Welcome to Iteration, a weekly podcast about programming, development, and design.JP Intro — Hi, I'm JP and I am a full stack developer. Today, I am joined by John:John Intro — My name is John and I am a software developer for a home services startup.What are soft skills? Why are they important? Are they important?Wikipedia defines "soft skills" ...Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients, among others, that enable people to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills.tldr; people skillsHard skills, also called technical skills, are any skills relating to a specific task or situation. It involves both understanding and proficiency in such specific activity that involves methods, processes, procedures, or techniquesConversation is loosely based on this book, the author is famously kind of a dick. Doesn't mean there aren't some solid takeaways, using it as a framework for conversation.Link to summary of "Soft Skills"Another summarySection 1: CareerFew tips to improve your career:From SS: Specialize, don't generalize.From SS: "Fake it till you make it"JohnAlways be working on yourself: "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity"Meet lots of people, be helpful and friendlyDo a lot of interviews.Confidence and enthusiasm — "Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points."JPThe importance of friendliness. How does this work for introverts?Recommended Career BooksLinchpinStartup of YouJP: Crucial ConversationsSection 2: Marketing yourselfFrom SS: See yourself more as offering a service and not as a employee.Less about Salary and work hours, more about the uniqe "Features and beniftis" you bring to the table, you solve problems, you are an investment not an expense.JohnBlog, be vocal — Share what you learn, don't be afraid to look dumb.Teach others when you canTake speaking and presentation gigs (Was a speaker at GA and got work out of it, you never know)Again — SpecializeJPI love this idea around you being a service. EAAS: Engineer as a serviceI have mixed feelings about marketing yourself. I go back and forth on whether or not I want a bigger online presenceSection 3: LearningFrom SS: "Learn you want? Teach you must."John:Be consistent. 1 hour a day for 12 days is way better than a single 12 hour day.Try to understand the concepts, not the syntax.Concepts and fundamentals you can take anywhere. Good domain design, testing, clean code. All these concepts work in any language / framework.JP:Deliberate practice. I just hammer concepts into my brain until it sticks.Honestly, just keep writing code but more importantly keep READING codeWhiteboard, talk about problems from a domain perspectiveSection 4: ProductivityFrom SS: FocusJohn: +1 (20% done isn't worth anything. 5 tasks 20% done, or 1, 100% done)From SS: Pomodoro TechniqueFrom SS: KanbanJohn:Getting Things DoneBreak down the work.80/20 — Pareto principleEat that FrogJP:I'm currently giving Pomodoro a shot. I'm trying to figure out how to effectively context shiftHow do you eat an elephant?Sections 5 and 6 — Financial and FitnessSection 7: SpiritFrom SS: power of positive thinkingFrom John:Mental space, day off, unplug sometimes.Confidence + enthusiasmJP:I could use some tips from this section...BONUS From John: CommunicationThis one probably goes at the top of my list.#1 — Learn to be a better writer.Book: On Writing WellTool: Hemingway EditorHeadline writing — Most important things firstLearn how to explain complicated topics. ELI5PicksJohn: NapsJP: Loom screen recording