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Dec 10, 2018 • 23min

The Amazon Archetype - Examples of The Feminine Warrior in Career, Politics, and Movies

The Amazon archetype is the embodiment of an ambitious, adventurous, and independent woman. She is the feminine version of The Warrior archetype, fighting for the values she believes in. This is a very common archetype in movies - Wonder Woman, Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, and Ripley in Alien are some of the many examples. In everyday life, many women in business, politics, and sports occupy this archetype. As all the other archetypes, The Amazon too has its childhood and adult manifestations, as well as active and passive shadow versions. In this episode we discuss why The Amazon is so relevant in today's world. In This Episode Of Future Thinkers Why The Amazon Archetype is so prevalent in popular culture and media The most recognizable traits of The Amazon The seeds of The Amazon in the Explorer Child Miss Know-It-All and the active shadow of The Amazon in childhood The Pushover and how the shadow polarities often play off of each other Why professions dominated by men often attract The Amazon How The Amazon manifests in activism - the positive and shadow versions The aggressive Vigilante as the active shadow in an adult Amazon The Victim - the Amazon's shadow weak side The examples of The Amazon archetype in movies, history, and modern life Overlaps between feminine and masculine archetypes, and how either gender can apply them The progression of feminine archetypes in a person's life Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/78 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support
Dec 7, 2018 • 28min

The Mother Archetype - Helicopter Parent vs. Full Acceptance of Human Nature

After covering Jungian masculine archetypes in previous four episodes, today we are starting to explore feminine archetypes. Even though there is somewhat less literature and research on this topic, there are certain archetypes that are consistently described across the different systems. So in the second part of this series, we will explore the archetypes of The Mother, The Amazon, The Lover, The Witch, and The Queen. We begin with The Mother, the characteristics of her full expression and her shadow versions, as well as the examples from popular culture, that will help you better understand and recognize this archetype. In This Episode Of Future Thinkers: The biological foundations of motherhood that determine the qualities of The Mother archetype The Mother in its fullness as the expression of nurturing, empathy, and complete acceptance Professions that benefit from a strong presence of this archetype Manifestations of The Mothers' energy in children How anyone can use The Mother archetype to increase their wellbeing Helicopter Mother - the most common shadow version in today's society How the Mother archetype shows up in activism How to recognize when you are stepping into the shadow version of The Mother Mother as nature itself; that which gives and takes away life Examples of this archetype in mythology and popular culture Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/77 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support
Dec 5, 2018 • 32min

The King Archetype - The Crown of Mature Masculine Psyche

The King Archetype represents an integrated version of all other masculine archetypes. The Lover, The Warrior and The Magician in their full expressions, with all positive traits solidified, are baked into The King. Interestingly enough, the childhood version of this archetype - The Divine Child, is the first one to emerge in a person's life. To fully integrate the mature version of The King archetype, it usually takes many years and a lot of life experience. In this episode, we give an overview of The King's traits, its shadow versions, as well as how to access it in its fullness regardless of your age or the stage of life you are at. In This Episode Of Future Thinkers: - Recognizing the King's traits in children's behavior - The Divine Child as the embodiment of pure love, joy, and hope for the future - The Highchair Tyrant — the seeds of narcissism and entitlement - The Weakling Prince as the passive shadow of The King Archetype - Integrity, order, decisiveness, and responsibility in the full expression of The King - The importance of mentoring and giving "blessings" to young men - The home as the first domain of The King's sovereignty Productive, creative, protective of others — the important roles of The King - How being hyper-intellectual and hyper-rational can lead to shadow manifestations of The King - Different kinds of legacies The King can leave behind - How to apply and manifest the King's traits in everyday life
Dec 3, 2018 • 40min

The Magician Archetype: Rediscovering The Sacred

The Magician is the third Jungian masculine archetype in this series. The Magician has a deep curiosity for everything in life — he is willing to put in the effort to learn the secret knowledge and teach it to the others. He uncovers things that are not immediately obvious, understands how they work and applies that knowledge to creating something new. So, in relation to The Warrior, for example, The Magician is the creative force and the thinker who drives the actions of The Warrior. In this episode, we talk about the full expression of The Magician archetype, the well-known magician characters from popular fiction, as well as the examples of magicians in our culture and science. We also talk about its shadow versions, and how to recognize them in business or within your community. In This Episode Of Future Thinkers: The Magician Archetype in its esoteric and mundane context The common trait of magicians — putting in an extraordinary effort to learn hidden knowledge The willingness to share knowledge and give secret information to the people Why there is such lack of mentorship and apprenticeship in this age The path of learning secret knowledge in the past and the importance of initiation Shamanism as an expression of The Magician Archetype and the stigma surrounding this practice Recognizing the shadow versions of The Magician in pickup artists, marketing gurus, manipulators, or cult leaders The Detached Manipulator and The Innocent One — the dark sides of The Magician Why holding secret knowledge comes with difficulties and great responsibility Examples of The Magician Archetype in arts, technology, science and popular culture How to access this archetype in your own self-development practice Rediscovering the sacred space in your everyday life Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/75 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support
Nov 30, 2018 • 27min

Reclaiming The Warrior Archetype in Modern Society

Archetypes can be defined as the primordial modes of being, sets of behavior, or energies that we as humans occupy on both biological and psychological levels. Archetypes were largely explored and described by psychiatrist Carl Jung. The second Jungian masculine archetype we are covering in this series is The Warrior. It is the most misunderstood archetype in our culture, often connected with unnecessary violence and tyranny. However, in its full expression, The Warrior is needed in order to bring about productive change in the world. We discuss  how this archetype manifests in its childhood and mature versions, and talk about its characteristics and some well known versions of it like The Bully, The Hero, The Sadist, The Nice Guy etc. "A man who is obsessed with his success has already lost." In This Episode Of Future Thinkers: Characteristics of The Warrior archetype Aggression as the positive trait — making effort to succeed, being assertive, and having initiative Shadow version of The Warrior in childhood — The Bully How The Hero manifests in childhood and adulthood The suppressed aggression in a Nice Guy Why today's society sees no need for aggression and actively discourages it The Warrior as a force of creative destruction The highest traits of this archetype — discipline, focus, open awareness, adaptability, humility The Sadist and The Masochist as dysfunctional polarities of The Warrior Examples of warriors from popular films and culture How to integrate this archetype in a pro-social and productive way Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/74 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support
Nov 28, 2018 • 19min

The Lover Archetype in The Mature Masculine Psyche

With this episode, we are starting an eight-part series on the topic of masculine and feminine archetypes that are present in our culture. The first of the four masculine archetypes we are covering is The Lover. We talk about its positive and negative aspects in relation to the masculine psyche, and how it manifests in childhood and adulthood. Also, we share some ideas and advice on how to experience and embody The Lover in a healthy way. In This Episode Of Future Thinkers: The manifestations of Lover Archetype in the developmental phase of a child Oedipal child's desire for connection in its healthy and shadow versions Mamma's boy and Dreamer types of a child The misconception of the Lover Archetype in the Western culture Lover Archetype in adults and its shadows The characteristics of an Addicted and Impotent Lover Expansion and deep connections as the spiritual side of The Lover How to encourage sensitivity and embodiment of a healthy Lover Archetype Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/73 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support
Nov 26, 2018 • 26min

The Depression Epidemic - What You Can Do

To explore this topic, we start with the idea that for 99% of history, humans were hunters-gatherers and evolved to live a very different lifestyle — spending time outdoors and tightly connected to their communities. Now that we live indoors, sitting in front of a computer, not socializing or exercising sufficiently, eating processed food, our modern lifestyle is not in line with our nature, and that is the major factor of the present epidemic of depression. IN THIS EPISODE OF FUTURE THINKERS: - Evoking the life of our ancestors to learn more about our modern life - Invisible stress factors from our environment that contribute to depression - Media consumption as an important influence factor for feeling helpless and depressed - Training ourselves to pinpoint the exact cause of our distress - Increasing self-sovereignty as an important tool for overcoming depression - 6 simple steps to alleviate depression symptoms - The importance of daily routines and habits to shift your state Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/72 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support
Nov 23, 2018 • 30min

Embracing Novelty and Uncertainty for a Life Worth Living

Today we talk about the value of novelty as one of the basic human needs. A sense of novelty is something that many people seek out and use different tools to achieve. Going back thousands of years, psychedelics or meditation were used to achieve novel states of consciousness, and these tools can still be used today. We discuss how to induce the state where everything feels new as if seen through the eyes of a child. We talk about the language and conceptual overlays that stand between ordinary consciousness and the state of being immersed in the raw experience of the world. IN THIS EPISODE OF FUTURE THINKERS: - How we use language to fit all of our experiences into existing conceptual frameworks - Why the state of uncertainty makes us uncomfortable - Why stability is useful and why we need to make sense of the world - The utility of being in a state of newness - Novelty as alchemy — how to make that experience part of everyday life - How meditation helps us get into the state of openness - Using psychedelics as a tool to remove the analytical overlay and use our primary senses - What would global society look like if we would collectively tap into our raw perception - Why being able to exist in the state of uncertainty makes you more adaptive Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/71  Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord  This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia  Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend  Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support 
Nov 21, 2018 • 59min

Pia Mancini - Upgrading Democracy For The Digital Age

Our guest in this episode is Pia Mancini, a political scientist and activist from Argentina, who has spent most of her career researching and experimenting how we can upgrade democracy for the modern world. She is the co-founder of Open Collective, which supports groups to quickly set up a collective, raise funds and manage them transparently, and Democracy Earth, an open source and decentralized democratic governance protocol for any kind of organization. Today we talk about how democracy can function better in the age of internet, why we are seeing signs of the return of the city-state, how to build a self-sovereign identity, pros and cons of liquid democracy, and how to enable large scale cooperation in decision making. IN THIS EPISODE OF FUTURE THINKERS: - Why democracy is outdated and which aspects of it need to be upgraded - How the trust in society is shifting from present political systems to technology based solutions - Flow and access to information as a primer purpose of future political systems - Pros and cons of liquid democracy and how to build it on a global scale - How nation states are being challenged by cryptocurrency - The rising power of cities and possible return of city-states to the world - The minimum capabilities and structures that a city of the future needs to provide for its citizens - The challenges of building a self-sovereign identity that is resistant to civil attacks - What structures are useful to test and implement in order to deal with problems such as climate change or extremist governments Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/70  Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord  This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia  Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend  Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support 
Nov 19, 2018 • 27min

The Lost Art of Listening

In today's world of either broadcasting or consuming information, people seem to have forgotten how to really listen. In this episode, we explore how we have arrived at this point where we can no longer listen to other people or our environment, and how to re-learn that crucial skill. We talk about different ways of listening, frameworks we can use to understand people better, as well as practical steps towards becoming better listeners. IN THIS EPISODE OF FUTURE THINKERS: - How being immersed in a constant noise of information affects our mind - The lack of opportunities to be still and listen to someone else or your environment - Listening as a three-dimensional experience - The goal of active listening and the "ping test" - Possible causes of unwillingness to understand others' perspectives - Did people's attention skills really decrease in recent years? - Practical ways to improve our listening skills - Using the internet to express yourself and characteristics of online interactions - Different frameworks for understanding people's behaviors and basic needs - Show notes: http://www.futurethinkers.org/69 Join the Future Thinkers Community on Discord: https://www.futurethinkers.org/discord This episode is sponsored by: http://www.futurethinkers.org/qualia Recommend a sponsor for Future Thinkers: http://www.futurethinkers.org/recommend Support us on Patreon: http://www.futurethinkers.org/support

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