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The Red Letter Disciple

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Feb 28, 2023 • 60min

031: Chris Burns Discusses Sexual Addiction, The First Step in Healing From Sexual Brokenness, and Why He Compares Addiction to Riding a Backwards Bike

Chris is a recovering addict that now leads a recovery ministry. He is a licensed social worker and sex addiction therapist. Not only will he clarify the difference between sexual brokenness vs. sexual addiction, but Chris shares his own personal story of recovery, how to get help if you need help, and the first step in sexual healing. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. At its core, Red Letter Living creates resources to challenge all people to be greater disciples of Jesus. If you are a pastor, consider a 40-day challenge to start directly after Easter. Here’s a blog I just wrote called “Stumped with Post-Easter Plans: 5 Reasons to Launch a 40-Day Challenge.” Let’s partner up. Find out more at I will repost the blog from here and upload it end of February: That will be the blog I link to in the above.Resources mentioned in the episode: Rewrite Recovery Counseling Restoration NightsSmarter Everyday Video (Backwards Bike)The Backwards Bike, Discipline, and Recovery by Chris Burns Rewrite RecoveryKey insights from the episode: Sex addiction doesn’t have a lot to do with sex. It’s an inability to be intimate, vulnerable, and authentic. - Chris Burns. The way you know if something is an issue is if there is shame. - Chris Burns People who would have never had a sex addiction now do because of devices. - Chris BurnsWhile we have never had so much opportunity to fail in history before, we also have never had so much opportunity for recovery. - Chris BurnsPowerlessness isn’t weakness. - Chris BurnsJesus never shames because he is always pointing forward, instead of backward. - Zach ZehnderAddiction is not who you are, it’s what you’ve done. - Chris BurnsChris Burns’ Challenge: Take one step to prevent brokenness/sexual integrity.Lead yourself (and your church) to find freedom in forgiveness. We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Forgiving Challenge.Zach and Chris were talking in the interview about Peter’s story of redemption which is laid out beautifully in our latest 40-day challenge.We’d love to help you and your church discover what freedom in forgiveness feels like by exploring the powerful forgiveness that Jesus offers to each and every one of us.The Forgiving Challenge takes you on a life-changing journey to experience the gift of God’s grace so that you can share it with others. It also helps you identify and walk through the five phases leading to freedom. So many are jumping into this 40-day challenge in 2023. Let’s do this!You can learn more about the challenge here!A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Feb 21, 2023 • 55min

030: Tanner Olson on Poetry’s Place in the World, How Being a Writer is Only 10% Writing, and His Best Advice for Those Who Want to Be Entrepreneurs

Tanner Olson is an author, speaker, and poet. Tanner discusses his writing rhythms, how he’s grown his platform and influence over the years, and his unique way of blending humor and creativity into a story and announcing the hope and love of Jesus. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. At its core, Red Letter Living creates resources to challenge all people to be greater disciples of Jesus.Pastors and church leaders, enjoy a FREE resource called Growing Your Church Challenge: 10 Ideas to Grow Your Church that Cost Little to No Money. Enter the code “PodcastPastor” at checkout to receive this totally FREE! This offer is good up until Easter 2023 (4/9/2023). These ten ideas are going to be extremely practical, and not vague ideas like "preach better" and "be kinder." I trust you already do that. So, go, grab this FREE resource and let’s grow our churches for the glory of God.Resources mentioned in the episode: Written to Speak by Tanner OlsonTanner Olson Instagram Walk a Little Slower Podcast by Tanner OlsonWritten to Speak Blog by Tanner OlsonKey insights from the episode: Art takes surrendering. - Tanner OlsonTanner spends 10% of his time writing; the other 90% is “all the other stuff.” Tanner OlsonPoetry has a place in the church. - Tanner OlsonPoetry is not a sermon; it is not a song. It is somewhere in between. - Tanner OlsonPoetry is for everybody, but not everybody knows that poetry is for them. - Tanner OlsonCreate and write for the people who follow you, not for the ones who don’t. - Tanner OlsonIt’s better to have a very small audience with faithful followers than have 100,000 followers who don’t know you exist. - Tanner OlsonTanner’s Challenge: Rest and read poetry!Are you following Jesus? Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We extensively studied everything that Jesus commanded of us and located 5 key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here. Some not-so-key insights: Tanner knew his spot in heaven was secured when he worked at Chick-fil-A. A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Feb 14, 2023 • 1h 7min

029: Stuart Hall on What We are Getting Wrong with Gen Z, How The Word Purity Needs to be Changed, and the Sure Way to Get Teens to Open Up to You.

Stuart has served as Orange's Director of Student Leadership for over three decades. He also contributed to the 2022 book What Most Parents Aren’t Telling You. As we unpacked some of the latest data and talked about what parents care about, Stuart shared tips on juggling kids' sports and faith and what is true about Gen Z that the media isn’t letting on. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. At its core, Red Letter Living creates resources to challenge all people to be greater disciples of Jesus. One of our integral FREE resources is a Red Letter Challenge Assessment. It only takes 7-10 minutes to complete. Are you following Jesus? Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. So we extensively studied everything Jesus commanded of us and located five key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the following steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here. Resources mentioned in the episode: thinkOrange.comWhat Most Parents Aren’t Telling You by Orange, (contributor: Stuart Hall)Key insights from the episode: Take teenagers seriously. - Stuart HallBelieving in the next generation goes a long way. - Stuart HallTeenagers are looking for a significant adult to speak the truth in their lives.- Stuart HallProximity covers a multitude of sins when you are speaking to the next generation. Stuart HallAuthenticity trumps coolness every time. - Chris JohnsonThe next generation is the smartest, most educated generation in our country. - Stuart HallThe family used to be rooted in mutual obligation, but now it is rooted in mutual understanding. - Stuart HallWe can all draw a line in the sand, but eventually you have to release those children into the wild. - Stuart HallParents want to build an empire state building faith on a chicken coop foundation. - Stuart HallThe difference in prioritizing faith in white parents was more than 24% less than any other ethnicity. - Stuart HallAre you willing to offer unconditional belonging long before belief? - Stuart HallAdults post a ton on social media and call it “marketing.” Teenagers post a ton and we call it addiction. - Stuart HallBelonging drives identity. - Stuart HallIf you want to go deeper on understanding Gen Z, here’s a sermon by Pastor Zach from October 2022 entitled “How Do We Fight For the Next Generation?” It would be really great if we could embed the video here.A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Feb 7, 2023 • 1h 5min

028: Brian Fikkert on Why Helping Hurts, How Christians are Creating Problems for th

Brain Fikkert is an economics professor and author who wants to see a change in poverty in the world. He not only redefines poverty as a fundamentally relational problem, but he presents a whole new method of how followers of Jesus can serve the poor. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. On February 13th, at Noon-1PM Central, I’ll be hosting my friend Rich Birch in a FREE one-hour webinar called “Helping Churches Build Their Invite Culture.” Every pastor I know wants their church to grow. But how? Rich Birch, founder of unSeminary, says “the difference between stagnant and growing churches is that growing churches train, equip, and motivate their people to invite their friends. It really is that simple.”In this one-hour FREE webinar, we are going to help your church increase its invite culture. Rich will teach us five areas that churches of all sizes can immediately focus on for church growth. You’ll not only learn the five areas, but you’ll discover some real simple tools and practices that you can put into place right away. And, as a bonus, I’ll ask Rich what are some best practices that growing churches are implementing to boost excitement for their Easter services this year.I'm hosting this webinar to help pastors and church leaders. So, genuinely, I'd love to know what questions you have regarding this topic. Please feel free to email Register today for this FREE webinar and please invite other pastors and church leaders to join us in this important discussion.Resources mentioned in the episode: The Chalmers Center When Helping Hurts by Brian FikkertBecoming Whole by Brian FikkertInnovate Initiative from The Chalmers CenterKey insights from the episode: Good intentions are not enough. - Brian FikkertIncorrect helping can create an even bigger divide. - Zach ZehnderOne of the primary features of poverty is a sense of shame, a sense of inadequacy. - Brian FikkertEffective ministry to the poor is highly relational and takes a long time! - Brian FikkertPoverty is fundamentally relational in problem and takes relational solutions to get fixed. - Brian FikkertReal love means restoring people to humanness. - Brian FikkertThe number one problem with churches in America is that they provide relief when what people really need is development. - Brian FikkertOur souls are screaming out, “I’m made for a certain kind of habitat, and the habitat I’m in isn’t the right one.” - Brian FikkertThere is a superficial kind of love, peace, and joy. Why do we crush happiness? Just because there is a superficial kind doesn’t mean there isn’t genuine, God-given happiness. - Zach ZehnderJesus was always trying to restore people to humanness. - Brian FikkertWhen it comes to helping the poor, our message isn’t do less. It’s do more, but let’s do it differently. - Brian FikkertBrian Fikkert’s Challenge: Answer this question: Why did Jesus come to earth?Are you following Jesus? Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. So we extensively studied everything Jesus commanded of us and located five key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the following steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here. Some not-so-key insights: Brian Fikkert is 6’10”. Brian’s primary spiritual gift is offensiveness. Bathroom stalls/fitting rooms are the worst for tall people. Zach and Brian share a love for Sheboygan Brat Days.A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Jan 31, 2023 • 1h 1min

027: Pastors Walter Hooker and Andy Kaup on Navigating Racial Diversity, Co-Leading the Same Church, How to Make Friends, and Sharing Kidneys

Pastors Andy and Walter have a 30-year age gap. Andy is white, and Walt is black. Both men were up for the senior pastor position at their church. When Andy got it, it brought division into their church. During this time, Andy was found to be a perfect kidney match for Walter and gave him his kidney. Would that be enough to keep their church together? To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Resources mentioned in the episode: Bellevue Christian CenterKey insights from the episode: Shut up and listen.  -Walter Hooker77% of white people don’t have black friends, and 65% of black people don’t have white friends. - Walter HookerBe intentional. - Walter HookerMy world is not the whole world. - Andy KaupYou will become genuinely curious about other people when you accept that what you know isn’t all there is. - Andy KaupCuriosity drives friendships deeper. - Andy KaupSharing a table with somebody is opening up your life to them. - Andy KaupOnce you get the go from God, all the fears, doubts, and anxieties change. - Walter HookerGod is faithful and unchanging. You can trust him. - Walter HookerAndy’s Kaup Challenge: Surrender something. Walter Hooker’s Challenge: Ask yourself, “Why not me?” As Andy and Walter were talking in the interview, it showed me the power of God’s freedom that comes through forgiveness.We’d love to help you and your church discover what freedom in forgiveness feels like by exploring the powerful forgiveness that Jesus offers to each and every one of us.We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Forgiving Challenge.The Forgiving Challenge takes you on a life-changing journey to experience the gift of God’s grace so that you can share it with others. It also helps you identify and walk through the five phases leading to freedom. So many are jumping into this 40-day challenge for Lent, which is just around the corner.You can learn more about the challenge here!A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Jan 24, 2023 • 57min

026 Alan George on How to Discern the Voice of God, Transitioning from Corporate to the Church World, How Technology Brings People Together, and the Key to Foosball

Alan George was the leader at Life Church Online when 30,000 churches flocked to them overnight during Covid. Hear the amazing story about how he and his team navigated this change. And then, just a few months later, seemingly out of nowhere, he felt God was calling him to something else. How do you know if it's God's voice that is moving you? To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. At its core, Red Letter Living creates resources to challenge all people to be greater disciples of Jesus. If you are a pastor, consider a 40-day challenge to start the Lenten season. These 40-day challenges will help your church grow their small groups, bring unity in divided times, and give a much-needed break to your staff by providing turnkey resources. Let’s partner up. Find out more at Resources mentioned in the episode: www.AlanVGeorge.comLife Church YouVersion Bible Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer Soul Keeping by John Ortberg Discipleship in the Digital Age free eBook by Alan George Online As It Is in Heaven Masterclass by Alan George Key insights from the episode: Who I am becoming fuels what I do. – Alan GeorgeWe carry the burden of ministry but is it ours to carry? – Alan GeorgeAt the end of the day, [technology] is about meeting people where they are at. – Alan GeorgeOnline church is a tool, not a barrier to people. – Alan GeorgeBecause of technology, we don’t have to wait until Sunday morning to reach our people. – Alan GeorgeA great online experience leads people to want to meet because that is how we are wired. – Alan GeorgeUncertainty is a gift when it allows us to trust in God more. – Alan GeorgeAlan George’s Challenge: Release heaven on earth in your own unique way.Lead yourself (and your church) to be more like Jesus. For so many Christians, the discipleship process isn’t very clear.They know they need to go to church, pray, not sin, and maybe attend a small group. While these are great things, they don’t outline a clear path leading people to live more like Jesus. We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Red Letter Challenge.When you and your church take the challenge, you’ll have a clear 40-day discipleship path that will help you master five key areas of discipleship.You can learn more about the challenge here!Some not-so-key insights: Alan is a world-champion foosball player (in his home!)If you see foosball spins, you know you are going to win! - Alan GeorgeDo not high-five all the kids in the 2-year-old room, or you will be sick. – Alan GeorgeChris Johnson was initially hired as the church secretary, and was the worst secretary ever.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Nov 8, 2022 • 1h 4min

025 Pastor Zach Zehnder on Habits, Spiritual Targets to Shoot For, and His Love for Cleveland Sports

Pastor Zach Zehnder provides a clear picture of habits that anyone can shoot in their journey of discipleship. In this podcast, he dives into his Being Challenge book. The five keystone habits will give anyone simple and clear Bible-based habits to incorporate into their life. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. At its core, Red Letter Living creates resources to challenge all people to be greater disciples of Jesus. If you are a pastor, consider a 40-day challenge to start the New Year or Lenten season. These 40-day challenges will help your church grow their small groups, bring unity in divided times, and give a much-needed break to your staff by providing turnkey resources. Let’s partner up. Find out more at Resources mentioned in the episode:  Jon Acuff’s Finish book: 92% of resolutions failBeing Challenge: 40-day book to be like Jesus The Bible Study by Zach WindahlKey insights from the episode: The systems you have to finish the goals are even more important than the goals themselves. - Zach ZehnderA keystone habit is a habit that unintentionally carries over into other aspects of life. - Zach ZehnderMy discipleship flows out of my relationship with God. - Zach ZehnderKeystone habits are important, but spiritual keystone habits are the best. Zach ZehnderWe don’t have to guess how to be in relationship with God, we can look to Jesus. - Zach ZehnderJesus talked about or practiced being alone over forty times in the Bible. - Zach ZehnderStudying Scripture is vital to our lives today because that is where we discover who God is. - Zach Zehnder Prayer gives us direction. - Zach ZehnderChurch interrupts the negative message of the world. - Zach ZehnderZach Zehnder’s Challenge: Take one small step on one of the Five Keystone Habits from Being Challenge. How do you grow in your relationship with God? There was only one person who has ever existed in a perfect relationship with God, and His name was Jesus. Being Challenge introduces you to the habits that Jesus practiced, which are habits we are called to practice. The more we “Be” like Jesus, the more we will see our true identity. What are you waiting for? If you want to go deeper into leading yourself (and your church) to building the habits of Jesus, we’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Being Challenge.Many Christians today aren’t great at maintaining the habits of Jesus. Even the most “mature” Christians struggle with opening up in community, prioritizing prayer, and seeking regular solitude. But that doesn’t have to be your story. The Being Challenge guides you through 40 days of practical, simple-to-understand challenges to help you learn, develop, and grow in the five keystone habits of Jesus.You can learn more about the challenge here!Some not-so-key insights: Zach Zehnder has written or co-written 10 books and doesn’t have a single ghostwriter. Michael Phelps has gills. - Chris Johnson Many life coaches will start with people flossing their teeth to get them on the right track.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Nov 1, 2022 • 1h 1min

024: Chestly Lunday on Virtual Reality Church, How We Can be a Presence on Metaverse, and the One Thing to Know Before Creating A Discipleship Process at Your Church.

Chestly Lunday isn’t intimidated by virtual reality, atheist youth, Metaverse, or the new digital age. He embraces the challenge of finding a way to share the gospel of Jesus using new tools and strategies. Rather than feeling like you need to choose, Chestly encourages churches to get real about who they are called to reach so that discipleship can happen on a day-to-day basis. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit From personal productivity, to team leadership, to leading change, and almost any other leadership challenge you’ll face, The Art of Leadership Academy has the answers to your questions—all for the fraction of what a typical conference or consultant would cost. To learn more and to get instant access to every single course, call, and training the Academy has to offer, go to As a member of the Academy, I’d love to see and connect with you there. If you join, just search for my name on the App and send me a message! Resources mentioned in the episode: ChestlyLunday.comREVEAL Study from Willow CreekDigital Church Network Key insights from the episode: The two paradigms are 1) You have to be in a building to connect, and 2) you can connect no matter where you are. - Chestly LundayEverybody having the “church on internet” conversation is over 25. - Chestly LundayOur churches reach who they are perfectly designed to reach. - Chestly LundayNobody is for everybody because everybody doesn’t show up to your church. - Chestly LundayIf you are not clear about who you are, then you’ll get lost. - Chestly LundayCulture has been making disciples for decades, and it’s better at it than the church is. - Chestly LundayInformation, experience, and relationship are the three pieces to transformation. - Chestly LundayIn the digital age, what you are going to see is the primary product of the church is not Sunday morning any more, it’s discipleship. - Chestly LundayChestly’s weekly Challenge: For the disciple: What is God saying to you, and what are you going to do about it? For the church leader: Figure out a discipleship process for your church. Are you following Jesus? Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We did an extensive study of everything that Jesus commanded of us and located 5 key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.In partnership with LifeWay Research we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! Not only will you get results back immediately, but you will also be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here. Some not-so-key insights: Chestly wants Chris J’s wardrobe consultant. Is Chestly trying to bring back four-hour sermons?Zach never got the Taco Bell Mexican pizza.Chestly has been waiting for Rosie, the house robot from the Jetsons, for a long time!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Oct 25, 2022 • 1h 1min

023: Eric Bramlett on Comedy from the Pulpit, Why Theater Artists don’t Feel Welcome at Church, and What the Beatles Have to Do With Christmas

The world’s greatest parody writer Eric Bramlett discusses the rift between the church and the theater community. He breaks down comedy, it’s place in the church, and why artists are our modern-day prophets. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit Today’s episode is brought to you by Forgiving Challenge.As Eric was talking in this interview, it showed me the power of God’s freedom that comes through forgiveness.We’d love to help you and your church discover what freedom in forgiveness feels like by exploring the powerful forgiveness that Jesus offers to each and every one of us.We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Forgiving Challenge.The Forgiving Challenge takes you on a life-changing journey to experience the gift of God’s grace so that you can share it with others. It also helps you identify and walk through the five phases leading to freedom. You can learn more about the challenge here!Resources mentioned in the episode:  The Beatles Xmas Community Christian Church Naperville, ILPorch Light Theater GroupExponential.orgKey insights from the episode: If you can make fun of yourself, it makes you relatable. - Eric BramlettTheater artists are actively participating in creation every day. They are so close to the creative work of God; they are just missing the source. - Eric BramlettAny churches that align themselves with a political party put walls around themselves. - Eric BramlettHistorically the church has been pro-art, but in America, we just don’t see that anymore. - Eric BramlettThe artists are our modern-day prophets if they are allowed the chance to speak. - Eric BramlettEric Bramlett’s challenge: in the small stuff, extend and receive forgiveness. As Eric was talking in this interview, it showed me the power of God’s freedom that comes through forgiveness.We’d love to help you and your church discover what freedom in forgiveness feels like by exploring the powerful forgiveness that Jesus offers to each and every one of us.We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Forgiving Challenge.The Forgiving Challenge takes you on a life-changing journey to experience the gift of God’s grace so that you can share it with others. It also helps you identify and walk through the five phases leading to freedom. You can learn more about the challenge here!Some not-so-key insights: Eric measured all his parodies to Weird AL Yankovich, the king of parody.Red Letter Living is #29 on the Christianity charts in Kenya. A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Oct 18, 2022 • 57min

022: Grief Counselor Sharon Zehnder on the Two Best Ways to Respond to Grief, Three Things All Pastor Wives Should Know, and What It’s Really Like to be Zach Zehnder’s Mom

Pastor’s wives wear many hats. Sharon Zehnder’s hats are wife, mother, grief counselor, speaker, and author. Going back for her master’s degree after becoming empty nesters, Sharon proves that no matter what stage in life you are in, God’s always got more for you to do. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit How do you distribute the amazing Jesus-centered content that you are creating? Carey Nieuwhof, through the Influence Kickstarter, helped my organization clarify who its target is, and this has been a game-changer for our business. Carey Nieuwhof and The Art of Leadership Academy are offering this free mastermind that will help you amplify your reach and impact online by: Identifying your dream audienceLearning how to get them to notice you and connect with you; and Figuring out which platforms are worth your time and effort and which aren’t To register for free, visit Building online influence doesn’t have to be intimidating or complicated. And it also doesn’t have to be gimmicky or ruin your integrity. Resources mentioned in the episode:  Crosswords for Grief by Sharon ZehnderExtreme Devotion: Daily Devotional Stories Of Ancient To Modern-Day Believers Who Sacrificed Everything For Christ by Voice of the Martyrwww.griefshare.orgKey insights from the episode: Pastors' wives often feel overlooked. - Sharon Zehnder Grief is the unexpected loss of a dream. - Sharon ZehnderAll of that loss is stacking up, and we are left unable to grieve. - Zach Zehnder‘Companion-ing,’ or walking alongside someone, is how you help someone grieve. - Sharon ZehnderSometimes the less said is better. - Sharon ZehnderYou’ve got to be real, to feel, to heal. - Sharon ZehnderThe grief waits for you to deal with it. - Sharon ZehnderSharon Zehnder’s Challenge: Make someone feel important today. Are you following Jesus? Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We did an extensive study of everything that Jesus commanded of us and located 5 key targets into which Jesus invites His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.In partnership with LifeWay Research we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! Not only will you get results back immediately, but you will also be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here. Some not-so-key insights: Chris’s jacket screams, “Make me feel important!”A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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