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Earth Ancients

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Mar 6, 2024 • 1h 26min

Destiny: Melanie Barnum, Real Life Intuition

Trust Your Metaphysical Senses and Master Your IntuitionFeaturing empowering and sometimes surprising experiences from real people and exercises for developing your natural gifts, this book teaches you how to use intuition to get ahead in life. Discover inspiring stories from doctors, lawyers, musicians, therapists, and other professionals who tapped into their intuition and experienced a positive life shift. Through these vignettes you will gain a deeper understanding and working knowledge of your five clairs: clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairalience. Melanie Barnum also reveals how to interpret dreams, intuitive flashes, and signs and synchronicities. With this book, you will tune in to the universal energy that connects us all and use it to help move toward greater success and joy.Melanie Barnum (Connecticut) is a psychic, medium, speaker, life coach, and hypnotist who has been practicing professionally for over twenty years. She is a multiple award-winning author whose books have been translated into several languages and has been featured in numerous print, broadcast, and online media bookings. Melanie's friendly and down-to-earth manner and gifted psychic insight make her readings unique and powerful, providing invaluable advice and guidance related to relationships, family, career, and educational opportunities. She has facilitated her clients' communication with their spiritual guides and deceased loved ones. In addition, she offers mentorship, guidance, and support for those interested in developing their intuitive abilities. For more, visit Become a supporter of this podcast:
Mar 2, 2024 • 1h 42min

Bibhu Dev Misra: Yuga Shift, The Impending Planetary Transformation

Almost every ancient culture believed that human civilization and consciousness has progressively declined since an erstwhile Golden Age or Satya Yuga till the current age of greed and lies, discord and strife, called the Iron Age or Kali Yuga. Unfortunately, during our long passage through the darkness of the Kali Yuga, the original formulation of the Yuga Cycle was lost.In this extensively researched book, Bibhu Dev Misra has delineated the common threads that run through the Yuga Cycle doctrines of multiple ancient cultures, taking the aid of scientific discoveries from various disciplines. His reconstruction of the original Yuga Cycle framework indicates that the end of the Kali Yuga is just around the corner - in 2025!Within a span of just 15 years, by the year 2040, the Kali Yuga civilization is likely to collapse due to a combination of global wars, environmental catastrophes and comet impacts. We are living in the end-times that the ancient prophecies had warned us about. The survivors of the impending cataclysms will inherit a renewed earth, bathed in the divine light of the Central Sun.There is compelling evidence from many sources that the Yuga Cycle is a valid scientific doctrine, and is perfectly aligned with the earth’s precession cycle. It explains the periodic collapse and re-emergence of civilizations across the world every 3000-odd years, and the progressive decline in our physical size and cranial volume over the past 11,700 years of the descending Yuga Cycle.Why does our consciousness fluctuate in a sinusoidal manner over the course of the Yuga Cycle? What are the triggers for the cataclysmic obliteration of civilization during the periods of transition between the Yuga? What is the significance of the end-time prophecies which tell of a Savior or Avatar returning at the end of the Kali Yuga? How can we navigate through the upheavals and chaos of the Yuga-ending period?These are some of the key questions addressed in this book. This riveting and thought-provoking work contains one of the most important messages of our time.Bibhu Dev Misra has been actively researching and writing on ancient civilizations and ancient mysteries for more than a decade. He is a regular contributor to many international magazines and websites such as New Dawn, Nexus, Mysterious Universe, GrahamHancock Forum, Science to Sage etc., and has appeared on podcasts and online conferences on Earth Ancients, Portal to Ascension, OSOM, Watcher’s Talk and more.Bibhu lives in Kolkata, India, with his family. When he is not researching, writing, or traveling to ancient sites, Bibhu plays cricket with his son, strikes up a tune on his keyboard, reads books on ancient mysteries and esoteric subjects, goes for long walks and practices yoga.By profession, he is an Engineer from IIT Kharagpur and a MBA from IIM Calcutta, and worked as an Information Technology Consultant for nearly two decades, providing technology solutions to various global organizations, including the World Bank and the United Nations. A few years back, he gave up his full-time job as a Technology Consultant in order to devote more time to his research and writing interests.This is Bibhu’s debut book, based on one of his earliest articles. You can find out more about him and his research interests from his website "Ancient Inquiries". a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 28, 2024 • 1h 18min

Destiny: Clifford Mahooty, The Zuni Star People Connection

Clifford MahootyZuni Pueblo Indian ElderMahooty was a Zuni Pueblo Indian elder, and member of the tribal orders of the Kachina Priest hood, Galaxy medicine society, Sun Clan, and wisdom keeper of the Zuni history and spiritual practices. Mahooty is a retired Civil/Environmental Engineer (BSCE-NMSU-1969). He worked for Shell Oil Company and various US government programs for housing under USHUD, DOI-BIA planning design and construction of Indian reservation infrastructures and school projects. Mahooty served in the US Public Health Service, as a commissioned officer, to provide services to American Indian communities. He served in Oklahoma and Arizona in water, wastewater, and solid waste systems. Mahooty served as the National Environmental Justice Coordinator, in the DOI-BIA for the 561 federally recognized Indian tribes. He coordinated with various agencies of federal, state and tribal governments to enforce laws and regulations to protect sacred sites, and lands against desecrations, pollution of natural resources, illegal taking of artifacts, burials, and sacred objects. He represented the Indian tribe’s environmental assessments and impact statements. Mahooty was instrumental in the contracting of federally funded programs, where Indian Nations can administer projects including: planning, design, construction of facilities and infrastructure, schools, hospitals, law and order, housing. The law is known as PL-93-638. The Indian Self-Determination and Education Act of 1974. SOVEREIGNTY RIGHTS NOWBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 24, 2024 • 1h 20min

Alexander Milovanov: The Music of the Divine Spheres

'A remarkable book by Alexander Milovanov - once you open it, it’s impossible to put it down!' Ekaterina Malakhova, Tovar, M.D., D.C The Music of the Divine Spheres is a rediscovery of ancient knowledge – lost to humanity several millennia ago – about our consciousness, its levels, and the laws of transition between those levels that elevate our mind. A revelation of the amazing laws of nature underlying the structures of space and consciousness, the main secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and the true meaning of the ancient symbols such as the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, the Djed, and the Nine Egyptian Crystal Spheres. Discover the wonderful Laws of the Spheres and the Universal Law of Harmony of Vibrations while reading about the perception of sounds, colors, and proportions, as well as why their different combinations cause different feelings -– and how to heal using sound and light. Learn how to develop new levels of consciousness and make higher-level decisions in your life. This knowledge can be used to accelerate the evolution of everyone's consciousness and thereby change this world for the better.By day, Alexander Milovanov is a scientist and Senior Principal Systems Engineer with an advanced technology corporation. During his life, Alexander met with several well-known spiritual masters including Drunvalo Melchizedec and Nicolai Levashov, and attended and conducted multiple spiritual workshops. The information that he received from the masters and Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus) inspired him to conduct his research on human consciousness. He lives in Los Angeles, California.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 21, 2024 • 1h 20min

Destiny: Shelly Kaehr, The Goddess Discovered

Your Complete Guide to Hundreds of Goddesses Around the WorldMeet the many incarnations of the divine feminine, past and present, with this comprehensive reference guide by bestselling author Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD. Featuring more than five hundred goddesses, over forty exercises and journal prompts, and guided journeys for understanding yourself at the soul level, this book connects you with ancestral energy and can bring peace and balance to your life.Shelley first introduces you to goddesses of the ancient world, exploring Egyptian, Celtic, Greek, Norse, and Mesoamerican pantheons. She then shares the living goddesses of modern world religions―African, East Asian, Hindu, and Indigenous peoples. Each goddess entry features her keywords, categories, history, and lore. In discovering these deities, you can enliven goddess energy within you and even uncover past lives.For over twenty years, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD has worked with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness in their lives. A renowned past life regressionist and one of the world's leading authorities on energy healing and mind-body medicine, her award-winning books have been translated into multiple languages around the world.A spiritual historian, Shelley enjoys creating content to help readers and students remember their soul histories and past lives. She coined the term Supretrovie to describe spontaneously induced past life memories and strives to develop new methods to help people resolve challenging issues that arise from these influences. She created the groundbreaking Genealogical Regression, based on her award-winning international bestseller, Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life, to help seekers resolve inherited ancestral trauma. She believes we all have the power to rewrite our stories and create the life of our dreams.Connect with Dr. Shelley Kaehr via her website,, and on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 17, 2024 • 1h 48min

Jose Maria Barrera; Dendera, Temple of Time

A full-color exploration of the encoded ceiling at the Temple of Dendera• Draws on more than 5,000 high-resolution photographs taken by the author to reconstruct the complete ceiling of the portico of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera• Reveals in detail how each panel represents celestial cycles of time from the Precession of the Equinoxes to the annual cycles of life found along the Nile• Explains each panel’s astronomical significance from the ancient Egyptian perspective as well as examining the myths, gods, and goddesses depictedEgypt is famous for its pyramids, the Sphinx, the temples at Luxor, and the Valley of the Kings, but 40 miles north of Luxor lies the best-preserved temple complex in all of Egypt: The Temple of Dendera, known for the famous “Zodiac of Dendera” now housed in the Louvre Museum. Within the portico leading into the Hathor temple at Dendera is a little-known outstanding achievement of humanity: an extensive colored bas-relief—larger than the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel—meticulously encoded with the sophisticated astronomical knowledge of ancient Egypt.Drawing on more than 5,000 high-resolution photographs he has taken at the Temple of Dendera, photographer and computer scientist José María Barrera presents a complete full-color photographic reconstruction of the ceiling of the pronaos at Dendera and reveals in detail how each panel represents celestial cycles of time from the Precession of the Equinoxes to the annual cycles of life found along the Nile. He explains the meaning of the layout of the ceiling as it relates to the present, the past, eternity, the hours of the day, the phases of the moon, the constellations used in ancient Egyptian astronomy, and the Great Solar Year. The author provides detailed analysis of each panel, including close-up photos, and explains each panel’s astronomical and spiritual significance from the ancient Egyptian perspective as well as examining the myths, gods, and goddesses depicted. He also includes an appendix exploring the meaning and symbology of ancient Egyptian iconography.José María Barrera is a software engineer and application architect, specializing in data representation and languages, who has been fascinated by alchemy and Egyptian culture for more than 20 years. An avid photographer, his work has been exhibited in galleries in Chicago and New York City and sold at Sotheby’s Auctions. Born in Colombia, he holds a master’s degree in computer science. He lives in New York City.Author's website: a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 14, 2024 • 1h 29min

Destiny: Scott Snibbe, How to Train a Happy Mind

TRAIN YOUR MIND TOWARD LASTING CONNECTION AND JOYEager to share the life-enhancing benefits he found in Buddhism, skeptic Scott Snibbe presents this 8-step programme that allows anyone to build positive mental habits. Inspired by the ancient Buddhist path to enlightenment yet firmly grounded in modern science, How to Train a Happy Mind is the first mainstream book to show how you can achieve happiness using analytical meditation. Working in much the same way as cognitive behavioural therapy, analytical meditation goes beyond the calm-inducing practice of mindfulness to actively train the brain through easy-to-follow narrative visualizations.Breaking the path down into concise steps and written in a relatable tone with plenty of references to popular culture, this is the ideal book if you recognize your mind as both the source of your problems and the source of your solutions.Scott Snibbe is a twenty-five-year student of Tibetan Buddhism whose teachers include Geshe Ngawang Dakpa, Choden Rinpoche, Ven. Rene Feusi, Ven. Sangye Khadro, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Inspired by his teachers, he leads meditations that infuse the pure lineage of the great Buddhist masters with science, humor, and the realities of the modern world.Snibbe is the co-founder and Executive Director of A Skeptic’s Path to Enlightenment, a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing secular forms of Tibetan Buddhist analytical meditation through its podcast, community, and meditation courses. He leads classes and retreats worldwide. a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 10, 2024 • 1h 24min

Dr. Kathleen Ball: A Grail Quest, the Knights Templar in Brazil

Grail Quests often begin with what seems like normal travel adventures, but then suddenly turn into divine synchronistic events that makes one feel as though they're being guided by the Universe. I was to find out, two years later, that many local people knew about this cave. Teenagers even partied in it, as we could see from their graffiti, so what was the big secret? The cave's location was obviously not a secret, but apparently no one understood the significance of that specific cross. What the cave was carved out for turned out to be the secret, helping me to later understand why the Templars dug it out in the middle of nowhere. I returned that evening to our pousada a different person. Something had fundamentally changed within me. I felt that somehow, this discovery was part of my destiny. The Universe had unmistakably directed me to this cave."Did the Knights Templar reach Brazil? This is the enigmatic question boldly asked and beautifully answered in this fascinating quest of discovery that results in firm evidence that, yes, they did indeed reach the Americas long before Columbus. The author brings in her writing an exciting sense of mystery and imagination tempered beautifully by her academic background. An essential addition to the ancient mysteries bookshelf."Kathleen, a professional artist and educator, had her life changed dramatically after the 2015 Butte Fire and a subsequent liver transplant. Her background includes expertise in anatomy, sculpture, multimedia, archeology, mythology, metaphysics, and mysticism. Since 2017, she has focused on documentary filmmaking, with her most recent work, The Brazilian Templar Mystery, completed in 2019 and sold to Gaia TV in 2020. Kathleen is passionate about researching global mythology, mystical and spiritual belief systems, and is inspired by ancient indigenous art and archeological discoveries. Her fine art installations have exhibited internationally and her portraits can be found in private collections and museums, including the Leonardo da Vinci piece in the da Vinci Museum in Vinci, Italy. a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 7, 2024 • 1h 30min

Destiny: Matt Roeske, ElectroCulture

What is Electroculture?Electroculture is an ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth's atmospheric energy. This was presented in 1749 by Abbe Nollett, in the 1920s by Justin Christofleau, and 1940s by Viktor Schauberger. This energy is always present and all around us also known as Chi, Prana, Life force, and Aether.When using electroculture there is no need for the use of pesticides, manure, or fertilizers. This is primarily why this information was suppressed. All you need is the sun, the clouds, the rain, the nitrogen in the air, and the ability to harness atmospheric energy. These atmospheric antennas can be created from materials such as wood, copper, zinc, and brass. When adding these atmospheric antennas to your garden, soil, or farm they will amplify your yields, combat frost and excessive heat, reduce irrigation, reduce pests, and increase the magnetism of your soil leading to more nutrients in the long run.Matt Roeske founded Cultivate Elevate to bring back information that has been suppressed and caused our society to become sicker and weaker. Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to rise above the state of fear because there are always solutions. a supporter of this podcast:
Feb 3, 2024 • 1h 50min

Christopher Dunn: Tesla, The Giza Connection

The podcast explores the theory that the pyramids of Egypt were generators of clean energy. It discusses seismic energy harmonization, earthquake lights, and energy concentration within the Great Pyramid. The guest, Christopher Dunn, shares evidence and research that the pyramids were built as energy-harvesting machines. The chapter also delves into the precision and purpose of the Giza pyramids and the potential of harnessing electricity from beneath the Earth's surface.

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