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Transformative Principal

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Feb 9, 2020 • 24min

Defining whats Important with Cristina Garza Transformative Principal 317

Cristina Garza is the director of social impact for the Mission Economic Development Corporation. She curates and leads all STEAM and entrepreneurship initiatives for this EDC, and through this work commits herself improving the financial mobility of area residents, and fostering progressive and equitable economic development practices. Among the programs she founded are Web of Women, an initiative to teach technical skills to women professionals, and Career Readiness and Empowerment of Women (CREW), a multidisciplinary internship that trains young high-school women to serve as leaders in STEM and entrepreneurship. She is  2017 Next City Vanguard and named by CityLab Latino one of the Top 20 Young Civic Leaders of 2017. Before her career in economic development, Cristina worked in several museums in New York City including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rubin of Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Historical Society, and the Brooklyn Museum.  What prevents the community relationships from having this kind of impact? By the time they leave your school, they are not attractive to industry. Don’t want to give tax incentives just to have them import their talent! It’s not worth it to train someone who doesn’t have the soft skills. There could be better systems where EDC pays for the high schoolers to work somewhere. Challenges with push to early-college schools. You were ready to get out of your hometown. Too scared and insecure to do the real things that I wanted to. Seeing myself as being capable of talking about. Shy away from educational issues that are hard to measure Feeling like we are not good enough. Define what is important. Everyone is measured by their productivity and we are teaching kids that. Reevaluate how much time we are putting in kids’ schedules to think about these issues. Have time in kids’ schedules to go to counseling and go to group therapy. There are only two things that kids do all day in school: Compete or try to get good grades How rare it is for kids to have an opportunity to work on something that is open ended. Hard to ideate because they have never been given a prompt and how to deal with it. Ideas come from spending time thinking. Start the semester with what are the problems you see affecting you and others? Giving kids time to find their own story and their own why They are experts in their lives. Policies should be done in consideration of their voices. The level of complexity that youth today are experiencing. Understanding their power and owning their truth. how to be a transformative principal? Spend at least one hour sending emails to industry leaders asking about how to prepare their kids? We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Feb 2, 2020 • 23min

Create Change by Doing it with Cristina Garza Transformative Principal 316

Cristina Garza is the director of social impact for the Mission Economic Development Corporation. She curates and leads all STEAM and entrepreneurship initiatives for this EDC, and through this work commits herself improving the financial mobility of area residents, and fostering progressive and equitable economic development practices. Among the programs she founded are Web of Women, an initiative to teach technical skills to women professionals, and Career Readiness and Empowerment of Women (CREW), a multidisciplinary internship that trains young high-school women to serve as leaders in STEM and entrepreneurship. She is  2017 Next City Vanguard and named by CityLab Latino one of the Top 20 Young Civic Leaders of 2017. Before her career in economic development, Cristina worked in several museums in New York City including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rubin of Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Historical Society, and the Brooklyn Museum.  CREW is a year-long internship and career preparation program for women and non-binary individuals. Getting mentored by women in industries that don’t exist in this town. I wanted to create a program that I would have benefited from when I was 17 They are the first in their families to go to college. Only Latina in the classroom or the workspace. Integration of entrepreneurship and leadership. Thinking about the statistics of women in Tech. Why are we keeping women of color out of these leadership positions? Instead of just putting kids in coding camps, we need to Looking at problems that are affecting their communities, then create products or policies that fix that problem. Jobs are not just for software engineers. Not waiting for someone to tap them on the shoulder and say they are chosen. You create change by doing it. The coding doesn’t happen until the end of the internship so that they have a purpose for the coding. Kids learn way more way faster when they have a problem they are trying to solve. We’re not spending enough time simply talking to youth and seeing how they can solve problems in their communities. You’ve got to create partnerships with the school and community partners. We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Jan 26, 2020 • 19min

Starting a Meeting with a Student in Mind with Sam Brooks Transformative Principal 315

Sam Brooks is honored to have worked for Putnam County Schools (TN) for the past 27 years. Brooks leads all student/teacher personalized learning opportunities in the district, which includes online, dual enrollment, dual credit, and industry certification options. Mr. Brooks is a Google Certified Trainer and was recognized by the Center for Digital Education as a national Top 30 Technologists, Transformers, Trailblazers in 2014 and his program has been identified in several national publications. Director of Personalized Learning - started as credit options for kids. Now is for so much more. How can we meet the individual needs of each child in the classroom? State level personalized learning. VITAL - virtual instruction to accentuate learning Personalized learning task force. Mimic task force in our own district. Doing a lot with credit recovery. Pockets of innovation. Future Ready - Getting a student to be ready for whatever they want their future to be. I only saw how things affected me as a teacher within my four walls. How to be a transformative principal? Be open minded and take on the mindset of working for the students. We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Jan 19, 2020 • 20min

Using Video Games as Text with Zachary Hartzman Transformative Principal 314

Zachary Hartzman is a high school Economics & English teacher in New York City. Taught many different social studies classes. International and transfer school. 100% immigrant & ELL students. Passionate about videos games. Getting kids to interact with games Florence - great app for relationships. Using games to deal with discussing heavy issues. Whenever I teach one of these lessons, I write a post showing how it went. It’s been really hard to find engaging content that 3 days a week, I teach an ELA course using video games as the main text. Gone Home What Remains of Edith Finch? One student playing while everyone else is talking about the gameplay. Regents exam required for graduation - read a text and identify the central idea, so we use the videos games to focus on those literary events. You have to give them time to learn how to use the controller. Positive outcomes: Whenever I teach with a game, there’s never a head down that day. Expanding the curriculum, but would love to get more science and math. How to be a transformative principal? If a teacher comes to you with a potentially wacky idea, hear them out. I'd love to work with you! To learn more about working with Jethro, go here. We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Jan 18, 2020 • 10min

Keeping Up With The Joneses with Jethro Jones Transformative Principal 1054

I've got some exciting news to share with you.... But first, a little context. The last few months have been pretty exciting. I've started a student driven learning newsletter in partnership with ASCD. I spoke at the ReWire conference in New Jersey. I've been at FETC this week, and have some amazing interviews coming out on the podcast soon. The podcast is at 600,000 downloads for its six-year anniversary. (click here to get an email each Sunday when it is released!) I am a New Team Habits Champion! My wife and I have started coaching families on how to set goals in a family setting! How cool is that? I'm giving a keynote at a conference in February, more details soon... And here's the big news: At the end of this school year I will be leaving Fairbanks and start supporting principals directly full time through the mastermind, speaking, and consulting. I'm pretty excited about our new adventure, and I hope that I can work with you! If you've got a need for a speaker in the next six months, please reach out.   We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Jan 12, 2020 • 28min

Taking a Planned Year Off with Kimberly Dixon Transformative Principal 313

This is an amazing story of how Kimberly's district set them up for success so they could find time for the important things in life. What a cool and unique approach.  Kimberly Dixon is principal in Toronto Took a year off to take some coursework. Mother had supported her at the beginning of her career. Lacking balance. Four over 5. Paid 80% over four years then paid 80% for fifth year. Typically accept about a dozen people for that in our district. Became principal and started coursework to become a superintendent at the same time. I realized I had been working really hard so travel was definitely a goal. I had to operate within the parameters of Principal of a summer school program in South Korea, kids met in South Korea and then went to the Philippines. Be present as a mother and take care of myself. The year was very unplanned. School seems very Eurocentric, but our schools are so diverse. Families are always excited The balance needed in life to be your best. Without balance, we run into issues of burnout It’s about putting myself well into the time I have. Not having that rushed approach. Respecting my time when I’m not in school and not “on.” Giving a lot of yourself to other people’s children. Having a purpose for my days. Be in each classroom before every major break in the day. None of my goals could happen unless I built the relationships. No more than one evening event each week. More balanced for my own kids and the kids at school. How to be a transformative principal? I’ve discovered who being me is! Try to center yourself in some way to figure out what makes you peaceful. Work with Jethro We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Jan 5, 2020 • 21min

Disney is the Best at This with Turner Jones Transformative Principal 312

  Turner is the principal of Tristate State Christian Academy in Elkton Maryland. Rewire conference - really powerful conference in New Jersey It’s easy to get the ideas of a person by reading their blogs or listening to a podcast Most recent fascination is Disney. Disney does this better than anyone else in the world. Creating Disney Magic podcast. Parents are church leaders and they read diverse materials. We are all aiming for the same thing: becoming great leaders The one thing podcast interview referenced. The Way Of The Shepherd book. Building a Storybrand book. Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders How to be a transformative principal? Check in on your teachers because you care Work with Jethro We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Dec 29, 2019 • 33min

For the Sake of Our Youth with Tessa Stuckey Transformative Principal 311

Tessa works with teenagers, and has decided to take on parenting from a new perspective.   While patiently waiting for her book’s completion "For the Sake of Our Youth: A Therapist's Perspective on Raising Kids in Today's Culture" (due to hit the shelves Spring 2020) Tessa coaches and presents to parents her research on today’s teen depression, anxiety and suicide rate focusing on parent/child connection. You can connect with her at her website or follow her on instagram @themomtherapist. Why she wanted to work with teens and parents. Kids came to me with suicidal thoughts. It scared me that they were going to grow up in a world where suicide was so common. 6 cultural influences that are happening in today’s world. Social Trend - people see it and so they think it. Not being balanced with appropriate preventative care. Immediate gratification - everything is just a click away. Teaching our kids how to struggle. There is no instant fix for an emotional hardship. You have to think a little unnaturally to slow things down a little bit. Lack of personal connections are being made. Social media is meant for connection but it doesn’t create the same closeness and bond. Attention seeking - longing to feel important. It has become an acceptable way to get attention in our society. Reacting to a lack of attention and lack of resilience. Social media - 5 categories: don’t need to connect face to face, comparison, kids can’t turn their social life, cyberbullying (hurt people hurt people), phone addiction. Pressure - we live a go-go-go lifestyle. No mercy and no grace. Everyone is striving to be perfect. Be the supporter and helper for your child and not the fixer for all their problems. How to be a transformative principal? Understand your own philosophies on the kids you interact with. What are the core values you want kids to have when they leave your school? This is not just mental illness anymore. We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Dec 22, 2019 • 22min

Confronting with Kindness with Rachel Brown Transformative Principal 310

Rachel Brown is a Curriculum, Instruction, & Professional Growth Strategist for Douglas County School District. Power in the missed opportunities You have the power of leading culture in your building. Even the opportunity of saying hello to a kid is really powerful. Each teacher had to own making a positive interaction with each child. When things were going unsaid, they festered Confronting with Kindness the things you don’t say could have a big impact on the climate and culture. Emotional intelligence - Elena Aguilar work on the art of coaching teams. Have to get rid of your ego, go in in a way that you open yourself up like a book. Buy the Communication Cards We didn’t do our best work. Kids couldn’t tell who was the principal New principal was very communicative and it changed the culture. How to be a transformative principal? This is a rough time for some kids and you can take the time to be an impactful person and not miss the opportunity to make a little adjustment to make your school feel like the safest home for those kids. Turmoil with change in leadership because of lack of communication and emotional intelligence. * Talking with team about how to make things better. * People coming to say Lost sight of standards - using the standards as our base. student centered coaching - to try to come   We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.
Dec 15, 2019 • 25min

Learning with AI with Adam Bellow Transformative Principal 309

Adam Bellow is a dedicated educational technologist and father of two young boys. Adam is the co-founder of Breakout EDU, the immersive gaming platform that enables teachers and students to turn their classrooms into a place of discovery and inquiry based learning. Today we will be talking about learning with AI. How AI will play into education. Metacognitive piece - technology is serving our needs. Really helpful to a teacher. Empowering kids to get access to their own information before you. Building a voice profile. The use of the tool will have to outweigh the fears we have of it. You likely have an assistant available. My kids are very comfortable with robots. Game Designer Askmyclass Giving them the open-endedness is really powerful. as we look at school as more than just work-produced. How to be a transformative leader? Have a conversation with a small group of students We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL. IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:Simplify and streamline technologySave teachers’ timeReliably meet Tier 1 standardsImprove student performance on state assessments🚀 Ready to see why leading districts trust IXL for their educational needs? Visit today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.

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