Gut Health Reset with Dr. Ann-Marie Barter cover image

Gut Health Reset with Dr. Ann-Marie Barter

Latest episodes

Oct 16, 2020 • 55min

FHP - Ep. 58 - Mercury Detoxification feat. Dr. Chris Shade, PhD

Dr. Barter talks with Dr. Chris Shade, PhD, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific about mercury toxicity and how to properly detoxify from various mercury exposures (dental amalgams versus the other more indirect ways mercury can creep in).Dr. Shade specializes in the biological, environmental, and analytical chemistry of mercury in all its forms and their interactions with sulfur compounds, particularly glutathione and its enzyme system.-He has patented a mercury speciation diagnostic process to analyze human toxicity, founded the only clinical lab in the world offering mercury speciation analysis, and has designed cutting edge systems of nutraceuticals for detoxification and antioxidant protection, including advanced phospholipid delivery systems for both water- and fat-soluble compounds. His Quicksilver Delivery Systems® nanoparticle technology increases the bioavailability of supplements and protocols leading to higher efficacy products.-Dr. Shade is regularly sought out to speak as an educator on the topics of mercury, environmental toxicities, neuroinflammation, immune dysregulation, and the human detoxification system in the United States and internationally. He has helped corporate executives, professional athletes, celebrities, children with autism, patients with chronic immune disorders and more. He strives to evolve the way the medical industry delivers care, and he is perpetually broadening the way the world understands health.-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Metals Detox: Protect: Fiber Support Capsules: Glutathione: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Oct 9, 2020 • 48min

FHP - Ep. 57 - Keto Kamp feat. founder, Ben Azadi, FDN-P

Dr. Barter talks with best-selling author, and founder of Keto Kamp, Ben Azadi, FDN-P, about the RIGHT WAY to "do Keto."Millions of people have turned to a "ketogenic diet" in hopes of losing weight and rectifying other health issues. But, most people do not reap the benefits as they should because they haven't learned all they need to know about what is a metabolic state, rather than a "diet."Ben breaks down the misconceptions around keto and intermittent fasting. And shares his step-by-step parameters for getting into ketosis properly and how adding intermittent fasting can really stabilize the metabolism once and for all.They also talk about road-blocks people may face, how to avoid them, or plow right through them when they start changing their eating habits!You'll not want to miss:- The final answer on the "Coffee Situation" (the struggle is real!)- Keto vs. Atkins (they really are different!)- How toxins effect our metabolisms- How autophagy works and why it's so critical to great health- Why just driving up one's fat intake is not the key to healthy ketosis-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Support: Support: Cravings Support: Sugar Support Powder: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Oct 2, 2020 • 51min

FHP - Ep. 56 - Reversing Type II Diabetes Without Pharmaceuticals feat. Dr. Heather Stone

Dr. Barter and Dr. Heather Stone take a stark look at the current traditional treatments for Type II Diabetes and other metabolic conditions. Then they turn them on their heads!- Learn why current medical models only treat the symptoms associated with diabetes, not the root cause(s), and why reversal is rare- Learn why a cocktail of Metformin, blood pressure drugs and statins are not only dangerous, but unnecessary.- Learn what a pharmaceutical free treatment plan entails and why they are so effective.Dr. Stone also explains why it's so important to take an early diabetes diagnosis seriously to avoid major complications further down the road. She also gives listeners some great tips on why so many dietary plans fail and what to do instead.This episode is a must-listen for anyone in a pre-diabetic state, anyone suffering insulin resistance (or the inability to lose weight, despite trying), or wondering why the old "calories-in versus calories-expended" routine is not helping them achieve the blood sugar numbers they had hoped.Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Cravings Support: Sugar Support Capsules: Body Composition Probiotic: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Sep 25, 2020 • 1h 6min

FHP - Ep. 55 - Lighting the Way to Wellness feat. Lisa Bartlett, IALD, RA

Dr. Barter welcomes her sister, Lisa Bartlett, an award-winning lighting architect, to discuss the massive impact light has on our overall wellness.Many people do not understand just how much of an effect natural and artificial light has on their health. In modern times, people are generally far more exposed to the latter instead of the former, as most people work (and live, of course) indoors. As humans have moved further away from our agrarian ancestors, we have also moved further away from healthy sleep habits, most notably due to the artificial light we "trick" our bodies with.That's not at all to say we aren't lucky to be alive in a time of electricity and technology, but with such advancements comes hard research and thoughtful design, which gives us the tools to better mitigate the risks while reaping the benefits.It's well known that poor sleep quality is one of the unhealthiest things for us on an ongoing basis. It's also a contributing risk factor to almost every disease process known to medicine.Unfortunately, all to often, the medical community chalks up poor sleep to just another symptom of our hectic lives, not the physical cues our bodies have evolved to react to over millennia. These physical cues reacting and creating physiological changes, such as hormone regulation, is known as our Circadian rhythm.With Lisa's passion for wellness-supporting design she helps us understand:- How the Circadian system works beginning with the photoreceptors in the retinas.- What type of indoor lighting is least disruptive to our Circadian system?- What fixture positioning and bulb coloring can do to mitigate Circadian disruption.- Product recommendations for healthier bulbs and dimming systems (light dimming is key!)- Sleep hygiene recommendations based on lighting that you can implement immediately.Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at But Tired: Neurotransmitters: Relief: for more gut health content and follow: -Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Sep 18, 2020 • 1h 2min

FHP - Ep. 54 - Fearless Sexual Health feat. Susan Bratton

Dr. Barter welcomes the "Dear Abby of Sex" Susan Bratton, to the show for a frank discussion about sexual health and advice for those looking for the answers to the questions they've been too shy to ask.-Susan is a sex educator on a mission to help couples find the balance between intimacy and passion, in a safe and easy-to-follow manner.-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Boost: & PMS Relief: Support: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Sep 11, 2020 • 40min

FHP - Ep. 53 - Natural Approaches to Autoimmune Reversal feat. 'Wholelistic Health Boss' Jenn Malecha, DNP

Surviving her own health journey in her 20's, Jenn Malecha thought she was through the worst of things when in her 30's, she discovered she wasn't. She then made it her life mission to not only get herself where she wanted and needed to be, but started helping others just like her.Dr. Barter and Jenn discuss the many triggers and natural treatments of auto-immunity. Learn the correct order protocols should be recommended (and followed) in. And WHY! Learn tips to help aid in relaxation to support proper digestion and calming the "fight-or-flight" sensation that aids in the ratcheting up of inflammation causing stress.They also cover which basic functional diagnostics should be run to get the BIGGER picture of what is causing autoimmunity. Finally, Jenn shares some of her favorite "quick fixes" she shares with her clients embarking on reversing their auto-immune conditions using a natural holistic approach.
Sep 4, 2020 • 40min

FHP - Ep. 52 - The Myers Protocol for Heavy Metals Detox feat. Dr. Wendy Myers

On an ALL NEW Fearless Health Podcast Dr. Barter talks to Dr. Wendy Myers, MD, about her heavy metals detox, The Myers Protocol.People are barraged with tens of thousands of environmental toxins, among them heavy metals, every week. Our bodies should be able to keep us safe from their harmful effects, but in today's modern society, that isn't as easy as it sounds. Many people cannot naturally detoxify themselves of these toxins and the toll it takes on their health may include weight gain, or the inability to lose weight as desired, brain fog, and mood disturbances, for starters.Dr. Myers describes what brought her attention to heavy metal toxicity and how she treats patients who have found themselves unable to achieve their health goals due to these toxins being stored in their fat and brain tissue. Dr. Myers shares her best detox "secrets" and reminds us that detoxifying isn't a sprint, but rather a marathon.-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Metals Detox: Protect: Fiber Support Powder: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Aug 27, 2020 • 1h

FHP - Ep. 51 - The Politics of Diabetes feat. Dr. Brandon Credeur

Dr. Barter talks with Dr. Brandon Credeur about the politics and misinformation driving the American Diabetes epidemic.They discuss the negative feedback loop created by the processed food industry, various government agencies and allopathic medicine.How has the modern American diet been so thoroughly infiltrated by unhealthy foods? Who benefits?Why is the current allopathic community complacent to write prescriptions instead of helping those with Type II Diabetes reverse the disease process naturally? Who is actually being served by today's standards of care in the allopathic community?And what can be done to reverse this modern healthcare crisis?-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Cravings Support: Sugar Support Capsules: Body Composition Probiotic: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Aug 24, 2020 • 46min

FHP - Ep. 50 - Managing The Many Emotions of Cancer feat. Dr. Shani Fox, ND

Dr. Barter talks with Dr. Shani Fox, ND, about the emotional toll of being diagnosed with and surviving cancer. Dr. Fox has developed a program and complimentary strategies to help patients quell their fears and open themselves to strength through vulnerability. She has helped thousands of cancer patients thrive despite all they must go through to get well.-Dr. Shani Fox helps cancer survivors get back in charge of their health and build their confidence so they can make the most of their new chance at life. Believing unconditionally in each person’s innate power to generate wellness and happiness, she encourages survivors not to settle for a “new normal”, but to create a “new extraordinary”.-Dr. Shani’s revolutionary survivorship care model, “Back in Charge! Your Guide to Creating Extraordinary Wellness and Joy After Cancer” nurtures physical wellness and body/mind harmony that increase resilience to disease. Her unique background as both holistic physician and life mastery coach powerfully supports survivors in becoming leaders on their wellness teams and CEOs (chief enjoyment officers!) of their own lives.-Dr. Shani’s messages about your innate power to create wellness and happiness make her a popular national speaker, radio guest and blogger for the Huffington Post and cancer survivor communities. She serves cancer survivors across the nation through live and innovative virtual programs.-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at But Tired: Neurotransmitters: Relief: Cravings Support: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".
Aug 13, 2020 • 42min

FHP - Ep. 49 - Experience Midwifery feat. Cheryl Furer, CPM, RM, CHom

If you are pregnant and undecided, or planning a pregnancy and wondering whether a midwife is the right choice for your birthing experience, this episode is for you!Dr. Barter talks with midwife, and founder of Experience Midwifery, Cheryl Furer, about the type of care you can expect during a homebirth, or a hospital birth with a midwife, doula or birth coach.They discuss the benefits of working with a midwife during the pregnancy, birth and post-partum, such as a more personalized, private setting, drug-free birth, and a more relaxed, self-guided experience overall.-Get 10% off your supplements with the promo code “podcast” at Boost: & PMS Relief: Vitamin C: for more gut health content and follow: - Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".

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