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Teaching in Higher Ed

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Oct 9, 2014 • 0sec

How technology is changing higher education

Audrey Watters joins me for episode 18 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast to talk about how technology is changing higher education. Podcast notes Audrey Watters on Twitter Kassandra in Greek mythology Kassandra on Urban Dictionary Alan Levine @CogDog University of Mary Washington’s Maker Space The mythology Science and technology obsession We tend to not look at the past very well, in considering EdTech The history of teaching machines Predates computers Patents in late 1800s building devices that would teach people Teachers would be freed from lecturing and could be freed up to mentor and support students Educational psychology BF Skinner perhaps best known inventor of teaching machines The programable web Different model. Comes from the web. Rather than being just the recipients of knowledge, [students] now can be active contributors… building and sharing their own knowledge in a meaningful way. – Audrey Watters Constructing knowledge and sharing it with a network Reevaluating what we expect students to know and do How do we assimilate, how do we process, how do we share knowledge? Easier to participate as an academic in these new networks Privacy implications I know you you are and I saw what you did by Lori Andrews These digital tools demand our attention in a different way. – Audrey Watters There is a level of vulnerability that learning always involves, but it does take on a different level when we do it in public. – Audrey Watters The downside of having all student work live within the LMS Distractions abound Push notifications change what’s being demanded of us The Colbert Report Walter Mischel talks about his book “The Marshmallow Test” Audrey Watters writes about the new Apple Watch Digital literacy Mozilla’s digital literacy project University of Mary Washington’s A domain of one’s own Video that describes the Domain of One’s Own initiative Where to get started Mozilla’s digital literacy Audrey Watter’s EdTech Guide For educators For technology professionals Privacy and politics More than cheerleading Data and privacy The women and people of color gap in the EdTech universe Recommendations Bonni recommends Aziz Ansari defines feminism on letterman Audrey recommends Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas by Seymour A. Papert
Oct 2, 2014 • 0sec

What happens when we study our own teaching

Guest Dr. Janine Utell Bio Blog Profile on Academia.edu Study your own teaching Be a reflective practitioner Collect data on yourself Involve the students Teaching is something that is happening all of the time. – Dr. Janine Utell Bonni used Remind service/app to connect with her students to see if the song sung at the start of this This American Life episode was still in their heads, the day after we listened to it in class The Dip The Course of a Course, by James Athernon The trouble with course evaluations Failure can be a good thing to value. Failure, in terms of what didn’t work for me, but also failure on the students’ part. – Dr. Janine Utell Importance of taking risks in studying our own teaching and assessment Recommendations Bonni’s recommendation Use the B key when presenting with Keynote or PowerPoint Janine’s recommendations Dear Committee Members: A Novel, by Julie Schumacher Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your Classroom Will Improve Student Learning, by Jose Antonio Bowen Jose Bowen on Twitter
Sep 25, 2014 • 0sec

Biology, the brain, and learning

Biology, the brain, and learning Guest Dr. Joshua Eyler, Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Rice University His Bio on Rice University’s Center for Teaching Excellence His Blog Follow Josh Eyler on Twitter Initial interest in the field of teaching and learning as a scientific enterprise What the Best College Teachers Do, Ken Bain Brain-based learning Amazing discoveries, but some limitations Gulf was created between the scientists and educators Cherry-picking results Too limiting, looks primarily at neuroscience and cognitive psychology The New Science of Teaching and Learning: Using the Best of Mind, Brain, and Education Science in the Classroom, Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa Framework for a biological basis of learning Bolster what we are learning from neuroscience to also include evolutionary biology and human development Context about anything that we are learning. The journey of an educator Doesn’t see students as subjects of experiments Understanding teaching and learning as a science, really created a bridge Prior knowledge – biological construct Mental models Learning from failure The expert blind spot Making assumptions about prior learning Advice for next steps Mind, brain, and education at Harvard’s graduate school of education The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning by James E. Zull What I find exciting is that we’re starting to ask different kinds of questions now. -Josh Eyler Guest post Josh wrote on MassMedievil.com Finally, nothing but a breath, a comma, separates us from our students–for we do not teach medieval literature, medieval art, medieval history, or medieval archaeology; we teach students about these subjects, about new ways to see their world through the lens of the past. Our field will continue to live and breathe only insofar as we dedicate ourselves to teaching it. And here I look to the wisdom of my dissertation director, Fred Biggs, who once told me that *everything* is a teaching activity—writing, presenting, publishing, but especially our work in the classroom, where we will teach hundreds and even thousands of students over the course of a career. The work we do with our students will push back the boundaries of our knowledge about the Middle Ages ever further, but to accomplish this we need to tear down the tenuous hierarchies of our classrooms—professor/student, expert/novice—and move forward together as fellow learners, engaging in projects together, teaching each other, finding meaning together in this moment—our own pause, our breath, our comma. Movie clip: “student/teacher… learners… not much really separates us.” – Josh Eyler Empathy is the foundation for all good teaching. – Josh Eyler Video clip of professors reading aloud negative student evaluations There’s a vulnerability in the teaching/learning interaction. Students put themselves in a very vulnerable place, willingly, when they say, ‘I don’t know that; please help me learn that.’ It’s almost sacred that they’re doing that. We have to take that and value it very highly. – Josh Eyler Recommendations Bonni’s: Overcast – a powerful yet simple iphone podcast player Josh’s: IMDb: Wit (2001) A renowned professor is forced to reassess her life when she is diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. Faculty Focus newsletter Tomorrow’s Professor from Stanford University
Sep 18, 2014 • 0sec

How to get students to participate in discussion

Dr. Stephen Brookfield, an expert in facilitating learning in higher ed, discusses creating engaging and effective discussions. He highlights the use of fear as a motivator and the integration of Google Voice and Hangouts in teaching. The importance of researching student response to teaching methods is also emphasized.
Sep 11, 2014 • 0sec

Engaging difficult students in higher ed

Dave and I talk about how to deal with students that we perceive as difficult, engaging them in the learning experiences in higher ed. Podcast notes Engaging difficult students in higher ed Guest: Dave Stachowiak Dave and I talk about how to engage students that we perceive as difficult. We start by describing the dangers in labeling people as difficult. Be cautious about focusing on the more challenging students, at the expense of the learner who is engaged and desiring to learn. Dave tells a story about how his chemistry teacher created a memorable experience for his students. Distinguishing students who don’t want to be there, but aren’t distracting other students from learning, and those who are barriers to others’ learning. Help students save face, when possible. Attempt to keep conversations one-on-one, unless there’s a compelling reason that the dialog needs to happen in the classroom community. Recommendations Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Shelia Heen Hear Shelia Heen talk on Dave’s Coaching for Leader’s podcast about her latest book about feedback The End Subscribe to the weekly update, receive the free Educational Technology Essentials ebook, and get an email each week with an article about teaching and the notes from each podcast episode. [reminder]What do you think about when you’re driving down the road? How do you try to engage your more difficult students?[/reminder]
Sep 4, 2014 • 0sec

Engaging millennials in the learning process

Help classrooms become worthy of human habitation… a dialog with Chip Espinoza on generational cohorts, specifically millennials. Podcast notes Generations “We aren’t saying that all these people are the same, just because they are the same age.” “My desire is not to have a conversation about millennials, but have a conversation with millennials. I don’t want to have a conversation about professors; I want to have a conversation with professors.” Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Won’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain Millennials The “before” and “after” of teaching in the early 90s and today In the 90s – no one would look at a syllabus In the 2000s – more legalistic view of the syllabus Can tend to perceive that quantity and quality are equal Think that everything is negotiable (the most effective leaders and teachers of this generation enjoy the collaboration) Frustrations of working with this generation Teaching multi-generational audience: Baby boomers, GenX, and Millennials What did you think about the book you were assigned (Chip’s book)? “What’s your theoretical framework for saying it’s hogwash?” Characteristics Access to information – where subject matter experts come in Sage on the stage >> Allison King 1990s article to Guide on the side >> to Learning with… KickStarter campaign for getting Chip’s book into the hands of millennials Importance of immediate feedback Recommendations Managing the Millennials Millennials at Work Take the quiz iRobot Roomba
Aug 28, 2014 • 0sec

How to get better at learning names

It that season again: A lot of new faces and a lot of new names. How to get better at learning students’ names.   Podcast notes How to get better at learning names Dave and I talk about the approaches we use to learn students’ names. Attendance2 iphone app on iTunes (iOS) There is an iPad app, in addition to the iPhone app, but they don’t sync/connect with each other. It is best to choose the device that you’ll have with you during each class session, to make the process of attendance tracking easier. SoundEver app on iTunes – saves audio recordings into Evernote Recommendations How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie  (Dave) Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other by Sherry Turkle  (Bonni references this book, in relation to Dave’s recommendation) Visual thinking talk by Giulia Forsythe – her bio on Twitter is great: “I work at a university supporting teaching & lifelong learning. I think in pictures. Doodling helps me be a better listener, problem solver and communicator.” Article: A learning secret: Don’t take notes with a laptop from Scientific American Counter-point article: Study proves why we need digital literacy education Pencast example from Bonni on marketing (created with a LiveScribe smartpen) Doodle breaks My visual notes from Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipine The End If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the Teaching in Higher Ed weekly update. It comes out once a week and includes these podcast notes in your inbox, a weekly article on teaching in higher ed, and you’ll also receive a free Educational Technology Essentials ebook: 19 tools for efficiency and teaching effectiveness. Also, please send us feedback for podcast topics or guests. We can make these podcasts even better with your help. Note: These podcast notes contain affiliate links. We typically make around $10 a year through our referral links, though perhaps this year will generate more money than that. Maybe $12? We have not been paid for any of the recommendations we made on this post, or received any free products. However, many of my students have commented that the people over at LiveScribe should give me a free smartpen, given how many times I’ve talked about them in my classes. As of now, they’ve got me hooked, buying my own… Thanks for listening. Please tell a friend about Teaching in Higher Ed.
Aug 21, 2014 • 0sec

Back to school prep

It can be stressful to head back into another year of teaching in higher ed. However, there certainly are actions we can take to make our experience more peaceful and be more present for our students as we get our new academic year underway. Our foci for the Fall Sandie and I share about where we are focused for the start to our academic year. We both have very different roles at the university, but share a desire for continually wanting to improve our students’ learning experiences in our classes. We talk about the technology tools we will be using to support our work this year, along with other ways we will seek to facilitate learning more effectively. Updates to classes Technology-using professors on LinkedIn Cheating Lessons, by James Lang Attendance 2 iPhone app Remind Check list for class planning Grant Wiggin’s checklist resources The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande Getting Things Done by David Allen Asana Recommendations Camscanner app, which connects with Evernote (Sandie) Evernote‘s use in giving students feedback on their resumes (Bonni) The End Ending Human Trafficking podcast Free ebook: Educational Technology Essentials Sign up for the weekly update, which has an article each week, along with these show notes
Aug 14, 2014 • 0sec

Developing 21st Century skills

It is going to take creative collaboration to better equip college students to develop 21st century skills. My guest, Jeff Hittenberger, has worked in higher ed, K-12; in the U.S. and abroad; and as a teacher and as an administrator. His unique perspective helps us think about how to prepare our students in higher ed for tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities. Inspiration from childhood in Haiti Learned from experiences growing up in Haiti. Most common response to the question: “What’s up?” “I’m on fire.” Regardless of what kind of adversity you are facing, you are alive, and you have something to say. 21st Century Skills What does higher education have to learn from what’s happening in K-12, as we all work to develop 21st century skills? Disconnect between higher ed and K-12 Communication that one might anticipate happening between these educational bodies doesn’t happen. Can lead to gaps in students’ educational experiences. 21st century skills gives us one way to talk about what we have in common. Partnership for 21st Century Skills Resources for educators 4 competency areas, referred to as the 4Cs PIMCO partnership Carnegie hour Lipscombe – competency-based higher education Critical thinking and problem solving Important for faculty to discover where there are differences in how they gauge critical thinking and develop ways to assess it in similar ways Creativity SmartBoards being used to teach physics “He who opens a school door closes a prison.” – Victor Hugo The maker movement TED Talk: Thomas Suarez – 12-year-old app developer Communication How can we tap into the passions of our students and engage them? Why Do Americans Stink At Math by Elizabeth Green in the New York Times Collaboration How the increase in technological capabilities is changing our ability to collaborate Character As parents of a college-age daughter, Jeff and his wife care more about who their daughter becomes as a person, in terms of her character, than they do about the knowledge she is gaining. Answering: “Who am I? Who am I becoming? What am I contributing to the world?” Recommendations Cheating Lessons, by James Lang (Bonni) 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times, by Bernie Trilling and Charles Fadel (Jeff) Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century, by The Committee on Defining Deeper Learning and 21st Century Skills (Jeff)
Aug 7, 2014 • 0sec

Academic personal knowledge management workflow

Librarians can be such a wonderful resource to us as faculty. Today’s guests are Georgia Tech Academic Librarians: Mary Axford and Crystal Renfro. They  have been a tremendous help to me – and I’ve never even met them in person. Call it a testament to the power of academic personal knowledge management… Episode 9: Academic personal knowledge management These are the notes from our dialog together about academic personal knowledge management for academic researchers and librarians. Podcast notes Guests Crystal Renfro Mary Axford The comments made by Crystal and Mary during the podcast are their own opinions and do not represent those of Georgia Tech. Academic personal knowledge management  Academic Personal Knowledge Management – AcademicPKM.org Free course: A year to improved productivity for librarians and academic researchers Link roundups Our recent PKM discoveries Jamie Todd Rubin’s Going Paperless Blog (Mary) Jamie Todd Rubin’s post on simplifying Evernote notebooks (Mary) Bonni advises to start simple with Evernote notebooks (I use 1) personal, 2) work, and 3) reference; plus 4) a shared/family notebook with Dave called BondNotes) I Click it and I Know it video from Mircosoft about how OneNote works with the Surface tablet  (Crystal) PKM Foundations Compares it to a Trapper Keeper folder; Ways of organizing information (Crystal) First discovery of PKM was from a colleague at Georgia Tech, Elizabeth Shields (Mary) Loves using Evernote: Helped her accomplish a move a few years back in a very short time (Mary) Academic databases and PKM How the databases have kept up, as well as how the researchers have kept up with the new features (Crystal) Evernote to track and plan blogs and podcasts (Mary) Bonni’s Zotero tutorials Catherine Pope’s Zotero posts It’s very individual. What works for one person may not work for someone else. Be sure that you don’t let the ‘doing the tool’ well become more the goal versus achieving your purpose with the tool. (Crystal) Archived version of our A Year to Improved Productivity for Librarians and Academic Researchers Program Recommendations ProfHacker  |  GradHacker  |  Catherine Pope’s The Digital Researcher  (Mary) Tweet about the random sandwich generator from Dan Szymborski (Bonni) This is why I really need adult supervision: I made a random sandwich generator based on my available cold cuts. pic.twitter.com/dnwyWFXpR1 — Dan Szymborski (@DSzymborski) August 6, 2014 ScoopIt : Robin Good’s Scoop.it sites on content curation (Crystal) Reminders Write us a review on iTunes or Stitcher to help other people discover the show Subscribe to the weekly update and receive the EdTech Essentials eBook, as well as the podcast show notes via email – only one email per week and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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