” “Today quilts. Tomorrow, perhaps, The Uprising!” Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option BrainMeats Podcast Episode 1 Occupy BrainMeats The inaugural episode of the BrainMeats podcast is devoted to the Occupy movement and what hackers and makers can do to support the protesters on the ground. Willow spoke over Skype to Ari Lacenski, Eleanor Saitta, Matthew Borgatti, Rubin Starset, and Smári McCarthy about the history of OWS, the meaning of illegibility within the movement, software tools for protesters, and more.

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