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Home to Her

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May 5, 2023 • 1h 8min

Exploring PaGaian Cosmology with Glenys Livingstone

On the latest episode I'm joined by Glenys Livingstone, a pioneering researcher and thought leader who's been walking the Goddess path since 1979. Glenys is the author of "PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion, which fuses the indigenous traditions of Old Europe with scientific theory, feminism, and a poetic relationship with place." This book was an outcome of her doctoral work in Social Ecology. Her newest book is "A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos: Celebrating Her within PaGaian Sacred Ceremony," which synthesizes much of her work over the years.On today's episode we discuss:* Glenys' spiritual background, including her conversion to Catholicism in her teens, as well as her growing disillusionment with Christianity*  The "a-ha" moment that occurred when she realized, pregnant and unmarried, that knowing a female deity would allow her to view her situation without shame* What "PaGaian cosmology" means, including how it combines pagan spirituality with scientific theory to give us a new way to recognize and honor Her (the Goddess) as creative life force* Why it's important that we recognize the inherent power in language and the naming of things and life experiences  * How honoring the equinoxes, solstice and cross-quarter days found on the pagan Wheel of the Year can bring us closer to the Sacred Feminine and provides an opportunity to consciously participate in the creative dance of the cosmosShow Notes If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit  https://womancraftpublishing.com/product/home-to-her/. It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too.Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work!You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@hometoherYou can learn more about Glenys and her work at http://pagaian.org. You can also find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PagaianCosmology, and join her PaGaian Cosmology Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/257877322873Glenys referenced so many excellent resources during our conversation! I've done my best to capture them all for you below: Helen Reddy's ("I Am Woman" singer) Grammy acceptance speech, in which she referred to God as "she": https://youtu.be/HWkk9rKZyZUThe work of feminist theologians Rosemary Radford Ruether and Mary DalyStarhawk, whose book "The Spiral Dance," was instrumental in launching the modern witchcraft movementWorks/groups that influenced her early on included Lux Madriana;  "Children of the Dream;" and "Immaculate Deception," by Suzanne ArmsThe works of Sonia Johnson and Miriam Robbins DexterMonique Wittig's "Les Guerilles"Caitlin Matthews is an expert in Celtic lore; Glenys referenced her work while we were discussing the triskele, or Triple Spiral seen at the entrance of Newgrange in Ireland. the work of feminist Charlene SpretnakGaia Theory, developed by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis Brian Swimme, who together with Thomas Berry, wrote "The Universe Story," which Glenys references in her most recent bookMiriam Robbins Dexter and her book, "Whence the Goddesses: A Source Book"The wonderful poet/writer Adrienne Rich, and her book "Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution"  Similar/relevant Home to Her episodes include: I referenced my discussion with poet Joy Ladin during this conversation. You can listen here: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/shekhinah-speaks-with-joy-ladinReclaiming Women's Histories with Max Dashu:  https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/reclaiming-womens-histories-with-max-dashuThe Legacy of Marija Gimbutas with Joan Marler: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/the-legacy-of-marija-gimbutas-with-joan-marler-v2vWO3gAMaking Matriarchy Great Again with Vicki Noble and Dawn Alden: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/making-matriarchy-great-again-with-dawn-alden-and-vicki-noble Telling the Stories of the Sacred Feminine with Trista Hendren: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/telling-the-stories-of-the-sacred-feminine-with-trista-hendren For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Apr 19, 2023 • 1h 6min

The Reverence Code with Shawna Bluestar Newcomb

On the latest episode, I have the privilege of being in conversation with Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, of Shawnee, Lenape and Zapotec lineage, who has been opening hearts and minds across the world as an international speaker, visionary leader, intuitive healer, medium, spiritual guide and mentor for changemakers. Shawna is a delegate with the Mother Earth Delegation and has been a featured speaker at universities, global conferences, festivals, podcasts, radio, and online summits. In her dedication to personal and planetary healing, she helps to lead a global movement with her father, Steven Newcomb, for conscious change, speaking out on the Domination Code of cultural and planetary exploitation. Shawna offers a fresh perspective and alternative approach to social and conscious change with her unique teachings on The Reverence Code. Shawna is dedicated to healing for the Earth, humanity, future generations, and all beings in this time of The Great Shift, and a return to what she calls, The Time That Was Before. On today's episode we explore: Shawna's spiritual background,  including how her Indigenous background immersed her in ceremony as a young child, and how early intuitive experiences shaped her worldviewHow the Divine Feminine first spoke to her about what she refers to as The Great Shift while she was vacuuming (yes, really!), and how this underscores the presence of the sacred in our everyday livesShawna and her father's work to bring awareness to the harm caused by the Doctrine of Discovery, including the Catholic Church's role in spreading it and how this created what they refer to as a Domination CodeShawna's own understanding of what she refers to as the Reverence Code, and how it hearkens back to a Time that Was BeforeWhy she believes it's possible to stay firmly rooted in a state of reverence AND in our so-called real worldWhy it's so important to say yes to what she refers to as "Spirit tweets", or those everyday moments of connection to a divine source greater than ourselvesShow Notes:If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit  https://womancraftpublishing.com/product/home-to-her/. It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too.Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work!You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@hometoherYou can learn more about Shawna at her website, www.shawnabluestar.com . You can also follow her  on Instagram @shawnabluestar, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/shawnabluestar/.You can also learn more about Shawna's Sacred Feminine Rising Healing immersion course here: https://www.shawnabluestar.com/sacredfemininerisinShawna's father Steven Newcomb's documentary is The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code. You can learn more about it and his work here:  https://doctrineofdiscovery.org/the-doctrine-of-discovery-unmasking-the-domination-code/Here is some more information about the papal bulls and the Doctrine of Discovery, which Shawna referred to during our discussion: https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/spotlight-primary-source/doctrine-discovery-1493 In March 2023 (after this episode was recorded), the Vatican officially disavowed the Doctrine of Discovery. You can read more, including some reactions from Indigenous peoples to the news, here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/vatican-reject-discovery-doctrine-indigenous-demands-1.6795728You can also learn more about the Mother Earth Delegation of United Nations here:  https://motherearthdelegation.com/. And watch some of there past gatherings on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/@MotherEarthDelegationPlease support my friends at the Missing Witches podcast during their annual reparations fundraiser! You can learn more about their show and donate to their efforts here:  https://www.missingwitches.com/tag/reparations/Related podcast episodes: The Opportunity of this Moment with Jyoti Ma: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/the-opportunity-of-this-moment-with-jyoti-ma For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Apr 5, 2023 • 1h 8min

Descent and Rising with Carly Mountain

On the latest episode we're diving deep, using the ancient myth of the descent of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna as our guide, as we explore what it means for women to traverse the underworld of our psyches and return with hard-won, precious wisdom for our life journeys. My guest today is Carly Mountain, a psychosexual somatic therapist, breathworker and writer, whose new book is "Descent and Rising: Women's Stories and the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth" (Womancraft Publishing). For the last 20 years, Carly has worked with sacred embodiment practices, and in her latest book, she explores women's real lived experiences of descent and rising, and familiarizes us with a process of female psycho-spiritual growth  pften overlooked in patriachal culture. On today's episode we explore:Carly's spiritual background, including how she learned powerful lessons of devotion through observing her grandmother's Catholic faithThe myth of Inanna, including its origins and how each character can represent an important part of ourselves to examine and exploreThe surprising intersection of pleasure and pain, and how we might find relief and possibly even joy by facing the most exiled parts of ourselvesHow the myth of Inanna provides us instructions of how we may change, and why sometimes we wish to refuse the invitation to evolveHow Carly views the Goddess as "the body of the world," and why in this moment in time we're feeling the call to evolve ourselves and our relationship with the planetShow NotesIf you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too.Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work!You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@hometoherCarly's new book is Descent and Rising: Women's Stories and the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth, and is available from Womancraft Publishing:  https://womancraftpublishing.com/product/descent-and-rising/You can learn more about Carly and her work at: https://carlymountain.com/ Find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/carly_mountain/ Find her on Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063485346635Here's a link to the gorgeous poem Carly recited - Angels, by Miriam Darlington: https://www.guideforconscioushealing.com/wild-words-poetry-blog/angelsCarly also referenced the work of Anodea Judith. You can learn more about her books and writing here: https://anodeajudith.com/Carly also referenced Dr. Gabor Mate - more on his work here: https://drgabormate.com/Other Relevent Episodes: Several Womancraft authors have joined me for prior podcast episodes, including: Bridget Supple - https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/the-sacred-nature-of-childbirth-with-bridget-suppleStella Tomlinson - https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/cycles-of-belonging-with-stella-tomlinsonMolly Remer - https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/embracing-a-mythopoetic-life-with-molly-remerLucy H. Pearce - https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/facing-sacred-fear-with-lucy-pearce and https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/the-wisdom-of-the-sea-with-lucy-h-pearceAmantha Murphy - https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/the-way-of-the-seabhean-with-amantha-murphy For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Mar 21, 2023 • 1h 12min

Becoming a Land Steward with Belinda Liu

What does it mean to be a steward of land - not just taking responsibility for its preservation but also listening to the wisdom it offers? On today's episode, I discuss this topic with Belinda Liu, a nature-inspired visionary; co-creator of Gratitude Blooming, a movement to explore the deep connections between nature and culture; and co-founder of Hestia Retreat Center, located near Mt. Shasta, California. On the latest episode we discuss:Belinda's spiritual background and how her early experiences as a child of Taiwanese immigrants influenced and shaped her understanding of the world.The moment when the Divine Mother, in the form of sacred land, first made her presence known.Belinda's journey from  the world of education to tech entrepreneurship, and ultimately to land stewardship.What it means to surrender to bigger possibilities for our lives, even if those possibilities aren't fully clear.How to move into more intimate relationship with the land that currently supports you.Show NotesIf you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too. Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work! You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@hometoherYou can learn more about Gratitude Blooming, including podcast and oracle cards, here: www.gratitudeblooming.com. You can also follow along on Instagram at:  https://instagram.com/gratitudeblooming And you can learn more about Hestia, Belinda's intentional healing retreat center at www.hestiamagic.com; Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/mount_shasta_retreat_center  For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Feb 19, 2023 • 1h 27min

Shekhinah Speaks with Joy Ladin

Show NotesIf you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too.Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work!You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6xtUV6K7ayV30iz1ECigwJoy’s latest book of poetry is “Shekhinah Speaks”: https://selvaoscura.com/selva-oscura-books/shekhinah-speaksYou can learn more about Joy and her writing at her website, https://joyladin.wordpress.com/. You can also find her on Facebook as “Joy Ladin,” and on Instagram @joyladinJoy gave a wonderful Tedx Talk about her transgender identity, titled “Ain’t I a Woman?” You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/g0K2YvvQyEwYou can also listen to Joy on the On Being podcast here: https://onbeing.org/programs/joy-ladin-finding-a-home-in-yourself/ For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Feb 5, 2023 • 1h

Living a Committed Life with Lynne Twist

If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too.Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work!You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6xtUV6K7ayV30iz1ECigwLynne’s latest book is Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger than Yourself: https://bookshop.org/p/books/living-a-committed-life-finding-freedom-and-fulfillment-in-a-purpose-larger-than-yourself-lynne-twist/18153215You can learn more about Lynn’s work via her organization’s websites, incuding: https://soulofmoney.org  and https://www.pachamama.org/  You can find her on social media at:Instagram @soulofmoneyFacebook: @TheSoulOfMoneyInstitute & @LynneTwistGlobalVisionary; https://www.facebook.com/TheSoulOfMoneyInstituteTwitter: @lynne_twist; https://twitter.com/lynne_twistLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnetwist/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lynnetwist/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@soulofmoneylifeLynne shared this beautiful quote from the poet Ranier Maria Rilke during our conversation:  "If I don't manage to fly, someone else will. The spirit wants only that there be flying. As for who happens to do it, in that he has only a passing interest."Lynne also referenced the work of Paul Hawken, who wrote the revolutionary book “Drawdown,” and more recently “Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation”:  https://paulhawken.com/ For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Dec 23, 2022 • 1h 14min

The Sacred Nature of Childbirth with Bridget Supple

If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My new book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too. Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work! You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6xtUV6K7ayV30iz1ECigwBridget’s new book is The Birthkeeper of Bethlehem: A Midwife’s Tale: https://womancraftpublishing.com/product/the-birthkeeper-of-bethlehem/You can find Bridget on social media and online at:https://www.facebook.com/BirthkeeperofBethlehem   https://www.instagram.com/bridgetsupple/www.babysbiome.orghttps://www.lovebirthandbaby.com/During our conversation, Bridget referenced Megan Markle being publicly mocked by health officials during her pregnancy. This article provides more insight: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a27377779/meghan-markle-home-birth-acog/Up to 1 in 3 women have experienced birth trauma in Australia: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-31/birth-trauma-ptsd-feminisms-forgotten-issue/11649116#:~:text=Up%20to%20one%20in%20three,the%20problem%20is%20getting%20worse. MBRRACE report indicating black women are 4 times more likely to die in childbirth:   https://www.birthcompanions.org.uk/resources/mbrrace-uk-saving-lives-improving-mothers-care-2021Black women are 3-4 times more likely to die in childbirth that white women: https://www.npr.org/2017/12/07/568948782/black-mothers-keep-dying-after-giving-birth-shalon-irvings-story-explains-whyBridget referred to “mother warming” in global traditions – here’s a little more information: https://www.acupb.com/blog/2018/6/27/mother-warmingThe Malleus Maleficarum is the document Bridget and I referred to, which informed the horrific witch trials of the 15th and 16th centuries in Europe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malleus_MaleficarumBridget referenced the book “Why Post Natal Recovry Matters”: https://sophiemessager.com/why-postnatal-recovery-matters-book/More information on spinning babies: https://www.spinningbabies.com/professionals/find-approved-trainers/gail-tully/ For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Dec 7, 2022 • 1h 10min

The Portal of the Divine Feminine with Sophie Strand

If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My new book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too. Please – if you love this podcast and/or have read my book, please consider leaving me a review! For the podcast, reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful, and for the book, reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are equally helpful. Thank you for supporting my work! You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6xtUV6K7ayV30iz1ECigwSophie’s latest book is The Flowering Wand: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-flowering-wand-rewilding-the-sacred-masculine-sophie-strand/You can follow her on Instagram @cosmogyny, and subscribe to her writings on Substack at https://sophiestrand.substack.com/We covered lots of ground in this episode! Here are links to some of the resources we discussed:This conversation with the late Barbara Ehrenreich, explores the fact that ancient cave art is primarily nature-based, which Sophie refers to: https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2020/jan/10/humans-were-not-centre-stage-how-ancient-cave-art-puts-us-in-our-place. “The Dawn of Everything”, by David Graeber and David Wengrow is an excellent, updated exploration of ancient history Sophie referenced the social change platform Advaya , with whom she offers coursework – you can learn more here:  https://advaya.co/Sophie also mentioned many books and authors who explore the historical evidence of Jesus. These include: “Rabbi Jesus” by Bruce Chilton; “Gospel Q” and the “Gnostic Bible”; “The Gnostic Gospels” by Elaine Pagels; the work of Neil Douglas-Klotz; and “The Historical Jesus”, by John Dominc Crossan Sophie made the comment that mother myths become monster myths. One example of this is Tiamat, the ancient Sea Serpent Mother Goddess whose murder is described in the ancient Babylonia text the Enuma Elish. You can read this text in its full here: https://www.worldhistory.org/article/225/enuma-elish---the-babylonian-epic-of-creation---fu/Past podcasts that are relevant to this conversation include:Sacred Activism with Ruby and Christabel Reed: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/sacred-activism-with-ruby-and-christabel-reedRewilding the Rosary with Clark Strand and Perdita Finn: https://hometoher.simplecast.com/episodes/exploring-the-secrets-of-the-rosary-with-clark-strand-and-perdita-finn For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Nov 23, 2022 • 1h 10min

The Power of Storytelling with The Story Medicine

If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My new book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too. You can watch this and many other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/@hometoherYou can learn more about the Story Medicine’s work at her website: www.thestorymedicine.com. You can also follow her on Instagram @thestorymedicineYou can also watch her documentary about the production of her latest tarot deck, Seaweed Sisters, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGdXf6HwRwQ&t=548s. This article provides some history and background about tarot: https://mymodernmet.com/history-of-tarot-cards/The Story Medicine also mentioned the work of Rachelle Garcia – you can learn more here: https://www.innatetraditions.com/.  For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign
Nov 8, 2022 • 1h 11min

The Healing Power of Art with Arla Patch

If you’d like to know whose ancestral tribal lands you currently reside on, you can look up your address here: https://native-land.ca/My new book, “Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine,” is now available Womancraft Publishing! To learn more, read endorsements and purchase, please visit www.womancraftpublishing.com.  It is also available for sale via Amazon, Bookshop.org, and you can order it from your favorite local bookstore, too. You can watch this and other podcast episodes at the Home to Her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6xtUV6K7ayV30iz1ECigwYou can learn more about Arla at her website:  www.arlapatch.comYou can purchase her artwork, including prints of “Please Abide with Me” here: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/arla-patch/shopYou can learn more about Arla’s social justice work here:  www.coalitionofnativesandallies.orgIn addition, here are a few other things we discussed during this episode: Arla spoke about the images in her book, A Body Story, as well as how she made them. You can see some of them here: https://arlapatch.com/a-body-story-1The Phips Proclamation of 1755 declared the Penobscot Indians to be traitors to the King of England and promised a bounty to be paid for living men ages 12 and older, as well as for the scalps of dead men, women and children. You can read more about this here: https://upstanderproject.org/learn/guides-and-resources/first-light/phips-bounty-proclamationArla also mentioned the Huichol Indian yarn paintings. You can see some examples here: https://indigoarts.com/galleries/nierika-yarn-paintings-huichol-indians-mexicoWith the Coalition of Native and Allies, Arla has been arranging showings of the powerful documentary, “Fighting Indians,” about the harm caused by the use of Native symbols and tribes as mascots. You can learn more about this film here: https://fightingindians.com/ For more Sacred Feminine goodness and to stay up to date on all episodes, please follow me on Instagram: @hometoher.To dive into conversation about the Sacred Feminine, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hometoher To go deeper in your Sacred Feminine explorations, check out the course offerings via Home to Her Academy: www.hometoheracademy.com And to read about the Sacred Feminine, check out my award-winning book Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), available wherever you buy your books!. If you've read it, your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are greatly appreciated! Mentioned in this episode:We Are Sovereign: A 9-Month Transformational Leadership Program for WomenWe Are Sovereign is a 9 month transformational leadership program designed specifically for women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives. The program includes a deep dive with: • Powerful Sacred Feminine figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will serve as our sovereignty guides along the way • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even magic • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more • The power of the group field that we cultivate to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming The journey kicks off with an opening retreat on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, September 12-15, 2024. From there, we’ll gather twice a month over the next 9 months via Zoom, and we’ll wrap up in June 2025 with a closing retreat at Hestia Magic Retreat Center, located in the shadow of majestic Mount Shasta, California. To learn more, apply, and/or book a discovery call, visit: https://www.hometoheracademy.com/course/we-are-sovereign

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