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Earth Ancients

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Apr 25, 2020 • 1h 46min

Adam Stokes: From Egypt to Ohio, The Giants of Ancient America

This book examines the origins of the lost race of giants whose skeletons have been uncovered in numerous mounds and sites all over North America. The evidence largely suggests that the giants came from the Near East and were likely Semitic (Egypto-Israelite) in origin.Adam Oliver Stokes (born 1981) has degrees in religion from Duke University and Yale Divinity School. He has published on a variety of topics including biblical studies, Mormon studies, Classical studies and ancient American history. His work has been featured in numerous journals and magazines including the Classical Outlook, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies and Ancient American magazine. He is the author of FROM EGYPT TO OHIO: A SEMITIC ORIGIN FOR THE GIANTS OF NORTH AMERICA and PERSPECTIVES ON THE OLD TESTAMENT: DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES. He has also appeared on multiple podcasts including EARTH ANCIENTS, LOST ORIGINS, BROADCAST TEAM ALPHA, EXPLORING THE BIZARRE and MY ALIEN LIFE. He currently teaches high school Latin in New Jersey and a course on the Old Testament at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Apr 18, 2020 • 1h 50min

Normandi Ellis: Magic and the Sacred Manifesting Arts of Ancient Egypt

Normandi Ellis's books on Egyptian myth, ritual and magic include The Union of Isis and Thoth, Imagining the World into Existence, Invoking the Scribes, Words on Water, Feasts of Light, and Dreams of Isis. Her translation from the hieroglyphs, Awakening Osiris, is considered a spiritual classic. Of Imagining the World into Existence, Jean Houston said: "Quite simply, this is a masterpiece. It is the life work of a numinous poet, writer, and Egyptian scholar. To read this work is to be planted with the seed of once and future mysteries."An arch-priestess of the Fellowship of Isis, she facilitates trips to Egypt, is a Spiritualist minister, clairvoyant and astrologer and teaches in the School of Metaphysics at Camp Chesterfield.In addition to her studies in Egyptian mysticism, she is a poet and fiction writers, having won awards from the YMCA Writers Voice, the Bumbershoot Award, and awards from the Kentucky Foundation for Women, the Kentucky Arts Council and the Colorado Arts and Humanities. She has been the recipient of fellowships from the Kentucky Foundation for Women, from the Virginia Center for Creative Arts as well as activism sgrants for her work in the environment and with elder women and youth at risk.For more information on her writing, workshops, or travel schedule visit a supporter of this podcast:
Apr 11, 2020 • 1h 57min

Jim Vieira: Edgar Cayce's Atlantis

Jim Vieira is a stonemason, author, explorer and host of the History Channel shows "Search for the Lost Giants" (2014) "Roanoke: Search for the Lost Colony" (2015) and "Return to Roanoke: Search the Seven" (2016). He is also co-author of Giants on Record with Hugh Newman and is co-hosting Mexico Maya & Olmec Tour 2018 - Pyramids, Gods & Giants in January 2018. Jim has investigated worldwide ancient stone sites, studied global indigenous oral traditions, religious documents, the readings of the great mystics and the literature of secret societies to form an alternative theory regarding the origins of civilization. A theory almost in perfect alignment with the readings of the famed sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Apr 7, 2020 • 1h 5min

Earth Ancients, The Quarantine Series: The Crop Circle Connection

Colin AndrewsBest known for his research into the crop circles, UFO and Consciousness subjects since 1983. Heprovides the only continuity between the past crop circle research era and the present, along with his friend and colleague, Busty Taylor. His long view of both the genuine phenomenon and the human-made the phenomenon provides unique insight into the subject. His research results indicate the intelligence behind the phenomenon is interacting with both crop circle researchers and many of the people who make them.He has publicly stated since the late 1980’s that the phenomenon indicates a future period of human chaos. The period indicated, supported by current trends, can be changed with human awareness and he believes there are serious eco-political implications and that the future direction of the planet is at the center of the phenomenon. In the final analysis, Andrews believes the phenomenon is challenging people to a higher level of consciousness. Some native elders agree with Colin’s assessment which is supported by the 2012 Mayan Prophecy, which his latest book, along with his wife, speaks: 'The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012'. Colin’s thirty-year investigation continues with growing urgency for openness and honesty in government and private research, respect for divergent opinions and co-operation between investigators in all areas.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Apr 4, 2020 • 2h 5min

Mary Rodwell: The New Human, Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage

Families, children, and adults share their stories of encounters with non-human intelligence and their understanding of an intimate connection genetically. Are nonhuman intelligence assisting humanity to evolve into a new aware species?. Exponential increase in indigos' ADHD, Dyslexia,Asbergers and Autism, are they New programs for humanity? MARY RODWELL is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002); and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:- Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Her new book ‘The New Human’ which describes and documents star children is due to be released in late 2016. Mary is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) which was established in 1997 to provide professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences and abduction-­‐contact experiences. Mary is also Director and Chair of the Experiencer Support Programs of Dr Edgar Mitchell: Foundation for Research into Extra-­‐terrestrial Encounters (FREE); and an advisory Committee member of Exopolitics ( Mary also organised the inaugural 'Hidden Truths' international conference held in Perth, Western Australia in 2003. Mary has researched more than 3000 cases and suggests extraterrestrial encounters are a global phenomenon and this is evident in the new humans referred to as star children. Mary affirms that star children exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years and have an awareness and connection to spiritual realms. ‘Indigo’s’ or ‘crystal’ children as they are also known have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened, and can describe many species of non-­‐human visitors with a feeling that they are as real to them as their ‘real’ family because they feel supported by them. Mary’s research also explores evidence from a scientific, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and historical perspective to support what she believes is a ‘genetic’ engineering program, for ‘upgrading’ homo sapiens, leading to a paradigm shift in human consciousness. Data suggests children are being altered and transformed on many levels through extraterrestrial encounters.Some of the latest DNA research that could qualify how this upgrading may occur and how it may be linked to such conditions such as ADHD, Asperger’s and possibly Autism is also explored as many of these individuals demonstrate awareness of the non-­‐physical realms.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Apr 3, 2020 • 50min

Earth Ancients, The Quarantine Series: The Long Heads of Earth's Ancient Past

Elongated skulls are usually explained in terms of head-binding or artificial cranial deformation. This paradigm emerged in the first half of the 19 th century as a way of explaining unusual skulls discovered in Europe and South America, in places such as Crimea and Peru respectively. The main idea behind the head-binding paradigm is that ALL elongated skulls are a result of intentional modification of the form of the skull by applying external pressure. In other words, ALL elongated skulls are merely deformed ‘normal’ skulls similar to those of modern humans.What evidence could challenge this paradigm? Right – the existence of fetuses with elongated skulls, i.e. evidence that such skulls already had an elongated shape in utero , before any head-binding was possible. Do we have such evidence? Yes, we do! Moreover, this evidence has been known to the academic community for over 163 years!Rivero and Tschudi in Peruvian Antiquities (1851 Spanish, 1853 English) argue that the protagonists of the artificial cranial deformation hypothesis are mistaken, since they had only considered the skulls of adults. In other words, the hypothesis fails to take into account the skulls of infants and, most importantly, foetuses which had similar elongated skull shape.It is worth quoting Rivero and Tschudi:“We ourselves have observed the same fact [of the absence of signs of artificial pressure – IG] in many mummies of children of tender age, who, although they had cloths about them, were yet without any vestige or appearance of pressure of the cranium. More still: the same formation of the head presents itself in children yet unborn; and of this truth we have had convincing proof in the sight of a foetus, enclosed in the womb of a mummy of a pregnant woman, which we found in a cave of Huichay, two leagues from Tarma, and which is, at this moment, in our collection [my emphasis – IG].Become a supporter of this podcast:
Apr 1, 2020 • 1h 6min

Earth Ancients, The Quarantine Series: The Megaliths of Japan

In recent years the increasing number of books and programs on television discussing the mysteries of ancient Japan, reflect a renewed interest in this area, highlighting the many unanswered questions which still hover over the pages of Japan’s history books. Many theories and hypothesis have been put forward over the years, and while conflicting at times, they all insist on one common point – somewhere in the pages of Japan’s ancient history certain crucial chapters are missing. With new discoveries of ancient ruins both on land and underwater are being brought to light, the possibility of an advanced civilization which existed during the Jomon Period ( approx.10,000 BC – 300 BC) or earlier, is gaining creasing credibility. As extraordinary as this sounds on first hearing, until any other official explanation can be offered about the many unidentified ruins existing across all of Japan, the startling and exciting possibility of a lost civilization cannot be ruled out.Join us as we discover Japan ancient super-cultures and the megaliths and sacred sites.Kara Yumaguich is an Australian with Japanese/American roots and has nearly 20 years of experience living and working in Japan as a teacher, artist, tour guide, writer, researcher and translator. She is currently the only person in the world researching Japan’s lost super-civilization and bringing this crucial information about what is possibly the world’s oldest civilization to the rest of the world in English! Kara is the author of Spirit of Mu, which highlights the megalithic cultures of Japan. a supporter of this podcast:
Mar 28, 2020 • 2h 2min

Freddy Silva: Lost Lands and Ancient Architects

t has been a mystery how humans suddenly ‘discovered’ civilization around 8000 BC.But ask indigenous people the world over and they will state that, 12,000 years ago — during a period called the Younger Dryas — another culture lived alongside them. Described as unusually tall, fair-skinned, red-haired or blonde, these ‘gods’ knew how to bend the forces of nature, enabling them to built extraordinary megalithic temples and develop a comparatively advanced civilization.After a global flood wiped out their island homelands, the remaining gods emerged at strategic locations to rebuild their former world, and teach human survivors the roots of civilized society. Then, they vanished.Who were these people? Where did they come from? And what did they want with us?From the Birthplace of the Gods in New Zealand, to the Andean home of the Shining People, and the Yucatec temple cities of the People of The Serpent, best-selling author Freddy Silva re-examines the world’s flood traditions and discovers an interconnected web of master seafarers, astronomers and magicians, their monuments and traditions, and a previously unknown island nation where the antediluvian gods lived before it sank. He also examines the environmental challenge they faced and how it is destined to reoccur, the outcome of which will be determined by the very people they once sought to elevate from barbarism — ourselves.Freddy Silva is a best-selling author, and a leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness. He has published six books in five languages. Described by one CEO as "perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now," for two decades he has been an international keynote speaker, with notable appearances at the International Science and Consciousness Conference, the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, and the Association for Research and Enlightenment. He is a regular contributor to GAIA TV, and has appeared on The History Channel, BBC, and numerous international radio shows such as Coast To Coast, and Fade To Black. He is also a documentary filmmaker, art photographer, and leads private tours to sacred sites.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Mar 22, 2020 • 2h 17min

Clifford Mahooty: Zuni Prophecy, Lemuria and the Ant People

We can learn a great deal about the people of ancient earth from the native tribes who have continuously live in select regions of our planet for thousands of years. After decades of silence, a handful of elders are again describing the ways and technology of the original people. Some of the traditions describe the sacred land of Lemuria (Mu), and the wisdom keepers.Clifford Mahooty will present his Zuni Tribal teachings including oral history, religion, rituals, kachinas, and spiritual practices and how they relate to star people, and spiritual beings.Clifford Mahooty is a member of the Zuni Pueblo Indian Tribe of New Mexico. Mahooty is a retired civil/environmental engineer (BSCE-NMSU-1969) and worked in many projects with Shell Oil Company, US Federal Government in Environmental justice for Indian tribes, Tribal housing projects in the USPHS as a commissioned officer in water, waste water, and EPA enforcement in environmental compliance. Mahooty is active in the Zuni orders of the Kachina, Galaxy Medicine Society, Sun Clan leadership, and is a wisdom keeper of the Zuni history.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Mar 14, 2020 • 1h 41min

Andrew Collins: Gobekli Tepe, Ancient Temple Lost in Time

Reveals the profound influence of the Denisovans and their hybrid descendants upon the flowering of human civilization around the world• Traces the migrations of the sophisticated Denisovans and their interbreeding with Neanderthals and early human populations more than 40,000 years ago• Shows how Denisovan hybrids became the elite of ancient societies, including the Adena mound-building culture• Explores the Denisovans’ extraordinary advances, including precision-machined stone tools and jewelry, tailored clothing, and celestially-aligned architectureIce-age cave artists, the builders at Göbekli Tepe, and the mound-builders of North America all share a common ancestry in the Solutreans, Neanderthal-human hybrids of immense sophistication, who dominated southwest Europe before reaching North America 20,000 years ago. Yet, even before the Solutreans, the American continent was home to a powerful population of enormous stature, giants remembered in Native American legend as the Thunder People. New research shows they were hybrid descendants of an extinct human group known as the Denisovans, whose existence has now been confirmed from fossil remains found in a cave in the Altai region of Siberia.Tracing the migrations of the Denisovans and their interbreeding with Neanderthals and early human populations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas, Andrew Collins and Greg Little explore how the new mental capabilities of the Denisovan-Neanderthal and Denisovan-human hybrids greatly accelerated the flowering of human civilization over 40,000 years ago. They show how the Denisovans displayed sophisticated advances, including precision-machined stone tools and jewelry, tailored clothing, celestially-aligned architecture, and horse domestication. Examining evidence from ancient America, the authors reveal how Denisovan hybrids became the elite of the Adena mound-building culture, explaining the giant skeletons found in Native American burial mounds. The authors also explore how the Denisovans’ descendants were the creators of a cosmological death journey and viewed the Milky Way as the Path of Souls.Revealing the impact of the Denisovans upon every part of the world, the authors show that, without early man’s hybridization with Denisovans, Neanderthals, and other yet-to-be-discovered hominid populations, the modern world as we know it would not exist.Andrew Collins is a science and history writer, who has been investigating the origins of human civilization for over three decades. He is a noted explorer and the co-discoverer of a massive cave complex beneath the Giza plateau, now known as “Collins’ Caves.” He is the author of several bestselling books, including From the Ashes of Angels and Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods. He lives in southeast England.Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., is the author of over 30 books, including Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis and The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Indian Mounds and Earthworks. His research has been featured on the National Geographic Channel, MSNBC, Discovery, and the History Channel. He lives in Memphis, Tennessee.Become a supporter of this podcast:

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